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viscalyxbot edited this page Feb 18, 2024 · 12 revisions

Welcome to the PSResourceGet.Bootstrap wiki

PSResourceGet.Bootstrap v0.2.0

This module tries to solve (in an opinionated way) how to get the module Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGet onto a system.

Here you will find all the information you need to make use of the latest release of the PSResourceGet.Bootstrap module. This includes details of the commands that are available, current capabilities, known issues.

Please leave comments, feature requests, and bug reports for this module in the issues section of this repository.

Getting started

Bootstrap Script

The fastest way to bootstrap the module Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGet is to use the bootstrap script:

iwr | iex

This uses default values and will bootstrap Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGet to the scope CurrentUser.

& ([ScriptBlock]::Create((iwr ''))) -Scope 'AllUsers'

This will bootstrap the Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGet module to the scope AllUsers.

& ([ScriptBlock]::Create((iwr ''))) -Destination 'C:\Modules'

This will bootstraps the Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGet module, saving it to the specified destination path C:\Modules.


The bootstrap script has the same parameter sets as the command Start-PSResourceGetBootstrap.

Download the module from PowerShell Gallery


Downloading this module from the PowerShell Gallery using Install-Module and then running the command Start-PSResourceGetBootstrap is kind of pointless. Then you might as well install the module Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGet directly. The best use of this method is id PSResourceGet.Bootstrap is used as a nested module by another module, for example in a Sampler templated project. The built module should then import the nested module explicitly.

To get started either:

  1. Install from the PowerShell Gallery using PowerShellGet by running the following command:
Install-Module -Name PSResourceGet.Bootstrap -Repository PSGallery
  1. Bootstrap Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGet by running the following command:
  1. Install a resource using Install-PSResource.
Install-PSResource -Name 'Sampler'


It is recommended to use the latest PowerShell version. The minimum Windows Management Framework (PowerShell) version required is 5.1.

Change log

A full list of changes in each version can be found in the change log.

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