This document describes how to uninstall Tanzu Application Platform packages from the TAP package repository.
The process for uninstalling Tanzu Application Platform is made up of two tasks:
To delete the installed packages:
List the installed packages by running:
tanzu package installed list -n tap-install
Remove a package by running:
tanzu package installed delete PACKAGE-NAME -n tap-install
For example:
$ tanzu package installed delete cloud-native-runtimes -n tap-install | Uninstalling package 'cloud-native-runtimes' from namespace 'tap-install' / Getting package install for 'cloud-native-runtimes' \ Deleting package install 'cloud-native-runtimes' from namespace 'tap-install' \ Package uninstall status: Reconciling / Package uninstall status: Deleting | Deleting admin role 'cloud-native-runtimes-tap-install-cluster-role' | Deleting role binding 'cloud-native-runtimes-tap-install-cluster-rolebinding' | Deleting secret 'cloud-native-runtimes-tap-install-values' / Deleting service account 'cloud-native-runtimes-tap-install-sa' Uninstalled package 'cloud-native-runtimes' from namespace 'tap-install'
is the name of a package listed in step 1 above. -
Repeat step 2 for each package installed.
To delete the TAP package repository:
Retrieve the name of the TAP package repository by running the command:
tanzu package repository list -n tap-install
For example:
$ tanzu package repository list -n tap-install / Retrieving repositories... NAME REPOSITORY STATUS DETAILS tanzu-application-platform-package-repository Reconcile succeeded
Remove the TAP package repository by running:
tanzu package repository delete PACKAGE-REPO-NAME -n tap-install
is the name of the packageRepository from step 1 above.For example:
$ tanzu package repository delete tanzu-application-platform-package-repository -n tap-install - Deleting package repository 'tanzu-application-platform-package-repository'... Deleted package repository 'tanzu-application-platform-package-repository' in namespace 'tap-install'