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Using Shortcodes

Tareq Hasan edited this page Mar 1, 2016 · 3 revisions

weDocs plugin provides the shortcode [wedocs].

Insert the shortcode in a page to show all the documentation in your page in a UI like this:

weDocs in Frontend

It has various options and parameters:

  • col. Used for displaying in number of columns. Current supported values are 2 and 3. So you can show the documents in two or three columns. Usage: [wedocs col="2"], [wedocs col="3"]
  • include. Default value: any. Used for only including certain docs. This parameter takes a comma-separated list of Doc IDs Usage: [wedocs include="2693,2704,2711"]
  • exclude. Define a comma-separated list of Doc IDs to be excluded from the list. Example: [wedocs exclude="2693,2704,2711"]
  • more. Default value: View Details. Used for the view details text. Usage: [wedocs more="Read full documentation"]
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