Dans le dossier /src :
api ===> we use codegen (automatic API call functions generation)
|- login
|- api
|- __mocks__
|- login.ts ===> caller, adapter
|- login.test.ts
|- otherCall.ts
|- otherCall.test.ts
|- components ==> feature-specific UI components
|- Component1
|- Component1.tsx
|- Component1.test.tsx
|- Component1.stories.tsx
|- ...
|- pages ==> feature-specific pages
|- Page1
|- Page1.tsx
|- Page1.test.tsx
|- ...
|- helpers ==> utils or data transform functions
|- fixtures
|- fixture1.ts ==> data for testing (for example API call responses mocks)
|- ...
|- enums.ts
|- types.ts
|- register
|- homepage
|- search
libs ===> external modules implementations or reusable helpers
|- analytics
|- pushNotification
|- errorReporting
|- geolocation
|- ...
theme ==> theme object used in styled-components
|- animations ==> lottie animations
|- components ===> independent and stateless components (reusables)
|- Component1
|- Component1.tsx
|- Component1.test.tsx
|- Component1.stories.tsx
|- hooks
|- svg ==> logos and icons
|- styleGuide ==> theme constants and typography components