diff --git a/code/game/machinery/computer/abnormality_ego.dm b/code/game/machinery/computer/abnormality_ego.dm
index 00abf77c9c5b..77ad5225d64c 100644
--- a/code/game/machinery/computer/abnormality_ego.dm
+++ b/code/game/machinery/computer/abnormality_ego.dm
@@ -1,9 +1,31 @@
+//mob/living/carbon/human i tried to make this on humans only, but i have no clue if we can. If anyone knows how to do it, please do
+/mob // modular variable insertion
+ /// Is this user being punished with slowly extracting EGO instead of instantly?
+ var/slow_extraction_punishment = FALSE
+/datum/smite/slow_extraction // Its nice to punish people without going through View-Variables
+ name = "Slow extraction punishment (automatically role adjusted)"
+/datum/smite/slow_extraction/effect(client/user, mob/living/target)
+ target.slow_extraction_punishment = TRUE
+ return ..()
+/datum/smite/very_slow_extraction // wow, you must really hate this person
+ name = "Slow extraction punishment (forced 30 seconds)"
+/datum/smite/very_slow_extraction/effect(client/user, mob/living/target)
+ target.slow_extraction_punishment = 2
+ return ..()
name = "abnormality EGO purchase console"
desc = "Used to purchase EGO equipment."
resistance_flags = INDESTRUCTIBLE
/// Currently selected(shown) level of abnormalities whose EGO will be on the interface
var/selected_level = ZAYIN_LEVEL
+ /// Are we slowing down everyone's extracting capability EXCEPT the EO?
+ var/slow_extraction = FALSE
. = ..()
@@ -13,15 +35,15 @@
for(var/level = ZAYIN_LEVEL to ALEPH_LEVEL)
dat += "[level == selected_level ? "[THREAT_TO_NAME[level]]" : "[THREAT_TO_NAME[level]]"]"
dat += "
- for(var/datum/abnormality/A in SSlobotomy_corp.all_abnormality_datums)
- if(!LAZYLEN(A.ego_datums))
+ for(var/datum/abnormality/Abnormality_datum in SSlobotomy_corp.all_abnormality_datums)
+ if(!LAZYLEN(Abnormality_datum.ego_datums))
- if(A.threat_level != selected_level)
+ if(Abnormality_datum.threat_level != selected_level)
- dat += "[A.name] ([A.stored_boxes] PE):
- for(var/datum/ego_datum/E in A.ego_datums)
- dat += " [E.item_category] - [E.name] ([E.cost] PE)"
- var/info = html_encode(E.PrintOutInfo())
+ dat += "[Abnormality_datum.name] ([Abnormality_datum.stored_boxes] PE):
+ for(var/datum/ego_datum/Ego_datum in Abnormality_datum.ego_datums)
+ dat += " [Ego_datum.item_category] - [Ego_datum.name] ([Ego_datum.cost] PE)"
+ var/info = html_encode(Ego_datum.PrintOutInfo())
dat += " - Info"
dat += "
@@ -35,37 +57,61 @@
. = ..()
return .
- if(ishuman(usr))
- usr.set_machine(src)
- add_fingerprint(usr)
- if(href_list["set_level"])
- var/level = text2num(href_list["set_level"])
- if(!(level < ZAYIN_LEVEL || level > ALEPH_LEVEL) && level != selected_level)
- selected_level = level
- playsound(get_turf(src), 'sound/machines/terminal_prompt_confirm.ogg', 50, TRUE)
- updateUsrDialog()
- return TRUE
- return FALSE
- if(href_list["purchase"])
- var/target_datum = href_list["purchase"]
- var/datum/ego_datum/E = GLOB.ego_datums[target_datum]
- var/datum/abnormality/A = E.linked_abno
- if(!E || !A)
- return FALSE
- if(A.stored_boxes < E.cost)
- to_chat(usr, span_warning("Not enough PE boxes stored for this operation."))
- playsound(get_turf(src), 'sound/machines/terminal_prompt_deny.ogg', 50, TRUE)
- return FALSE
- var/obj/item/I = new E.item_path(get_turf(src))
- A.stored_boxes -= E.cost
- A.current_ego += I
- to_chat(usr, span_notice("[I] has been dispensed!"))
+ if(!ishuman(usr))
+ return
+ usr.set_machine(src)
+ add_fingerprint(usr)
+ if(href_list["set_level"])
+ var/level = text2num(href_list["set_level"])
+ if(!(level < ZAYIN_LEVEL || level > ALEPH_LEVEL) && level != selected_level)
+ selected_level = level
playsound(get_turf(src), 'sound/machines/terminal_prompt_confirm.ogg', 50, TRUE)
return TRUE
- if(href_list["info"])
- var/dat = html_decode(href_list["info"])
- var/datum/browser/popup = new(usr, "ego_info", "EGO Purchase Console", 340, 400)
- popup.set_content(dat)
- popup.open()
- return
+ return FALSE
+ if(href_list["purchase"])
+ var/target_datum = href_list["purchase"]
+ var/datum/ego_datum/Ego_datum = GLOB.ego_datums[target_datum]
+ var/datum/abnormality/Abnormality_datum = Ego_datum.linked_abno
+ if(!Ego_datum || !Abnormality_datum)
+ return FALSE
+ if(Abnormality_datum.stored_boxes < Ego_datum.cost)
+ to_chat(usr, span_warning("Not enough PE boxes stored for this operation."))
+ playsound(get_turf(src), 'sound/machines/terminal_prompt_deny.ogg', 50, TRUE)
+ return FALSE
+ //Some roles get faster extraction
+ var/user_role = usr?.mind?.assigned_role
+ var/extraction_delay = 30 SECONDS
+ switch(user_role)
+ if("Clerk")
+ extraction_delay = 5 SECONDS
+ if("Records Officer") //No clue what the fuck you're doing here but go off.
+ extraction_delay = 3 SECONDS
+ if("Extraction Officer")
+ extraction_delay = 0.1 SECONDS
+ // If we are not supposed to slowly extract, lets just override the previous switch instead of making this whole thing an if else()
+ if(!slow_extraction && !usr.slow_extraction_punishment)
+ extraction_delay = 0.1 SECONDS
+ if(usr.slow_extraction_punishment == 2) // has this person been afflicted with the worst punishment possible?
+ extraction_delay = 30 SECONDS
+ if(!do_after(usr, extraction_delay, target = src))
+ playsound(get_turf(src), 'sound/machines/terminal_prompt_deny.ogg', 50, TRUE)
+ return FALSE
+ var/obj/item/Dispensed_item = new Ego_datum.item_path(get_turf(src))
+ Abnormality_datum.stored_boxes -= Ego_datum.cost
+ Abnormality_datum.current_ego += Dispensed_item
+ to_chat(usr, span_notice("[Dispensed_item] has been dispensed!"))
+ playsound(get_turf(src), 'sound/machines/terminal_prompt_confirm.ogg', 50, TRUE)
+ updateUsrDialog()
+ return TRUE
+ if(href_list["info"])
+ var/dat = html_decode(href_list["info"])
+ var/datum/browser/popup = new(usr, "ego_info", "EGO Purchase Console", 340, 400)
+ popup.set_content(dat)
+ popup.open()