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Trusted Shops Easy Integration for WooCommerce

The Trusted Shops Easy Integration Plugin offers a smooth integration of the Trusted Shops products in WooCommerce.

Plugin architecture

The plugin main files are located in the src directory. Assets, e.g. the base layer TypeScript implementation is stored in the assets directory. Webpack is used to compile the base layer TypeScript file. To install and use, first install the npm dependencies:

npm install
npm run-script dev

PHP unit tests, which run via docker, are located in the tests/unit-tests directory. To run them locally via docker:

npm run-script phpunit


All frontend-related hooks, e.g. to output Trustbadge, Trustcard and Widgets are managed in src/Hooks.php. External assets (e.g. the TS widgets script) are lazy-enqueued via the WordPress script API as soon as a widget is rendered.

For each widget position (e.g. product_title) a custom hooks is placed, e.g. ts_easy_integration_single_product_title_widgets. This way users may easily customize where/when to output widgets by attaching custom scripts to it or removing the default logic to output the widget.

To render a widget, 2 templates exist:

  1. templates/widgets/product-widget.php is used for product-related widgets.
  2. templates/widgets/service-widget.php is used for service widgets.

Overriding templates

Templates may be overridden in a (child-) theme. Overriding the templates/widgets/product-widget.php template in your theme by placing the original file in the following directory: my-child-theme/woocommerce/widgets/product-widget.php.


The Trustcard is placed by using the woocommerce_thankyou hook. The template templates/checkout/trustcard.php contains the content.

Product attributes


WooCommerce does by default not provide a global brand attribute/setting for products. The Package::get_product_brand() method determines the brand for a certain product. By default, the logic searches for an attribute stored within the product data matching the keyword Brand (or a translated version of it). One might easily adjust the brand attribute name by using the filter ts_easy_integration_product_brand_attribute_name. E.g.:

add_filter( 'ts_easy_integration_product_brand_attribute_name', function( $attribute_name, $product ) {
    // Maybe adjust the $attribute_name based on the WC_Product $product
    return $attribute_name;
}, 10, 2 );

Additionally the filter ts_easy_integration_product_brand is provided which allows filtering the actual brand per product.

add_filter( 'ts_easy_integration_product_brand', function( $brand, $product ) {
    // Maybe adjust the $brand based on the WC_Product $product
    return $brand;
}, 10, 2 );


The plugin uses product identifiers, which might not be provided by the Woo core (e.g. GTIN, MPN) for widgets, order exports and the Trustcard. GTIN and MPN fields are provided through the WooCommerce edit product panel and stored as meta data, using the meta_key _ts_gtin and _ts_mpn.

Similar to the brand attribute, Package::get_product_gtin(), Package::get_product_mpn() and Package::get_product_sku() are used to retrieve the data. Filters exist to adjust the attributes:

  • ts_easy_integration_product_gtin
  • ts_easy_integration_product_mpn
  • ts_easy_integration_product_sku

Example filter-usage to adjust the GTIN:

add_filter( 'ts_easy_integration_product_gtin', function( $gtin, $product ) {
    // Maybe adjust the $gtin based on the WC_Product $product
    return $gtin;
}, 10, 2 );


This plugins registers the ts_widget shortcode which may be used to output a certain widget (with an ID) at a custom location, e.g. in a page, post etc. E.g.:

[ts_widget id="{widget_id}" product_identifier="{product_identifier}"]

  • {widget_id} The ID of the widget, see the widgets panel for details.
  • {product_identifier} Product identifier type (e.g. sku, mpn, gtin) in case this is a product-related widget.

Please be aware that product-related widgets will only work if the global $product variable is set and valid, e.g. on single product pages.

Secrets Storage

The secrets (Client ID, Client secret) are stored as encrypted values in the wp_options table. The src/SecretsHelper.php file contains the encryption/decryption logic, using PHP's built-in sodium_crypto_secretbox. The encryption key is automagically placed in the wp-config.php file upon installation. In case the encryption key is missing or could not be placed, a warning is being displayed, containing a random key to be inserted manually by the shop owner.

Order Export

The order export feature, located in src/OrderExporter.php is using the WC_CSV_Batch_Exporter as a base class to create a custom CSV export.


WordPress Plugins use gettext to translate strings. Some strings located in PHP files are translated via language files provided in i18n/languages. Additionally translations may/should be provided via the GUI. The readme file, responsible for formatting the repository main page, may be translated via this GUI.


The plugin is compatible with WPML. In case WPML is activate, one sales channels per language is automatically registered. The compatibility script is located at src/Compatibility/WPML.php. The script uses the available filter ts_sales_channels to register sales channels. Furthermore the compatibility script filters the orders to be exported by the order export feature based on the order language.

Enable QA-mode

To enable QA-mode (loads assets from QA instead of live servers), define the constant TS_EASY_INTEGRATION_IS_DEBUG_MODE and set it to true in your wp-config.php:



Deploying a new version of the plugin works as follows:

  1. Composer is updated, vendor dir is committed. JS build runs, TypeScript is compiled.
  2. A GitHub Release is created
  3. The new version is pushed via SVN to the WordPress plugin repository to publish the update.

To create a new version, make sure to bump versions in the following files:

  1. trusted-shops-easy-integration-for-woocommerce.php
  2. Update stable tag in readme.txt and provide changelog
  3. src/Package.php

Afterwards you may use the deployment script via shell:


This script uses hub to create a new GitHub release and automatically updates the necessary SVN files.