Releases: vmbatlle/super-mario-kart
Releases · vmbatlle/super-mario-kart
- Allow skipping some cinematics.
- Add "fixed camera" and "follow driver" options on "demo" mode.
- Enhance AIGradient by loading info from file for optimizing resources.
- Add randomness to AI parameters (far vision, item usage, impediment, etc.)
- Add forced race end if player is 5s behind last AI.
- Add AI overtake impediment.
- Enhance state of congratulations.
- Add warning sound when being follwes by a red shell.
- Enhance shell items: now they are able to fly.
- Enhance playability by balancing AI factors, item probs and introducing rubber banding.
- Fix bug when hitting wall blocks with "collision momentum" (after hitting a player/thwomp/pipe).
- Add COOL driver animation to start screen.
- Some minor fixes.
- Slow zone decelerates you less.
- SPEED_UP state now prevents you from losing speed in slow zones.
- Reduced speed multiplier when hit from a thunder (you go slower).
- Increased friction by a bit.
- Adjusted Lakitu pickup cooldown so AI and players' match.
- Fixed some visual bugs (uncontrolled, lakitu) with animators.
- Add cooldown to throw items after picking them up (for AI and player).
- Star doesn't give you speed instantly, just increases your top speed.
- AI loses coins when falling.
- Improved coin lose effect when falling.
- Code clean up.
- Fix some bugs.
- Add advanced sound manager.
- Improve collision handler for shells.
- Add new GUI dynamic elements.
- Add support for different screen resolutions.
- Add pause menu.
- Add relocation logic when driver falls out of track limits.
- Add IA emergency relocation if trapped.
- Add start animations.
- Add water and lava splash animations.
- Add banana animations.
- Improve jump logic and player's height visualization.
- Add some cool fade-out screens.
- Adjust speed of drivers and moving objects.
- Add SFX and background music.
- Add congratulations screen.
- Add settings save to file.
- Some other cosmetic changes.
- Add graphic manager.
- Add driving logic for player.
- Add circuits.
- Add game infrastructure and status manager.
- Add sprite animators.
- Add NPC logic and basic AI.
- Add collision handler.
- Add map 2D items aka. FloorObjects.
- Add 2.5D items aka. WallObjects.
- Add dynamic GUI components.
- Add menus.
- Add some powerups.
- Add GP logic and standings.