Bump NuGet deps versions
Update Vostok.ClusterClient.Transport
Remove local datacenters preference
Remove Vostok.Commons.Time dependency
Added support for timeouts from the service settings in Singular
Added configuration DefaultConnectionTimeout
Added TLS settings support.
Add idempotency extension to request
InternalSingularClient: set minimum log-level to 'Warn'
Use new option from the ClusterClient.Core to decrease logs count
Bump ClusterConfig dependency version
Bump ClusterConfig dependency version
Fix bug when ForcedEnvironment was captured once instead of getting per each request.
Fix bug when in some case idempotency settings update routine stay wait indefinitely ( PR #17.
Added net6.0
Take idempotency settings from the singular instead ClusterConfig.
Added replica tags filters filling to singular headers.
Add RelativeWeightModifier instead AdaptiveHealthModifier.
Customize "local" singular host name and port through environment variables (PR #11).
Implement service mesh support based on "singular instance per bare metal host" approach (PR #10).
Using async caches from vostok.singular.core
New overload for SingularClientSettings
constructor - now we can take value for environmentName
distributed property- ClusterConfig client zone
IdempotencySettings per environment configuration.
Add metrics about the quality of singular work.
Cut query params in idempotency check.
Check idempotency settings.
Prefer local datacenters.
Now filling TargetServiceName and TargetEnvironment properly.
Initial prerelease.