All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
1.16.6 (2024-12-09)
- navigation.json: Adding custom headers to your Store Framework store (5be0d87)
- navigation.json: Optimizing image rendering (f6c0112)
- netlify.toml: creating redirect (48f7574)
- netlify.toml: Optimizing image rendering (5cb2605)
- navigation.json: add rn to navigation file (534df40)
- navigation.json: update navigation (ab1344f)
- navigation.json: update navigation file (a9eeac6)
- navigation.json: update navigation file (195ac54)
- package.json: update dependencies (0a739d8)
1.16.5 (2024-11-14)
- release-notes: add pagination (e761ee3)
- remove unused (1a1c239)
- navigation.json: working-with-site-editor-fixing-slug (c7c2b6f)
- netlify.toml: working with site editor fixing slug (ab73abc)
- package.json: update components package version (38ff788)
1.16.4 (2024-11-13)
1.16.3 (2024-11-13)
- algolia: fix configs (7a79377)
1.16.2 (2024-11-12)
- removing article from navigation (6e96eaa)
- Update navigation.json: New FastStore release note (5935711)
- navigation.json: update FastStore title and slug name (updating-the-cli-package-version) (39530ab)
- adding new endpoint to navigation (6127d73)
- adding new endpoints to navigation (eee135f)
- correcting endpoint name (f315980)
- create redirect (2353176)
- create redirect (6010df1)
- navigation.json: building pages (5beb49b)
- navigation.json: fixing slug (c4b53bd)
- navigation.json: updating live stores (1a6b003)
- navigation.json: using components (dde67a4)
- navigation: add master data guide (e5c5cd6)
- navigation: remove old version of search and scroll guide (8efa60a)
- navigation: rename master data categories (6fe6c45)
- netlify.toml: redirect dealing with events (0fe70ec)
- netlify.toml: redirect using components (72013fa)
- update documents names (17a1fc6)
1.16.1 (2024-10-02)
- personal shopper navigation.json (7c8fd0b)
1.16.0 (2024-10-02)
- adding to navigation.json (4fcba55)
- formatting the document: formatting the document (1750dd4)
- index.tsx: update
component (3ee08b7) - last-updates-section: update last-updates-section component (91a371f)
- navigation.json: add new troubleshooting article (38e9ab6)
- navigation.json: add new troubleshooting category (4a68879)
- navigation.json: add section override use cases (04cb658)
- navigation.json: add the article The Price in the shelf or in the search results is different from the product page (f238728)
- navigation.json: EDU-13292 Card component (67823ec)
- navigation.json: EDU-13391 WebOps (589fbfd)
- navigation.json: new FastStore release note (74cfabf)
- navigation.json: new hCMS content (7598df4)
- navigation.json: new release note - troubleshooting guides (e9f3ce8)
- navigation.json: update troubleshooting sidebar (ccfde89)
- storefront-development/index.tsx: adding dev experience link (6ab6251)
- faststorecomponents.tsx: fix Tabs behavior (c96393f)
- index.tsx: fix prettier issues (a0b6092)
- navigation.json: dynamic content guides (85af4a0)
- navigation.json: fix Radio Field menu position (c75f6c5)
- navigation.json: paymentprovider builder (a8d03c8)
- navigation.json: scopes guide (a73fafe)
- rehypeblockquote: update extendedNames (9a638cc)
- troubleshooting/[slug].tsx: fix pagination route (fe51afa)
- update hCMS sidebar (d6f3d89)
- add vtex-ad-network-api (9c50ada)
- adding to navigation (a4909f5)
- adjusting API name capitalization (ab187b6)
- adjusting capitalization (451829b)
- correct navigation (a87619f)
- correct navigation (d6162c3)
- correct path (c0bfac3)
- correct path (0f5e8c7)
- correct path (1e451e1)
- correcting navigation (130b091)
- correcting navigation (5c7f6d2)
- correcting navigation (f1d2d79)
- correcting navigation link being added (40cb7cb)
- deprecated API being removed (4e7514e)
- navigation.json: add API extensions use cases guides (6e8862f)
- navigation.json: ga4 discrepancy troubleshooting (7495fe3)
- navigation.json: promotion flag (9cdf43c)
- navigation.json: reorganizing sidebar (16b45b3)
- navigation.json: styling (1b9895d)
- navigation.json: updating sidebar (ad68292)
- navigation.json: working with site editor (8edfd21)
- navigation: add extensibility guide (8f8becf)
- navigation: add master data pagination guide (7f638e5)
- navigation: add master data v1 guide (57312a3)
- navigation: add release note to the sidebar (8010769)
- navigation: add vtex-ad-network-api (885d413)
- navigation: fix ad network api (739076b)
- navigation: fix data protection plus guides (3c65326)
- netlify.toml: creating redirect (4e4ffa4)
- netlify.toml: redirect to working with site editor (095de03)
- netlify.toml: redirect wordpress integration (2440439)
- redirect (83bbfa2)
- removing api (f016595)
- removing API (2625bb7)
- removing api doc (1489a35)
- removing mentions to deprecated API (d193adc)
- removing mentions to Subscriptions v2 (0104124)
- removing mentions to subscriptions v2 API (a5d15f8)
- reorganizing and updating navigation.json (3798982)
- update postman file (9fc1de9)
- updating navigation.json (649e0e6)
- updating navigation.json (94c0c41)
1.15.0 (2024-06-20)
- index.tsx: adding new support component to the troubleshooting page (78f691b)
- navigation.json: add dynamic content release note (c7f83ba)
- navigation.json: add fs dynamic content (07197c1)
- navigation.json: update troubleshooting sidebar (a6e0a61)
- navigation.json: troubleshooting docs name (6e13b65)
- navigation.json: troubleshooting sidebar (fea4836)
- navigation.json: troubleshooting sidebar (b22df06)
- navigation.json: troubleshooting sidebar navigation (4df5444)
- add new enpoints to navitation (b7e1ccc)
- adding dev experience link (88f5c60)
- adding to navigation (8a0a9b3)
- navigation: add troubleshooting modal layout (cd8bb07)
1.14.0 (2024-06-13)
- faststore/[slug].tsx: allow hideTOC frontmatter option (1cfc2c7)
- navigation.json: add a new doc to the sidebar (690b56c)
- navigation.json: add fs managing performance (3c3ea57)
- navigation.json: add fs testing-the-server-side-rendering doc (df541b3)
- navigation.json: new troubleshooting (b6c608a)
- navigation.json: update faststore overview doc slug (398e4d5)
- navigation.json: update navigation.json (30cb875)
- new sidebar category (296eb01)
- pagination: create pagination component (863c061)
- productgridusage: add ProductGridUsage faststore component (e265f86)
- storefront-development: update storefront-developemnt page with faststore content (4fbf9a8)
- troubleshooting: create troubleshooting page (f5d10bd)
- carditem: fix type (be2c798)
- gettroubleshootingdata: fix frontmatter data (7b7c401)
- netlify.toml: redirect troubleshooting article (7c2740c)
- styles.ts: fix card component styles (00fcb9f)
- styles.ts: fix card styles (ed84982)
- troubleshooting fix: fix troubleshooting props (01b017c)
- troubleshooting: change branch to main (9d98a09)
- troubleshooting: fix navigation.json (163f949)
- troubleshooting: fix update getTroubleshootingData (c0f0492)
- update navigation.json (36d5119)
- updating pick and pack api (126f3f3)
- apps-page: update apps-page css (1afd567)
- faststore.scss: fix styles (43811e7)
- faststore.scss: update faststore table styles (3aa8e87)
- section-item.module.css: update faststore-sectionItem (f10aa67)
- section-item.module.css: update sectionimage min max width (3c0a477)
- sectionitem: update sectionitem styles (6e76182)
- sectionitem: update styles (e8142cd)
- update troubleshooting card styles (9c06a68)
- faststore/index.tsx: remove unused page (6f410c7)
- last-update-section: udpate lastreleasenote (b0b4731)
- navigation.json: fix navigation error (476f172)
- netlify.toml: update redirect (752aad8)
- package.json: update vtexdocs/components version (ae4239e)
- storefront-development: update copy (8fe31b7)
- storefront-development: update faststore link (eb7bb3f)
- add new category and docs to navigation (6116830)
- create redirect for store framework guide (aa6d2a7)
- create redirect to new platform overview category (91f55c4)
- edit store framework category nav (e6f7630)
- fix orders pii api navigation (44278c7)
- navigation: add data protection plus guides (9fecaa9)
- navigation: add orders pii api (2ff2cd9)
- navigation: edit pii api navigation (c1c67e0)
- navigation: fix checkout security subcategory (200e138)
- navigation: fix copy sku files endpoint nav (2500518)
- redirect: data protection plus (1d5913a)
- remove data-privacy redirect (cece66f)
1.13.2 (2024-05-10)
- package.json: update @vtexdocs/components version (e6a4ba0)
- package.json: update components version (60c77f4)
1.13.1 (2024-05-10)
- remove duplicated (f9b631b)
- replacehtmlblocks: close open img tags (9b18646)
- replacehtmlblocks: consider <img...> case (b72bf74)
- layout.tsx: update LibraryContextProvider (759824d)
- package.json: update components package (c5aa97a)
1.13.0 (2024-05-07)
- add pick and pack api (947e5be)
- apps/[slug]: parse markdown value from json (ee0b420)
- apps/slug: do not use replacemagicblocks (b38f34a)
- faststore docs path (6ff2a4f)
- next.config.js: use branch navigation url (e25d99f)
- pages/docs/apps: use replaceHTMLBlocks (a1f874e)
- faststore.scss: update checklist styles (8e0b451)
- project structure slug (96d5a18)
- adding change order beta to navigation (e835d2c)
- adding to logistics navigation (9acd0d5)
- adding to oms navigation (fcdb6d6)
- changing category name (2b3bd55)
- create redirect (84958ac)
- create redirect search graphql (a039572)
- create redirect to safedata app doc (fd83462)
- fixing redirect (2255646)
- navigation: fix sidebar link (f6f9651)
- navigation: update master data apis navigation (1287d82)
- apps/slug: add official vendor vtexus (1578ad4)
- constants: export const officialvendors (a6d0b3a)
- last-updates-section: update last rn (7b99b1d)
- navigation.json: update faststore nav (4f74f17)
- navigation: fix doc path (42584b0)
- navigation: wIP add faststore docs (32e7f9e)
- netlify.toml: add faststore redirects (31ea78d)
- netlify.toml: add faststore redirects (d2d611f)
- netlify.toml: add missing redirects (3d40a89)
- netlify.toml: fix faststore redirects (e4fdf29)
- netlify.toml: fix redirect typo (07a2b8f)
- netlify.toml: specify troubleshooting docs to avoid future issues (e7ae844)
- netlify.toml: update faststore redirects (fe59206)
- package.json: update faststore major (353130d)
1.12.0 (2024-03-06)
- add Checkout Config API (d8ffec2)
- last-updates-section: update lastreleasenote (5f27356)
- navigation.json: update navigation (fa89191)
- netlify.toml: add redirect (a3bd2c9)
- netlify.toml: update redirect (9844af3)
- create redirect (70f459a)
- create redirect master data api (fff2260)
- create redirects api overviews (85dbc68)
- navigation: edit intelligent search api (348cd31)
- navigation: update VTEX ID API (1d87b2e)
- redirect (45a441f)
1.11.6 (2024-01-31)
- getdocspaths: do not fetch docs/faststore in getDocsPaths() (a6f9698)
- package.json: update faststore version (7033429)
- creating a redirect (faaeb57)
- navigation: edit category title (e5e399a)
- navigation: edit store framework navigation (83dcec0)
- navigation: fix master data api v1 and v2 navigation (1d0d821)
- faststore-components: feat: newsletterusage example (6b3db40)
- faststore-components: update usage examples (49d52fd)
- getfaststorepaths: update FastStore docs branch (0da00cb)
- package.json: update faststore version (4e9446a)
- package.json: update FS version (59e117d)
1.11.5 (2024-01-12)
- faststore/[slug].tsx: enable seeAlso functionality (c6f105c)
1.11.4 (2024-01-12)
- apps: edit specifiedVersion checks (8235f61)
- package: fix path (665601d)
- sectionitem: icon usage (e0862c2)
- create redirect master data api v2 (e1a54ad)
- faststore-components: improve faststore content rendering styles (ffd6bc8)
- section-item: update section item styles (3d0e148)
- faststore-componentes: update faststore components and constants (d57880f)
- package.json: update components lib version (e84365e)
- package: @vtexdocs/components version (65784fc)
- package: update dependencies (db61da1)
1.11.3 (2024-01-08)
- faststore/[slug].tsx: allows listing faststore docs (dbac5f8)
1.11.2 (2024-01-04)
- netlify.toml: redirect headless commerce release note (4653527)
1.11.1 (2024-01-04)
- faststore-components/constants: update faststore constants (018d60d)
- navigation: add calling commerce apis course (dcadc12)
- netlify.toml: redirect legacy page get-to-know-vtex-apis (5b8b629)
- netlify.toml: redirect legacy page using-postman (e4d695c)
- redirect: fix redirect using-postman (faba12b)
1.11.0 (2023-12-22)
- faststore-components: feat GiftTemplate components (1c1a4c9)
- gift: add Icon attributes (0912dda)
- navigation: add services course (09543d8)
1.10.2 (2023-12-19)
- getdocspaths: do not fetch docs/release-notes paths for guides (deaefef)
1.10.1 (2023-12-15)
- revert ol and ul styling (6a3f4cf)
1.10.0 (2023-12-11)
- add @vtexdocs/library dependency and update imports (e3114cf)
- add component lib build file (d0cc0a3)
- code-samples: add code samples page to showcase boilerplate repositories (331576c)
- codehike: install codehike (5b49d5e)
- components: add faststore components (6e0acb9)
- create alias for component lib filepath (b483d7b)
- create faststore page (d269385)
- editor: openapi preview (4836e77)
- faststore-components: add and update mocks examples (3c3d62c)
- faststore: add components (d70e57e)
- faststore: add faststore icon (2bc8fc8)
- faststore: add faststore icons and add global style (2873adf)
- faststore: add first version of faststore docs page (f07a808)
- faststore: add new images (34082e9)
- faststore: add remark and rehype plugins (2c66188)
- faststore: create steps component (feb515a)
- faststore: update main page (0347e25)
- faststore: update sidebar structure (28ed257)
- faststore: using logger (9180f6c)
- get all build files (c32ba10)
- markdown-renderer: add Tab and Tabs to faststore components (79810f9)
- pages: use code hike in all page types (fafa8ac)
- update rapidoc submodule (3ce25a2)
- update rapidoc submodule (66a6666)
- use MarkdownRenderer and toc from library (204aaab)
- add headingList as prop (4ceecea)
- api-reference: try to stop category indexing to prevent no-canonical errors by google crawler (029db98)
- apps: add warning about app version (b8be03e)
- change markdown renderer prop name (cc88231)
- codehiketheme: change folder and file name (c947ffa)
- edit [child].tsx (572170f)
- edit getChildDocApp.ts (ad4d2c9)
- faststore-components: remove propsection export (359fec9)
- faststore: add pagination, article title and description; fix frontmatter render (5893838)
- faststore: fix imports and exports (c315230)
- faststore: fix lint problems (e6d1af9)
- faststore: fix mocks imports (2c92f8d)
- faststore: get components from frontmatter (93da725)
- faststore: hydration error (6241cd5)
- faststore: remove branch argument (fe5192f)
- faststore: remove css reset and fix section component (4c77899)
- faststore: remove window usage (bdb3cf9)
- faststore: rename and add the faststore site components style to global css (1d988b8)
- faststore: update components and add scope (c98ed12)
- faststore: update components and scope (1a15ddd)
- faststore: use next-mdx-remote (25131c7)
- hide faststore menu and move it to guides (69a2561)
- mytheme: fix component declaration (e057f3b)
- mytheme: fix import (6d682a2)
- openapi preview: rapidoc route prefix (d955d66)
- openapi-preview: remove auth component (c289e97)
- package: removing esbuild and mdx-bundler (83957ed)
- propsSection: replacing process.cwd() (55d4eca)
- restore header (42fd828)
- server-sitemap: fix url redirects (cdfbac7)
- update callout message (890bb69)
- update faststore images paths (64c7f8f)
- update prebuild script (4706ede)
- update rapidoc submodule (b6d82dc)
- use announcements as header props (f737c39)
- use ImageGalleryViewer (b66986d)
- use library config (102bed3)
- use MarkdownRenderer from components lib (cd32d32)
- use router to check if it is preview (09dc196)
- api-reference: add additional wait to tests in reference page (f014c0c)
- documentation-page-status: add retries on error (36fdc7b)
- openapi-preview: update header text and remove unnecessary rapidoc attributes (0dac9aa)
- use header from library (538f7c6)
- use librarycontext (30eb652)
- use was this helpful component from lib (b2baaea)
- using search components from lib (d2300d3)
- remove lib build files from public (6fdcd4b)
- code-samples: improve code-samples page (9e45814)
- delete all search related components (39c1a76)
- delete all sidebar related components (b03aeb3)
- delete mermaidInit file (2213fab)
- delete unused file (6a4923d)
- delete unused files (97f6ba3)
- global.css: update scrollycoding styles (a4aa47e)
- last-updates-section: min fixes (223b9ee)
- last-updates-section: update last release (5364b7b)
- markdown-preview: (temp) remove auth (0a60965)
- markdown-preview: enable codehike preview (8f8b3c7)
- markdown-preview: undo changes to markdown-preview (eafdf19)
- navigation.json: add release note to navigation (e7338b3)
- navigation.json: update api guides navigation (8e53e22)
- package.json: update faststore dependencies (3f73dbf)
- rapidoc: update rapidoc (2a7d22a)
- rapidoc: update rapidoc submodule (f1b8fb9)
- update component lib version (d76dd55)
- update components lib version (b14d2c2)
- update components lib version (398ffd1)
- update lock file (a3168d6)
- update yarn.lock (91af2c1)
- add components lib css (491657e)
- code-samples: add content and improve styles (1f018d1)
- global.css: fix code hike style (4bef05b)
- global: update codehike styles (958c054)
- guides: update codehike theme (8ac35fc)
- import utilities (1129476)
- release-notes: add info release type + improve styles (016108c)
- create redirect (ca3fb79)
- create redirects (48ac082)
- creating redirect (647c8ca)
- edit [slug].tsx (96fb7c5)
- edit api name (64655fb)
- edit getReferencePaths.ts (f7f31dd)
- edit netlify.toml (b525987)
- navigation: add intelligent search api (a585508)
- navigation: add LM api delete user (304792c)
- navigation: update auth guides (e32ceeb)
- navigation: update master data v1 title (222f30f)
- redirect (8c22200)
1.9.29 (2023-10-02)
- last-updates-section: update lastReleaseNote (b17d712)
- navigation.json: update navigation (ecb24e6)
- navigation.json: update sidebar (8a3e43e)
- navigation.json: update troubleshooting section (76fa1df)
- navigation: improving clients docs (a240941)
- navigation: update docs name (410003f)
- navigation: update sidebar (0690664)
- correcting redirect (c237563)
- create redirect (238e98e)
- creating redirect (342daba)
- fix GTM container (7a6b8a3)
- fix publicid value (c740255)
- last updates section: add homologation freeze for 23 BF release note (027e61d)
1.9.28 (2023-09-18)
- api reference: get query param from endpoint url (fc9465c)
- newsletter-section: change image to parallax (4def726)
- public: add parallax layers (6894129)
- search-page: add infinite scroll (270bc64)
- steps: adds the steps components and improves some styles (64d80d2)
- hamburger: fix and scroll and hide menu correctly (4bfa52d)
- sidebar: fix endpoint filter in api reference (2c8978b)
- sitemap: remove guides page with noindex from sitemap (3894da7)
- add user data rights api to [slug].tsx (af5c752)
- add user data rights api to getReferencePaths.ts (3a58783)
- add zendesk app redirect (29107e3)
- changes doc title: adds more context to this doc's title (a5ce31d)
- create pii doc redirect (3cf0108)
- create redirect (927fc77)
- create redirect (1e012f5)
- create redirect (884224a)
- create redirect authentication guide (6d1ef2e)
- edit legacy cms portal api reference paths (926a9c1)
- fix broken link (a404f32)
- fix broken page (4f52b47)
- fix typo in slug: removes extra space in slug (16506a4)
- navigation: add vtex id endpoints (345f458)
- navigation: edit legacy cms portal api (b49aacf)
- navigation: edit master data api v2 (8bd1321)
- navigation: fix vtex id endpoint path (a20d4a7)
- navigation: update authentication guides (d4cb4b8)
- navigation: update erp guide name in nav (0f5551a)
- redirect about vtex do: change rediret empty page (adce0c3)
- redirect broken link (4c1ecbf)
- redirect erp guide: creates a redirect for a 404 erp guide link (f25bf59)
- redirect: redirect (fd50b41)
- remove file from navigation: remove export order report from navigation (aa4abca)
- update index.tsx (488d92c)
- update netlify.toml (0358bdf)
- navigation: update sidebar (86234a7)
- navigation: updates navigation.json (2f30c8e)
- netlify.toml: fix redirects ordering (a5f85f2)
- netlify.toml: update redirects and lastrelease (1981b4f)
- rapidoc: update version (18d86c7)
- update rapidoc submodule (922950d)
- documentation-page: update content width (616fd83)
- global.css: fix details styles (17979a6)
- global.css: update details and summary styles (9d1b2d8)
- mermaidinit.ts: update mermaid theme (85fef8e)
- rapidoc: update api padding (04ba318)
- whatsnextcard: increase whatnextcard font size (11e3017)
1.9.27 (2023-07-20)
- api proxy: set Headers correctly (d5955a6)
- add missing comma (c8c487d)
- add redirect (b683402)
- add webservice guide to navigation (5fd3131)
- create redirect to webservice guide pdf (dba5190)
- fix redirect url (ccd9fe4)
- navigation: edit promotions api (7b98089)
1.9.26 (2023-07-12)
- search-card: hide full description by default (fa17e5e)
- update rapidoc to show postman button in overview (8efe47a)
- add intelligent search events api to [slug].tsx (22f17b5)
- add intelligent search events api to getReferencePaths.ts (73d1470)
- added docs builder docs to navigation.json (f401f83)
- create redirect catalog api seller portal (2cedbcc)
- navigation: add change in sku notification release notes (6ddbdd3)
- navigation: add teasers field release notes to navigation (685fc4d)
- navigation: added jun/jul 2023 releases (b7df11d)
1.9.25 (2023-06-30)
1.9.24 (2023-06-28)
- redirect user to sign in page when trying to reach preview API endpoint (1a4038f)
- fix bug in preview API endpoint (431f38c)
- navigation: add promotions api endpoint (ee09cca)
1.9.23 (2023-06-27)
- dropwdown-menu: different menu for admin pages (b46bd8d)
- markdown-editor: title, subtitle and copy button (01440ae)
- markdown-preview: add resize button, numered lines in code editor and fix frontmatter parse (cb6d94f)
- markdown-preview: first version of markdown preview (017ab63)
- package.json: add react-simple-code-editor (320f10d)
- remark plugins: image plugin to client side render in preview (b908390)
- update serialize plugins and funcions (a7ac0ad)
- apireferences: fail gracefully for parse errors on openapi (f8419bb)
- getreferencepaths: check if path is on root (eece0db)
- markdown-preview: add mobile version, update template (75c42b6)
- markdown-preview: page name and template structure (4cd22a5)
- mdxrenderer: render next image only if base64 is loaded (3f1ae25)
- markdown-preview: remove auth (04ac694)
- markdown-preview: fix copy button position (cdb6136)
1.9.22 (2023-06-15)
- create api route to get postman collection (565201f)
- change endpoint to postman and update folder name (0c33529)
- update rapidoc submodule (ae3db8c)
- update rapidoc submodule to add icons (62f8611)
- update rapidoc submodule to fix curl url (e831e55)
1.9.21 (2023-06-12)
- update rapidoc submodule (f2d1612)
1.9.20 (2023-06-09)
- mermaid: remove zoom on scroll (989804d)
- mermaid: set detect auto pan to false (2f4b853)
- mermaid: using themes to set diagram colors (1e83a2e)
1.9.19 (2023-06-06)
- navigation: publish headless release note (5da0bb9)
1.9.18 (2023-06-06)
- navigation: publish headless commerce guides (36fc086)
- navigation: publish password expiring guide (baffd9c)
1.9.17 (2023-06-05)
- navigation: add troubleshooting category and first guide (75a18dc)
1.9.16 (2023-06-05)
- netlify.toml: fixing pii article redirect (5448971)
1.9.15 (2023-06-05)
- redirects: redirecting data privacy article to new correct slug (8653514)
1.9.14 (2023-06-05)
- format (44c2eb5)
- getfilecontributors: check for author (3e2dd54)
- getfilecontributors: check for author (47104e7)
- netlify.toml: update pii redirects (94ed2aa)
1.9.13 (2023-05-26)
- rapidoc: update rapidoc submodule - adds danger callout style (378b2ca)
- rapidoc: update rapidoc submodule to enable warning callout (55bcc71)
- rapidoc: update rapidoc submodule to fix param table (cf67044)
1.9.12 (2023-05-25)
- navigation: making small change just to force build to test if my guide changes will show (bb94273)
1.9.11 (2023-05-24)
- add authentication higher order component (e8dbfc1)
- add authentication to editor pages (435e1d2)
- add checkbox icon (010870b)
- add filter to release notes page (e51ce1e)
- add rapidoc to components (5ec43bb)
- add support for authentication (5d04e08)
- algolia-scraper: update attributes to retrieve (908c51d)
- api-references: add api pagination and other minor improv (4e10f6c)
- auth: add authentication to preview API route (634c31e)
- create multiselect component (dbf5293)
- customhighlights: add search-page behavior to customHighlight component (837e8f4)
- get list of action types (c3ca8b8)
- pages: add searchable attributes to doc pages head (9944a2e)
- search-card: add methodCategory (d4a94f7)
- search-card: update card style (d32cc25)
- search-page: add custom search results using instantsearch infinitehits hook (d80bf4a)
- search-page: open merged cards by default (ef36358)
- search-page: switch infinite scroll for pagination (91e012f)
- search-results: connect instantsearch with infinite hits hook (f66cce5)
- use submodule and add spec property to rapidoc (c9c2d12)
- using rapidoc lit component (4b7e95e)
- add @octokit/auth-app module to typings (528ec97)
- api-references: fix method type (3a03395)
- auth: fix auth component width in the first breakpoint (c02754b)
- check for custom element before defining (88750ae)
- comment lines that caused errors (2f21675)
- customhighlight: remove types any and text style (9366151)
- doctype name (c031a78)
- get endpoint value even if haven't description and remove mock from search card (c528e35)
- guides: correct type of pages from another documentation (c07c1bd)
- pages: add missing doc titles (4ac2a5e)
- replace package to perform open api parsing (0353bae)
- results-box: remove search state after rebase (ea88ac7)
- search-card: breadcrumbs behavior (db802ea)
- search-components: revert names of docsearch's searchable attributes (6e81f38)
- search-input: enable see all results button and connect the search bar with the search page (040c871)
- search-page: add no-result feedback (5c58219)
- search-page: clear filter when new search was fired (8406ceb)
- search-page: filter by facets (bfdde9c)
- search-page: update results text to match the selected filter (0f41e79)
- search: fix results width and update search index (f03a9fe)
- sidebar: fix sidebar searchbar placeholder text in editor pages (cbef791)
- sidebar: move section state to context and add correct behavior of sidebar to search page (2d2456c)
- use swagger-parse and dereference refs (e03f9b5)
- reference-page: get endpoint title in getStaticProps (0b2aa72)
- reference-page: add endpoint interface and remove method state (602b85f)
- search-input: close search box (f644e3b)
- update types and move search client to constants (f27b862)
- utils: move search functions to utils (ff2474f)
- search-input: result text overflow (90569a9)
- api-reference: remove copy test (35803b5)
- cypress: fix reference page load (f9e531c)
- cypress: run on headed chrome and increase defaultCommandTimeout (30ee862)
- cypress: update the tests to consider the opened sidebar (f93d23c)
- add NextAuth package (9a34bfe)
- netlify.toml: add redirect for livestreaming app (13aba09)
- rapidoc: update submodule (4fd28e0)
- rapidoc: update submodule (9a35a2e)
- remove rapidoc files (b042fb6)
- update yarn.lock (b096cf8)
- update yarn.lock (5f638d5)
- auth: update auth environment variables (32ea68f)
- search-page: first version of mobile design (e2df0b3)
- search-page: fix pagination in mobile, results ellipsis and right spacing (689b5ba)
1.9.10 (2023-05-06)
- apps: add Breadcrumbs and Pagination to app pages, among other minor improvements (0d701fd)
- lighthouse: add mean of performance results to the summary report (1c36a94)
- sidebar: support different openapi specs in the same category (f815289)
- apps: find in navbar despite version (d982dc4)
- cypress: fix file path in action (ec09e00)
- lighthouse: update action version (2b715da)
- nextjs shouldn't optimize image if it is a gif (1aa1ab9)
- sidebar: general api reference cases (447c3a0)
- navigation.json: added new release note to navigation (44fa6a9)
- sidebar-section: sidebar shift (8901806)
1.9.9 (2023-04-27)
- add api ref index generator index.tsx (da09561)
- add buttons to zoom and pan svgs (3d41e39)
- api-index: add api-index page (8dc8694)
- guides: add remark-mermaidjs plugin (23b4464)
- guides: use chromium executable path (e52fbbf)
- lighthouse: add toggle items to lighthouse summary report (62cb015)
- pages: update searchable attributes (80a7877)
- select-random-pages: improve algorithm to allow getting the same number of pages of each type (d8084d6)
- update lighthouse action version and comment PR with lighthouse results summary (c2fad50)
- add args and headless to launch options (a1560db)
- add lighthouse config file for setting screen resolution during performance tests (ebcb61b)
- add missing variable and debug command to lighthouse action (e19d642)
- adjust navigation.json (f7beab9)
- api-reference: get title and description from openapi overviews (df2670f)
- api-reference: retrieve title and description of patch-type endpoints (aae8543)
- create plugin to replace remark-mermaidjs (be55b79)
- don't send feedback if it's a test (c32cc7f)
- fix typo in lighthouse action (5ac2316)
- fix typo in lighthouse action (65f2390)
- fix typos in lighthouse action (438783d)
- guides: fix activeslug (8b5af4c)
- jsoneditorindex: remove setsidebar code (9f42841)
- jsoneditorindex: use typeof instead of instanceof (285d485)
- launch browser (1318e62)
- lighthouse: fix indentation (ae29684)
- lighthouse: fix typo (842f3d6)
- lighthouse: remove deploy url from comment (6d56408)
- lighthouse: run lighthouse in less pages (25f06d2)
- lighthouse: update action (3835a36)
- pages: apps navigation (93b6359)
- remove id and add width and height props to svg (ce705ca)
- replace chrome-aws-lambda (d9bc5d8)
- tests: update documentation-page-status test (ab289b3)
- tsconfig: add module declaration for @octokit/plugin-throttling (857d0ea)
- update from main (0c39c90)
- update lighthouse action to run on multiple pages (d74af74)
- use chromium.headless (499b554)
- use render method to generate diagram (c7c468d)
- using react-svg-pan-zoom (e7796aa)
- vtex-io-apps: update links vtex-io-apps page (1b100e1)
- wait for chromium executable path (68efe7c)
- update response component test (d4f9a02)
- markdown-renderer: remove highlightjs import using head link (508e2c1)
- adding missing api ref: adds new cards with missing api ref and corrects previous copies (b029e5a)
- fix navigation.json (985c9f4)
- fix navigation.json (786d655)
- navigation: fix promotions and taxes api (9002543)
- redirect for pricing hub: redirected 404 link for pricing hub API overview (3072688)
- redirect subscriptions (8c2aeb1)
- update navigation.json (4632a9f)
- update slug (e14f3fe)
- add puppeteer-core to dependencies (f77a6ac)
- add react-svg-pan-zoom to dependencies (16a9b57)
- package: update rapidoc version (cc48e50)
- update rapidoc version (0004785)
- announcementbar: changes the code of announcement bar to hide it (6862af4)
- api-index: edit headerDescription (fe0f4a8)
- tests: create function for randomly selecting documentation pages (2a28aa9)
- create mermaidjs diagram CSS file (5475f45)
- jsoneditorindex: add api ref index generator styles.ts (1e67fc6)
- lighthouse: remove unecessary line break (60faf3b)
- tests: remove unused import (40faf97)
- update mermaid diagram css (49787d7)
- last-updates-section: update lasReleaseNote (989fb3f)
- navigatin.json: update search result slug (0ea9f6e)
- navigation.json: remove beta label from faststore link (c5c4dcb)
- navigation.json: update vtex io apps sidebar (906813c)
- netlify.toml: add redirects most visited apps (18bf50e)
- package.json: update next version (8b21537)
- package: add chrome-aws-lambda (098e835)
- package: add remark-mermaidjs (aef31aa)
- update dependencies (07ebf8a)
- update yarn.lock (6dd68f9)
- update yarn.lock (a3a82db)
- update yarn.lock (726a50b)
- update yarn.lock (d109937)
- update yarn.lock and package-lock.json (73cdcec)
1.9.8 (2023-04-11)
- add action for extensive testing (dc8f184)
- api: create feedback endpoint (5b10d4c)
- create encrypted file to store environment variables (0357902)
- feedback: send feedback to the respective endpoint (e18a7b0)
- components: fix modal and lightbox position (767f730)
- feedback: fix url sent with feedback (1e06747)
- feedback: modal should not wait for the request response (623f15f)
- feedback: send only one response (0467f0c)
- feedback: send sheets api response (e241bd7)
- get-variable: get working directory (a5739ec)
- reduce memory consumption on test runs (457fdd3)
- reset feedback when documentation changes (3a41499)
- use getVariable to get environment variables (33a734f)
- add googleapis dependency (4496437)
- remove console log (37ea5a5)
- navigation: adding navigation for new pick and pack docs (32c4a0f)
- navigation: adding navigation for new pick and pack protocol guide (f95859e)
- navigation: update catalog api menu (91184b5)
1.9.7 (2023-03-29)
- overviewcard: add fulfillment icon (95de3dc)
- overviewcard: add icons to overview card - getting started doc (a144def)
- overviewcard: update icons (1f5c2e8)
- previewcontext: display name of the branch in use (3f5bfae)
- previewcontext: update pages to use previewcontext (b11740a)
- preview: enable preview mode (9fe11f1)
- preview: only add preview cookies if branch exists (3ccd6f4)
- tests: comment tests results summary in PR (796767e)
- cypress-action: add action for waiting for pages to update (d86d936)
- disable-preview: fix value declared but never used (b7bd30e)
- getreleasesdata: add missing branch param (9dae1d9)
- guides: add missing prop (af13536)
- prevent type errors (7932cf2)
- redirects: force redirects (cb39199)
- redirects: use correct http code (310dc64)
- sidebar: rerenders in sidebar (2b5d574)
- slug: update previewbranch (164e620)
- tests: add missing import statement and remove deleteLog plugin (60c2c83)
- tests: do not record screenshots and video (d7b67e6)
- tests: fix typo in test title (c27e12b)
- tests: generate summary report even if cypress run failed (29db8da)
- tests: increase timeout when waiting for netlify (ba97b1e)
- tests: run comment PR action regardless of cypress run exit code (94b2d9e)
- tsconfig: add nextjs config (c86dc5a)
- tsconfig: who would've guessed tsconfig can get this hard (e949566)
- package.json: add clipboardy dependency (644ee97)
- update yarn.lock (1586fa8)
- update yarn.lock (504779e)
- previewcontext: update pages to pass branch value (1d4989c)
- redirects: use netlify redirects (3ba9cc2)
- sidebar: add sidebar-component class (96b9ba3)
- tsconfig: remove unecessary dependencies and change module resolution (730a3ad)
- changed navigation.json (96a35f7)
- changed navigation.json (f172fd4)
- changed navigation.json (e8229cc)
- changed navigation.json (3815191)
- changed navigation.json (59ad125)
- changed navigation.json (3b8bb44)
- changed url in navigation.json (c535aa3)
- navigation: add new guide: service path patterns (dca69e2)
- navigation: change order of authentication category in the getting started section (a51f1cf)
- add cypress id to containers (7c2c779)
- api-reference: test sidebar navigation and check shadowDOM elements (d9de723)
- commands: add commands to get a random element inside of a list (9d53baf)
- cypress: add error log to tests (f661a87)
- cypress: add log messages to documenation-pages-status test (2f072de)
- cypress: add write and remove functios to manage log file (bce244c)
- cypress: api guides tests (64fb15f)
- cypress: conditional test if doc have TOC (23c9b32)
- cypress: open sidebar after page load in large screen (d340f2c)
- cypress: prevent security erros from chrome (52c1072)
- cypress: set false to chromeWebSecurity (fe18549)
- documentation page status: fix double slash in url and multiple tests for same reference page (da6157b)
- fix bug in documentation pages status test (068b60b)
- plugins: add task plugin (97026d6)
- remove wrong index file and add reference tests (45a15e2)
- run documentation pages status test on a small number of pages (190b6cf)
- package.json: update rapidoc version (9dbe46b)
- package: add clipboardy (2b522c4)
- remove tests screenshots and videos from git track (a2a90b4)
- tracker: update tracker (2f73087)
- update cypress version (1ad1fa0)
- announcementbar: announcement bar not closable when in preview mode (96b003a)
- api-reference: update rapi-doc fonts (d51967f)
- article-pagination: update padding (b59152b)
- article-pagination: use figma file as a reference for pagination component (2b0c811)
- rapidoc: update rapidoc version and styles (66a38bc)
1.9.6 (2023-03-20)
- deps: bump ansi-regex from 3.0.0 to 3.0.1 (d923de3)
- deps: bump jsonwebtoken and universal-github-app-jwt (b423c97)
- deps: bump loader-utils from 2.0.2 to 2.0.4 (998fcc8)
- deps: bump luxon from 1.28.0 to 1.28.1 (c5ccd33)
- deps: bump node-fetch from 3.2.6 to 3.2.10 (70f4a64)
- deps: bump webpack from 5.74.0 to 5.76.2 (a54c142)
1.9.5 (2023-03-20)
- sidebar: check the parent to expand the correct endpoint (d58bbd6)
1.9.4 (2023-03-17)
- editor: add toast feedback to json editor (83bdfbf)
- editor: allow file query string (4c8ed87)
- editor: v1 of sidebar editor (248d715)
- add change chain order navigation (f6654f9)
1.9.3 (2023-03-15)
- handle image loading errors (4e81bbd)
- package: update rapidoc version (9ac04b3)
1.9.2 (2023-03-15)
- components: fix missing unique key error (d79cf95)
- hambuger: fix missing unique key error (0700857)
- lightbox: use clickoutside hook (5e12ee6)
- lightbox: change close icon size and color (b9a17e6)
- lightbox: change image display to block (0bf14b8)
- lightbox: remove white modal to show only the image (94acac0)
- create redirect mkp api overview (0ce3e49)
- navigation: add new intelligent search guides (2ef02bd)
- top bar: change header content to persona research form (b5b54f4)
- top bar: remove old sentence from top bar (e8aab0d)
1.9.1 (2023-03-09)
- sidebar: hide sidebar by default in smaller breakpoints (f2c2996)
- redirect (934aac6)
- documentation: decrease contributors width and container padding (9614cec)
1.9.0 (2023-03-07)
- api-reference: allow spec file download (94c8b47)
- package: update rapidoc version (3db62b6)
1.8.4 (2023-03-07)
- hamburger-menu: show search input only in main menu, fix cards positions (4f6d575)
- sidebar: show scroll on hover (6672f93)
- sidebar: fixed sidebar (0d5d0cd)
1.8.3 (2023-03-07)
- cypress: update cypress-io action version (c9eb2b6)
- fix import preventing successful build (117b5ef)
- update dependencies (8c97f21)
- add test for checking documentation pages status (c644586)
- update cypress action (2bf9757)
- update cypress version and delete deprecated tests (5c16cc9)
- add apps-graphql release note to navigation (fcd5d3e)
- change MOI navigation (3b8c820)
- change navigation (ba230dc)
- change navigation (c1db862)
- change navigation (26c47fb)
- change navigation (df37e78)
- change navigation (c359443)
- change navigation vtex shipping network (262edbf)
- correct marketplace protocol slug (b4875d5)
- correct marketplace protocol slugs (7f2a4d8)
- create redirects marketplace protocol (822c264)
- delete guide and create redirect (71f8ef7)
- edit navigation.json (03213f4)
- fix code formatting (05f79dd)
- fix redirect (350a067)
- navigation: correct marketplace protocol (f3264c5)
- navigation: fix formatting (8a71e6f)
- navigation: fix path (8d2d7c6)
- navigation: fix sessions endpoints that have had the paths fixed (dfb3093)
- navigation: update yarn.lock (02a62a4)
- redirects (a2c8ac6)
- remove redirect (9a43c8c)
- update yarn.lock (498a6b6)
1.8.2 (2023-02-28)
- search box: event to analyze user clicks (282c611)
- algolia script: update name of algolia keys (bd33b68)
- hamburger-menu: add search input (5392539)
- hamburger-menu: larger arrow in main menu (379287f)
- styles: fix landing page cards (88e4b90)
- package.json: add search-insights library (3b10f3b)
1.8.1 (2023-02-27)
- styles: add break-word to inline code (47858bc)
- styles: add overflow wrap to headings and strong tags (eed6180)
- styles: limit img, svg and iframe width (ccb3fea)
- styles: show scrollbar in overflowing preformatted text (d440e45)
1.8.0 (2023-02-24)
- add working sidebar component to hamburger menu (94ee834)
- creating mobile menu (25f66b7)
- icons: add arrow left icon (b408d4d)
- menu: improve animation and add arrow to cards (d32758c)
- sidebar: create sidebar version to hamburger menu (1ab74c8)
- sidebar: store current sidebar tab (c6170eb)
- hamburger-menu: disable horizontal scroll (f066928)
- hamburger-menu: remove menu default selection (46261a2)
- header: remove unused prop (85d8b78)
1.7.3 (2023-02-17)
- overview-card: update overview card (4e00ed3)
- move Catalog guides (5e2b8fd)
- move Message Center guides (d0c7d80)
- navigation: edit pricing api paths (97797d8)
- navigation: improve authentication navigation in getting started section (a26e2ae)
- redirect: redirect authentication overview to new slug, according to architecture improvements (0d4998b)
1.7.2 (2023-02-15)
1.7.1 (2023-02-14)
- navigation: correct navigation slug for guide: Making your first request (29c8580)
- redirect: redirect guide due to slug change: Making your first request (1c89e1e)
1.7.0 (2023-02-13)
- header scripts: add GA script (5ba815c)
- check endpoint type to prevent errors (a8fecb2)
- format: format (66674a4)
- getreferencepaths: remove undefined routes and add error log for them (6ca4947)
- navigation.json: revert deletion (4af8661)
- sidebar: fetch sidebardatamaster from usenavigation (928aa36)
- usenavigation: stop revalidating on focus (309da0d)
- api-reference: add short description using the first endpoint paragraph (0701dd9)
- line break (91bc5ae)
- navigation: add kit look app release note to navigation.json (ae09cc3)
- styles: update styles considering the figma file (f836443)
- adding new release note to navigation (87ca215)
- change path (5221964)
- change path (8233e1d)
- change path (de8b7c3)
- path change (5635cc1)
1.6.1 (2023-02-09)
- styles: update table font-size (90c4ee7)
1.6.0 (2023-02-08)
1.5.2 (2023-02-08)
- package: upgrade rapidoc version (8a38e62)
- update rapidoc version to add language selection (25f09a3)
1.5.1 (2023-02-07)
- guides: update meta description (fb8ff74)
1.5.0 (2023-02-07)
- header: update aria-label and add meta description (0082450)
- api-reference: change function name to scrollToPath (b086b42)
- components: add aria-label to buttons; expand guide content width; add meta desc to guides (444db81)
1.4.3 (2023-02-06)
- pagges: use sidebarfallback and getNavigation - all pages (677a2a4)
1.4.2 (2023-02-04)
- sidebar-elements: fix maxwidth (661a384)
1.4.1 (2023-02-04)
- article-pagination: fix styles and other accessibility issues (9003ef6)
1.4.0 (2023-02-03)
- article-pagination: add Next and Previous page links to guides (2cdde02)
- method-category: enable patch filtering, improve callout style and update navigation (56e6b33)
- fix navigation: adding subscriptions v2 to navigation (e584c57)
- release: 1.3.0 (e470f14)
- article-pagination: handle click (1ac9abb)
- article-pagination: handle null cases (cb9d801)
- article-pagination: use getStaticProps (30141b6)
1.3.0 (2023-02-02)
- method-category: enable patch filtering, improve callout style and update navigation (45c9362)
- adding subscriptions v2 to navigation (3d47f2a)
- fix navigation: adding subscriptions v2 to navigation (c7349fd)
1.2.0 (2023-02-01)
- markdown-renderer: add CodeBlock and CopyButton components (433340a)
- code-block: remove console.log and add aria label to copybutton (03394d3)
- codeblock: update code styles - font and copy button (f8c7cc9)
1.1.0 (2023-02-01)
- search: add search bar and filter tabs to the first three breakpoints of the search page (013e354)
- see-also-section: improve the See Also Section component (b28932a)
- see-also-section: support api reference links (e467e76)
- search-bar: fix search bar sizes and position (5164dab)
- search: hide some components in smaller breakpoints (0167f81)
- navigation: fix marketplace api slugs (61b4f16)
- navigation: fix reference paths (eceb0fd)
- navigation: fix slugs (764ebe4)
- package: update rapidoc version (272641a)
- package: update rapidoc version (7b3aab3)
- package: update rapidoc version (b19bd49)
- navigation: update navigation file and copy of the app development page (337f3cf)
1.0.4 (2023-01-31)
- search-input: remove search with empty query (6ff1011)
- last-updates-section: update hard-coded lastReleaseNote (1788ba1)
- navigation: correct vtex id endpoint (generate authentication token) (431a409)
1.0.3 (2023-01-30)
- navigation: correcting navigation order of jan 23 release notes (b678bd0)
1.0.2 (2023-01-30)
- config: stop worker threads (650ade0)
- navigation: update master data v2 overview redirect (2cd610d)
- navigation: edit marketplace api paths (11103a8)
- navigation: fix marketplace api navigation (f5badc4)
1.0.1 (2023-01-27)
- global.css: create css classes for http methods (4bfaf40)
1.0.0 (2023-01-26)
- (wip) new comps for getting started page (73569e7)
- (wip) new comps for getting started page (261756c)
- 404: feat 404 page (bc5e863)
- 500: feat 500 page (1a26027)
- add sectionselected (6d71070)
- add-sfpage (3e69ab1)
- announcement-bar: feat announcement bar (5e2630e)
- api-guides: turn parameters magic blocks into markdown tables (ddca865)
- api-reference: update the API Reference page with cards (62c4a47)
- apis: add proxy route (b639e20)
- breadcrumb: add breadcrumb component to api-guides (7ec1cf6)
- components: export overviewcard and update table styles (510e13d)
- components: export whatsnextcard and flex components to MDXremote (96f7fbb)
- contributors: create function to get contributors from file (de9d0f9)
- devportal-scraper: add scraper action and command to run locally (7095029)
- docs: add the doctype metatag to docs pages to crawling (68dc438)
- images: compiler gets image data before compiling and generates blured placeholder (f7495fc)
- logs: send error logs from guides to slack (07519da)
- markdown: add support for rendering HTML magic blocks in markdown (1e0fac1)
- navigation: add cache-control (4687a47)
- navigation: get navigation from public directory (a50af57)
- navigation: navigation.json comes from public folder (06dd1d3)
- netlify.toml: add file (4239d02)
- pages: (wip) feat api-guides page (d561d36)
- pages: feat store-development page (efa310a)
- pages: feat vtex-io-apps page (886c951)
- pages: reorganize pages (wip) (b9444bf)
- public: add images (38c9ce6)
- redirects: add redirects for /vtex-developer-docs guides and release notes (1d01e10)
- redirects: add vtex-rest-api redirects (30c5c01)
- redirects: api-guides -> guides (09db141)
- redirects: include root in api-guides -> guides redirect (7ed10c1)
- redirects: redirect readme references (a468b20)
- references: all references being downloaded from github via jsdelivr (b55ab85)
- references: use edge api to get openapis (5f6f691)
- release-notes: add logger to release notes (081db60)
- release-notes: add logger to release notes (9f36ec5)
- release-notes: feat release notes page (9edb36f)
- releases: release notes now are built on demand (f1836bc)
- releases: release notes now are built on demand (d92eab2)
- scraper md: remove js wait (0c084ea)
- scraper openapi: add sitemap (91b2c57)
- scraper: update scraper config files (62adc6c)
- search-input: custom highlighting to search results (67359fa)
- search: add search input and results components (e645517)
- see also section: update component to render cards from path (de2b67d)
- sidebar-elements: rewrite sidebar-elements slug for handling onclick (4f2b76b)
- sidebar-elements: support link type (3d2f7df)
- sidebar: add search functionality (6ef48cc)
- sidebar: correct href generation (91848fe)
- sidebarelements: handle categories (e45e109)
- sidebar: sidebar element now uses recursive function instead of jasonPath (249ed36)
- sidebar: stores navigation data on sidebarContext (fea6618)
- sidebar: update toggleSidebarElementStatus. Create closeSidebarElements (60dd247)
- sitemap: add sitemap for guides-type articles (4546cf0)
- sitemap: sitemap for dynamic pages (2497afa)
- tracker: add correct ingestion point (9f20cb0)
- tracking: add openreplay tracker (43a13b2)
- treat callout (info, warning, danger, success) (f004a4d)
- wip remark (c8e12a9)
- add create-a-brand to navigation.json (4c01b9f)
- add endpoint to navigation.json (b56ff21)
- add endpoints to navigation.json (b2658da)
- add list migration doc to navigation.json (349ab23)
- api guides page: add see also in front matter check before data parsing (cd1a1f6)
- api-guides: add missing legacyBehavior attribute from Link component (1b3c8fd)
- api-guides: check if code blocks inside markdown file are correctly formatted (ec5b382)
- api-guides: escape <> occurrences (18d6b36)
- api-guides: escape curly braces inside markdown files (f9491a3)
- api-guides: fix API guide pages content size in last breapoint (39f28f8)
- api-guides: fix API guides index page content size in last breakpoint (0293295)
- api-guides: fix API guides pages sizes (3611aa9)
- api-guides: fix diagram (2c68ef6)
- api-guides: fix font sizes and line heights in last breakpoint (cfcc102)
- api-guides: handle documentations with level-3 headings, but no level-2 headings (3718a87)
- api-guides: log the line and column of the last unmatched backtick (bf86ca3)
- api-guides: only escape curly braces outside magic blocks (3603439)
- api-guides: remove see also mock and get info from front matter (8b8471e)
- api-guides: render as markdown when incorrectly formatted code blocks are found (7ead258)
- api-guides: replace all occurrences of br HTML tags with JSX (6544bb3)
- api-guides: replace br HTML tags with JSX and remove HTML comments (baebbbc)
- api-guides: replace diagram styles file (5ea1aa6)
- api-guides: replace HTML blocks inside markdown files with JSX components (e99c45b)
- api-guides: replace line breaks in table cells with br tags (a4c2ca8)
- api-guides: skip frontmatter when escaping curly braces (e7cf028)
- api-reference: fix docs links (3b4e1b2)
- api-reference: open schema tab by default in API Reference pages (5fdabbb)
- api-references: remove legacybehaviour from links (041590f)
- api-reference: use rapidoc and listen to hash change event to update rendered endpoint (84314d1)
- api/openapi: set only one header (cfe4a4a)
- api/openapi: use regular runtime (cd341bf)
- blockquote: use trimStart instead of trim (92e8a20)
- breadcrumbs: fix breadcrumbs component sizes (f6dafd6)
- breadcrumbs: fix breadcrumbs size in last breakpoint (b389b3d)
- callout-cases (052ccb9)
- childrenToString: fix childrenToString when given an undefined parameter (8697d56)
- config: always use import (2d17767)
- config: import pem with webpack (a2299cc)
- config: increse max page data size warning (50ce67d)
- contributors: fix contributors component sizes (b8c3477)
- contributors: fix contributors size in last breakpoint (518b2a1)
- contributors: update component to render info from file commits (e88e23f)
- customhighlights: fix highlights responsivity (f532385)
- docs: set activeSection (6590d83)
- documentation-card: add mouse pointer on hover (199c2a1)
- documentation-landing-page: fix documentation landing pages sizes (b027b5a)
- dropdown: fix uppercase text in dropdown menu (f9720c0)
- escapeCurlyBraces: improve check for incorrectly formatted code blocks (b5b65ea)
- escapeCurlyBraces: only escape curly braces outside of code blocks (ce1a3b5)
- escapecurlybraces: pass frontmatter to newContent (379d5bb)
- feedback-section: fix feedback section size in last breakpoint (45e99f0)
- feedback-section: fix suggest edits url (8b00189)
- feedback-section: fix suggest edits url (f7587af)
- feedback: fix feedback component sizes (41763a8)
- getdocspaths: list only md and mdx files (3a1003f)
- getdocspaths: remove hardcoded paths (2569d56)
- getgithubfile: no longer logs each execution (0c17258)
- getheadings: check if children exists (917ee03)
- implement handleclick and slugprefix (cf99900)
- improve sidebar styles (a3cfc03)
- improve sidebar styles (05cc1c3)
- interface types (6ac0099)
- interface types (ca0389c)
- link com a na sidebar (teste) (508b3ec)
- linting: linting (ba98d73)
- markdown-renderer: put table inside container with horizontal scroll (542fc2f)
- merge fix: fix merge issues (85a1a1b)
- messages: fix messages (11467ec)
- method-category: add default color (aa4d5ac)
- navigation: get navigation.json from CDN (887c8aa)
- navigation: now gets from public folder (f4fd5c4)
- navigation: store navigation.json (45e0451)
- newsletter: hiding newsletter description and input (ede43ba)
- newsletter: hiding newsletter description and input (7ebef4c)
- next.config.js: change navigation route (65aee1f)
- package.json: overides nextjs (3ca50c4)
- package.json: update package.json (814a554)
- package.json: updates confliting packages (28720b3)
- package: update rapidoc version (da8271f)
- page-header: fix page header component sizes (d8a48dc)
- page-header: fix styles (22cf3b0)
- pages: add see more to vtex-io-apps page (2ba7cd1)
- pages: code refactoring (fe6b7f0)
- plaiceholder: adds fallback for everything (398fc7b)
- plaiceholder: correclty handle promise termination (f643fec)
- plaiceholder: install nextjs plugin (55aef75)
- plaiceholder: probes for img size before calling plaiceholder (eab2320)
- redirects: add needed redirects (4adb723)
- redirects: do root redirects for paths (82cd066)
- redirects: fix redirect loop (ac96bff)
- redirects: import file in different path (d44183c)
- referencepaths: fix reference paths x slug map (f51c576)
- referencepaths: fix reference paths x slug map (818c5eb)
- release notes: fix suggestion button (52a7db9)
- release-note: fix release note pages sizes (10f0b53)
- release-notes: fix release notes page sizes (fe0cbf8)
- release-notes: get only files in release-notes folder (20570f8)
- release-notes: remove contributors from release page (9e62b00)
- release-version: add token to checkout action (0a1d8c8)
- release-version: use correct git credentials (be8391c)
- releases: getReleasesData gets correct error handling (cbe770b)
- replaceHTMLBlocks: only match HTML tags, not JSX components (186dea2)
- scraper script: get latest chromedriver stable version (5ebe968)
- scraper: openapi scraping (254769a)
- scraper: openapi scraping (99ab2a1)
- search navigation: adds a
to the relative path to handle nested navigation (5dcb148) - search-input: add hits keys (6278f99)
- search-input: change absolute url to relative url (8a7d30e)
- search-input: fix legacyBehavior warning and close box on result click (3d2c84b)
- search-input: index name (303c017)
- search-input: index name (93cbabd)
- search-input: input size on hover overlapping docs button (cb11b6d)
- search-results: fix title choice to render, remove search page link and add no results feedback (057e0c8)
- search: fix search page sizes (8e95c59)
- see-also-section: fix see also section size in last breakpoint (c8fc394)
- see-also-section: update functions (e3a31c6)
- see-also: fix see also and documentation card components sizes (913ef16)
- server-sitemap: routes with method not specified (19ddab8)
- sidebar-elements: fix navigation for API guides and reference (4b34751)
- sidebar-elements: update related to changes in the navigation file (fed661b)
- sidebar-elements: update the route for openapis without method (7498920)
- sidebar-elements: use href (ab5d9af)
- sidebar-elements: use Link href and update unionTypes (fc37365)
- sidebar-styles (e7ffc30)
- sidebar-styles (973e7f6)
- sidebar: change the sidebar behavior (0164864)
- sidebarcontextprovidedr: update condition for closing section (5667519)
- sidebarcontext: update unused variable name (eb00dee)
- sidebar: open links to API references (61587df)
- sidebar: open proper sidebar on refresh (a78920f)
- sidebar: sidebar behavior (faed20f)
- sidebar: update API Reference sidebar links (d25dbaf)
- sitemap: remove hidden pages from static sitemap and block index search from them (c09a345)
- slug: add api header title (473d9b7)
- slug: update header (2a0daca)
- slug: update header and rapidoc version (8da647a)
- svg errors (46dafca)
- svg errors (e87d875)
- table-of-contents: fix table of content size in last breakpoint (6567c01)
- table-of-contents: fix table of contents component sizes (62c1b67)
- table-of-contents: fix warning about use of legacyBehavior in table of contents links (fb831b4)
- tableo of contents: use getHeadings plugin to populate the headings array used in the toc (60d7c26)
- tracker: adds sanitization (438fdd5)
- type Guides (fa4fb8b)
- typo (9ae3b24)
- typo (33d0ba8)
- use readme-docs branch (b22e3e0)
- useeffect sidebar (cacb738)
- utils: fix getReleaseData to follow the right branch (0b1cba6)
- utils: fix getReleaseData to follow the right branch (7eed0e7)
- whats-next-card: fix what's next card component sizes (8bb593c)
- landing-page-tests: remove conflicting and unnecessary testing (f27c21f)
- components: updates links and images for nextjs@13 (bd2b17e)
- header: update the search component (9596dc8)
- images: uses the latest next/image component (dabf538)
- next.config.js: add image remotePattern for all hosts (d6ef6e7)
- search-input: rename variables and remove unnecessary ESLint rule disable (7de2d02)
- sidebarelements: use href instead of onClick (d9baa51)
- docsearch-scraper: change app id to be a secret key (81ce325)
- add magic blocks to an open api example (c4b2a88)
- api-guides: use guides instead of api-guides (cabb80b)
- docs: change reference docs names to match those in the navigation.json file (78acc13)
- gitignore: remove docsearch-scraper folder (0056670)
- gitignore: remove git tracking from sitemap and robots files (e8d004e)
- last-updates-section: update last release (cf39793)
- merge: merge with main (5f3fe52)
- navigation.json: fix conflicts (128cd6d)
- navigation.json: fix slugs (d2353ed)
- navigation: update navigation (f4dcd31)
- navigation: update navigation.json (8d60228)
- navigation: update redirects and navigation (dac4c7b)
- package.json: add http-proxy (00555d2)
- package.json: add search dependencies (b043d96)
- pages: add head, fix css and populate hamburger menu (910e992)
- pages: use main branch from dev-portal-content (05dd117)
- rapidoc: update rapidoc version (bc9c79d)
- rapidoc: update rapidoc version (31ac3a5)
- release: 0.30.0 (ada3ad2)
- release: 0.30.1 (9d518d2)
- release: 0.30.2 (29a0132)
- update dependencies (8abbd1a)
- update lockfiles (8c5a14c)
- update nextjs react (2c1549c)
- api-guides: add type annotation to variable (d844a02)
- api-guides: log file path when logging error (2ceb5ed)
- package.json: update rapidoc version (4a3016a)
- rapidoc: update rapidoc version (6736309)
- refactor (ef42d6c)
- search-input: add clickOutSide behavior (7e82f42)
- server-sitemap: formatting (7c70b77)
- sidebar-elements: use IconExternalLink for external links (4100976)
- styles: fix documentation-page and other styles (909f41f)
- adding navigation release note (f8f2caf)
- navigation: add get gift list endpoint (c008f5c)
- next.config.js: migrating some redirects from readme and adding new ones related to PII docs (94e21ed)
- next.config.js: removing orders pii api redirects (0053f04)
- next.config.js: removing orders pii api redirects again (3f32fcd)
- next.config.js: returning the orders pii api redirects (ed5a014)
- pages/docs/legacy-cms: add Legacy CMS page (8b0963c)
- public/navigation.json: adding SafeData release note to navigation (26214a3)
- releasenotes: display release type, icon and created date (d3d5740)
- releasepage: enable Release Notes section (355c100)
- src/pages/api/openapi/[slug].tsx: updating reference path for Orders API (PII version) (c5edbd6)
- src/utils/getreferencepaths.ts: correcting reference path map for the Orders API (PII version) (024cc8d)
- package: update rapidoc version (7bd4aae)
- package: update rapidoc version (df89df0)
- package: update rapidoc version (fd36680)
- package: update rapidoc version (c8bdf49)
- package: update rapidoc version (c7fda05)
- package: update rapidoc version (cf3234a)
- rapidoc: update rapidoc version (8193a81)
- rapidoc: update rapidoc version (eb154d6)
- rapidoc: update rapidoc version (5aafa7e)
- update rapidoc version (b956b92)
0.30.2 (2022-12-05)
- (wip) new comps for getting started page (73569e7)
- (wip) new comps for getting started page (261756c)
- add-sfpage (3e69ab1)
- apis: add proxy route (b639e20)
- images: compiler gets image data before compiling and generates blured placeholder (f7495fc)
- markdown: add support for rendering HTML magic blocks in markdown (1e0fac1)
- api-guides: check if code blocks inside markdown file are correctly formatted (ec5b382)
- api-guides: escape <> occurrences (18d6b36)
- api-guides: escape curly braces inside markdown files (f9491a3)
- api-guides: handle documentations with level-3 headings, but no level-2 headings (3718a87)
- api-guides: only escape curly braces outside magic blocks (3603439)
- api-guides: replace all occurrences of br HTML tags with JSX (6544bb3)
- api-guides: replace br HTML tags with JSX and remove HTML comments (baebbbc)
- api-guides: replace HTML blocks inside markdown files with JSX components (e99c45b)
- api-guides: skip frontmatter when escaping curly braces (e7cf028)
- childrenToString: fix childrenToString when given an undefined parameter (8697d56)
- escapeCurlyBraces: improve check for incorrectly formatted code blocks (b5b65ea)
- escapeCurlyBraces: only escape curly braces outside of code blocks (ce1a3b5)
- implement handleclick and slugprefix (cf99900)
- improve sidebar styles (a3cfc03)
- improve sidebar styles (05cc1c3)
- interface types (6ac0099)
- interface types (ca0389c)
- linting: linting (ba98d73)
- plaiceholder: install nextjs plugin (55aef75)
- plaiceholder: probes for img size before calling plaiceholder (eab2320)
- replaceHTMLBlocks: only match HTML tags, not JSX components (186dea2)
- sidebar-styles (e7ffc30)
- sidebar-styles (973e7f6)
- svg errors (46dafca)
- svg errors (e87d875)
- typo (9ae3b24)
- typo (33d0ba8)
- components: updates links and images for nextjs@13 (bd2b17e)
- images: uses the latest next/image component (dabf538)
- next.config.js: add image remotePattern for all hosts (d6ef6e7)
0.30.1 (2022-12-05)
- (wip) new comps for getting started page (73569e7)
- (wip) new comps for getting started page (261756c)
- add-sfpage (3e69ab1)
- apis: add proxy route (b639e20)
- images: compiler gets image data before compiling and generates blured placeholder (f7495fc)
- markdown: add support for rendering HTML magic blocks in markdown (1e0fac1)
- api-guides: check if code blocks inside markdown file are correctly formatted (ec5b382)
- api-guides: escape <> occurrences (18d6b36)
- api-guides: escape curly braces inside markdown files (f9491a3)
- api-guides: handle documentations with level-3 headings, but no level-2 headings (3718a87)
- api-guides: only escape curly braces outside magic blocks (3603439)
- api-guides: replace all occurrences of br HTML tags with JSX (6544bb3)
- api-guides: replace br HTML tags with JSX and remove HTML comments (baebbbc)
- api-guides: replace HTML blocks inside markdown files with JSX components (e99c45b)
- api-guides: skip frontmatter when escaping curly braces (e7cf028)
- childrenToString: fix childrenToString when given an undefined parameter (8697d56)
- escapeCurlyBraces: improve check for incorrectly formatted code blocks (b5b65ea)
- escapeCurlyBraces: only escape curly braces outside of code blocks (ce1a3b5)
- implement handleclick and slugprefix (cf99900)
- improve sidebar styles (a3cfc03)
- improve sidebar styles (05cc1c3)
- interface types (6ac0099)
- interface types (ca0389c)
- linting: linting (ba98d73)
- plaiceholder: install nextjs plugin (55aef75)
- plaiceholder: probes for img size before calling plaiceholder (eab2320)
- replaceHTMLBlocks: only match HTML tags, not JSX components (186dea2)
- sidebar-styles (e7ffc30)
- sidebar-styles (973e7f6)
- svg errors (46dafca)
- svg errors (e87d875)
- typo (9ae3b24)
- typo (33d0ba8)
- components: updates links and images for nextjs@13 (bd2b17e)
- images: uses the latest next/image component (dabf538)
- next.config.js: add image remotePattern for all hosts (d6ef6e7)
0.30.0 (2022-11-21)
- docs: add the doctype metatag to docs pages to crawling (68dc438)
- search: add search input and results components (e645517)
- search-input: add hits keys (6278f99)
- search-input: input size on hover overlapping docs button (cb11b6d)
- package.json: add search dependencies (b043d96)
- search-input: add clickOutSide behavior (7e82f42)
- header: update the search component (9596dc8)
- search-input: rename variables and remove unnecessary ESLint rule disable (7de2d02)
- landing-page-tests: remove conflicting and unnecessary testing (f27c21f)
0.29.2 (2022-10-07)
- layout: add support for rendering the sidebar conditionally (100f1bb)
- sidebar: remove duplicate sidebar from search and release notes pages (b1c6bc9)
- add yarn.lock (9b6ee7c)
0.29.1 (2022-10-06)
- remove console.log from code (b9568ad)
0.29.0 (2022-10-01)
- project: Project now needs
file with github app parameters
- debug (112ecea)
- debug (46b41a1)
- debug (4e4d50f)
- debug (90a5ab6)
- debug (836b85a)
- debug (2a6bde2)
- debug (d12724a)
- debug (b2d50e9)
- debug (0af82d8)
- debug (9ac51f7)
- debug (c0dadf3)
- debug: debug (2f308a4)
- debyg (f4867ff)
- project: refactors api-guides data fetching architecture (432100d)
- rerun checks (021c98b)
- api-guides: removes json library from highlight.js (710b668)
- debug (17ce301)
- debug (f1507de)
- octokit: checks if netlify and unescapes env variable (7a4f7cd)
- octokit: uses replace instead of unescape (17b594f)
- replace env variables if needed (45445bf)
- still debugging (0f8e038)
- still debugging (6ac9ed8)
- still debugging (9d75c0a)
- use base64 for privatekey in netlify (ae35a61)
- use split/join instead of replace (f440e59)
- workflows: set env (1b3e139)
- yarn.lock: easy rebase (26fa0b8)
- next.config: increase staticstaticPageGenerationTimeout to 3600 so we can wait for github (9f89163)
- debug netlify env variables (e92a216)
- navigation: remove try catch (8dc3333)
- navigation: removes top level async (0668486)
- octokit: trow error for missing env variables (586ab9d)
- package: add dependencies:
highlight.js, highlightjs-curl, next-plugin-preval, octokit
(dedd884) - refactor config (2279958)
0.28.0 (2022-09-14)
- api-reference: add new open api examples and pass the Medium font to the rapidoc component (66ee73e)
- docs: add new open api examples (0c49bdc)
0.27.2 (2022-09-06)
0.27.1 (2022-08-29)
- _app.tsx: custom app uses shared Layout component (c92f643)
- layout.tsx: adds Layout file (045764a)
- layout: layout includes theme provider (6601d95)
- header: update mutationObserver to detect body style changes (0e4b8a1)
- rapidoc: update version (17c534e)
- pages: use shared Layout component for every page (a7f8bbe)
0.27.0 (2022-08-27)
- navigation api (2839630)
- next.config.js: navigation s3 store url in config (fbc6b62)
- package.json: add swr (1eeb1bf)
- pages: pages use sidebarfallback feature (f893f14)
- sidebar: navigation data from api (8d929f0)
- sidebar: sidebar context uses swr config (a09e972)
- yarn.lock: yarn lock (1198850)
0.26.1 (2022-08-15)
- yarn.lock: update (f90c742)
- markdown-renderer: use next-mdx-remote to render mdx (1130536)
- github actions: updated github actions to use node 14.x (8e36eaa)
- next.config.js: add valid image sources (661e575)
- package.json: add next-mdx-remote to dependencies (5c9d9cc)
0.26.0 (2022-08-11)
- add a match-path compatible with the checkout API page (b5f99cd)
- update api-reference page with sidebarContextProvider (ec6fd4b)
- switch from Rapidoc to Rapidoc-mini (be9d142)
- update rapidoc test to suit rapidoc-mini's characteristics (35d5c30)
0.25.1 (2022-08-10)
0.25.0 (2022-08-10)
- method-category: create the MethodCategory component (c4b7241)
- sidebar-section: add the method filter behavior (3518899)
- api-reference: put the sidebar on this page (b7238c8)
- sidebar-section: change the filter section to appear only in the API Reference section (f0b9a83)
- sidebar-section: sidebar width to auto adjust (0a5196e)
- sidebar: put the right cleanup function to the sidebar timer (6ccc4d0)
- sidebar: sidebar-items style and update sidebar mock to testing (95ea33e)
- sidebar-section: componentize the filter (75fae03)
- sidebar: fix typo in sidebar data prop (f2058b0)
- sidebar: update the sidebar structure with the new json master (1f94305)
0.24.0 (2022-08-05)
- contributors: add contributors to mobile breakpoints (09d9612)
- on-this-page: add arrows and close icons (cf60c14)
- on-this-page: add component to API Guide pages (edde134)
- on-this-page: add height and with animation (d229bd3)
- on-this-page: add mobile TOC and contributors component (dd3b12c)
- on-this-page: change icon (c782cff)
- on-this-page: change layout on first breakpoint (1b48e91)
- on-this-page: close on this page when user clicks a heading (8f5bc78)
- on-this-page: fix button text-icon orientation (9c6acb5)
- on-this-page: fix style bugs on TOC and contributors component (d413414)
- on-this-page: improve height and width animations (b223188)
- on-this-page: remove contributors from component (a8b2f7e)
- on-this-page: move strings to JSON (b2df44d)
0.23.0 (2022-08-01)
- release-section: update the getData method to return release date inside of the release card (9f647ef)
- release-note: add the hover behavior on release title/arrow and fix the days elapsed logic (6225ac5)
- release section: add the days elapsed text in messages and add one example to release data (24231e9)
0.22.1 (2022-07-29)
0.22.0 (2022-07-25)
- tooltip: add the sx prop to tooltip component (d5db1d9)
- sidebar: sidebar-section title and the icon description behavior on medium screens (df88d6b)
- sidebar: update the sidebar style (65e7b30)
0.21.0 (2022-07-22)
- header: update header style (add32a2)
0.20.0 (2022-07-14)
0.19.1 (2022-07-11)
- documentation-card: fix description size on large screens (f66b3b3)
- documentation-section-card: fix card margin and description size (7a84191)
- language.json: update documentation cards description (de39630)
- constants: update the documentation/updates description messages (ebb7ee8)
- documentation-card: card type (fc46fc6)
- documentation-card: enforce the containerType (4823f68)
0.19.0 (2022-07-11)
- font: update brand-ui version with new font (7fafd26)
0.18.1 (2022-07-11)
- documentation-section-card: add tooltip on description overflow (a8af997)
- documentation-section-card: use the translated description as tooltip label (65bcafb)
- tooltip: update tooltip on cards (7fab2d9)
0.18.0 (2022-07-08)
- vtex-io: add hover and active animations to whats next cards (d8cd9df)
- vtex-io: add whats next card component (45990ba)
- vtex-io: add whats next cards data (42befc0)
- vtex-io: add whats next cards to VTEX IO page (2459341)
- vtex-io: add caret and fix card styles (a072d35)
- whats-next-card: fix shadow on hover (fc725a9)
- whats-next-cards: fix caret color (2f6f0b1)
- whats-next-card: remove duplicate type (564737c)
0.17.3 (2022-07-05)
- sidebar: fix multiple active elements (b1f7672)
- search: rename search context file (071d28e)
- sidebar: remove firstActive from sidebar elements props (9747b63)
- sidebar: remove unecessary variables from sidebar context (4d03501)
- sidebar: rename sidebar context (68389de)
0.17.2 (2022-06-30)
- documentation-page: page margin in mobile screen (d2d5c13)
0.17.1 (2022-06-22)
- header: change DOM access to reference access (232343c)
0.17.0 (2022-06-22)
- add string utils (a63d1b2)
- api-guide: add table of contents component (a25f3e7)
- api-guides: add another API guide example page (73b9bbd)
- api-guides: add table of contents to documentation pages (bad66b9)
- api-guides: track visible headers and allow anchor links (0d66276)
- table-of-contents: add height transition animation (7c68d91)
- api-guides: fix active item when clicking a title inside the table of contents (6a324cf)
- api-guides: fix API guide pages right container width (ec2ac63)
- string-utils: fix bug in removeHTML (149438b)
- string-utils: fix slugify bugs (b6a556e)
- table-of-contents: fix bugs when scrolling fast or following anchor links (2335fcc)
- table-of-contents: fix style bugs and add responsivity (006dfb3)
- table-of-contents: fix viewport margins and scrolling-up bugs (3800ff0)
- table-of-contents: remove ':' from title (072e01b)
- api-guides: move markdown components to another file and rename headers to headings (66026d2)
- table-of-contents: move headers array to context (62f1059)
- api-guides: fix prettier issue (6572084)
- dependencies: add react-animate-height (e13fac6)
0.16.0 (2022-06-21)
- feedback-modal: add the feedback modal component (cbd3290)
- feedback-modal: add the modal position on large screens (fc72a53)
- feedback-section: link the modal component in the feedback section (75bb86d)
- hooks: add the useClickOutside hook (67bf548)
- feedback-modal: change the input to textarea (45d4299)
- feedback-modal: feedback modal props (ec1db9f)
- feedback-modal: fix the modal arrow position on cross-browser (c6af71f)
- feedback-section: fix the dislike button margin (b20506a)
- feedback-section: requested changes (d60b65a)
- feedback-section: set button active when modal is open (dff88cc)
- header: fix header opening when the modal opens (69a8c3a)
- useclickoutside: remove eventListener on cleanup function (f7570f5)
- feedback-modal: centralize the modal with the chosen button (29995b6)
- global.css: add the body class to block scrolling (6b57679)
0.15.2 (2022-06-14)
0.15.1 (2022-06-14)
- rapidoc-request-section: update rapidoc version (36f681d)
- rapidoc: update rapidoc version (fde9a03)
- rapidoc: update rapidoc version (d547e0e)
0.15.0 (2022-06-14)
- feedback icons: add the edit and like icons (e1170a8)
- feedback-section: add the component to api-guides page (791b988)
- feedbacksection: create the feedback section (89d45ad)
- feedbacksection: the logic of the feedback choice (f69475f)
- likeselectedicon: add the icon with the feedback response (49e3df3)
- feedback-section: fix like button margin (b3a3d56)
- feedback-section: external link security and like margin (0bca739)
- language.json: add the feedback texts to language file (ba97a09)
0.14.0 (2022-06-13)
- constants: adds new release examples (2236abe)
- release-note: adds new props (556f6af)
- release-note: calls date function and adds styles (cb07760)
- release-note: create getDate function (f92a9db)
- release-note: hides releases that shouldn't appear (b64337d)
- release-styles: create arrow styles and fix description width (0126e2e)
- release-toggle: create toggle for open and close the release description (edd2c2e)
- context: remove unnecessary values from context (ed208d9)
- release-icons: fix icons color (f7df051)
- release-note: changes type date to string (70bd1b5)
- release-note: fix spacing (a29314c)
- release-note: fix timeline width (0090705)
- release-note: fix update type (0ad0e70)
- release-notes: fix spacing and color (db2e8ba)
- rapidoc: update rapidoc version (60f85c8)
0.13.1 (2022-06-10)
- rapidoc-auth: add correct styles to rapidoc's authentication page (b59e575)
0.13.0 (2022-06-06)
- add see also section at the bottom of an api-guide documentation (ad9db35)
- adjust the width of see-also-section and documentation-card components (271f0e0)
- documentation-card: adjust titleContainer marginBottom attribute (bf6c6d7)
- see-also-section: adjust section margin and title font-weight (cd9d091)
- adapt documentation-card component to work properly in the see-also-section component (ab578ff)
- rename two components (130e1d7)
- add a test for an api guides page and update the value of a selector (dcff4d0)
0.12.1 (2022-06-01)
- gitignore: remove rapidoc-min.js file from version control (40dc2fd)
- rapidoc: remove style overrides related to method-path section (8f136fe)
- rapidoc: update rapidoc version (4415654)
0.12.0 (2022-05-30)
- vtex-io: add correct layout to VTEX IO page (eb9d444)
- vtex-io: add linear gradient to welcome image (4528650)
- vtex-io: fix style bugs on first breakpoint (ee4ffd3)
- vtex-io: fix width of line that separates the welcome and content sections (d1d32c8)
0.11.0 (2022-05-27)
- add custom tooltip component (02f5a82)
- api-guides: fix tooltip in contributors component (3cc7b83)
0.10.0 (2022-05-27)
- messages: adds release messages (754d1d7)
- release-note: create release component and styles (e6150aa)
- release-note: create release temporary data (9778224)
- release-note: create release type (c0d41b9)
- release-page: create release page and route (a1fb7bc)
- release-section: create release section and styles (4d5217d)
- styles: create release styles (3f973cd)
- update-functions: moves days elapsed function to utils (ee1e003)
- release-note: fix styles names (84aaf7c)
- release-note: styles adjusts and move release notes to the correct page (199b5ce)
0.9.2 (2022-05-19)
- rapidoc: add script to fetch rapidoc-min.js from vtexdocs/RapiDoc (7ea1238)
0.9.1 (2022-05-19)
- cypress-workflow: replace npm commands with yarn (ad280d8)
- cypress-workflow: update yarn install command (5c05067)
0.9.0 (2022-05-19)
- api-guides: add contributors component (b8482e4)
- api-guides: add transition effect to contributors component toggle (11f27d3)
- api-guides: change API guides documentation page layout (3f87916)
- api-guides: fix contributors component toggle animation speed (584f8a8)
- markdown-renderer: fix image width inside markdown (d82dc58)
- sidebar: fix sidebar changing width and appearing ing first breakpoint (6e2ed6d)
- markdown-renderer: disable no-img-element (aa4babd)
0.8.3 (2022-05-10)
- last-updates: add documentation updates and release notes pages (d8bbbd4)
- last-updates: render one card for each type of update (ed9aa2c)
0.8.2 (2022-05-09)
- rapidoc: add tag attributes and css styles to RapiDoc elements (f1a5364)
0.8.1 (2022-05-09)
- change landing page title (d220a0a)
- add a test to simulate user navigation in an API reference page (07db875)
0.8.0 (2022-05-06)
- search-page-filter: add the filter logic (f217f27)
- search-page-filter: add the occurrence count feature (536484e)
- search-section: fix the all-results filter (81ecd55)
- search-resuls: move the mocked data to outside of component (cda163e)
0.7.0 (2022-05-02)
- searchcontext: create the SearchContext (262bf3b)
- search-components: update paths after rebase (7300bfc)
- allresults section: code refactoring to make all-results section as SearchSection componen (e8c881c)
- search-results: create the SearchResults component (5ead14b)
- searchcontext: remove unnecessary function (b82b43e)
- searchcontext: update the filter type in searchContext (658f2ba)
- update rebase (81dd140)
0.6.0 (2022-05-02)
- api-reference: move OpenAPI specs to /docs/api-reference (5829e87)
0.5.2 (2022-04-28)
- add three tests to the landing page (5e5e9d1)
- add a selector attribute in tested components (6e6baed)
- set src/tests/cypress as test folder (3a79203)
0.5.1 (2022-04-28)
- sidebar: add the sidebar props (6da63ff)
- create constants.ts and refact the typings (c06bb03)
- documentation: refactoring the cards data structure and update the type (ff98bdf)
- search: update the documentation/notes data and update the types (4cff017)
- sidebar: create the SideBarIcon component and refactor the data structure (83bb99f)
0.5.0 (2022-04-26)
- search-page: export icon data and call the searchsection component (bb18fda)
- search-section: create the search-section component (449140b)
- search-section: implement hover effect (881b857)
- search-sections: create the search-sections component (0756d9c)
- search-sections: make the all-results element clickable (3c4336a)
- sidebar: fix items title type (a480b45)
- types: split the DocTitle type and refact the search components types (5735dec)
- search-section: add the border-radius to this component on hover (13ed2c9)
0.4.1 (2022-04-25)
- footer: adds a box on footer component and fix responsiveness (a900854)
- footer: adjust link padding (402304e)
0.4.0 (2022-04-20)
- header: add custom scrollbar to dropdown menu (712ef8d)
- header: add Docs dropdown menu (96eb711)
- header: add interactivity to Docs button (939a1c3)
- header: hide dropdown on route change (0f9afe2)
- header: show dropdown menu on hover and fix its styles (5aa1830)
- header: add pointer cursor to Docs button (e28964d)
- header: fix dropdown menu card description text color on hover (143237a)
- header: fix dropdown menu position on Safari (9faf99f)
- header: fix scroll propagation from dropdown menu (5a253f9)
- header: remove shadow from top of dropdown menu and fix hiding bug (33df8b8)
- header: show dropdown menu scrollbar only on dropdown hover (39082ca)
- header: show dropdown menu scrollbar only on hover (c2c68bb)
- header: replace line with border (0f24929)
0.3.1 (2022-04-18)
- hamburger-menu: fix the portuguese name (cdbe7c2)
- hamburguer-menu: change name component and file (246d612)
- header: adds hamburguer menu to header (762da5a)
- header: fix header responsiveness (1324f72)
- header: remove right links and fix logo size (9eb4af0)
0.3.0 (2022-04-13)
- search-bar: add the redirect on enter click (023b2a4)
- search-component: add the search card component (4822982)
- search-page: first version of search page structure (0bcc086)
- fix some warnings (2dc4fd9)
- typings: add the methods type (5034383)
- search-page: fix the divider style (d26d4c1)
0.2.2 (2022-04-13)
- move search box placeholder string to json (3483b4a)
- move the hard-coded strings to a json file (33f4182)
0.2.1 (2022-04-12)
- readme: add a project summary (features, patterns...) and contribution guide (01307bc)
- readme: define a file naming convention (43f922d)
- readme: fix 'concepts and features' section topics spacing (4dbb378)
- readme: fix typo and release labels table column (9a207f4)
- readme: fix typos (547161a)
- readme: refactor some sections to make them more practical (5a3a9aa)
- readme: update 'code linting and format' section (38f3851)
- readme: update directory tree to remove 'public/' from 'src/' (7fb2fad)
0.2.0 (2022-04-11)
- icons: add the sidebar toggle icon (5662f0b)
- sidebar: add sidebar component (cab8fbc)
- sidebar: add sidebar to api-guides page (1bea6a6)
- sidebar: add the initial structure of sidebar section and add the help icon (1f63110)
- sidebar: add the section divider (6034326)
- sidebar: add the sidebar elements component (034100b)
- sidebar: add the sidebar toggle animation (6fbd14b)
- sidebar: create a context to manipulate sidebar logic (fa38b07)
- sidebar: add element hover and toggle subitem list on click in parent (d6e96f8)
- sidebar: fix element pointer on hover (4d4f65d)
- sidebar: fix sidebar element hover (2d4d449)
- sidebar: fix the screen adjust when sidebar is closed (6c117b5)
- sidebar: change variable names and add union type (cbf45ac)
- sidebar: remove unecessary code and adjust sidebar elements structure (1d799aa)
0.1.5 (2022-04-07)
- landing-page: add responsivity for tablet screens (b6290ad)
- landing-page: add responsivity for the fourth breakpoint (ed45c55)
- landing-page: add responsivity for the third breakpoint (12e2818)
- landing-page: add responsivity to large screens (94f006e)
- landing-page: add the landing page version for mobile screens (7c29f9f)
- landing-page: fix card icons in safari browser (c5a02f9)
- landing-page: fix last updates card width (c18b9b4)
- landing-page: fix newsletter border and last updates card structure (1af7b1f)
- landing-page: responsive style adjustments (fa89513)
0.1.4 (2022-04-06)
- lighthouse: fix lighthouse mobile and adds desktop (d380e46)
0.1.3 (2022-04-05)
- src/pages/index.tsx: add page title (579a648)
- add favicon (4e97b32)
0.1.2 (2022-04-05)
- api-reference: add default rendering of Catalog and Checkout APIs (2d6264b)
- change kebab-case props to camelCase format in icons (95c4d22)
- documentation cards and education section styles (a3c8265)
- education cards: education cards style (b74c01b)
- education-section names (a1be16a)
- header height name (dc1b4da)
- header optimization and fix righlinks structure (b6d6aa0)
- header responsive structure (51b0257)
- icon-related warnings (f9d42e7)
- landing-page optimization (60291e7)
- last-update key conflict and put header and footer to root (1e95167)
- last-updates-card: add missing shadow effect to Last Updates section cards (3c214dd)
- lastupdatescard: fix Last Updates section cards layout (e0bc062)
- new structure of subcomponents in education-section (808ef3d)
- open external links in another tab (f51c9c1)
- add sharp package for image optimization (3d46d11)
- rebase landing-page (ca29ee2)
- remove sharp dependency (0ad0e99)
- versioning: add commit-msg hook to Husky for running Commitlint (4d0e777)
- versioning: add Commitizen + script to help writing commits (cf21fbb)
- versioning: add Commitlint to lint commit messages (e83f32e)
- versioning: add Standard Version and release script (fdacbfe)
- versioning: update sections names (9dee46a)
- icons: move icons to components directory and solve lint issues (f284162)