cabal run crossed-exe -- --help
Usage: crossed-exe [-v|--visualize] [-b|--batchSize INT] [-g|--gridSize INT]
[-s|--minStart INT] [-w|--words INT] [-l|--checkLimit INT]
Generate a sparse crossword puzzle, i.e. given a list of dictionary words and
their clues, find a populated grid that solves for the given constraints.
Available options:
-v,--visualize Print intermediate grids during generation.
-b,--batchSize INT Control the available word pool. Taken from a random
shuffle of ~283,000 words. Increases generation
time. (default: 1000)
-g,--gridSize INT Length and width of the grid. (default: 15)
-s,--minStart INT Minimum length for starting word. (default: 5)
-w,--words INT Number of words needed for a solution. Increases
generation time. (default: 35)
-l,--checkLimit INT Number of word placement attempts made before
returning a solution. (default: 100000)
-h,--help Show this help text