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File metadata and controls

122 lines (102 loc) · 5.67 KB

This is a wrapper over native verloop's iOS and Android SDK.

You can checkout sample app for any clarification on the usage of the SDK

Getting Started

Here we are adding verloop chat button as a floating action button in the app. You can attach the widget at any other place too

On press is internally handled by the VerloopWidget using onTap of GestureDetector widget

const String _clientId = "ClientID"; // You need to use the name of your organisation here

final Map<String,String> userVariableMap = Map();
userVariableMap['key1'] = 'value1';

final Map<String,String> roomVariableMap = Map();
roomVariableMap['key2'] = 'value2';

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  return MaterialApp(
    home: Scaffold(
      appBar: AppBar(
        title: const Text('Plugin example app'),
      body: Center(
        child: Text('Running for client $clientId'),
      floatingActionButton: FutureBuilder<String?>(
        // Initialize FlutterFire
        future: FirebaseMessaging.instance.getToken(),
        builder: (context, snapshot) {
          // Check for errors
          if (snapshot.hasError) {
            return const Text("Something went wrong");
          if (snapshot.hasData && != "") {
            String token = ?? "";
            return VerloopWidget(
              clientId: _clientId,            // Required
              userId: "<user_id>",            // Optional: add this if you want to associate all the chats of this user across the platforms 
              recipeId: "<recipe_id>",        // Optional: if you wish to use any other recipe apart from the default one, use this
              fcmToken: token,                // Optional: this would help us to send the notification on the device. You still need to handle the fcm notifications.
              userName: "<user_name>",        // Optional: This would populate the system variable for user name which would help you identify the user. else the name of the user would be autogenerated like "guest-123"
              userEmail: "<user_email>",      // Optional: This would populate the system variable for emails
              userPhone: "<user_phone>",      // Optional: This would populate the system variable for Phone number
              userVariables: userVariableMap, // Optional: These are the global variables of the user which is associated with the given userId. These variables would be used by the recipe. These values would spill over to the another room once the current conversation is over.
              roomVariables: roomVariableMap, // Optional: These variables would be used by the recipe and will not spill over another room created by the user once the conversation is over
              overrideUrlOnClick: false,      // Optional: this is by default false, if you don't want the url to open in the browser, and want to handle internally in the app, make it as false
              onButtonClicked:                // Optional: Add this function callback as a button click listener
                  (String? title, String? payload, String? type) {
                print("button click title $title");
              onUrlClicked:                   // Optional: Add this function callback as a url click listener
                  (String? url) {
                print("url clicked $url");
              child: const FloatingActionButton(
                onPressed: null,
                child: Icon(,
          return const Text("Loading...");

Button click listeners

These button are defined as a part of the conversational flow. Once the user clicks the button, you can listen to the events in your flutter app. A very common use case for this is navigating the user to another section of the app if button is clicked inside the recipe. Note: Button which contains url would be treated as button instead of the url. Hence, you'll get callback on onButtonClicked if implemented

  clientId: <client_id>,            // Required
      (String? title, String? payload, String? type) {
    print("button click title $title");
  child: <Some Widget>,

Url click listeners

These urls are defined as a part of the conversational flow. Once the user clicks the url, you can listen to the events in your flutter app.

You can choose whether to open the url in mobile browser or handle it in the app by setting overrideUrlOnClick field. If overrideUrlOnClick is true, we will not open the url anywhere but you'll get a callback on onUrlClicked function.

  clientId: <client_id>,            // Required
  overrideUrlOnClick: false
      (String? url) {
    print("url clicked $url");
  child: <Some Widget>,

Handling notifications

follow this

Once the fcm is setup, just send the fcmToken as a part of VerloopWidget.

NOTE: make sure the server key is added to the verloop's setting page for the same firebase app which is configured in your flutter app.

To Navigate to the verloop's setting page

  • open
  • go to settings gear icon on the left navigation panel
  • search for android sdk
  • add the server key as production
  • similarly, go to ios sdk
  • add appropiate files as production configuration