- Better UI for recent sketches (more info per sketch, paging)
- Save current code in localStorage
- Prompt to save before exit
- Ability to rearrage files
- Ability to delete files
- Investigate memory leaks and performance issues
- Ability to change base rotation via keyboard/mouse/gamepad/setting
- Medium mode for editor (editor takes up less space, so that scene is more visible)
- Minimal view for editor (removes unnecessary UI, leaving maximum editor space)
- Stereo view of text inputs (sketch/file names) become out of sync if the typed text is longer than the input width.
- Fullscreen mode
- Mouse locking
- Custom (stereo) mouse rendering
- Info/help view
- Settings panel for websocket address and port
- Support for vr.js
- Chromatic abberation correction
- Malicious code prevention? (Need to prevent infinite loops, browser crashes, XSS, etc. How does JSFiddle et al do this?)