The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- panic when registry uri parsing errors
- do not mask single-character secrets
- capture stage duration on failure
- support for running a single pipeline on-demand
- support for interpolating global environment variables
- function for creating netrc environment variables
- support for username/password in docker config.json
- support for multiple external environment providers
- support for calendar version environment variables
- drain response body to ensure connection re-use
- not trimming pipeline history causing memory leak
- support for global environment variables
- support for external environment variables from an external service
- abstraction for pipeline execution
- function to encode registry credentials in docker config.json format
- check if last exit code greater than 0 in powershell
- text overflow for long commit messages
- error in step should bubble up to stage
- support for legacy CI_ environment variables
- support for registry plugins
- support for concurrency limits in yaml
- support for nodes in yaml
- helpers for working with docker auth config files
- helpers for tagging containers with labels
- powershell scripts should check last exit code
- support for cron events in the dashboard screen
- support for promote events in the dashboard screen
- support for rollback events in the dashboard screen
- close and already closed channel in livelog causes panic
- semver environment variables
- logrus hook to store recent system logs
- handler to visualize recent system logs
- handler to visualize pipeline steps
- disable dashbaord if no password set
- defined runner manifest schema
- defined runner remote protocol
- helpers for generating environment variables
- helpers for generating clone scripts
- helpers for generating shell scripts
- support for encrypted secrets
- support for static secrets
- support for remote secrets
- support for buffered log streaming
- handler to provide healtcheck support
- handler to provide runner dashboard