- test runner will parse a signature that maps to a structure of tests
- signature will enumerate all functions to be tested
- functions must be unit -> bool
- test runner will build a test script that calls each function and captures failure
- tests will be executed concurrently by default
- signature will enumerate all functions to be tested
- should properly guess main-file if directory is provided
- currently stubbed out
- ponyo-make doesn't fail correctly
- fail in Makefile doesn't trigger end of build attempts
- add router
- make sure occurences of "^" are sensible
- ensure tail-call recursion is used everywhere
- build out test suite
- setup automated testing on repo
- add min/max functions to list
- fix list sortBy stub
- add time module with standard time formats
- rfc3339/iso8601
- docs should include date generated
- each function should link to line in Github source
- ponyo-doc should allow command-line viewing of local library docs
- would require refactoring to support multiple output formats
- ex:
- ponyo-doc Ponyo.Net.Http.Server (might print the module docs formatted for stdout)
- deal remotely sensibly with routing and serving files
- refactor handbook pages to be simpler
- include navigation
- search feature