MySQL is an open source SQL relational database management system that’s developed and supported by Oracle.
Before setting everything else, create a directory for MySQL home mount. Ensure that the directory exists and appropriate permission have been granted.
$ mkdir -vp ~/docker/mysql/{data,conf,initdb.d} $ touch ~/docker/mysql/conf/my_custom.cnf $ chown -R 1001:root ~/docker/mysql
Modify the
file according to your requirements.[mysqld] authentication_policy=mysql_native_password character-set-server=utf8mb4 collation-server=utf8mb4_general_ci default-storage-engine=INNODB sql_mode=STRICT_TRANS_TABLES,NO_ZERO_IN_DATE,NO_ZERO_DATE,ERROR_FOR_DIVISION_BY_ZERO,NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION default-time-zone='+8:00' max_connections=2048 host_cache_size=0 skip-name-resolve skip_slave_start log-bin=mysql-bin binlog_format=mixed [mysql] default-character-set=utf8mb4 [client] port=3306
Modify the
file, you can fine tune these configurations to meet your requirements.# common MYSQL_IMAGE=bitnami/mysql:8.0 MYSQL_CHARACTER_SET=utf8mb4 MYSQL_COLLATE=utf8mb4_general_ci MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=123456 MYSQL_AUTHENTICATION_PLUGIN=mysql_native_password # mysql standalone mode MYSQL_HOME=~/docker/mysql MYSQL_PORT_3306=3306
Make sure you are in the same directory as mysql.yml and start MySQL:
$ docker-compose -f mongodb.yml up -d
If something else goes wrong, for more detailed tutorial can be found on the Bitnami MySQL
Before setting everything else, create a directory for MySQL home mount. Ensure that the directory exists and appropriate permission have been granted.
$ mkdir -vp ~/docker/mysql-replica/{master/{data,conf,initdb.d},{slave-1,slave-2,slave-3}/{data,conf}} $ touch ~/docker/mysql-replica/{master,slave-1,slave-2,slave-3}/conf/my_custom.cnf $ chown -R 1001:root ~/docker/mysql-replica
Modify the
file, you can fine tune these configurations to meet your requirements.# common MYSQL_IMAGE=bitnami/mysql:8.0 MYSQL_CHARACTER_SET=utf8mb4 MYSQL_COLLATE=utf8mb4_general_ci MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=123456 MYSQL_AUTHENTICATION_PLUGIN=mysql_native_password # mysql cluster mode MYSQL_REPLICA_HOME=~/docker/mysql-replica MYSQL_REPLICA_MASTER_PORT_3306=3307 MYSQL_REPLICA_SLAVE1_PORT_3306=3308 MYSQL_REPLICA_SLAVE2_PORT_3306=3309 MYSQL_REPLICA_SLAVE3_PORT_3306=3310
Make sure you are in the same directory as mysql-replica.yml and start MySQL:
$ docker-compose -f mongodb-replica.yml up -d
If something else goes wrong, for more detailed tutorial can be found on the Bitnami MySQL