These instructions are based on getting Patharmor running from scratch on Ubuntu 14.04.3 (LTS) amd64 desktop.
Following this procedure will run some scripts and code as root, and load a kernel module, and start a listening network server. It should not install anything on your system outside its own subdirectory. However you're doing this at your own risk. If you want to run no risk to your system, use a from-scratch installed system as this procedure specifies. See also the disclaimer in
Tested with
- install image a3de42e9b563f3ccf100fa84f4f7c831e659320f
- kernel version 3.16.0-49
- llvm-3.4, clang-3.4 and g++-4.8
- boost 1.55
Starting from a bare install, it takes around 45 minutes in a vbox test on reasonably recent hardware. Most of this time is spent building Dyninst.
Install this image, with updates downloaded while installing, and allowing third-party software. Then open a terminal and type:
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install git && sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get install linux-image-3.16.0-49-generic linux-headers-3.16.0-49-generic
The expected output is in typescript.kernel.
Now, reboot with this linux-image-3.16.0-49-generic kernel version. Once you are rebooted, verify the kernel version:
patharmor@patharmor-test:~$ uname -a
Linux patharmor-test 3.16.0-49-generic #65~14.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Wed Sep 9 10:03:23 UTC 2015 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
Now get the repo and install some dependencies from packages:
git clone
cd patharmor
sudo apt-get install g++ clang libssl-dev cmake libboost1.55-all-dev libelf-dev libiberty-dev
The expected output is in typescript.packages.
This installs llvm-3.4, clang-3.4, g++-4.8, libssl-dev, cmake, libelf and boost 1.55.
Of these, Dyninst depends on libelf, libiberty and boost. We choose packages instead of letting Dyninst build the dependencies to work around build problems that arise otherwise. We do rely on Dyninst to build its own libdwarf so that it has a PIC version readily available.
Build & install the packaged, patched Dyninst (see patches/):
cd Dyninst-8.2.1/install-dir
make -j2 && make install
The expected output is in typescript.dyninst.
Build & install patharmor components:
cd ../.. # back to the top level of the Patharmor distribution
make && make install # installs in bin/
The expected output is in
Build & load the patharmor LKM:
The expected output is in typescript.lkm.
From the Patharmor distribution root:
cd nginx-0.8.54
sudo apt-get install libpcre3-dev
./configure --prefix=`pwd`/install-dir --with-cc-opt="-Wno-error -O0 -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fPIC -g -pthread"
make && make install
The expected output is in typescript.nginx.
A demonstration of PA in action on the demo app.
To run PA on a server application, we suggest two terminals (xterms).
On the first xterm, from the PA distribution root, build and load the LKM.
A successful load is indicated in the shell as 'loading armor module' and in dmesg by this excerpt:
[ 1662.754093] armor_module: module verification failed: signature and/or required key missing - tainting kernel
[ 1662.775508] jmp_src @ ffffffff81080e00:
[ 1662.775511] 0f 1f 44 00 00 55 65 48 8b 04 25 48 b8 00 00 48
[ 1662.775520] [intercept.c] inserting relative jump ffffffff81080e00 --> ffffffffc05b4291
[ 1662.775522] jmp_src @ ffffffff81080e00:
[ 1662.775523] e9 8c 34 53 3f 55 65 48 8b 04 25 48 b8 00 00 48
[ 1662.775531] jmp_back_src @ ffffffffc05b42a7:
[ 1662.775532] 90 90 90 90 90 48 83 f8 09 74 2f 48 83 f8 0a 0f
[ 1662.775539] [intercept.c] inserting relative jump ffffffffc05b42a7 --> ffffffff81080e05
[ 1662.775542] jmp_back_src @ ffffffffc05b42a7:
[ 1662.775543] e9 59 cb ac c0 48 83 f8 09 74 2f 48 83 f8 0a 0f
[ 1662.775635] Armor module initialized
On the second xterm, run the analysis system that will analyze LBRs in userspace. Do this from the nginx distribution root.
sh ../ ./install-dir/sbin/nginx # required only once
sh ../ ./install-dir/sbin/nginx
This output should end after some verbose CFG information with "Initializing JIT daemon".
On the first xterm, also go to the nginx root and start nginx itself. Note, this will listen on port 80.
sh ../ ./install-dir/sbin/nginx
Now run a load on the server:
sudo apt-get install apache2-utils
ab -n 1000
Now kill it (this provokes some more LBR analysis):
sudo killall nginx
That is it! The LBR analysis window will show you which LBRs are being analyzed. Once all processes using /dev/armor have exited (the lbr analysis process and all server processes), dmesg will show interesting LKM activity stats, like number of unique LBRs analyzed, cached, various caught system calls.
For every analyzed LBR, the daemon will output the LBR and then:
\------------------- is valid
if the daemon accepts the LBR as a legitimate in terms of the found CFG.
Now cleanly shutdown the analyser by typing ^C in the analyser window. It will show you a summary similar to:
SIGINT caught, exiting
__________ TOTALS ____________________________________________
LBRs validated: 7
indirect branches: 57
- indirect calls: 1
- indirect jumps: 20
- local returns : 22
- lib returns : 14
direct branches : 29 (direct calls only)
empty entries : 25
unknown edges : 1
__________ AVERAGES PER LBR __________________________________
indirect branches: 8.14
- indirect calls: 0.14
- indirect jumps: 2.86
- local returns : 3.14
- lib returns : 2.00
direct branches : 4.14 (direct calls only)
empty entries : 3.57
unknown edges : 0.14
__________ KERNEL SUMMARY ____________________________________
And once all processes have closed /dev/armor (which should be now), the LKM prints a summary similar to:
[ 2315.364761] Some statistics:
[ 2315.364767] Signal handlers entered: 4
[ 2315.364769] Signal returns: 4
[ 2315.364771] Library calls: 28122
[ 2315.364772] Library returns: 28121
[ 2315.364773] Callback calls: 0
[ 2315.364775] Callback returns: 0
[ 2315.364776]
[ 2315.364777] Number of newly created tasks: 2
[ 2315.364779] Number of exited tasks: 3
[ 2315.364780]
[ 2315.364781] System calls to execve: 0
[ 2315.364783] System calls to read: 0
[ 2315.364784] System calls to write: 0
[ 2315.364786] System calls to mmap: 18 (only PROT_EXEC: 4)
[ 2315.364788] System calls to mprotect: 8 (only PROT_EXEC: 0)
[ 2315.364790] System calls to sigaction: 12
[ 2315.364791] System calls total: 38
[ 2315.364792]
[ 2315.364794] Context switches (sched-out): 2067
[ 2315.364795] Context switches (sched-in): 2069
[ 2315.364797]
[ 2315.364798] Number of digests computed: 20
[ 2315.364799] LBR JIT lookups: 20
[ 2315.364801] LBR JIT cache hits: 13
[ 2315.364802] LBR JIT hits: 7
[ 2315.364803] LBR JIT misses: 0
[ 2315.364805] LBR JIT unsupported: 0
[ 2315.364806] LBR JIT timeouts: 0
[ 2315.364807] LBR JIT sec: 7
[ 2315.364809] LBR JIT usec: 452000
[ 2315.364810] armor-module is now closed
This shows 7 unique LBR's that were forwarded to userspace and all validated to be correct LBR's.
The expected output for running the application is in The expected output for the analyser is in
If the target binary changes, the call targets analysis has to be re-run. To do this from e.g. nginx:
sh ../ ./install-dir/sbin/nginx
This will re-run the address lookups.
If the LBRs ever stop being analyzed, check dmesg for timeouts. The kernel module will stop forwarding LBRs to the userland daemon if it ever sees a timeout. If this happens, re-start the app and analyser.
The toy-bug directory contains a small program that will use an indirect call to call a user-specified address. This is similar to a scenario where an attacker gains control of program control flow by manipulating the input in a malicious way. In this case, no clever manipulation is necessary - the program will do as it is told. Patharmor will catch this as an invalid invocation of the targeted call.
Make sure di-opt is restarted from an earlier invocation killall di-opt
Again, on the first xterm start the analyzer from the toy-bug dir:
sh ../ ./toy
sh ../ ./toy
Another xterm, also from the toy-bug dir:
sh ../ ./toy
This will invoke some 'dangerous' system calls legitimately. (That is, they are in the source of the toy program.) The analysis output should end in
\------------------- is valid
showing this is a legitimate invocation three times. One each for mmap, mprotect and sigaction. The process then ends because no argument was supplied.
The argument will be used to perform an indirect call that is NOT in the source of the program. Now look at what offset sigaction() is in the debug output of the invocation (1st xterm). NOTE: We use sigaction as it does not require valid args to trigger an LBR validation.
* Found 10 PLT entries that we have to wrap:
o 0x400600->0x601018->0x7f31ba529e30: puts +0x06fe30: _IO_puts
o 0x400610->0x601020->0x7f31ba4f0f60: sigaction +0x036f60: __sigaction
o 0x400620->0x601028->0x7f31ba5ae9c0: mmap +0x0f49c0: __GI___mmap64 >> simple, exit points at: 0x7f31ba5ae9d2 0x7f31ba5ae9e3 <<
o 0x400630->0x601030->0x7f31ba50e400: printf +0x054400: printf
o 0x400640->0x601038->0x7f31bbb137c5: __libc_start_main +0x0017c5: __libc_start_main
o 0x400650->0x601040->0x7f31ba50e370: fprintf +0x054370: fprintf
o 0x400660->0x601048->0x000000000000: __gmon_start__ >> not found <<
o 0x400670->0x601050->0x7f31ba518450: __isoc99_sscanf +0x05e450: __isoc99_sscanf
o 0x400680->0x601058->0x7f31ba5aea20: mprotect +0x0f4a20: __GI_mprotect >> simple, exit points at: 0x7f31ba5aea2f 0x7f31ba5aea40 <<
o 0x400690->0x601060->0x7f31ba4f6290: exit +0x03c290: exit
* Modifications succesful
This shows you you can use 0x400610 as sigaction offset.
Expected output from running the toy app is in, the analyser in typescript.toy-analyser.
Restart the analysing daemon so it can deal with the new invocation.
sh ../ ./toy
Now invoke the program and supply the sigaction offset as an arg.
sh ../ ./toy 0x400610
The analyser will first analyse the legitimate mmap() LBR, e.g.:
LBR state to 0x00007f31ba5ae9c0 is valid
lbr[ 0], <from: (nil), to: (nil)> empty
lbr[ 1], <from: (nil), to: (nil)> empty
lbr[ 2], <from: (nil), to: (nil)> empty
lbr[ 3], <from: (nil), to: (nil)> empty
lbr[ 4], <from: (nil), to: (nil)> empty
lbr[ 5], <from: (nil), to: (nil)> empty
lbr[ 6], <from: (nil), to: (nil)> empty
lbr[ 7], <from: (nil), to: (nil)> empty
lbr[ 8], <from: (nil), to: (nil)> empty
lbr[ 9], <from: (nil), to: (nil)> empty
lbr[10], <from: 0x7f31bbb137b6, to: 0x40078d> ARMOR.load
lbr[11], <from: 0x4007b1, to: 0x400600> call
lbr[12], <from: 0x400600, to: 0x7f31ba529e30> indirect.jump
lbr[13], <from: 0x7f31bbb13b1a, to: 0x4007b6> lib.return
lbr[14], <from: 0x4007d6, to: 0x400620> call
lbr[15], <from: 0x400620, to: 0x7f31ba5ae9c0> indirect.jump
!ind.: 3, call: 2, icall: 0, ijmp: 2, locret: 0, libret: 1, iindex: 12
#ind.: 3, call: 2, icall: 0, ijmp: 2, locret: 0, libret: 1, iindex: 12, e: 10, u: 0 | l: 1, lbrs: 1
\------------------- is valid
Then the mprotect() LBR, e.g.:
LBR state to 0x00007f31ba5aea20 is valid
lbr[ 0], <from: (nil), to: (nil)> empty
lbr[ 1], <from: (nil), to: (nil)> empty
lbr[ 2], <from: (nil), to: (nil)> empty
lbr[ 3], <from: 0x400600, to: 0x7f31ba529e30> indirect.jump
lbr[ 4], <from: 0x7f31bbb13b1a, to: 0x4007b6> lib.return
lbr[ 5], <from: 0x4007d6, to: 0x400620> call
lbr[ 6], <from: 0x400620, to: 0x7f31ba5ae9c0> indirect.jump
lbr[ 7], <from: 0x7f31bbb13b1a, to: 0x4007db> lib.return
lbr[ 8], <from: 0x4007e4, to: 0x400600> call
lbr[ 9], <from: 0x400600, to: 0x7f31ba529e30> indirect.jump
lbr[10], <from: 0x7f31bbb13b1a, to: 0x4007e9> lib.return
lbr[11], <from: 0x4007ee, to: 0x400600> call
lbr[12], <from: 0x400600, to: 0x7f31ba529e30> indirect.jump
lbr[13], <from: 0x7f31bbb13b1a, to: 0x4007f3> lib.return
lbr[14], <from: 0x400802, to: 0x400680> call
lbr[15], <from: 0x400680, to: 0x7f31ba5aea20> indirect.jump
!ind.: 9, call: 4, icall: 0, ijmp: 5, locret: 0, libret: 4, iindex: 3
#ind.: 12, call: 6, icall: 0, ijmp: 7, locret: 0, libret: 5, iindex: 15, e: 13, u: 0 | l: 1, lbrs: 2
\------------------- is valid
And finally the legitimate sigaction() LBR:
LBR state to 0x00007f31ba4f0f60 is valid
lbr[ 0], <from: (nil), to: (nil)> empty
lbr[ 1], <from: (nil), to: (nil)> empty
lbr[ 2], <from: (nil), to: (nil)> empty
lbr[ 3], <from: (nil), to: (nil)> empty
lbr[ 4], <from: 0x7f31bbb13b1a, to: 0x4007f3> lib.return
lbr[ 5], <from: 0x400802, to: 0x400680> call
lbr[ 6], <from: 0x400680, to: 0x7f31ba5aea20> indirect.jump
lbr[ 7], <from: 0x7f31bbb13b1a, to: 0x400807> lib.return
lbr[ 8], <from: 0x40080c, to: 0x400600> call
lbr[ 9], <from: 0x400600, to: 0x7f31ba529e30> indirect.jump
lbr[10], <from: 0x7f31bbb13b1a, to: 0x400811> lib.return
lbr[11], <from: 0x400816, to: 0x400600> call
lbr[12], <from: 0x400600, to: 0x7f31ba529e30> indirect.jump
lbr[13], <from: 0x7f31bbb13b1a, to: 0x40081b> lib.return
lbr[14], <from: 0x40082f, to: 0x400610> call
lbr[15], <from: 0x400610, to: 0x7f31ba4f0f60> indirect.jump
!ind.: 8, call: 4, icall: 0, ijmp: 4, locret: 0, libret: 4, iindex: 6
#ind.: 20, call: 10, icall: 0, ijmp: 11, locret: 0, libret: 9, iindex: 21, e: 17, u: 0 | l: 1, lbrs: 3
\------------------- is valid
Now, the program parses the argv[1], 0x400610, which is again the sigaction() offset. But it is not in the source so the LBR fails to validate:
lbr[ 0], <from: (nil), to: (nil)> empty
lbr[ 1], <from: (nil), to: (nil)> empty
lbr[ 2], <from: (nil), to: (nil)> empty
lbr[ 3], <from: (nil), to: (nil)> empty
lbr[ 4], <from: 0x7f31bbb13b1a, to: 0x400834> lib.return
lbr[ 5], <from: 0x400839, to: 0x400600> call
lbr[ 6], <from: 0x400600, to: 0x7f31ba529e30> indirect.jump
lbr[ 7], <from: 0x7f31bbb13b1a, to: 0x40083e> lib.return
lbr[ 8], <from: 0x40088a, to: 0x400670> call
lbr[ 9], <from: 0x400670, to: 0x7f31ba518450> indirect.jump
lbr[10], <from: 0x7f31bbb13b1a, to: 0x40088f> lib.return
lbr[11], <from: 0x4008ba, to: 0x400630> call
lbr[12], <from: 0x400630, to: 0x7f31ba50e400> indirect.jump
lbr[13], <from: 0x7f31bbb13b1a, to: 0x4008bf> lib.return
lbr[14], <from: 0x4008c3, to: 0x400610> unknown
lbr[15], <from: 0x400610, to: 0x7f31ba4f0f60> indirect.jump
!ind.: 8, call: 3, icall: 0, ijmp: 4, locret: 0, libret: 4, iindex: 6
#ind.: 28, call: 13, icall: 0, ijmp: 15, locret: 0, libret: 13, iindex: 27, e: 21, u: 1 | l: 1, lbrs: 4
\------------------- is NOT valid
This demonstrates patharmor successfully distinguishes legitimate from nonlegitimate call sequences.
Expected output from running the toy app is in, the analyser in typescript.toy-analyser-non-legit.