This library is a very simple yet powerful user auth library for CodeIgniter, made for easy instalation and strong security. The library uses Bcrypt for hashing passwords to the database. Please also note that this library isn't compatible with CodeIgniter 2.x.
This is a quick start guide to help you run codeigniter-user. This tutorial implies that you have basic notion of codeigniter mechanism like libraries and controllers.
- Import the database schema.v1.3.sql and database schema.v1.4.sql to your database.
- Copy the libraries to your application/libraries folder. It includes Bcrypt and the codeigniter-user itself.
- Copy the language file under language/english/codeigniter_user_lang.php to your own language folder. You also may wish to translate or change the strings there.
- Change your encription key and your sess_save_path on your application config.php file.
- Set up your database. This can be done on database.php, under config folder.
- If you want to see the demo page, marge all the files (including the views and controllers) included.
- If you installed the demo, head to index.php/login and try out your new user auth system.
Here is listed some of the most common actions when managin the user auth flow on your site. Examples of:
You may put this in the "login" method of your website.
// These variables may come from a form, for instance
if($this->user->login($login, $password)){
// user is now logged in, you may redirect it to the private page
} else {
You can create custom actions with this function.
if($this->user->validate_session()) {
echo "If you can see this you are logged in.";
Auto redirects if the user isn't logged in. The first parameter tells where to redirect if theres a invalid session (controller/method/etc). If you wish to lock the whole controller, you can put it on the constructor.
Auto redirect function if the user is logged in. The first parameter tell where to redirect if theres a valid session (controller/method). Ideal for login pages.
Codeigniter-user library uses two flashdata names for displaying errors. They are "error_message" for errors and "success_message" for successes. You may want to show them ahead the login form, for example:
<form id="login_form">
<div class="error_message"><?php echo $this->session->flashdata('error_message');?></div>
<div class="success_message"><?php echo $this->session->flashdata('success_message');?></div>
// the login inputs and buttons go here...
Simple way to retrieve the logged user name and login.
echo 'Hello, ' . $this->user->get_name() . '! Your ID is: ' . $this->user->get_id() . ' and your e-mail is: ' . $this->user->get_email();
Simple way to retrieve the logged user data. All the available data is dumped into this variable.
Checks if user has a permission. The first parameter is the permission name.
Removes all session from browser and redirects the user to the received path.
Call these functions for updating user's password or login. Theres no need to update the database.
// changing the user login and password with received data from form
Atention: If you're not planning to use custom data, disable it. You'll be saved from some queries in the startup. You can disable it just by setting the attribute use_custom_fields from User class to false You can set custom data for each users. They are all stored into a key-value table optimized with index for name for quick search. If you imported database_schema.sql for the first time, you have to import only the database schema.v1.4.sql that contains some database constrains and the users_meta table.
You can store individual custom data for each user. The data is accessible as an array inside user library. Note that if custom data is disabled, this function will return false. For store and update a field call:
// Let's save user address
$this->user->set_custom_field($this->user->get_id(), 'address_street', $this->input->post('adress_street'));
$this->user->set_custom_field($this->user->get_id(), 'address_number', $this->input->post('address_number'));
$this->user->set_custom_field($this->user->get_id(), 'address_state', $this->input->post('address_state'));
$this->user->set_custom_field($this->user->get_id(), 'address_country', $this->input->post('address_country'));
You can retrieve any custom field as an array on current user's library. Note that if custom data is disabled, this function will return false.
<input value="<?php echo $this->user->get_custom_field('address_street'); ?>" id="user_address" />
You can also access the data manually trough the array:
// dumps all users custom data.
There is a separated library for user managing. After setting up the database config, load up the user_manager library. There are some examples of:
$fullname = "Johnny Winter";
$login = "john"
$password = "123becarefulwithafool";
$active = true;
$permissions = array(1, 3);
$new_user_id = $this->user_manager->save_user($fullname, $login, $password, $active, $permissions);
These functions have the same name that the ones on the main User class.
// Receives new user login information trough post
$user_id = $this->input->post('user_id');
$new_password = $this->input->post('new_password');
$new_login = $this->input->post('new_login');
// Updates the user access information
$this->user_manager->update_login($new_login, $user_id);
$this->user_manager->update_pw($new_password, $user_id);
$permission_id = $this->user_manager->save_permission('editor', 'The editors of my website.');
echo "User was deleted.";
- Version 1.4
- Added custom fields, so each user can have a custom set of user data like address, city, country, etc. Please read the "Custom fields" topic above.
- Added change_pw and change_login on user_manager class.
- Version 1.3.1
- Added the language file outside the code.
- Logout method now receives the destiny controller for auto redirect.
- Version 1.3
- Upgraded hash function to Bcrypt. Passwords are much safer and stronger now.
- Strong optimization on cookie password storage and hash comparison
- No more rehashing after database query.
- Version 1.1
- Fixed some broken functions.
- Updated doc with brief description of methods.
- Version 1.0
- Added sha1 support.
- Added password salting support.
- Version 1.5
- Custom database fields and names for more flexibility.
- Version 1.6
- "Remember-me" feature.