you can clone the current version into your home folder by opening a terminal in the home folder and run:
git clone -b mr0-core --depth 1
The cip-quota for disk space is limited, thus we need to make a symlink to the more relaxed /proj directory. We do thsi for the python package installation folder site-packages. This is done in the first 4 commands, the other 7 install packages an a specific environment python3/anaconda-2022.05
Run all of the following commands in a terminal:
mkdir /proj/ciptmp/$USER/
mv /home/cip/guests/$USER/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/ /home/cip/guests/$USER/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages-backup
ln -s /proj/ciptmp/$USER/site-packages /home/cip/guests/$USER/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages
mv /home/cip/guests/$USER/.local/lib/python3.9/site-packages-backup /proj/ciptmp/$USER/site-packages
module load python3/anaconda-2022.05
pip install mrzerocore
pip install pypulseq==1.3.1.post1
pip install torchkbnufft==1.3.0 --no-deps
pip install scikit-image
pip install PyWavelets
After running the installation you can start the environment by running in any terminal:
module load python3/anaconda-2022.05
See if you can run the python files ex/ex_help_01_python and ex/exB05. If errors occur check the versions of the required packages. Or get help from the admin.
To have plots as separate window, which allows resizing and zooming, go to Tools->Preferences. Then on the rider IPythonKonsole go to Graphics and choose for the graphics backend: Automatic. Then you have to close and restart spyder.
I recommend to switch the layout to matlab layout. G to View->Layouts -> Matlab Layout or Rstudio Layout.
If you want compare changed files or sample solutions you can use the tools diff, or more visually advanced Kompare or Meld.
arandr : screen position/projector
du -a |sort -n -r | head -n 20
pip cache purge
git clone
git pull
git difftool --tool kompare
git diff (press q to leave) git diff --name-only