In this lab, you will install docker desktop onto your workstation and run your first container.
Go to the Docker Desktop Download page for instructions on installing Docker Desktop for your workstation's operating system.
Note: Docker Desktop is free for small businesses, personal use, education, and non-commercial open source projects. See for more information.
Run the getting started application as explained in the Docker Desktop UI. Open a terminal window and run the following command:
docker run -d -p 80:80 docker/getting-started
-d = detached mode
-p = port mapping [host port]:[contianer port]
docker/ = docker registry
getting-started = container name
View the docker desktop UI to see a running container.
What is the name of your container? When creating this demo, the container name was flamboyant_ramen
After viewing the container in docker desktop, open up a web browser and access the container's web URL on your localmachine. The command used above assigned the port to port 80. To access the URL go to http://localhost:80
You should see the web page of the running container on your local workstation.
Stop the container in one of two ways.
- Through the Docker Desktop GUI
Hover over the running container and click the STOP
icon to stop the contianer from running.
- Through the docker cli
From your terminal window run the following command to list all running contianers:
docker ps
From the list of results copy the CONTAINER ID
of the contianer you wish to stop.
To stop the running container, run:
docker stop <CONTAINER_ID_HERE>