diff --git a/ModularTegustation/Teguicons/lc13icons.dmi b/ModularTegustation/Teguicons/lc13icons.dmi
index 7c0354f93c16..361decda13f7 100644
Binary files a/ModularTegustation/Teguicons/lc13icons.dmi and b/ModularTegustation/Teguicons/lc13icons.dmi differ
diff --git a/ModularTegustation/tegu_items/representative/console.dm b/ModularTegustation/tegu_items/representative/console.dm
index 80cfe8e932fe..5608aad8fd1e 100644
--- a/ModularTegustation/tegu_items/representative/console.dm
+++ b/ModularTegustation/tegu_items/representative/console.dm
@@ -164,6 +164,7 @@
//add preloaded items to this list.
order_list = list(
new /datum/data/extraction_cargo("K Corp Intern Outfit", /obj/item/clothing/under/rank/k_corporation/intern, 100, K_CORP_REP) = 1,
+ new /datum/data/extraction_cargo("K Corp Scientist Outift", /obj/item/clothing/suit/armor/ego_gear/city/kcorp_sci, 200, K_CORP_REP) = 1,
new /datum/data/extraction_cargo("K Corp Baton", /obj/item/ego_weapon/city/kcorp, 400, K_CORP_REP) = 1,
new /datum/data/extraction_cargo("K Corp Axe", /obj/item/ego_weapon/city/kcorp/axe, 400, K_CORP_REP) = 1,
new /datum/data/extraction_cargo("K Corp Shield", /obj/item/ego_weapon/shield/kcorp, 400, K_CORP_REP) = 1,
@@ -186,9 +187,8 @@
CustomizeOffice(/obj/structure/sign/departments/r_corp, /obj/structure/pe_sales/r_corp)
order_list = list(
new /datum/data/extraction_cargo("R Corp Mercenary Outfit", /obj/item/clothing/under/suit/lobotomy/rabbit, 100, R_CORP_REP) = 1,
- new /datum/data/extraction_cargo("R Corp Ordeal Detector", /obj/item/powered_gadget/detector_gadget/ordeal, 500, R_CORP_REP) = 1,
- new /datum/data/extraction_cargo("R Corp Rush Dagger", /obj/item/ego_weapon/city/rabbit_rush, 700, R_CORP_REP) = 1,
- new /datum/data/extraction_cargo("R Corp Lawnmower 2000", /obj/item/gun/energy/e_gun/rabbitdash, 700, R_CORP_REP) = 1,
+ new /datum/data/extraction_cargo("R Corp Ordeal Detector", /obj/item/powered_gadget/detector_gadget/ordeal, 400, R_CORP_REP) = 1,
+ new /datum/data/extraction_cargo("R Corp Lawnmower 2000", /obj/item/gun/energy/e_gun/rabbitdash, 500, R_CORP_REP) = 1,
new /datum/data/extraction_cargo("R Corp Officer Outfit", /obj/item/clothing/under/suit/lobotomy/rabbit, 100, R_CORP_REP) = 1,
diff --git a/ModularTegustation/tegu_items/representative/items/kcorp.dm b/ModularTegustation/tegu_items/representative/items/kcorp.dm
index b10165197b5e..8e4736e5fa25 100644
--- a/ModularTegustation/tegu_items/representative/items/kcorp.dm
+++ b/ModularTegustation/tegu_items/representative/items/kcorp.dm
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
name = "k-corp nanomachine ampule"
- desc = "A syringe of kcorp healing nanobots."
+ desc = "A syringe of kcorp healing nanobots. This one revives any fallen bodies."
icon = 'ModularTegustation/Teguicons/teguitems.dmi'
icon_state = "kcorp_syringe2"
slot_flags = ITEM_SLOT_POCKETS
@@ -37,9 +37,24 @@
slot_flags = ITEM_SLOT_POCKETS
+// This injector isnt in K-corp research anymore. Only used in R-corp
to_chat(user, span_notice("You inject the syringe and instantly feel better."))
+ name = "k-corp health booster"
+ desc = "A syringe of experimental kcorp nanobots. Increases your Max Health."
+ icon = 'ModularTegustation/Teguicons/teguitems.dmi'
+ icon_state = "kcorp_syringe3"
+ slot_flags = ITEM_SLOT_POCKETS
+ ..()
+ to_chat(user, span_notice("You inject the syringe and instantly feel stronger."))
+ user.adjust_attribute_buff(FORTITUDE_ATTRIBUTE, 20)
+ qdel(src)
diff --git a/ModularTegustation/tegu_items/representative/outfits.dm b/ModularTegustation/tegu_items/representative/outfits.dm
index cbac2fe65a23..650c98c57608 100644
--- a/ModularTegustation/tegu_items/representative/outfits.dm
+++ b/ModularTegustation/tegu_items/representative/outfits.dm
@@ -26,3 +26,67 @@
H.equip_to_slot_or_del(new belt(H),ITEM_SLOT_BELT, TRUE)
+ equip_slowdown = 0
+ attribute_requirements = list()
+ equip_slowdown = 0
+ attribute_requirements = list()
+ name = "K Corp Class 1"
+ ears = /obj/item/radio/headset/headset_cent
+ uniform = /obj/item/clothing/under/rank/k_corporation/officer/duty
+ shoes = /obj/item/clothing/shoes/combat
+ gloves = /obj/item/clothing/gloves/color/black
+ implants = list(/obj/item/organ/cyberimp/eyes/hud/security)
+ suit = /obj/item/clothing/suit/armor/ego_gear/city/kcorp_l1/ert
+ suit_store = /obj/item/ego_weapon/shield/kcorp
+ id = /obj/item/card/id
+/datum/outfit/kcorp/post_equip(mob/living/carbon/human/H, visualsOnly = FALSE)
+ var/head = pick(/obj/item/clothing/head/ego_hat/helmet/kcorp,
+ /obj/item/clothing/head/ego_hat/helmet/kcorp/visor)
+ var/belt = pick(/obj/item/ego_weapon/city/kcorp,
+ /obj/item/ego_weapon/city/kcorp/axe)
+ H.equip_to_slot_or_del(new belt(H),ITEM_SLOT_BELT, TRUE)
+ H.equip_to_slot_or_del(new head(H),ITEM_SLOT_HEAD, TRUE)
+ var/obj/item/card/id/W = H.wear_id
+ W.assignment = "Class 1"
+ W.registered_name = H.real_name
+ W.update_label()
+ name = "K Corp Class 3"
+ suit = /obj/item/clothing/suit/armor/ego_gear/city/kcorp_l3/ert
+/datum/outfit/kcorp/level3/post_equip(mob/living/carbon/human/H, visualsOnly = FALSE)
+ var/belt = pick(/obj/item/ego_weapon/city/kcorp/spear,
+ /obj/item/ego_weapon/city/kcorp/dspear)
+ H.equip_to_slot_or_del(new belt(H),ITEM_SLOT_BELT, TRUE)
+ var/obj/item/card/id/W = H.wear_id
+ W.assignment = "Class 3"
+ W.registered_name = H.real_name
+ W.update_label()
+ name = "K Corp Asset Protection Staff"
+ l_pocket = /obj/item/ksyringe
+ r_pocket = /obj/item/krevive
+/datum/outfit/kcorp/level3/kill/post_equip(mob/living/carbon/human/H, visualsOnly = FALSE)
+ var/belt = pick(/obj/item/ego_weapon/city/kcorp/spear,
+ /obj/item/ego_weapon/city/kcorp/dspear)
+ H.equip_to_slot_or_del(new belt(H),ITEM_SLOT_BELT, TRUE)
+ var/obj/item/card/id/W = H.wear_id
+ W.assignment = "Asset Protection Staff"
+ W.registered_name = H.real_name
+ W.update_label()
diff --git a/ModularTegustation/tegu_items/representative/research.dm b/ModularTegustation/tegu_items/representative/research.dm
index a097746ab175..17c501151cce 100644
--- a/ModularTegustation/tegu_items/representative/research.dm
+++ b/ModularTegustation/tegu_items/representative/research.dm
@@ -71,8 +71,8 @@
- research_name = "Rat Equipment Stock "
- research_desc = "Contribute some energy to request the clerks in charge of stocking
our equipment to buy a crate of knives."
+ research_name = "Rat Equipment Stock"
+ research_desc = "Contribute some energy to request the clerks in charge of stocking our equipment to buy a crate of knives."
diff --git a/ModularTegustation/tegu_items/representative/research/kcorp.dm b/ModularTegustation/tegu_items/representative/research/kcorp.dm
index a7bfa7cc0b46..a4e43c807517 100644
--- a/ModularTegustation/tegu_items/representative/research/kcorp.dm
+++ b/ModularTegustation/tegu_items/representative/research/kcorp.dm
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
- research_name = "K Corp Experimental Ampule "
+ research_name = "K Corp Experimental Ampule"
research_desc = "Hey, listen buddy, it's Joe from research.
The supply team went home for the night, and I'm tired, but I need this tested.
It'll revive one guy, once. It's a major breakthrough, give it a shot."
corp = K_CORP_REP
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
- research_name = "K Corp Experimental Ampule II "
+ research_name = "K Corp Experimental Ampule II"
research_desc = "Hey, listen buddy, it's Joe from research.
The supply team greenlit our last one, but they REALLY want to get their money back on this one.
It'll revive one guy, once. These are forbidden however, so I can't give you any more."
corp = K_CORP_REP
@@ -35,13 +35,13 @@
//Misc stuff.
- research_name = "Manager Bullet Permits "
+ research_name = "Manager Bullet Permits"
research_desc = "Due to your efforts, we are granting you the privilage of
purchasing low level hp ampules at a 90% discount."
corp = K_CORP_REP
- ItemUnlock(caller.order_list, "K Corp Manager Bullet ", /obj/item/managerbullet, 100)
+ ItemUnlock(caller.order_list, "K Corp Manager Bullet", /obj/item/managerbullet, 100)
@@ -52,22 +52,51 @@
new /obj/item/reagent_containers/syringe/epinephrine(get_turf(caller))
- ItemUnlock(caller.order_list, "K Corp Implanter ", /obj/item/implanter, 50)
- ItemUnlock(caller.order_list, "K Corp Chem Implant ", /obj/item/implantcase/chem, 300)
+ ItemUnlock(caller.order_list, "K Corp Implanter", /obj/item/implanter, 50)
+ ItemUnlock(caller.order_list, "K Corp Chem Implant", /obj/item/implantcase/chem, 300)
- research_name = "Repeatable: RAK the Regenerator System "
+ research_name = "Repeatable: RAK the Regenerator System"
research_desc = "KCorp made this system for LCorp.
All you need to do is enter the following code into the machine, 9887.
Don't let LCorp know or they'll use it all the time and they'll break it; they have warranty."
corp = K_CORP_REP
-//Crit increaser
- research_name = "Repeatable: Crit Increaser Syringe "
- research_desc = "Hey man, its Joe from research.
We got this new item here? Should stop you from going into critical condition; you just die.
Management says it needs to be tested, and you can buy more anytime."
+//Health booster
+ research_name = "Health Booster Syringe"
+ research_desc = "Hey man, its Joe from research.
We've got a new item over here, something about increasing your overall health?
We've only really got one and need it tested ASAP. Mind buying one for us?"
corp = K_CORP_REP
- new /obj/item/kcrit(get_turf(caller))
+ new /obj/item/khpboost(get_turf(caller))
+ ..()
+ research_name = "Class 1 Strike Team"
+ research_desc = "Heads up, Kcorp's given a greenlight on drawing from their more... Physical resources.
All they're asking for is a foward investment. You can handle that right?"
+ corp = K_CORP_REP
+ mobspawner_type = /obj/effect/mob_spawn/human/supplypod/r_corp/kcorp_call
+ research_name = "Class 3 Strike Team"
+ research_desc = "Good news, KCorp's got some excision officers free for a contract. As long as they're paid they won't go after LCorps agents.
+ corp = K_CORP_REP
+ required_research = /datum/data/lc13research/mobspawner/k1team
+ mobspawner_type = /obj/effect/mob_spawn/human/supplypod/r_corp/kcorp_call/level3
+//Free kill team, only unlocks when you actually should use it.
+ research_name = "K-Corp Asset Protection Service"
+ research_desc = "Theres a small little caveat with the strike teams. HQ is very protective of their equipment and won't tolerate anyone, L-Corp included, using them without permission.
As part of the agreement it falls on you to call a K-Corp Asset Protection Team when this violation occurs.
Keep in mind this WILL break our contract with L-Corp so use it as a last resort."
+ cost = 0
+ corp = K_CORP_REP
+ required_research = /datum/data/lc13research/mobspawner/k1team
+ mobspawner_type = /obj/effect/mob_spawn/human/supplypod/r_corp/kcorp_call/killteam
+ minor_announce("Attention all L-Corp branch employees. We have detected unauthorized usage of our equipment. An Asset Protection Team is enroute to your location. Please do not resist.", "K Corp HQ Update:", TRUE)
+ ..()
diff --git a/ModularTegustation/tegu_items/representative/research/rcorp.dm b/ModularTegustation/tegu_items/representative/research/rcorp.dm
index 8c3565bca981..e45a51858892 100644
--- a/ModularTegustation/tegu_items/representative/research/rcorp.dm
+++ b/ModularTegustation/tegu_items/representative/research/rcorp.dm
@@ -1,6 +1,60 @@
-//R-Corp has only ERTs, and a lot of them.
+//R-Corp has mostly ERTs, deals in cheap weapons too.
+// Weapon Platforms
+ research_name = "Red Weaponry"
+ research_desc = "We have a few new weapon designs drawn up using the RED bullets L-Corp is giving us. However we need more funding to kickstart the project, mind handing some over? I'm sure they won't mind."
+ corp = R_CORP_REP
+ ItemUnlock(caller.order_list, "R Corp X-15 Minigun ", /obj/item/gun/energy/e_gun/rabbit/minigun, 600)
+ ItemUnlock(caller.order_list, "R Corp Model 2200", /obj/item/gun/energy/e_gun/rabbitdash/small, 600)
+ ItemUnlock(caller.order_list, "R Corp X-12 Sniper ", /obj/item/gun/energy/e_gun/rabbitdash/sniper, 600)
+ ItemUnlock(caller.order_list, "R Corp X-13 Beam ", /obj/item/gun/energy/e_gun/rabbitdash/laser, 600)
+ ItemUnlock(caller.order_list, "R Corp Model 2300", /obj/item/gun/energy/e_gun/rabbitdash/shotgun, 600)
+ ..()
+ research_name = "Single Phase Weaponry"
+ research_desc = "The success of the our new weapons got more attention of L-Corp over here, they want us to use more than just RED bullets this time. Thing is we're out of energy to spare, send us some more will you?"
+ corp = R_CORP_REP
+ required_research = /datum/data/lc13research/redweapon
+ ItemUnlock(caller.order_list, "R Corp X-9 Heavy", /obj/item/gun/energy/e_gun/rabbitdash/heavy, 700)
+ ItemUnlock(caller.order_list, "R Corp Lawnmower White", /obj/item/gun/energy/e_gun/rabbitdash/white, 700)
+ ItemUnlock(caller.order_list, "R Corp Lawnmower Black", /obj/item/gun/energy/e_gun/rabbitdash/black, 700)
+ ItemUnlock(caller.order_list, "R Corp Lawnmower Pale", /obj/item/gun/energy/e_gun/rabbitdash/pale, 700)
+ ..()
+ research_name = "Multiphase Weaponry"
+ research_desc = "L-Corp's sent us the blueprints for their bullets, and HQ wants it all in one package. The designs are drawn up but the energy requirement is massive for this project. We're going to need much more this time.."
+ corp = R_CORP_REP
+ required_research = /datum/data/lc13research/singlephase
+ ItemUnlock(caller.order_list, "R Corp Lawnmower 2800", /obj/item/gun/energy/e_gun/rabbit/nopin, 800)
+ ItemUnlock(caller.order_list, "R Corp 3500 Minigun", /obj/item/gun/energy/e_gun/rabbit/minigun/tricolor, 800)
+ ItemUnlock(caller.order_list, "R Corp High Frequency Combat Blade", /obj/item/ego_weapon/city/rabbit_blade, 800)
+ ..()
+ research_name = "Experimental Weaponry"
+ research_desc = "The energy we've recived has gotten our top scientists thinking and made some very ambitious plans. Send us some more energy and we can make their plans a reality for both us, and you."
+ corp = R_CORP_REP
+ required_research = /datum/data/lc13research/singlephase
+ ItemUnlock(caller.order_list, "R Corp Rush Blade", /obj/item/ego_weapon/city/rabbit_rush, 900)
+ ItemUnlock(caller.order_list, "R Corp Reindeer Staff", /obj/item/ego_weapon/city/reindeer, 900)
+ ..()
+// ERTs
research_name = "4th Pack Rabbit Team"
research_desc = "Our contract with L corp garentees at least one rabbit call
per day in exchange for energy. We can abuse a loophole in the contract
and list you as the client if you remain descreet."
@@ -30,6 +84,7 @@
research_desc = "This summons your personal Rabbit team to kill all LCorp agents.
Use this in case of LCorp stealing our equipment for their own use.
Do check that they are not selling power in exchange for our gear first, however."
cost = 0
mobspawner_type = /obj/effect/mob_spawn/human/supplypod/r_corp/rabbit_call/kill
+ required_research = /datum/data/lc13research/mobspawner/rabbit
minor_announce("Attention. Unauthorized use of R Corp Equipment. Rabbit kill team authorize and enroute.", "R Corp HQ Update:", TRUE)
diff --git a/ModularTegustation/tegu_items/representative/spawners.dm b/ModularTegustation/tegu_items/representative/spawners.dm
index 27f658b152cc..81a90df45ec6 100644
--- a/ModularTegustation/tegu_items/representative/spawners.dm
+++ b/ModularTegustation/tegu_items/representative/spawners.dm
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
var/spawn_level = 60
faction = list("neutral", "rabbit")
var/team_name = "rabbit team"
+ var/reject_message = "Fourth Pack HQ: Sending in another team would cost more energy from our hatcheries than we are being paid."
/obj/effect/mob_spawn/human/supplypod/r_corp/Initialize(mapload, datum/team/ert/rabbit_team)
. = ..()
@@ -20,7 +21,7 @@
if(!(user.key in players_spawned))//one per person
return TRUE
- to_chat(user, span_warning("Fourth Pack HQ: Sending in another team would cost more energy from our hatcheries than we are being paid.."))
+ to_chat(user, span_warning("[reject_message]"))
return FALSE
@@ -87,12 +88,14 @@
short_desc = "You are part of the WARP Cleanup Crew, stick together and help cleanup to gain some experience."
flavour_text = "Your team is new to assisting L-Corp, you're just looking for that monthly bonus, and to skip 2 weeks of training. Fight out as long as you can."
mob_name = "Cleanup Agent"
+ team_name = "WARP cleanup crew"
outfit = /datum/outfit/wcorp
assignedrole = "L1"
spawn_level = 40
faction = list("neutral", "wcorp")
icon_state = "Warp"
uses = 10 //More because they suck
+ reject_message = "W-Corp HQ: We've lost too many resources to this \"L-Corp\" training program already. Sending in another team is out of the question."
name = "Wcorp L2 teleport zone"
@@ -103,7 +106,6 @@
spawn_level = 80
uses = 4 //Not at much.
name = "Zwei teleport zone"
@@ -117,3 +119,34 @@
faction = list("neutral", "zwei")
icon_state = "zwei"
uses = 8 //More because they job
+ name = "Kcorp Class 1 teleport zone"
+ desc = "A authorized zone for teleporting in kcorp combat employees."
+ short_desc = "You a part of K-Corps Security, hired to handle any physical threats as long as the pay's big enough."
+ flavour_text = "Your team has been hired by L-Corp to assist in any way you can. Considering your speciality expect some heavy resistance. Stick together and neutralize all threats."
+ mob_name = "Kcorp Security"
+ outfit = /datum/outfit/kcorp
+ assignedrole = "Class 1"
+ spawn_level = 60 // Bit more combat orientated
+ faction = list("neutral", "kcorp")
+ icon_state = "Kcorp"
+ uses = 6 // Who knows, they might be good
+ reject_message = "K-Corp HQ: We've only been paid enough for one team, anymore and we'd be operating at a loss."
+ name = "Kcorp Class 3 teleport zone"
+ outfit = /datum/outfit/kcorp/level3
+ flavour_text = "Your team has been hired by L-Corp to assist in any way you can. Though the extra pay never hurt anyone. Stick together and neutralize all threats."
+ assignedrole = "Class 3"
+ spawn_level = 80
+ uses = 3 // Only 3, they're quite strong.
+ name = "Kcorp Asset Protection Team teleport zone"
+ outfit = /datum/outfit/kcorp/level3/kill
+ flavour_text = "You have been called to wipe the entire L-Corp facility for stealing HQ assets. Don't hold back."
+ assignedrole = "Asset Protection Staff"
+ spawn_level = 100 // Goodluck, idiot.
+ uses = 20 // Evil Excision staff