class: middle, center, title-slide
Course syllabus, Spring 2020
Prof. Gilles Louppe
[email protected]
R: reading assingment: R: projects
R: add overview maps for each lecture, as in INFO8002 R: lec10 on RL -> restructure partly as a lecture on World Models -> nice comprehensive pedagogical example (combine mdn, rnn, vae, rl) into a big network R: lec - theory of DL -> universal approx theorem, double descent
R: projects -> use github classroom
R: act functions
This course is part of the many other courses available at ULiège and related to AI, including:
- INFO8006: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
- ELEN0062: Introduction to Machine Learning
- INFO8010: Deep Learning
$\leftarrow$ you are there - INFO8003: Optimal decision making for complex problems
- INFO8004: Advanced Machine Learning
- INFO0948: Introduction to Intelligent Robotics
- INFO0049: Knowledge representation
- ELEN0016: Computer vision
- DROI8031: Introduction to the law of robots
This course is given by:
- Theory: Prof. Gilles Louppe ([email protected])
- Projects and guidance:
- Matthia Sabatelli ([email protected])
- Antoine Wehenkel ([email protected])
Feel free to contact us for help!
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- Theoretical lectures
- Programming tutorials
- (No exercise sessions)
Slides are available at
- In HTML and in PDFs.
- Posted online the day before the lesson (hopefully).
Some lessons are partially adapted from "EE-559 Deep Learning" by Francois Fleuret at EPFL.
class: middle
But we would recommend "Dive into Deep Learning" ( for a comprehensive and practical introduction to the field.
- Understand the foundations and the landscape of deep learning.
- Be able to write from scratch, debug and run (some) deep learning algorithms.
- Introduction to materials new from research (
$\leq$ 5 years old). - Understand some of the open questions and challenges in the field.
- Fun and challenging course project.
- Lecture 0: Introduction
- Lecture 1: Fundamentals of machine learning
- Lecture 2: Neural networks
- Lecture 3: Convolutional neural networks
- Lecture 4: Computer vision
- Lecture 5: Training neural networks
- Lecture 6: Recurrent neural networks
- Lecture 7: Attention and transformer networks
- Lecture 8: Auto-encoders and generative models
- Lecture 9: Generative adversarial networks
- Lecture 10: Uncertainty
- Lecture 11: Theory of deep learning
- Lecture 12: Deep reinforcement learning
Read, summarize and criticize a major scientific paper in deep learning.
Pick one of the following three papers:
- J. Redmon, A. Farhadi, "YOLO9000: Better, Faster, Stronger", 2017. [pdf]
- A. Vaswani et al, "Attention is all you need", 2017. [pdf]
- M. Geiger et al, "Scaling description of generalization with number of parameters in deep learning", 2019. [pdf]
Deadline: April 3, 2020 at 23:59.
class: middle
Project of your choosing. Details to be announced soon.
- Exam (50%)
- Reading assignment (10%)
- Project (40%)
The reading assignment and the project are mandatory for presenting the exam.
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Let's start!