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Usage on Openstack


  • Openstack components:
    • Nova for compute nodes
    • Neutron network with LBaaS
    • Designate: can be replaced by static IPs
    • Cinder for K8S storage class integration
  • Internet access from your Openstack to download Kubernetes Hyperkube docker images


  1. Ensure you have installed the required tools on the management environment
  2. Source your Openstack rc file downloaded from Horizon webUI
  3. Customize the flavors files in scripts/flavors to match your openstack context
  4. Create a bootstrap cluster named admin that will be used to manage all the other clusters. The following rules are expected:
    1. The flavor name must match a TFVARS file scripts/flavors/<FLAVOR>.tfvars
    2. The WORKER_COUNT must be 3 at minimum to match anti affinity rules for the ETCD cluster that will store all OPKE clusters data
    3. The HOST_CIDR must be unique in your Openstack tenant

>ENV=admin FLAVOR=<flavor_name> KUBERNETES_VERSION="v1.9.6" WORKER_COUNT=3 HOST_CIDR="" ./scripts/run bootstrap

  1. Wait for the script to terminate
  2. Get the ETCD external IP of the bootstrap cluster

> kubectl --kubeconfig $HOME/kubeconfig -n=opke get svc opke-etcd-client-lb -o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}'

Create clusters

  1. You can now provision as many clusters as you want

>ENV=<your_env_name> FLAVOR=<flavor_name> KUBERNETES_VERSION="v1.9.6" WORKER_COUNT=3 HOST_CIDR="" ETCD_IP=<your_etcd_ip>./scripts/run create

  1. Get your kubeconfig file from ETCD

>ETCDCTL_API=3 etcdctl --endpoints=http://<your_etcd_ip>:2379 get opke/<your_env_name>/kubeconfig --print-value-only=true | base64 --decode > <SOME_PATH>

Scale in/out clusters

  1. You can scale in or out the number of worker (but not the number of controller)

>ENV=<your_env_name> WORKER_COUNT=4 ETCD_IP=<your_etcd_ip>./scripts/run scale

Upgrade clusters K8S version

This version has only been tested with K8S v1.9.x

  1. It's only safe to automatically upgrade Kubernetes within minor versions.

>ENV=<your_env_name> KUBERNETES_VERSION="v1.9.7" ETCD_IP=<your_etcd_ip>./scripts/run upgrade

Delete clusters

  1. You can delete any cluster with

>ENV=<your_env_name> ETCD_IP=<your_etcd_ip>./scripts/run delete

Delete bootstrap cluster

  1. You can delete the bootstrap cluster with

>ENV=<your_env_name> ETCD_IP=<your_etcd_ip>./scripts/run bootstrap_delete