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GKE Autopilot demos guided walkthrough

Select a project

Click "Start" when you are done.

Set project

gcloud config set project <walkthrough-project-name/>

Create a cluster

Run this script to enable the GKE API and create a GKE Autopilot cluster named "ap-demo-cluster":

. ./bootstrap/

Cluster creation can take a few minutes. Grab a coffee and come back in a few mins.

Demo 01 - Deploying the sample app

Now that your cluster is up and running, the first step is deploying the sample app, the Online Boutique microservices demo. This is a microservices demo with several services, spanning various language platforms. Check out the manifests in demo-01-deploy-sample-app.

Deploy the app services:

kubectl apply -f demo-01-deploy-sample-app/

Note that we have not yet provisioned node pools or nodes, as Autopilot will do that for you.

Monitor the rollout progress of both pods and nodes:

watch -d kubectl get pods,nodes

(Use Ctrl-C to exit the watch command)

Inspect the nodes

Inspect the nodes Autopilot provisioned under the hood. Get the machine type provisioned by default:

kubectl get nodes -o json|jq -Cjr '.items[] |," ",.metadata.labels.""," ",.metadata.labels."", "\n"'|sort -k3 -r

Note that Autopilot defaults to the e2 series machine for each node by default with Autopilot.

Test the demo app website via ingress

After a few minutes the ingress IP will get assigned. Confirm everything is up in a different browser tab.

Get the ingress URL:

echo http://$(kubectl get svc frontend-external -o=jsonpath={.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip})

Demo 02 - Compute classes

Now let's tune our application by specifying compute classes for our workloads. Compute classes allow us to customize hardware requirements and over a curated subset of Compute Engine machine series.

Note: This is a fictional example with arbitrary compute classes so do not read into specific class choices. The point is show you how to select compute classes.


In this demo, the adservice workload uses the Balanced compute class (currently N2/N2D machine types):

Open the file: demo-02-compute-classes/adservice.yaml and locate the compute class line.

And the checkoutservice workload use the Scale-Out compute class (currently T2/T2D machine types):

Open the file: demo-02-compute-classes/checkoutservice.yaml and locate the compute class line.

Deploy machine type manifests

kubectl apply -f demo-02-compute-classes/

Watch new nodes spin up (may take a few minutes):

watch -n 1 kubectl get pod,STATUS:.status.phase,NODE:.spec.nodeName

List node machine types and architectures:

kubectl get nodes -o json|jq -Cjr '.items[] |," ",.metadata.labels.""," ",.metadata.labels."", "\n"'|sort -k2 -r

Spot pods

The cartservice workload has now been configured to use Spot Pod resources:

Open the file: demo-02-compute-classes/cartservice.yaml

List nodes looking for spot

kubectl get nodes -o json|jq -Cjr '.items[] |," ",.metadata.labels.""," ",.metadata.labels."", "\n"'|sort -k2 -r

Demo 03 - GPU for AI/ML (TensorFlow)

Our store has some AI/ML models as well. GKE Autopilot supports the provisioning of hardware accelerators like A100 and T4 GPUs to make machine learning tasks much faster.

Open the config file: demo-03-GPU/tensorflow.yaml and note the GPU configurations.

Deploy the GPU workload

This demo creates a Tensorflow environment with a Jupyter notebook.

kubectl apply -f demo-03-GPU/

Watch the Tensorflow pod and GPU node spin up:

watch -n 1 kubectl get pods,nodes

Confirm we're using GPU (and spot, if selected)

kubectl get nodes -o json|jq -Cjr '.items[] |," ",.metadata.labels.""," ",.metadata.labels."",  "\n"'|sort -k3 -r

Jupyter AI/ML tutorial

After a few minutes, ingress should be aligned for your Jupyter notebook. Get the ingress IP:

kubectl get svc tensorflow-jupyter -o=jsonpath={.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}

Refer to William Denniss's blog post detailing the TensorFlow demo.

Tear down GPU workload

The GPU workload we just created will not be used in the rest of the demos and so you can tear it down now to save costs:

kubectl delete -f demo-03-GPU/

Demo 04 - Provisioning spare capacity

One common Kubernetes pattern is overprovision node resources for spare capacity. Scaling up manually or via HPA will provision new pods, but if there is no spare capacity this may result in a delay as new hardware gets provisioned. In GKE Standard, you can simply spin extra nodes to act as spare capacity.

Remember that with Autopilot though, Google manages the nodes. So how do you spin up spare capacity for scaling up quickly with Autopilot mode? The answer is balloon pods (see William Denniss's blog post on this topic details this strategy).

Create spare capacity via balloon pods

Open the priority class file: demo-04-spare-capacity-balloon/balloon-priority.yaml.

Create balloon priority class

kubectl apply -f demo-04-spare-capacity-balloon/balloon-priority.yaml 

Open the balloon deployment file: demo-04-spare-capacity-balloon/balloon-deploy.yaml .

Create balloon pods

kubectl apply -f demo-04-spare-capacity-balloon/balloon-deploy.yaml 

Watch scale up of balloon pods

watch -d kubectl get pods,nodes

Scale up by displaying balloon pods

Now let's simulate a scaling event where the frontend service goes from 1 to 8 replicas. Then watch as the balloon pods yield to the frontend pods for rapid scale up.

Scale up frontend:

kubectl scale --replicas=8 deployment frontend

Watch scale up of frontend, displacing the balloon pods. Recreation of low priority balloon pods.

watch -n 1 kubectl get pods,nodes

You should see three things happening:

  • The original balloon pods will start terminating immediately because they are low priority, making way for...
  • Frontend scaling up quickly, with most pods up and running in ~30s
  • There are also new balloon pods spinning up on newly provisioned infrastructure

If we were to scale up again, the latest balloon pods would get displaced and we'd continue buffering headroom this way.

Demo 05 Workload Separation with Autopilot

Another common Kubernetes use case is workload separation: running specific services on separate nodes. Workload separation is achieved on GKE Autopilot using node labels and tolerations.

In this demo, we want to ensure that both frontend and paymentservice.yaml workloads run on their own nodes, with no other workloads co-mingled. We'll achieve this by setting node labels using nodeSelector and a corresponding toleration.

Inspect the configuration and scale services

Open the file: demo-05-workload-separation/frontend.yaml and look for the toleration and nodeSelector. In this case, the node label is "frontend-servers".

Scale frontend service to 8 replicas

kubectl scale --replicas=8 deployment frontend

Open the file: demo-05-workload-separation/paymentservice.yaml and look for the toleration and nodeSelector. In this case, the node label is "PCI" (say we're trying to isolate these workloads for PCI reasons).

Scale up paymentservice to 2 replicas

kubectl scale --replicas=2 deployment paymentservice

Create workload separation

Notice the current "co-mingled" distribution of workloads on nodes:

kubectl get pod,STATUS:.status.phase,NODE:.spec.nodeName

Redeploy the workloads with workload separation

kubectl apply -f demo-05-workload-separation

Watch the separation happen, which may take several minutes:

watch -n 1 kubectl get pod,STATUS:.status.phase,NODE:.spec.nodeName

Demo 06 Single zone

Sometimes you want to run a service in a specific availability zone. Perhaps we have persistent data there and we want close proximity.

Open the file: demo-06-single-zone/productcatalogservice.yaml and look for the nodeSelector section. In this case, us-west1-b is preset as the zone but you can change this if desired.

kubectl get nodes --label-columns

You'll see a mix of zones a, b, and possibly others.

Find productcatalogservice and make note of the zone this pod is in by referencing the previous command's output.

kubectl get pod,STATUS:.status.phase,NODE:.spec.nodeName

Redeploy with the selected zone.

kubectl apply -f demo-06-single-zone/

Watch the pod move to another node (make note of the node name):

watch -n 1 kubectl get pod,STATUS:.status.phase,NODE:.spec.nodeName

Confirm the pod landed on a pod in zone b:

kubectl get nodes --label-columns kubectl get nodes --label-columns

For a more thorough discussion, see William Denniss's blog post on this topic.


That's it! You've made it through all the demos. You can now remove the GKE Autopilot cluster used in this demo as follows:

. ./bootstrap/