๐ Exploring Machine Learning & Deep Learning | Personal and Guided Projects
Welcome to my Machine Learning Repo! I'm passionate about diving deep into the world of machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL). Here, you'll find a collection of my personal and guided projects where I experiment with various ML/DL algorithms and techniques to enhance my skills.
- Image Segmentation with Pytorch. Used Unet Architecture to get the segmentaiton of the image. For this instance, took segmentation of human. Trained on a dataset consisting of human.
- Skills : Convolutional Neural Network, Autoencoder, Python Programming, PyTorch.
- Deep Learning with PyTorch : Siamese Network. Trained a network using Triplet loss function. Create Anchor, Positive, Negative image datase, which was used as input to the triplet loss function.
- Applications : Face Recognition, Signature Checking, Person re-identification, etc.
- Skills : Pytorch, Triplet Loss function, State of the Art architecture - efficientnet_b0
- Deep Learning with PyTorch : Facial Expression Recognition. Load pretrained SOTA model to train on facial expression dataset. Classify on the basis of expression into 7 different classes.
- Skills : Convolutional Neural Nework, Classifier
- Naive Bayes Classifier
- Linear Regression
- Multiple Linear Regression
- Multicollinearity Linear Regression
- SVM (Support Vector Machine)
- K-Means Clustering
- Using clustering class and kmeans class implemented K-means clustering algorithm
- Usage of dataclass for Clustering : locations (centroid), vectors
- matplotlib scatter plot to visualize all the data points with 5 centroids.