- Openstack components:
- Nova for compute nodes
- Neutron network with LBaaS
- Designate: can be replaced by static IPs
- Cinder for K8S storage class integration
- Internet access from your Openstack to download Kubernetes Hyperkube docker images
- Ensure you have installed the required tools on the management environment
- Source your Openstack rc file downloaded from Horizon webUI
- Customize the flavors files in
to match your openstack context - Create a bootstrap cluster named
that will be used to manage all the other clusters. The following rules are expected:- The flavor name must match a TFVARS file
- The WORKER_COUNT must be 3 at minimum to match anti affinity rules for the ETCD cluster that will store all OPKE clusters data
- The HOST_CIDR must be unique in your Openstack tenant
- The flavor name must match a TFVARS file
>ENV=admin FLAVOR=<flavor_name> KUBERNETES_VERSION="v1.9.6" WORKER_COUNT=3 HOST_CIDR="" ./scripts/run bootstrap
- Wait for the script to terminate
- Get the ETCD external IP of the bootstrap cluster
> kubectl --kubeconfig $HOME/kubeconfig -n=opke get svc opke-etcd-client-lb -o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}'
- You can now provision as many clusters as you want
>ENV=<your_env_name> FLAVOR=<flavor_name> KUBERNETES_VERSION="v1.9.6" WORKER_COUNT=3 HOST_CIDR="" ETCD_IP=<your_etcd_ip>./scripts/run create
- Get your kubeconfig file from ETCD
>ETCDCTL_API=3 etcdctl --endpoints=http://<your_etcd_ip>:2379 get opke/<your_env_name>/kubeconfig --print-value-only=true | base64 --decode > <SOME_PATH>
- You can scale in or out the number of worker (but not the number of controller)
>ENV=<your_env_name> WORKER_COUNT=4 ETCD_IP=<your_etcd_ip>./scripts/run scale
This version has only been tested with K8S v1.9.x
- It's only safe to automatically upgrade Kubernetes within minor versions.
>ENV=<your_env_name> KUBERNETES_VERSION="v1.9.7" ETCD_IP=<your_etcd_ip>./scripts/run upgrade
- You can delete any cluster with
>ENV=<your_env_name> ETCD_IP=<your_etcd_ip>./scripts/run delete
- You can delete the bootstrap cluster with
>ENV=<your_env_name> ETCD_IP=<your_etcd_ip>./scripts/run bootstrap_delete