diff --git a/1_InvokeUF.txt b/1_InvokeUF.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d7db8fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/1_InvokeUF.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+' ==================================================================================================
+' Purpose of this code is to invoke the User Form when user double click the line on the spreadsheet
+' ==================================================================================================
+Private Sub Worksheet_BeforeDoubleClick(ByVal Target As Range, Cancel As Boolean)
+' Define variables needed
+Dim iRow As Integer
+' Initialize variables
+iRow = Target.Row
+' Update Inputs in the form
+UpdateInputs iRow
+' Cancel = false means form can not be modified together with cell
+Cancel = True
+'possible to modify cell when the form is up
+MyCarCheckListForm.Show False
+End Sub
diff --git a/2_InvokeUF_R.txt b/2_InvokeUF_R.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bd761df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2_InvokeUF_R.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+Option Explicit
+' ==================================================================================================
+' Purpose of this code is to invoke the User Form when user double click the line on the spreadsheet
+' *** Insert this code to every sheet object from which user form need to be invoked
+' ==================================================================================================
+Private Sub Worksheet_BeforeDoubleClick(ByVal Target As Range, Cancel As Boolean)
+' Define variables needed
+Dim iRow As Integer
+' Initialize variables
+iRow = Target.Row
+' Update Inputs in the form
+UpdateInputsR iRow              ' CASE STUDY 2
+' Cancel = false means form can not be modified together with cell
+Cancel = True
+'possible to modify cell when the form is up
+MyCarCheckListFormR.Show False  ' CASE STUDY 2
+End Sub
diff --git a/CheckList_CaseStudy3.xlsm b/CheckList_CaseStudy3.xlsm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f9d246a
Binary files /dev/null and b/CheckList_CaseStudy3.xlsm differ
diff --git a/Functions.bas b/Functions.bas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fd9a81b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Functions.bas
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+Attribute VB_Name = "Functions"
+        ' (C) 2017 VZ Home Experiments Vladimir Zhbanko //vz.home.experiments@gmail.com
+        ' VBA code to make work with Excel User Forms easier
+        ' More time to spend on more interesting stuff.
+' FUNCTION that keep First available Capital letter in the string
+Function getFirstCapitalLetter(myInput As String) As String
+    ' Declaring variables
+    Dim myResult As String    ' This is the return string
+    Dim i As Long             ' Counter for character position
+    ' Initialise return string to empty
+    myResult = ""
+    ' For every character in input string, copy digits to
+    '   return string if they are passing criteria
+    For i = 1 To Len(myInput)
+        If Mid(myInput, i, 1) >= "A" And Mid(myInput, i, 1) <= "Z" Then
+            myResult = myResult + Mid(myInput, i, 1)
+            Exit For
+        End If
+    Next
+    ' Then return the return string.                          '
+    getFirstCapitalLetter = myResult
+End Function
+' FUNCTION that keep All available Capital letters in the string
+Function getAllCapitalLetters(myInput As String) As String
+    ' Declaring variables
+    Dim myResult As String    ' This is the return string
+    Dim i As Long             ' Counter for character position
+    ' Initialise return string to empty
+    myResult = ""
+    ' For every character in input string, copy digits to
+    '   return string if they are passing criteria
+    For i = 1 To Len(myInput)
+        If Mid(myInput, i, 1) >= "A" And Mid(myInput, i, 1) <= "Z" Then
+            myResult = myResult + Mid(myInput, i, 1)
+        End If
+    Next
+    ' Then return the return string.                          '
+    getAllCapitalLetters = myResult
+End Function
+' FUNCTION that removes all text from string, and leave only numbers
+Function getOnlyDigit(myInput As String) As String
+    ' Declaring variables
+    Dim myResult As String  ' This is the return string
+    Dim i As Long           ' Counter for character position
+    ' Initialise return string to empty
+    myResult = ""
+    ' For every character in input string, copy digit to
+    '   return string if they are passing criteria
+    For i = 1 To Len(myInput)
+        If Mid(myInput, i, 1) >= "0" And Mid(myInput, i, 1) <= "9" Then
+            myResult = myResult + Mid(myInput, i, 1)
+            Exit For
+        End If
+    Next
+    ' Then return the return string.                          '
+    getOnlyDigit = myResult
+End Function
+' FUNCTION that tells if string contains digits
+' function is adapted using function getOnlyDigits
+Function isDigit(myInput As String) As Boolean
+    ' Variables needed (remember to use "option explicit")
+    Dim myResult As Boolean ' This is the return boolean
+    Dim i As Integer        ' Counter for character position
+    ' Initialise return result to be false
+    myResult = False
+    ' For every character in input string, check if there are
+    ' numbers. Stop if found at least one number
+    For i = 1 To Len(myInput)
+        If Mid(myInput, i, 1) >= "0" And Mid(myInput, i, 1) <= "9" Then
+            myResult = True
+            Exit For
+        Else
+            myResult = False
+        End If
+    Next
+    ' Then return the results
+    isDigit = myResult
+End Function
+' FUNCTION that count cell color in a range
+' This is a user defined function! UDF!
+Function CountCellColor(range_data As Range, criteria As Range) As Long
+    Dim datax As Range
+    Dim xcolor As Long
+xcolor = criteria.Interior.ColorIndex
+For Each datax In range_data
+    If datax.Interior.ColorIndex = xcolor Then
+        CountCcolor = CountCcolor + 1
+    End If
+Next datax
+End Function
diff --git a/MyCarCheckListForm.frm b/MyCarCheckListForm.frm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..30dc864
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MyCarCheckListForm.frm
@@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
+Begin {C62A69F0-16DC-11CE-9E98-00AA00574A4F} MyCarCheckListForm 
+   Caption         =   "User Form for Car Evaluation"
+   ClientHeight    =   8520
+   ClientLeft      =   45
+   ClientTop       =   375
+   ClientWidth     =   10515
+   OleObjectBlob   =   "MyCarCheckListForm.frx":0000
+   StartUpPosition =   1  'CenterOwner
+Attribute VB_Name = "MyCarCheckListForm"
+Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
+Attribute VB_Creatable = False
+Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = True
+Attribute VB_Exposed = False
+        ' (C) 2017 VZ Home Experiments Vladimir Zhbanko //vz.home.experiments@gmail.com
+        ' VBA code to make work with Excel User Forms easier
+        ' More time to spend on more interesting stuff.
+' =======================================================================================================
+' declaring global variables for cross using in the other functions
+' =======================================================================================================
+Public Fail As String           ' 2 types Yes/No
+Public picPath As String        ' string is containing the path to the picture file
+Public lRow As Long             ' variable to pass row information
+' =======================================================================================================
+' this button closes the form
+' =======================================================================================================
+Private Sub buttonCancel_Click()
+Unload Me
+End Sub
+' =======================================================================================================
+' information about the program shown by clicking on the button "I am inspired"
+' =======================================================================================================
+Private Sub buttonHelp_Click()
+MsgBox "User Form for Car Evaluation" & vbCrLf & "(C) 2017 VZ Home Experiments vz.home.experiments@gmail.com", vbOKOnly + vbInformation, "I am inspired!"
+End Sub
+' =======================================================================================================
+' add Spin Buttons control
+' =======================================================================================================
+Private Sub SpinButton1_SpinUp()
+If Me.tboxRow.Value <= 2 Then
+    Exit Sub
+End If
+UpdateInputs Me.tboxRow.Value - 1
+End Sub
+Private Sub SpinButton1_SpinDown()
+UpdateInputs Me.tboxRow.Value + 1
+End Sub
+' =======================================================================================================
+' first form initialization bringing default values
+' =======================================================================================================
+Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
+' Not used; code below will be executed on form initialization
+End Sub
+' =======================================================================================================
+' User Dialogue "Import Picture"
+' =======================================================================================================
+' this portion should point to the picture to enter to the userform
+' user select picture browsing to the file and picture is grabbed inside the form
+' path to the picture will be stored into Public variable so
+' user will continue to write issue description and upon submitting picture is placed to the cell...
+' Button "Insert Picture"
+Private Sub buttonPicture_Click()
+' File dialog to load picture into the form
+With Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFilePicker)
+    .AllowMultiSelect = False
+    .ButtonName = "Submit"
+    .Title = "Select an image file"
+    .Filters.Add "Image", "*.gif; *.jpg; *.jpeg", 1
+    If .Show = -1 Then
+        'file has been selected
+        picPath = .SelectedItems(1) ' this will save path to the picture!
+        'display preview image in image control
+        Me.imageReport.PictureSizeMode = fmPictureSizeModeZoom
+        Me.imageReport.Picture = LoadPicture(picPath)
+    Else
+        ' executed when nothing was selected
+    End If
+End With
+' picture is now in the image box
+' path of the picture picPath is saved into Global variable
+End Sub
+' =======================================================================================================
+' Copy to the Report page
+' =======================================================================================================
+' This code will copy form data from UserForm to the Report page
+' Also required to paste comment and score to the reference page if it was changed
+' Report page should increase it's size by one row automatically
+Private Sub buttonSubmit_Click()
+Dim i As Integer: Dim lRow As Long: Dim lCol As Long: Dim nextRowValue As String
+Dim wshDest As Worksheet: Set wshDest = Worksheets("Report")
+Dim wshSource As Worksheet: Set wshSource = Worksheets(Me.tboxSheet.Text)
+    ' =======================================
+    ' code below will check position of radio buttons
+    ' =======================================
+    If (Me.optionYes.Value = True) Then
+    Fail = "Yes"
+    End If
+    If (Me.optionNo.Value = True) Then
+    Fail = "No"
+    End If
+    ' Adding protection against incomplete entry - Case Study 1
+    If (Me.optionYes.Value = False) And (Me.optionNo.Value = False) Then
+        Me.optionNo.SetFocus
+        MsgBox "Check must either pass or fail, please choose at least one option"
+        Exit Sub
+    End If
+    ' =======================================
+    ' This portion refreshes the comment and the score on the source sheet
+    ' =======================================
+    ' refreshing data on the source sheet
+    ' define the source sheet
+    ' write the comment and score to the source sheet (it might be changed)
+    wshSource.Cells(Me.tboxRow.Value, 6) = Fail               'score
+    wshSource.Cells(Me.tboxRow.Value, 7) = Me.tboxComments.Value   'comment
+    ' =======================================
+    ' below portion will handle updating the Action page from the UserForm
+    ' =======================================
+    ' only if cboxNeedAction is true
+    If Me.cboxNeedAction.Value = False Then
+        ' exit sub if action is not needed
+        MsgBox "Comment and Score are updated, No Action is created", vbOKOnly + vbInformation, "Source sheet is refreshed"
+        Exit Sub
+    Else
+        ' =======================================
+        ' find the next empty row in the destination sheet
+        ' =======================================
+        wshDest.Activate
+        ' method below will fill  the next available empty row
+        ' lRow will contain the last written row (ready to write)
+        For i = 1 To 2000         ' There can not be more than a 2000 rows really!?
+            currentRowValue = Cells(i, 3).Value
+            nextRowValue = Cells(i + 1, 1).Value ' saving content of the next rows to add rows dynamically
+           ' find where is the last available row in the table
+            If IsEmpty(currentRowValue) Or currentRowValue = "" Then
+                lRow = i
+                If isDigit(Cells(i - 1, 1).Value) = False Then ' if the cell is not number it is a header
+                    wshDest.Cells(i, 1).Value = 1 ' place the starting number
+                Else
+                    wshDest.Cells(i, 1).Value = wshDest.Cells(i - 1, 1).Value + 1 ' place the consecutive number
+                    wshDest.Cells(i + 1, 1).Value = wshDest.Cells(i, 1).Value + 1 ' place the consecutive number
+                End If
+                    Exit For
+            End If
+        Next
+        ' =======================================
+        ' check for a completness of the form when gaps are identified
+        ' =======================================
+        ' logic behind: If Fail is 'Yes' then Comments and Actions are required!
+        If (Me.optionYes.Value = True) And (Trim(Me.tboxComments.Value) = "") Then
+            Me.tboxComments.SetFocus
+            MsgBox "Please complete the Action and Comment fields of the form as gaps are identified"
+                Exit Sub
+        End If
+        ' =======================================
+        ' populate the Result sheet
+        ' =======================================
+            wshDest.Cells(lRow, 3).Value = Me.tboxCategory.Value        'Category
+            wshDest.Cells(lRow, 4).Interior.ColorIndex = Me.tboxKey.Value        'Key color
+            wshDest.Cells(lRow, 5).Value = Me.tboxComments.Value     'Comments
+            wshDest.Cells(lRow, 6).Value = Me.tboxAction.Value           'Action
+            wshDest.Cells(lRow, 7).Value = Me.tboxCost.Value          'Cost
+            wshDest.Cells(lRow, 8).Value = picPath       'Path of the picture
+         ' Clear the data to be able to fill more again - Case Study 1
+            Me.tboxComments.Value = ""
+            Me.tboxAction.Value = ""
+            Me.tboxCost.Value = ""
+            Me.cboxNeedAction.Value = False
+            Me.optionNo = False
+            Me.optionYes = False
+         ' Adding Budget field - Case Study 1
+         Call UpdateBudget
+    End If
+' =======================================
+' Code will paste picture to the Result sheet
+' =======================================
+' exit if there was no picture added
+  If picPath = "" Then
+      Exit Sub
+  Else
+  ' add picture using function PastePicture (see module Functions)
+    PastePicture picPath, lRow
+  End If
+End Sub
+' =======================================================================================================
diff --git a/MyCarCheckListForm.frx b/MyCarCheckListForm.frx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5b22b43
Binary files /dev/null and b/MyCarCheckListForm.frx differ
diff --git a/MyCarCheckListFormR.frm b/MyCarCheckListFormR.frm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0a5dcf7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MyCarCheckListFormR.frm
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+Begin {C62A69F0-16DC-11CE-9E98-00AA00574A4F} MyCarCheckListFormR 
+   Caption         =   "User Form for Car Evaluation - Report"
+   ClientHeight    =   8520
+   ClientLeft      =   45
+   ClientTop       =   375
+   ClientWidth     =   10515
+   OleObjectBlob   =   "MyCarCheckListFormR.frx":0000
+   StartUpPosition =   1  'CenterOwner
+Attribute VB_Name = "MyCarCheckListFormR"
+Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
+Attribute VB_Creatable = False
+Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = True
+Attribute VB_Exposed = False
+        ' (C) 2017 VZ Home Experiments Vladimir Zhbanko //vz.home.experiments@gmail.com
+        ' VBA code to make work with Excel User Forms easier
+        ' More time to spend on more interesting stuff.
+        ' ===================================
+        ' Version history updates information:
+        ' ===================================
+        ' version 1: First Commit
+        ' version 2: For Case Study
+' declaring global variables for cross using in the other functions
+Public Fail As String           ' 2 types Yes/No
+Public picPath As String        ' string is containing the path to the picture file
+Public lRow As Long             ' variable to pass row information
+' =======================================================================================================
+' this button closes the form
+' =======================================================================================================
+Private Sub buttonCancel_Click()
+Unload Me
+End Sub
+' =======================================================================================================
+' information about the program shown by clicking on the button "I am inspired"
+' =======================================================================================================
+Private Sub buttonHelp_Click()
+MsgBox "User Form for Car Evaluation" & vbCrLf & "(C) 2017 VZ Home Experiments vz.home.experiments@gmail.com", vbOKOnly + vbInformation, "I am inspired!"
+End Sub
+' =======================================================================================================
+' user should be able to create powerpoint slide from the selected row
+' =======================================================================================================
+Private Sub buttonPPT_Click()
+lRow = Me.tboxRow
+WorkbooktoPowerPoint lRow
+End Sub
+' =======================================================================================================
+' Case Study: Add Spin Buttons control to update UF
+' =======================================================================================================
+Private Sub SpinButton1_SpinUp()
+If Me.tboxRow.Value <= 2 Then
+    Exit Sub
+End If
+UpdateInputsR Me.tboxRow.Value - 1
+End Sub
+Private Sub SpinButton1_SpinDown()
+UpdateInputsR Me.tboxRow.Value + 1
+End Sub
+' =======================================================================================================
+' first form initialization bringing default values
+' =======================================================================================================
+Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
+' CASE STUDY 2: Lock field comment not to be editable
+Me.tboxComments.Locked = True
+End Sub
+' =======================================================================================================
+' User Dialogue "Import Picture"
+' =======================================================================================================
+' this portion should point to the picture to enter to the userform
+' user select picture browsing to the file and picture is grabbed inside the form
+' path to the picture will be stored into Public variable so
+' user will continue to write issue description and upon submitting picture is placed to the cell...
+' Button "Insert Picture"
+Private Sub buttonPicture_Click()
+' File dialog to load picture into the form
+With Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFilePicker)
+    .AllowMultiSelect = False
+    .ButtonName = "Submit"
+    .Title = "Select an image file"
+    .Filters.Add "Image", "*.gif; *.jpg; *.jpeg", 1
+    If .Show = -1 Then
+        'file has been selected
+        picPath = .SelectedItems(1) ' this will save path to the picture!
+        'display preview image in image control
+        Me.imageReport.PictureSizeMode = fmPictureSizeModeZoom
+        Me.imageReport.Picture = LoadPicture(picPath)
+    Else
+        'user aborted the dialog
+    End If
+End With
+' picture is now in the image box
+' path of the picture is saved into Global variable 'picPath'
+End Sub
+' =======================================================================================================
+' Copy/Update to the Report page ' CASE STUDY 2
+' =======================================================================================================
+' This code will copy or rewrite form data from UserForm to the Report page
+Private Sub buttonSubmit_Click()
+Dim i As Integer: Dim lRow As Long: Dim lCol As Long
+Dim wshDest As Worksheet: Set wshDest = Worksheets("Report")
+    ' =======================================
+    ' below portion will handle updating the Action page from the UserForm
+    ' =======================================
+        ' find the next empty row in the destination sheet
+        wshDest.Activate
+        ' set specific row in the table that requires the update
+        lRow = Me.tboxRow.Value
+        ' re-populate the Result sheet
+            wshDest.Cells(lRow, 3).Value = Me.tboxCategory.Value        'Category
+            wshDest.Cells(lRow, 4).Interior.ColorIndex = Me.tboxKey.Value        'Key color
+            wshDest.Cells(lRow, 5).Value = Me.tboxComments.Value     'Comments
+            wshDest.Cells(lRow, 6).Value = Me.tboxAction.Value           'Action
+            wshDest.Cells(lRow, 7).Value = Me.tboxCost.Value          'Cost
+            ' Update Picture Path only if picture was selected by user
+            If Not picPath = "" Then
+            wshDest.Cells(lRow, 8).Value = picPath       'Path of the picture
+            End If
+        ' CASE STUDY 1 - Adding Budget field
+          Call UpdateBudget
+' =======================================
+' Code will paste picture to the Result sheet (note: picture will be placed on top of previous one :)))
+' =======================================
+' exit if there was no picture added
+  If picPath = "" Then
+      Exit Sub
+  Else
+  ' add picture using function PastePicture (see module Functions)
+    PastePicture picPath, lRow
+  End If
+End Sub
+' =======================================================================================================
diff --git a/MyCarCheckListFormR.frx b/MyCarCheckListFormR.frx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e35da5d
Binary files /dev/null and b/MyCarCheckListFormR.frx differ
diff --git a/Programs.bas b/Programs.bas
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8104e7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Programs.bas
@@ -0,0 +1,292 @@
+Attribute VB_Name = "Programs"
+Option Explicit
+' This Sub gets picture path and the row number where to place picture
+' as the column and sheet are fixed we will always use them
+Sub PastePicture(picPath, iRow)
+  ' resize row height first
+  Worksheets("Report").Rows(iRow).RowHeight = 79
+      With Worksheets("Report").Pictures.Insert(picPath)
+        With .ShapeRange
+            .LockAspectRatio = msoTrue
+            .Width = 90         'width of the picture
+            .Height = 75        'height of the picture
+        End With
+        ' define where to place the picture in the cell
+        .Left = Worksheets("Report").Cells(iRow, 2).Left + 2
+        .Top = Worksheets("Report").Cells(iRow, 2).Top + 2
+        .Placement = 1
+        .PrintObject = True
+        .Name = "Sample" & iRow    ' use .Name property to name the picture with known name
+        ' optimize RAM usage by keeping the picture in the cell, not linked to folder source
+        ' using the "known" name we perform operation on the picture
+        With ActiveSheet.Shapes.Range(Array("Sample" & iRow)).Select
+          Selection.Cut
+          Cells(iRow, 2).Select
+          ActiveSheet.Pictures.Paste.Select
+          ' method to move the Shape
+          Selection.ShapeRange.IncrementLeft 2
+          Selection.ShapeRange.IncrementTop 2
+          Cells(iRow, 2).Select
+        End With
+    End With
+End Sub
+' This Sub update the input information to the User Form
+' information is found using 'iRow' argument that represent worksheet row
+Sub UpdateInputs(iRow)
+' Define variables needed
+Dim Item As String: Dim Category As String: Dim Key As Integer: Dim Checkpoint As String: Dim Tools As String: Dim Fail As String: Dim Comments As String
+Dim SheetName As String
+' Initialize variables
+SheetName = ActiveSheet.Name
+Item = getOnlyDigit(SheetName) & "-" & getAllCapitalLetters(SheetName) & "-" & Range("A" & iRow)
+Category = Range("B" & iRow).Value
+Key = Range("C" & iRow).Interior.ColorIndex ' save color property value to Key variable
+Checkpoint = Range("D" & iRow).Value
+Tools = Range("E" & iRow).Value
+Fail = Range("F" & iRow).Value
+Comments = Range("G" & iRow).Value
+' Defining page reference as D1.Nr
+MyCarCheckListForm.tboxItem.Text = Item
+' Store value of iRow to the form
+MyCarCheckListForm.tboxRow.Value = iRow
+' Store name of Worksheet
+MyCarCheckListForm.tboxSheet.Value = SheetName
+' Store name of Category
+MyCarCheckListForm.tboxCategory.Text = Category
+' Store name of Tools
+MyCarCheckListForm.tboxTools.Text = Tools
+' Copy the Checkpoint for better overview
+MyCarCheckListForm.tboxCheckpoint.Text = Checkpoint
+' Returning a Fail Option
+If Fail = "Yes" Then
+MyCarCheckListForm.optionYes.Value = True
+MyCarCheckListForm.optionYes.Value = False   ' <- CASE STUDY 2 - Reset for using Up/Down Arrows
+End If
+If Fail = "No" Then
+MyCarCheckListForm.optionNo.Value = True
+MyCarCheckListForm.optionNo.Value = False      ' <- CASE STUDY 2 - Reset for using Up/Down Arrows
+End If
+' Put color index number to the tboxKey
+MyCarCheckListForm.tboxKey.Value = Key
+' Put color to the text box
+If Key = 3 Then
+MyCarCheckListForm.tboxKey.BackColor = vbRed
+ElseIf Key = 14 Then
+MyCarCheckListForm.tboxKey.BackColor = vbGreen
+ElseIf Key = 6 Then
+MyCarCheckListForm.tboxKey.BackColor = vbYellow
+ElseIf Key = 7 Then
+MyCarCheckListForm.tboxKey.BackColor = vbMagenta
+End If
+' Defining Issue from the Comment
+MyCarCheckListForm.tboxComments.Text = Comments
+' Update Budget Field - Case Study 1
+Call UpdateBudget
+End Sub
+' This Sub update the input information to the User Form Report
+' information is found using 'iRow' argument that represent worksheet row
+' Goal is to bring all available information from the report page including picture and create powerpoint slide
+Sub UpdateInputsR(iRow)
+' *** ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+' Define variables needed
+Dim Item As String: Dim Category As String: Dim Key As Integer: Dim Comments As String
+Dim SheetName As String: Dim Action As String: Dim Cost As String: Dim picPath As String
+' Initialize variables
+SheetName = ActiveSheet.Name
+Item = Range("A" & iRow).Value
+Category = Range("C" & iRow).Value
+Key = Range("D" & iRow).Interior.ColorIndex ' save color property value to Key variable
+Comments = Range("E" & iRow).Value
+Action = Range("F" & iRow).Value
+Cost = Range("G" & iRow).Value
+picPath = Range("H" & iRow).Value ' get picture path
+' Defining item reference
+MyCarCheckListFormR.tboxItem.Text = Item
+' Store value of iRow to the form
+MyCarCheckListFormR.tboxRow.Value = iRow
+' Store name of Category
+MyCarCheckListFormR.tboxCategory.Text = Category
+' Put color index number to the tboxKey
+MyCarCheckListFormR.tboxKey.Value = Key
+' Put color to the text box
+If Key = 3 Then
+MyCarCheckListFormR.tboxKey.BackColor = vbRed
+ElseIf Key = 14 Then
+MyCarCheckListFormR.tboxKey.BackColor = vbGreen
+ElseIf Key = 6 Then
+MyCarCheckListFormR.tboxKey.BackColor = vbYellow
+ElseIf Key = 7 Then
+MyCarCheckListFormR.tboxKey.BackColor = vbMagenta
+End If
+' Defining Issue from the Comment
+MyCarCheckListFormR.tboxComments.Text = Comments
+' Defining Issue from the Comment
+MyCarCheckListFormR.tboxAction.Text = Action
+' Defining Issue from the Comment
+MyCarCheckListFormR.tboxCost.Text = Cost
+' Bringing a picture into the image box
+MyCarCheckListFormR.imageReport.Picture = LoadPicture(picPath)
+' Update budget Field
+Call UpdateBudget
+End Sub
+' This Sub update the input information to the User Form
+' CASE STUDY 1 - Adding Budget field
+Sub UpdateBudget()
+Dim Budget As Double: Dim SumCost As Double 'Declare variables
+' Initialize them
+Budget = Worksheets("Summary").Range("B8").Value
+SumCost = Application.WorksheetFunction.Sum(ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Report").Range("G2:G500"))
+' Bring info to the field
+MyCarCheckListForm.tboxBudget.Value = Budget - SumCost
+MyCarCheckListFormR.tboxBudget.Value = Budget - SumCost
+' Color red if Budget is below zero
+If Budget - SumCost < 0 Then
+MyCarCheckListForm.tboxBudget.BackColor = vbRed
+MyCarCheckListFormR.tboxBudget.BackColor = vbRed
+MyCarCheckListForm.tboxBudget.BackColor = vbGreen
+MyCarCheckListFormR.tboxBudget.BackColor = vbGreen
+End If
+End Sub
+' This Sub creates PowerPoint slide from the given row (iRow) of the Report page
+' Important: Go to Tools -> References -> Enable Microsoft PPT Object Library
+Sub WorkbooktoPowerPoint(iRow)
+' Declare variables
+    'for PowerPoint slides
+    Dim PPT As Object: Dim PPTPres As Object: Dim PPTSlide As Object
+    Dim oPicture As PowerPoint.Shape: Dim tboxAction As PowerPoint.Shape
+    ' CASE STUDY 3
+    Dim tboxCost As PowerPoint.Shape: Dim figCircle As PowerPoint.Shape: Dim Key As Integer
+    ' for Excel worksheet
+    Dim wshSrc As Worksheet: Set wshSrc = Worksheets("Report")
+    Dim Item As String: Dim Category As String: Dim Issue As String: Dim Action As String: Dim Cost As String
+    Dim picPath As String
+' Open PowerPoint, Add Presentation, Make it visible
+    Set PPT = CreateObject("PowerPoint.Application")
+    Set PPTPres = PPT.Presentations.Add
+    PPT.Visible = True
+' Set the data to variables
+    Item = wshSrc.Range("A" & iRow).Value
+    Category = wshSrc.Range("C" & iRow).Value
+    Key = Range("D" & iRow).Interior.ColorIndex ' save color property value to Key variable 'CASE STUDY 3
+    Issue = wshSrc.Range("E" & iRow).Value
+    Action = wshSrc.Range("F" & iRow).Value
+    Cost = wshSrc.Range("G" & iRow).Value
+    picPath = wshSrc.Range("H" & iRow).Value ' extend this list
+' Add new blank slide and set the title
+    Set PPTSlide = PPTPres.Slides.Add(Index:=1, Layout:=ppLayoutTitleOnly)
+    PPTSlide.Select: PPTSlide.Shapes.Title.TextFrame.TextRange.Text = Category & "-" & Issue
+' Paste the picture and adjust its position
+    Set oPicture = PPTSlide.Shapes.AddPicture(picPath, msoFalse, msoTrue, Left:=100, Top:=150, Width:=400, Height:=300)
+' Add text box for Action
+    Set tboxAction = PPTSlide.Shapes.AddTextbox(msoTextOrientationHorizontal, Left:=500, Top:=150, Width:=400, Height:=250)
+    ' Format the text range
+    With tboxAction.TextFrame.TextRange
+        .Text = "Action Suggested: " & Action
+        With .Font
+            .Size = 24
+            .Name = "Arial"
+        End With
+    End With
+'CASE STUDY 3 - Add another text box
+' Add text box for cost
+Set tboxCost = PPTSlide.Shapes.AddTextbox(msoTextOrientationHorizontal, Left:=500, Top:=450, Width:=400, Height:=250)
+    With tboxCost.TextFrame.TextRange
+        .Text = "Approx.cost: " & Cost & " CHF"
+        With .Font
+            .Size = 24
+            .Name = "Arial"
+        End With
+    End With
+' Add circle with issue color code
+Set figCircle = PPTSlide.Shapes.AddShape(Type:=msoShapeOval, Left:=550, Top:=350, Width:=70, Height:=70)
+          'Decide which color
+            If Key = 3 Then
+                figCircle.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = vbRed
+            ElseIf Key = 14 Then
+                figCircle.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = vbGreen
+            ElseIf Key = 6 Then
+                figCircle.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = vbYellow
+            ElseIf Key = 7 Then
+                figCircle.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = vbMagenta
+            End If
+'Step 5.4: Apply Template
+On Error Resume Next
+' set your path...
+PPTPres.Application.ActivePresentation.ApplyTemplate "C:\Users\fxtrams\Downloads\WidescreenPresentation.potx"
+' Memory Cleanup (Step useful when adding for loop)
+    PPT.Activate
+    Set PPTSlide = Nothing
+    Set PPTPres = Nothing
+    Set PPT = Nothing
+End Sub