Today I've read some sad news about Pfizer ending researchs for Alzheimer's and Parkinson's drugs. They also expects to eliminate more than 300 job positions on their neuroscience dept. We are living in the age where our medicine is not trying to find cure for deseases, the main concern of our physicians and scientists is to improve our capacities. We are now trying to live longer, to make our brains stronger and more focused, we are tring to gain control of our decisions by letting the algorithms we are building decide for us. We are now trying to create a better generation of humans, but... Is this the right way?
I like to think about this kind of thing, it's a good mental exercise, not to mention how a better understand of different knowledge areas help me in my career and my relationships.
A good and simple way to format dates is by using the internationalization API, I've been thinking about how to use it on my daily tasks.
const date = new Date()
const fullDate = new Intl.DateTimeFormat('pt-BR', {
weekday: 'long',
day: 'numeric',
month: 'long',
year: 'numeric',
hour: '2-digit',
minute: '2-digit'
- 📄 Pfizer ends research for new Alzheimer's, Parkinson's drugs
- 📄 How to Fix Facebook—Before It Fixes Us
- 🎥 Resposta ao Funk Ostentação - Edu Krieger
- Reinventing organisations - by Frederic Laloux