Example algorithms for the Algorithmics course in the [School of Computer Science] (https://ingenieriainformatica.uniovi.es/) in the [University of Oviedo] (http://www.uniovi.es).
You can run the JUnit test cases to check whether everything is working properly.
- Bubble (Bubble.java)
- Bubble with sentinel (ImprovedBubble.java)
- Direct insertion (Insertion.java)
- Direct selection (Selection.java)
- Quicksort (Quicksort.java)
- Fibonacci series (Fibonacci.java)
- Greatest common factorial (GCGTest.java)
- Factorial of a number (Factorial.java)
- Sum of elements (VectorSum.java)
- Sequential search (SequentialSearch.java)
- Binary (dichotomous) search (BinarySearch.java)
- Quicksort (Quicksort.java)
- Mergesort (Mergesort.java)
- The majoritarian element (MajoritarianElement.java)
- Mode of a set of numbers (Mode.java)
- Median of a set of numbers (Median.java)
- Maximum sum of subsequences of elements (MaxSum.java)
- Obtaining the square of the values of an array (RecursiveActionSquare.java)
- Comparison of different thresholds and CPUs (RecursiveActionComparison.java)
- Sum of the elements of an array (RecursiveTaskSum.java)
- Fibonacci series (FibonacciTask.java)
- Processing files concurrently (FileProcessingTask.java)
- The problem of the change (Change.java - OPTIMAL)
- The problem of the change (ChangeNotOptimal - NOT OPTIMAL)
- The knapsack problem (Knapsack.java - OPTIMAL)
- The knapsack problem (0/1) (Knapsack01.java - NOT OPTIMAL)
- Maximize the number of files on a disk (FilesDisc1.java - OPTIMAL)
- Minimize the free space on a disk with files (FilesDisc2.java - NOT OPTIMAL)
- The diligent plumber (Plumber.java - OPTIMAL)
- Some diligent plumbers (SomePlumbers.java - OPTIMAL)
- The truck driver in a hurry (TruckDriver.java - OPTIMAL)
- Prim (Prim.java - OPTIMAL)
- The horse jumping problem (ChessHorseSimpleHeuristic, ChessHorse.java - OPTIMAL SOMETIMES)
- The problem of assigning tasks to agents (AgentsTasks.java, AgentsTasksRandomValues, AgentsTasksDifferentSizesTimes - NOT OPTIMAL)
- Fibonacci series (Fibonacci.java)
- Combinations (Combinations.java)
- The knapsack problem (0/1) (Knapsack01.java)
- The problem of the change (Change.java)
- Cheaper travel on the river (RiverTravel.java)
- Permutations of elements (Permutations.java, PermutationsTimes.java)
- Subsets of a given sum (SubsetsGivenSum.java)
- The problem of the n queens (ChessQueensOne.java, ChessQueensAll.java)
- The horse jumping problem (ChessHorseOne.java, ChessHorseAll.java)
- The problem of assigning tasks to agents (AgentsTaskTimes.java)
- The problem of assigning tasks to agents (AgentsTasks.java)
- The problem of the puzzle (EightPuzzle.java)
- Optimal placement of rectangles (RectanglesPlacement.java)
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Copyright (C) 2023 - [Vicente García Díaz] (http://www.vicentegarciadiaz.com)