This a package that allows you to create Design Science Research diagrams in Latex.
Copy the dsrm.sty
to your project.
Write the text
\ProblemIdentification[How to edit the DSRM diagrams in \LaTeX]{Research methodology must be included in papers.\\\vspace{8pt}Creating DSRM diagrams in other tools and importing them is labour intensive.}
\ObjectivesOfTheSolution{The tool should integrate seamlessly in any \LaTeX\ tool, e.g. Overleaf, TexShop\\\vspace{8pt}The tool should have a usable interface, hiding its implementation.}
\Demonstration{Can type the text and diagram is rendered automatically}
\DesignAndDevelopment{Develop the tool that draws the DSRM diagram using TikZ package.}
\Evaluation{Can render the diagram in multiple classes}
\Communication{Create a \LaTeX\ package}
gives this result in IEEE Computer Science magazines projects: