diff --git a/audits/internal12/README.md b/audits/internal12/README.md
index 0959b9b..d4b2161 100644
--- a/audits/internal12/README.md
+++ b/audits/internal12/README.md
@@ -166,4 +166,21 @@ https://github.com/trailofbits/publications/blob/master/reviews/CurveDAO.pdf
[x] noted and added as a comment
+# re-audit. 21.05.24
+# autonolas-governance-audit
+The review has been performed based on the contract code in the following repository:
+commit: `9df1f95ec7e51eacb985aece56654b8d2506e29f` or `tag: v1.2.1-pre-internal-audit`
+### Flatten version
+Flatten version of contracts. [contracts](https://github.com/valory-xyz/autonolas-governance/blob/main/audits/internal12/analysis2/contracts)
+### Coverage
+Hardhat coverage has been performed before the audit and can be found here:
+File | % Stmts | % Branch | % Funcs | % Lines |Uncovered Lines |
+ VoteWeighting.sol | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | |
diff --git a/audits/internal12/analysis2/contracts/VoteWeighting-flatten.sol b/audits/internal12/analysis2/contracts/VoteWeighting-flatten.sol
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a981ad1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/audits/internal12/analysis2/contracts/VoteWeighting-flatten.sol
@@ -0,0 +1,809 @@
+// Sources flattened with hardhat v2.22.4 https://hardhat.org
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
+pragma solidity ^0.8.25;
+// Dispenser interface
+interface IDispenser {
+ /// @dev Records nominee addition in dispenser.
+ /// @param nomineeHash Nominee hash.
+ function addNominee(bytes32 nomineeHash) external;
+ /// @dev Records nominee removal.
+ /// @param nomineeHash Nominee hash.
+ function removeNominee(bytes32 nomineeHash) external;
+// veOLAS interface
+interface IVEOLAS {
+ // Structure for voting escrow points
+ // The struct size is two storage slots of 2 * uint256 (128 + 128 + 64 + 64 + 128)
+ struct PointVoting {
+ // w(i) = at + b (bias)
+ int128 bias;
+ // dw / dt = a (slope)
+ int128 slope;
+ // Timestamp. It will never practically be bigger than 2^64 - 1
+ uint64 ts;
+ // Block number. It will not be bigger than the timestamp
+ uint64 blockNumber;
+ // Token amount. It will never practically be bigger. Initial OLAS cap is 1 bn tokens, or 1e27.
+ // After 10 years, the inflation rate is 2% per year. It would take 1340+ years to reach 2^128 - 1
+ uint128 balance;
+ }
+ /// @dev Gets the `account`'s lock end time.
+ /// @param account Account address.
+ /// @return unlockTime Lock end time.
+ function lockedEnd(address account) external view returns (uint256 unlockTime);
+ /// @dev Gets the most recently recorded user point for `account`.
+ /// @param account Account address.
+ /// @return pv Last checkpoint.
+ function getLastUserPoint(address account) external view returns (PointVoting memory pv);
+/// @dev Only `owner` has a privilege, but the `sender` was provided.
+/// @param sender Sender address.
+/// @param owner Required sender address as an owner.
+error OwnerOnly(address sender, address owner);
+/// @dev Provided zero address.
+error ZeroAddress();
+/// @dev Zero value when it has to be different from zero.
+error ZeroValue();
+/// @dev Wrong length of two arrays.
+/// @param numValues1 Number of values in a first array.
+/// @param numValues2 Number of values in a second array.
+error WrongArrayLength(uint256 numValues1, uint256 numValues2);
+/// @dev Value overflow.
+/// @param provided Overflow value.
+/// @param max Maximum possible value.
+error Overflow(uint256 provided, uint256 max);
+/// @dev Underflow value.
+/// @param provided Provided value.
+/// @param expected Minimum expected value.
+error Underflow(uint256 provided, uint256 expected);
+/// @dev Nominee does not exist.
+/// @param account Nominee account address.
+/// @param chainId Nominee chain Id.
+error NomineeDoesNotExist(bytes32 account, uint256 chainId);
+/// @dev Nominee already exists.
+/// @param account Nominee account address.
+/// @param chainId Nominee chain Id.
+error NomineeAlreadyExists(bytes32 account, uint256 chainId);
+/// @dev Value lock is expired.
+/// @param account Address that is checked for the locked value.
+/// @param deadline The lock expiration deadline.
+/// @param curTime Current timestamp.
+error LockExpired(address account, uint256 deadline, uint256 curTime);
+/// @dev Violated a negative slope value.
+/// @param account Account address.
+/// @param slope Negative slope.
+error NegativeSlope(address account, int128 slope);
+/// @dev The vote has been performed already.
+/// @param voter Voter address.
+/// @param curTime Current time.
+/// @param nextAllowedVotingTime Next allowed voting time.
+error VoteTooOften(address voter, uint256 curTime, uint256 nextAllowedVotingTime);
+/// @dev Nominee is not in the removed nominee map.
+/// @param account Nominee account address.
+/// @param chainId Nominee chain Id.
+error NomineeNotRemoved(bytes32 account, uint256 chainId);
+/// @dev Nominee is in the removed nominee map.
+/// @param account Nominee account address.
+/// @param chainId Nominee chain Id.
+error NomineeRemoved(bytes32 account, uint256 chainId);
+// Point struct
+struct Point {
+ uint256 bias;
+ uint256 slope;
+// Voted slope struct
+struct VotedSlope {
+ uint256 slope;
+ uint256 power;
+ uint256 end;
+// Nominee struct
+struct Nominee {
+ bytes32 account;
+ uint256 chainId;
+/// @title VoteWeighting - Smart contract for Vote Weighting with specific nominees composed of address and chain Id
+/// @notice Inspired by https://github.com/curvefi/curve-dao-contracts/blob/master/contracts/GaugeController.vy
+/// @author Aleksandr Kuperman -
+/// @author Andrey Lebedev -
+/// @author Mariapia Moscatiello -
+contract VoteWeighting {
+ event OwnerUpdated(address indexed owner);
+ event DispenserUpdated(address indexed dispenser);
+ event Checkpoint(address indexed sender, uint256 sumBias);
+ event CheckpointNominee(address indexed sender, bytes32 indexed nomineeAccount, uint256 chainId,
+ uint256 nomineeWeight, uint256 totalSum);
+ event NomineeRelativeWeightWrite(address indexed sender, bytes32 indexed nomineeAccount, uint256 chainId,
+ uint256 nomineeWeight, uint256 totalSum, uint256 relativeWeight);
+ event VoteForNominee(address indexed user, bytes32 indexed nominee, uint256 chainId, uint256 weight);
+ event AddNominee(bytes32 indexed account, uint256 chainId, uint256 id);
+ event RemoveNominee(bytes32 indexed account, uint256 chainId, uint256 newSum);
+ // 7 * 86400 seconds - all future times are rounded by week
+ uint256 public constant WEEK = 604_800;
+ // Cannot change weight votes more often than once in 10 days
+ // For explanation about the delay consult the official audit report: https://github.com/trailofbits/publications/blob/master/reviews/CurveDAO.pdf
+ uint256 public constant WEIGHT_VOTE_DELAY = 864_000;
+ // Max number of weeks for checkpoints
+ // The number corresponds to slightly more than a year time, that is more than enough to have at least one vote
+ // Also, in line with our tokenomics that cannot have epochs longer than a year
+ // The suggested maximum amount of weeks results in checkpoint calculation that always fit in the block,
+ // although in practice it is unlikely that there is no single checkpoint for the maximum amount of weeks
+ // For gas concerns regarding checkpoint calculations, see the internal audit and the official audit report: https://github.com/trailofbits/publications/blob/master/reviews/CurveDAO.pdf
+ uint256 public constant MAX_NUM_WEEKS = 53;
+ // Max weight amount
+ uint256 public constant MAX_WEIGHT = 10_000;
+ // Maximum chain Id as per EVM specs
+ uint256 public constant MAX_EVM_CHAIN_ID = type(uint64).max / 2 - 36;
+ // veOLAS contract address
+ address public immutable ve;
+ // Contract owner address
+ address public owner;
+ // Dispenser contract
+ address public dispenser;
+ // Set of Nominee structs
+ Nominee[] public setNominees;
+ // Set of removed Nominee structs
+ Nominee[] public setRemovedNominees;
+ // Mapping of hash(Nominee struct) => nominee Id
+ mapping(bytes32 => uint256) public mapNomineeIds;
+ // Mapping of hash(Nominee struct) => removed nominee Id
+ mapping(bytes32 => uint256) public mapRemovedNominees;
+ // user -> hash(Nominee struct) -> VotedSlope
+ mapping(address => mapping(bytes32 => VotedSlope)) public voteUserSlopes;
+ // Total vote power used by user
+ mapping(address => uint256) public voteUserPower;
+ // Last user vote's timestamp for each hash(Nominee struct)
+ mapping(address => mapping(bytes32 => uint256)) public lastUserVote;
+ // Past and scheduled points for nominee weight, sum of weights per type, total weight
+ // Point is for bias+slope
+ // changes_* are for changes in slope
+ // time_* are for the last change timestamp
+ // timestamps are rounded to whole weeks
+ // hash(Nominee struct) -> time -> Point
+ mapping(bytes32 => mapping(uint256 => Point)) public pointsWeight;
+ // hash(Nominee struct) -> time -> slope
+ mapping(bytes32 => mapping(uint256 => uint256)) public changesWeight;
+ // hash(Nominee struct) -> last scheduled time (next week)
+ mapping(bytes32 => uint256) public timeWeight;
+ // time -> Point
+ mapping(uint256 => Point) public pointsSum;
+ // time -> slope
+ mapping(uint256 => uint256) public changesSum;
+ // last scheduled time (next week)
+ uint256 public timeSum;
+ /// @dev Contract constructor.
+ /// @param _ve Voting Escrow contract address.
+ constructor(address _ve) {
+ // Check for the zero address
+ if (_ve == address(0)) {
+ revert ZeroAddress();
+ }
+ // Set initial parameters
+ owner = msg.sender;
+ ve = _ve;
+ timeSum = block.timestamp / WEEK * WEEK;
+ // Push empty element to the zero-th index
+ setNominees.push(Nominee(0, 0));
+ // For symmetry, push empty element to the zero-th index in the removed Nominee set as well
+ setRemovedNominees.push(Nominee(0, 0));
+ }
+ /// @dev Fill sum of nominee weights for the same type week-over-week for missed checkins and return the sum for the future week.
+ /// @return Sum of nominee weights.
+ function _getSum() internal returns (uint256) {
+ // t is always > 0 as it is set in the constructor
+ uint256 t = timeSum;
+ Point memory pt = pointsSum[t];
+ for (uint256 i = 0; i < MAX_NUM_WEEKS; i++) {
+ if (t > block.timestamp) {
+ break;
+ }
+ t += WEEK;
+ uint256 dBias = pt.slope * WEEK;
+ if (pt.bias > dBias) {
+ pt.bias -= dBias;
+ uint256 dSlope = changesSum[t];
+ pt.slope -= dSlope;
+ } else {
+ pt.bias = 0;
+ pt.slope = 0;
+ }
+ pointsSum[t] = pt;
+ if (t > block.timestamp) {
+ timeSum = t;
+ }
+ }
+ return pt.bias;
+ }
+ /// @dev Fill historic nominee weights week-over-week for missed checkins and return the total for the future week.
+ /// @param account Nominee account address in bytes32 form.
+ /// @param chainId Nominee chain Id.
+ /// @return Nominee weight.
+ function _getWeight(bytes32 account, uint256 chainId) internal returns (uint256) {
+ // Construct the nominee struct
+ Nominee memory nominee = Nominee(account, chainId);
+ // Check that the nominee exists or has been removed
+ bytes32 nomineeHash = keccak256(abi.encode(nominee));
+ if (mapRemovedNominees[nomineeHash] == 0 && mapNomineeIds[nomineeHash] == 0) {
+ revert NomineeDoesNotExist(account, chainId);
+ }
+ // t is always > 0 as it is set during the addNominee() call
+ uint256 t = timeWeight[nomineeHash];
+ Point memory pt = pointsWeight[nomineeHash][t];
+ for (uint256 i = 0; i < MAX_NUM_WEEKS; i++) {
+ if (t > block.timestamp) {
+ break;
+ }
+ t += WEEK;
+ uint256 dBias = pt.slope * WEEK;
+ if (pt.bias > dBias) {
+ pt.bias -= dBias;
+ uint256 dSlope = changesWeight[nomineeHash][t];
+ pt.slope -= dSlope;
+ } else {
+ pt.bias = 0;
+ pt.slope = 0;
+ }
+ pointsWeight[nomineeHash][t] = pt;
+ if (t > block.timestamp) {
+ timeWeight[nomineeHash] = t;
+ }
+ }
+ return pt.bias;
+ }
+ /// @dev Add nominee address along with the chain Id.
+ /// @param nominee Nominee account address and chainId.
+ function _addNominee(Nominee memory nominee) internal {
+ // Check for the nominee existence
+ bytes32 nomineeHash = keccak256(abi.encode(nominee));
+ if (mapNomineeIds[nomineeHash] > 0) {
+ revert NomineeAlreadyExists(nominee.account, nominee.chainId);
+ }
+ // Check for the previously removed nominee
+ if (mapRemovedNominees[nomineeHash] > 0) {
+ revert NomineeRemoved(nominee.account, nominee.chainId);
+ }
+ uint256 id = setNominees.length;
+ mapNomineeIds[nomineeHash] = id;
+ // Push the nominee into the list
+ setNominees.push(nominee);
+ uint256 nextTime = (block.timestamp + WEEK) / WEEK * WEEK;
+ timeWeight[nomineeHash] = nextTime;
+ // Enable nominee in dispenser, if applicable
+ address localDispenser = dispenser;
+ if (localDispenser != address(0)) {
+ IDispenser(localDispenser).addNominee(nomineeHash);
+ }
+ emit AddNominee(nominee.account, nominee.chainId, id);
+ }
+ /// @dev Add EVM nominee address along with the chain Id.
+ /// @param account Address of the nominee.
+ /// @param chainId Chain Id.
+ function addNomineeEVM(address account, uint256 chainId) external {
+ // Check for the zero address
+ if (account == address(0)) {
+ revert ZeroAddress();
+ }
+ // Check for zero chain Id
+ if (chainId == 0) {
+ revert ZeroValue();
+ }
+ // Check for the chain Id overflow
+ if (chainId > MAX_EVM_CHAIN_ID) {
+ revert Overflow(chainId, MAX_EVM_CHAIN_ID);
+ }
+ Nominee memory nominee = Nominee(bytes32(uint256(uint160(account))), chainId);
+ // Record nominee instance
+ _addNominee(nominee);
+ }
+ /// @dev Add Non-EVM nominee address along with the chain Id.
+ /// @param account Address of the nominee in byte32 standard.
+ /// @param chainId Chain Id.
+ function addNomineeNonEVM(bytes32 account, uint256 chainId) external {
+ // Check for the zero address
+ if (account == bytes32(0)) {
+ revert ZeroAddress();
+ }
+ // Check for the chain Id underflow
+ if (MAX_EVM_CHAIN_ID >= chainId) {
+ revert Underflow(chainId, MAX_EVM_CHAIN_ID + 1);
+ }
+ Nominee memory nominee = Nominee(account, chainId);
+ // Record nominee instance
+ _addNominee(nominee);
+ }
+ /// @dev Changes the owner address.
+ /// @param newOwner Address of a new owner.
+ function changeOwner(address newOwner) external {
+ // Check for the contract ownership
+ if (msg.sender != owner) {
+ revert OwnerOnly(msg.sender, owner);
+ }
+ // Check for the zero address
+ if (newOwner == address(0)) {
+ revert ZeroAddress();
+ }
+ owner = newOwner;
+ emit OwnerUpdated(newOwner);
+ }
+ /// @dev Changes the dispenser contract address.
+ /// @notice Dispenser can be set to a zero address if the contract needs to serve a general purpose.
+ /// @param newDispenser New dispenser contract address.
+ function changeDispenser(address newDispenser) external {
+ // Check for the contract ownership
+ if (msg.sender != owner) {
+ revert OwnerOnly(msg.sender, owner);
+ }
+ dispenser = newDispenser;
+ emit DispenserUpdated(newDispenser);
+ }
+ /// @dev Checkpoints to fill data common for all nominees.
+ function checkpoint() external {
+ uint256 totalSum = _getSum();
+ emit Checkpoint(msg.sender, totalSum);
+ }
+ /// @dev Checkpoints to fill data for both a specific nominee and common for all nominees.
+ /// @param account Address of the nominee.
+ /// @param chainId Chain Id.
+ function checkpointNominee(bytes32 account, uint256 chainId) external {
+ uint256 nomineeWeight = _getWeight(account, chainId);
+ uint256 totalSum = _getSum();
+ emit CheckpointNominee(msg.sender, account, chainId, nomineeWeight, totalSum);
+ }
+ /// @dev Gets Nominee relative weight (not more than 1.0) normalized to 1e18 (e.g. 1.0 == 1e18) and a sum of weights.
+ /// @param account Address of the nominee in byte32 standard.
+ /// @param chainId Chain Id.
+ /// @param time Timestamp in the past or present.
+ /// @return weight Value of relative weight normalized to 1e18.
+ /// @return totalSum Sum of nominee weights.
+ function _nomineeRelativeWeight(
+ bytes32 account,
+ uint256 chainId,
+ uint256 time
+ ) internal view returns (uint256 weight, uint256 totalSum) {
+ uint256 t = time / WEEK * WEEK;
+ totalSum = pointsSum[t].bias;
+ Nominee memory nominee = Nominee(account, chainId);
+ bytes32 nomineeHash = keccak256(abi.encode(nominee));
+ if (totalSum > 0) {
+ uint256 nomineeWeight = pointsWeight[nomineeHash][t].bias;
+ weight = 1e18 * nomineeWeight / totalSum;
+ }
+ }
+ /// @dev Gets Nominee relative weight (not more than 1.0) normalized to 1e18 (e.g. 1.0 == 1e18) and a sum of weights.
+ /// @param account Address of the nominee in bytes32 form.
+ /// @param chainId Chain Id.
+ /// @param time Relative weight at the specified timestamp in the past or present.
+ /// @return relativeWeight Value of nominee relative weight normalized to 1e18.
+ /// @return totalSum Sum of nominee weights.
+ function nomineeRelativeWeight(
+ bytes32 account,
+ uint256 chainId,
+ uint256 time
+ ) external view returns (uint256 relativeWeight, uint256 totalSum) {
+ (relativeWeight, totalSum) = _nomineeRelativeWeight(account, chainId, time);
+ }
+ /// @dev Checkpoints and gets nominee weight normalized to 1e18, and the total sum of all the nominee weights.
+ /// @notice Nothing is recorded if the values are already filled.
+ /// @param account Address of the nominee in bytes32 form.
+ /// @param chainId Chain Id.
+ /// @param time Relative weight at the specified timestamp in the past or present.
+ /// @return relativeWeight Value of nominee relative weight normalized to 1e18.
+ /// @return totalSum Sum of nominee weights.
+ function nomineeRelativeWeightWrite(
+ bytes32 account,
+ uint256 chainId,
+ uint256 time
+ ) external returns (uint256 relativeWeight, uint256 totalSum) {
+ uint256 nomineeWeight = _getWeight(account, chainId);
+ _getSum();
+ (relativeWeight, totalSum) = _nomineeRelativeWeight(account, chainId, time);
+ emit NomineeRelativeWeightWrite(msg.sender, account, chainId, nomineeWeight, totalSum, relativeWeight);
+ }
+ /// @dev Allocates voting power for changing pool weights.
+ /// @param account Address of the nominee the `msg.sender` votes for in bytes32 form.
+ /// @param chainId Chain Id.
+ /// @param weight Weight for a nominee in bps (units of 0.01%). Minimal is 0.01%. Ignored if 0.
+ function voteForNomineeWeights(bytes32 account, uint256 chainId, uint256 weight) public {
+ // Get the nominee hash
+ bytes32 nomineeHash = keccak256(abi.encode(Nominee(account, chainId)));
+ // Check for the previously removed nominee
+ if (mapRemovedNominees[nomineeHash] > 0) {
+ revert NomineeRemoved(account, chainId);
+ }
+ // Get user veOLAS slope and check its value
+ int128 userSlope = IVEOLAS(ve).getLastUserPoint(msg.sender).slope;
+ if (userSlope < 0) {
+ revert NegativeSlope(msg.sender, userSlope);
+ }
+ uint256 lockEnd = IVEOLAS(ve).lockedEnd(msg.sender);
+ uint256 nextTime = (block.timestamp + WEEK) / WEEK * WEEK;
+ // Check for the lock end expiration
+ if (nextTime >= lockEnd) {
+ revert LockExpired(msg.sender, lockEnd, nextTime);
+ }
+ // Check for the weight number
+ if (weight > MAX_WEIGHT) {
+ revert Overflow(weight, MAX_WEIGHT);
+ }
+ // Check for the last voting time
+ uint256 nextAllowedVotingTime = lastUserVote[msg.sender][nomineeHash] + WEIGHT_VOTE_DELAY;
+ if (nextAllowedVotingTime > block.timestamp) {
+ revert VoteTooOften(msg.sender, block.timestamp, nextAllowedVotingTime);
+ }
+ // Prepare old and new slopes and biases
+ VotedSlope memory oldSlope = voteUserSlopes[msg.sender][nomineeHash];
+ uint256 oldBias;
+ if (oldSlope.end > nextTime) {
+ oldBias = oldSlope.slope * (oldSlope.end - nextTime);
+ }
+ VotedSlope memory newSlope = VotedSlope({
+ slope: uint256(uint128(userSlope)) * weight / MAX_WEIGHT,
+ end: lockEnd,
+ power: weight
+ });
+ uint256 newBias = newSlope.slope * (lockEnd - nextTime);
+ uint256 powerUsed = voteUserPower[msg.sender];
+ powerUsed = powerUsed + newSlope.power - oldSlope.power;
+ voteUserPower[msg.sender] = powerUsed;
+ if (powerUsed > MAX_WEIGHT) {
+ revert Overflow(powerUsed, MAX_WEIGHT);
+ }
+ // Remove old and schedule new slope changes
+ // Remove slope changes for old slopes
+ // Schedule recording of initial slope for nextTime
+ pointsWeight[nomineeHash][nextTime].bias = _maxAndSub(_getWeight(account, chainId) + newBias, oldBias);
+ pointsSum[nextTime].bias = _maxAndSub(_getSum() + newBias, oldBias);
+ if (oldSlope.end > nextTime) {
+ pointsWeight[nomineeHash][nextTime].slope =
+ _maxAndSub(pointsWeight[nomineeHash][nextTime].slope + newSlope.slope, oldSlope.slope);
+ pointsSum[nextTime].slope = _maxAndSub(pointsSum[nextTime].slope + newSlope.slope, oldSlope.slope);
+ } else {
+ pointsWeight[nomineeHash][nextTime].slope += newSlope.slope;
+ pointsSum[nextTime].slope += newSlope.slope;
+ }
+ if (oldSlope.end > block.timestamp) {
+ // Cancel old slope changes if they still didn't happen
+ changesWeight[nomineeHash][oldSlope.end] -= oldSlope.slope;
+ changesSum[oldSlope.end] -= oldSlope.slope;
+ }
+ // Add slope changes for new slopes
+ changesWeight[nomineeHash][newSlope.end] += newSlope.slope;
+ changesSum[newSlope.end] += newSlope.slope;
+ voteUserSlopes[msg.sender][nomineeHash] = newSlope;
+ // Record last action time
+ lastUserVote[msg.sender][nomineeHash] = block.timestamp;
+ emit VoteForNominee(msg.sender, account, chainId, weight);
+ }
+ /// @dev Allocates voting power for changing pool weights in a batch set.
+ /// @param accounts Set of nominee addresses in bytes32 form the `msg.sender` votes for.
+ /// @param chainIds Set of corresponding chain Ids.
+ /// @param weights Weights for a nominees in bps (units of 0.01%). Minimal is 0.01%. Ignored if 0.
+ function voteForNomineeWeightsBatch(
+ bytes32[] memory accounts,
+ uint256[] memory chainIds,
+ uint256[] memory weights
+ ) external {
+ if (accounts.length != chainIds.length || accounts.length != weights.length) {
+ revert WrongArrayLength(accounts.length, weights.length);
+ }
+ // Traverse all accounts and weights
+ for (uint256 i = 0; i < accounts.length; ++i) {
+ voteForNomineeWeights(accounts[i], chainIds[i], weights[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ function _maxAndSub(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
+ return a > b ? a - b : 0;
+ }
+ /// @dev Removes nominee from the contract and zeros its weight.
+ /// @notice The last nominee in the set of nominees is going to change its Id at the end of this function call.
+ /// @param account Address of the nominee in bytes32 form.
+ /// @param chainId Chain Id.
+ function removeNominee(bytes32 account, uint256 chainId) external {
+ // Check for the contract ownership
+ if (msg.sender != owner) {
+ revert OwnerOnly(owner, msg.sender);
+ }
+ // Get the nominee struct and hash
+ Nominee memory nominee = Nominee(account, chainId);
+ bytes32 nomineeHash = keccak256(abi.encode(nominee));
+ // Get the nominee id in the nominee set
+ uint256 id = mapNomineeIds[nomineeHash];
+ if (id == 0) {
+ revert NomineeDoesNotExist(account, chainId);
+ }
+ // Set nominee weight to zero
+ uint256 oldWeight = _getWeight(account, chainId);
+ uint256 oldSum = _getSum();
+ uint256 nextTime = (block.timestamp + WEEK) / WEEK * WEEK;
+ pointsWeight[nomineeHash][nextTime].bias = 0;
+ timeWeight[nomineeHash] = nextTime;
+ // Account for the the sum weight change
+ uint256 newSum = oldSum - oldWeight;
+ pointsSum[nextTime].bias = newSum;
+ timeSum = nextTime;
+ // Add to the removed nominee map and set
+ mapRemovedNominees[nomineeHash] = setRemovedNominees.length;
+ setRemovedNominees.push(nominee);
+ // Remove nominee from the map
+ mapNomineeIds[nomineeHash] = 0;
+ // Shuffle the current last nominee id in the set to be placed to the removed one
+ nominee = setNominees[setNominees.length - 1];
+ bytes32 replacedNomineeHash = keccak256(abi.encode(nominee));
+ mapNomineeIds[replacedNomineeHash] = id;
+ setNominees[id] = nominee;
+ // Pop the last element from the set
+ setNominees.pop();
+ // Remove nominee in dispenser, if applicable
+ address localDispenser = dispenser;
+ if (localDispenser != address(0)) {
+ IDispenser(localDispenser).removeNominee(nomineeHash);
+ }
+ emit RemoveNominee(account, chainId, newSum);
+ }
+ /// @dev Retrieves user voting power from a removed nominee.
+ /// @param account Address of the nominee in bytes32 form.
+ /// @param chainId Chain Id.
+ function retrieveRemovedNomineeVotingPower(bytes32 account, uint256 chainId) external {
+ // Get the nominee struct and hash
+ Nominee memory nominee = Nominee(account, chainId);
+ bytes32 nomineeHash = keccak256(abi.encode(nominee));
+ // Check that the nominee is removed
+ if (mapRemovedNominees[nomineeHash] == 0) {
+ revert NomineeNotRemoved(account, chainId);
+ }
+ // Get the user old slope
+ VotedSlope memory oldSlope = voteUserSlopes[msg.sender][nomineeHash];
+ if (oldSlope.power == 0) {
+ revert ZeroValue();
+ }
+ // Cancel old slope changes if they still didn't happen
+ if (oldSlope.end > block.timestamp) {
+ changesWeight[nomineeHash][oldSlope.end] -= oldSlope.slope;
+ changesSum[oldSlope.end] -= oldSlope.slope;
+ }
+ // Update the voting power
+ uint256 powerUsed = voteUserPower[msg.sender];
+ powerUsed = powerUsed - oldSlope.power;
+ voteUserPower[msg.sender] = powerUsed;
+ delete voteUserSlopes[msg.sender][nomineeHash];
+ }
+ /// @dev Get current nominee weight.
+ /// @param account Address of the nominee in bytes32 form.
+ /// @param chainId Chain Id.
+ /// @return Nominee weight.
+ function getNomineeWeight(bytes32 account, uint256 chainId) external view returns (uint256) {
+ // Get the nominee struct and hash
+ Nominee memory nominee = Nominee(account, chainId);
+ bytes32 nomineeHash = keccak256(abi.encode(nominee));
+ return pointsWeight[nomineeHash][timeWeight[nomineeHash]].bias;
+ }
+ /// @dev Get sum of nominee weights.
+ /// @return Sum of nominee weights.
+ function getWeightsSum() external view returns (uint256) {
+ return pointsSum[timeSum].bias;
+ }
+ /// @dev Get the total number of nominees.
+ /// @notice The zero-th default nominee Id with id == 0 does not count.
+ /// @return Total number of nominees.
+ function getNumNominees() external view returns (uint256) {
+ return setNominees.length - 1;
+ }
+ /// @dev Get the total number of removed nominees.
+ /// @notice The zero-th default nominee Id with id == 0 does not count.
+ /// @return Total number of removed nominees.
+ function getNumRemovedNominees() external view returns (uint256) {
+ return setRemovedNominees.length - 1;
+ }
+ /// @dev Gets a full set of nominees.
+ /// @notice The returned set includes the zero-th empty nominee instance.
+ /// @return Set of all the nominees in the contract.
+ function getAllNominees() external view returns (Nominee[] memory) {
+ return setNominees;
+ }
+ /// @dev Gets a full set of removed nominees.
+ /// @notice The returned set includes the zero-th empty nominee instance.
+ /// @return Set of all the removed nominees in the contract.
+ function getAllRemovedNominees() external view returns (Nominee[] memory) {
+ return setRemovedNominees;
+ }
+ /// @dev Gets the nominee Id in the global nominees set.
+ /// @param account Nominee address in bytes32 form.
+ /// @param chainId Chain Id.
+ /// @return Nominee Id in the global set of Nominee struct values.
+ function getNomineeId(bytes32 account, uint256 chainId) external view returns (uint256) {
+ // Get the nominee struct and hash
+ Nominee memory nominee = Nominee(account, chainId);
+ bytes32 nomineeHash = keccak256(abi.encode(nominee));
+ return mapNomineeIds[nomineeHash];
+ }
+ /// @dev Gets the removed nominee Id in the global removed nominees set.
+ /// @param account Nominee address in bytes32 form.
+ /// @param chainId Chain Id.
+ /// @return Removed nominee Id in the global set of Nominee struct values.
+ function getRemovedNomineeId(bytes32 account, uint256 chainId) external view returns (uint256) {
+ // Get the nominee struct and hash
+ Nominee memory nominee = Nominee(account, chainId);
+ bytes32 nomineeHash = keccak256(abi.encode(nominee));
+ return mapRemovedNominees[nomineeHash];
+ }
+ /// @dev Gets the nominee address and its corresponding chain Id.
+ /// @notice The zero-th default nominee Id with id == 0 does not count.
+ /// @param id Nominee Id in the global set of Nominee struct values.
+ /// @return Nominee address in bytes32 form and chain Id.
+ function getNominee(uint256 id) external view returns (Nominee memory) {
+ // Get the total number of nominees in the contract
+ uint256 totalNumNominees = setNominees.length - 1;
+ // Check for the zero id or the overflow
+ if (id == 0) {
+ revert ZeroValue();
+ } else if (id > totalNumNominees) {
+ revert Overflow(id, totalNumNominees);
+ }
+ return setNominees[id];
+ }
+ /// @dev Gets the removed nominee address and its corresponding chain Id.
+ /// @notice The zero-th default removed nominee Id with id == 0 does not count.
+ /// @param id Removed nominee Id in the global set of Nominee struct values.
+ /// @return Removed nominee address in bytes32 form and chain Id.
+ function getRemovedNominee(uint256 id) external view returns (Nominee memory) {
+ // Get the total number of nominees in the contract
+ uint256 totalNumRemovedNominees = setRemovedNominees.length - 1;
+ // Check for the zero id or the overflow
+ if (id == 0) {
+ revert ZeroValue();
+ } else if (id > totalNumRemovedNominees) {
+ revert Overflow(id, totalNumRemovedNominees);
+ }
+ return setRemovedNominees[id];
+ }
+ /// @dev Gets next allowed voting time for selected nominees and voters.
+ /// @notice The function does not check for repeated nominees and voters.
+ /// @param accounts Set of nominee account addresses.
+ /// @param chainIds Corresponding set of chain Ids.
+ /// @param voters Corresponding set of voters for specified nominees.
+ function getNextAllowedVotingTimes(
+ bytes32[] memory accounts,
+ uint256[] memory chainIds,
+ address[] memory voters
+ ) external view returns (uint256[] memory nextAllowedVotingTimes) {
+ // Check array lengths
+ if (accounts.length != chainIds.length || accounts.length != voters.length) {
+ revert WrongArrayLength(accounts.length, chainIds.length);
+ }
+ // Allocate the times array
+ nextAllowedVotingTimes = new uint256[](accounts.length);
+ // Traverse nominees and get next available voting times
+ for (uint256 i = 0; i < accounts.length; ++i) {
+ // Get the nominee struct and hash
+ Nominee memory nominee = Nominee(accounts[i], chainIds[i]);
+ bytes32 nomineeHash = keccak256(abi.encode(nominee));
+ // Check for nominee existence
+ if (mapNomineeIds[nomineeHash] == 0) {
+ revert NomineeDoesNotExist(accounts[i], chainIds[i]);
+ }
+ // Calculate next allowed voting times
+ nextAllowedVotingTimes[i] = lastUserVote[voters[i]][nomineeHash] + WEIGHT_VOTE_DELAY;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/audits/internal12/analysis2/contracts/script.sh b/audits/internal12/analysis2/contracts/script.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..286784b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/audits/internal12/analysis2/contracts/script.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+ slither_options=("call-graph" "constructor-calls" "contract-summary" "data-dependency" "function-summary"
+ "human-summary" "inheritance" "inheritance-graph" "modifiers" "require" "variable-order" "vars-and-auth")
+ echo -e "\nRunning slither routines ..."
+ for so in "${slither_options[@]}"; do
+ echo -e "\t$so"
+ slither . --print ${so} &> "slither_$so.txt"
+ done
+ echo -e "\tfull report"
+ slither . &> "slither_full.txt"
+ # moving generated .dot files to the audit folder
+ count=`ls -1 *.dot 2>/dev/null | wc -l`
+ echo -e "\tgenerated $count .dot files"
+ for _filename in *.dot; do
+ filename="${_filename%.*}"
+ cat $_filename | dot -Tpng > slither_$filename.png
+ done
+ rm *.dot
diff --git a/audits/internal12/analysis2/slither_VoteWeighting-flatten.sol.IDispenser.call-graph.png b/audits/internal12/analysis2/slither_VoteWeighting-flatten.sol.IDispenser.call-graph.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..68ad698
Binary files /dev/null and b/audits/internal12/analysis2/slither_VoteWeighting-flatten.sol.IDispenser.call-graph.png differ
diff --git a/audits/internal12/analysis2/slither_VoteWeighting-flatten.sol.IVEOLAS.call-graph.png b/audits/internal12/analysis2/slither_VoteWeighting-flatten.sol.IVEOLAS.call-graph.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..86a6346
Binary files /dev/null and b/audits/internal12/analysis2/slither_VoteWeighting-flatten.sol.IVEOLAS.call-graph.png differ
diff --git a/audits/internal12/analysis2/slither_VoteWeighting-flatten.sol.VoteWeighting.call-graph.png b/audits/internal12/analysis2/slither_VoteWeighting-flatten.sol.VoteWeighting.call-graph.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..58482b1
Binary files /dev/null and b/audits/internal12/analysis2/slither_VoteWeighting-flatten.sol.VoteWeighting.call-graph.png differ
diff --git a/audits/internal12/analysis2/slither_VoteWeighting-flatten.sol.all_contracts.call-graph.png b/audits/internal12/analysis2/slither_VoteWeighting-flatten.sol.all_contracts.call-graph.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6f55f90
Binary files /dev/null and b/audits/internal12/analysis2/slither_VoteWeighting-flatten.sol.all_contracts.call-graph.png differ
diff --git a/audits/internal12/analysis2/slither_VoteWeighting-flatten.sol.inheritance-graph.png b/audits/internal12/analysis2/slither_VoteWeighting-flatten.sol.inheritance-graph.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..08604e0
Binary files /dev/null and b/audits/internal12/analysis2/slither_VoteWeighting-flatten.sol.inheritance-graph.png differ
diff --git a/audits/internal12/analysis2/slither_call-graph.txt b/audits/internal12/analysis2/slither_call-graph.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..14dba8c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/audits/internal12/analysis2/slither_call-graph.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+'solc --version' running
+'solc ./VoteWeighting-flatten.sol --combined-json abi,ast,bin,bin-runtime,srcmap,srcmap-runtime,userdoc,devdoc,hashes --allow-paths .,/home/andrey/valory/autonolas-governance/audits/internal12/analysis2/contracts' running
+INFO:Printers:Call Graph: ./VoteWeighting-flatten.sol.all_contracts.call-graph.dot
+Call Graph: ./VoteWeighting-flatten.sol.IDispenser.call-graph.dot
+Call Graph: ./VoteWeighting-flatten.sol.IVEOLAS.call-graph.dot
+Call Graph: ./VoteWeighting-flatten.sol.VoteWeighting.call-graph.dot
+INFO:Slither:. analyzed (3 contracts)
diff --git a/audits/internal12/analysis2/slither_constructor-calls.txt b/audits/internal12/analysis2/slither_constructor-calls.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a5d2060
--- /dev/null
+++ b/audits/internal12/analysis2/slither_constructor-calls.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+'solc --version' running
+'solc ./VoteWeighting-flatten.sol --combined-json abi,ast,bin,bin-runtime,srcmap,srcmap-runtime,userdoc,devdoc,hashes --allow-paths .,/home/andrey/valory/autonolas-governance/audits/internal12/analysis2/contracts' running
+####### VoteWeighting #######
+## Constructor Call Sequence
+ - VoteWeighting
+## Constructor Definitions
+### VoteWeighting
+ constructor(address _ve) {
+ // Check for the zero address
+ if (_ve == address(0)) {
+ revert ZeroAddress();
+ }
+ // Set initial parameters
+ owner = msg.sender;
+ ve = _ve;
+ timeSum = block.timestamp / WEEK * WEEK;
+ // Push empty element to the zero-th index
+ setNominees.push(Nominee(0, 0));
+ // For symmetry, push empty element to the zero-th index in the removed Nominee set as well
+ setRemovedNominees.push(Nominee(0, 0));
+ }
+INFO:Slither:. analyzed (3 contracts)
diff --git a/audits/internal12/analysis2/slither_contract-summary.txt b/audits/internal12/analysis2/slither_contract-summary.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8d8e3ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/audits/internal12/analysis2/slither_contract-summary.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+'solc --version' running
+'solc ./VoteWeighting-flatten.sol --combined-json abi,ast,bin,bin-runtime,srcmap,srcmap-runtime,userdoc,devdoc,hashes --allow-paths .,/home/andrey/valory/autonolas-governance/audits/internal12/analysis2/contracts' running
++ Contract IDispenser (Most derived contract)
+ - From IDispenser
+ - addNominee(bytes32) (external)
+ - removeNominee(bytes32) (external)
++ Contract IVEOLAS (Most derived contract)
+ - From IVEOLAS
+ - getLastUserPoint(address) (external)
+ - lockedEnd(address) (external)
++ Contract VoteWeighting (Most derived contract)
+ - From VoteWeighting
+ - _addNominee(Nominee) (internal)
+ - _getSum() (internal)
+ - _getWeight(bytes32,uint256) (internal)
+ - _maxAndSub(uint256,uint256) (internal)
+ - _nomineeRelativeWeight(bytes32,uint256,uint256) (internal)
+ - addNomineeEVM(address,uint256) (external)
+ - addNomineeNonEVM(bytes32,uint256) (external)
+ - changeDispenser(address) (external)
+ - changeOwner(address) (external)
+ - checkpoint() (external)
+ - checkpointNominee(bytes32,uint256) (external)
+ - constructor(address) (public)
+ - getAllNominees() (external)
+ - getAllRemovedNominees() (external)
+ - getNextAllowedVotingTimes(bytes32[],uint256[],address[]) (external)
+ - getNominee(uint256) (external)
+ - getNomineeId(bytes32,uint256) (external)
+ - getNomineeWeight(bytes32,uint256) (external)
+ - getNumNominees() (external)
+ - getNumRemovedNominees() (external)
+ - getRemovedNominee(uint256) (external)
+ - getRemovedNomineeId(bytes32,uint256) (external)
+ - getWeightsSum() (external)
+ - nomineeRelativeWeight(bytes32,uint256,uint256) (external)
+ - nomineeRelativeWeightWrite(bytes32,uint256,uint256) (external)
+ - removeNominee(bytes32,uint256) (external)
+ - retrieveRemovedNomineeVotingPower(bytes32,uint256) (external)
+ - voteForNomineeWeights(bytes32,uint256,uint256) (public)
+ - voteForNomineeWeightsBatch(bytes32[],uint256[],uint256[]) (external)
+INFO:Slither:. analyzed (3 contracts)
diff --git a/audits/internal12/analysis2/slither_data-dependency.txt b/audits/internal12/analysis2/slither_data-dependency.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..775fa8a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/audits/internal12/analysis2/slither_data-dependency.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,1032 @@
+'solc --version' running
+'solc ./VoteWeighting-flatten.sol --combined-json abi,ast,bin,bin-runtime,srcmap,srcmap-runtime,userdoc,devdoc,hashes --allow-paths .,/home/andrey/valory/autonolas-governance/audits/internal12/analysis2/contracts' running
+Contract IDispenser
+[34m|[0m[96m Variable [34m|[0m[96m Dependencies [34m|[0m[96m
+Function addNominee(bytes32)
+[34m|[0m[96m Variable [34m|[0m[96m Dependencies [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m nomineeHash [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+Function removeNominee(bytes32)
+[34m|[0m[96m Variable [34m|[0m[96m Dependencies [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m nomineeHash [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+Contract IDispenser
+[34m|[0m[96m Variable [34m|[0m[96m Dependencies [34m|[0m[96m
+Function addNominee(bytes32)
+[34m|[0m[96m Variable [34m|[0m[96m Dependencies [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m nomineeHash [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+Function removeNominee(bytes32)
+[34m|[0m[96m Variable [34m|[0m[96m Dependencies [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m nomineeHash [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+Contract IVEOLAS
+[34m|[0m[96m Variable [34m|[0m[96m Dependencies [34m|[0m[96m
+Function lockedEnd(address)
+[34m|[0m[96m Variable [34m|[0m[96m Dependencies [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m account [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m unlockTime [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+Function getLastUserPoint(address)
+[34m|[0m[96m Variable [34m|[0m[96m Dependencies [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m account [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m pv [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+Contract IDispenser
+[34m|[0m[96m Variable [34m|[0m[96m Dependencies [34m|[0m[96m
+Function addNominee(bytes32)
+[34m|[0m[96m Variable [34m|[0m[96m Dependencies [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m nomineeHash [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+Function removeNominee(bytes32)
+[34m|[0m[96m Variable [34m|[0m[96m Dependencies [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m nomineeHash [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+Contract IVEOLAS
+[34m|[0m[96m Variable [34m|[0m[96m Dependencies [34m|[0m[96m
+Function lockedEnd(address)
+[34m|[0m[96m Variable [34m|[0m[96m Dependencies [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m account [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m unlockTime [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+Function getLastUserPoint(address)
+[34m|[0m[96m Variable [34m|[0m[96m Dependencies [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m account [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m pv [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+Contract VoteWeighting
+[34m|[0m[96m Variable [34m|[0m[96m Dependencies [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m WEEK [34m|[0m[96m ['WEEK'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m WEIGHT_VOTE_DELAY [34m|[0m[96m ['WEIGHT_VOTE_DELAY'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m MAX_NUM_WEEKS [34m|[0m[96m ['MAX_NUM_WEEKS'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m MAX_WEIGHT [34m|[0m[96m ['MAX_WEIGHT'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m MAX_EVM_CHAIN_ID [34m|[0m[96m ['MAX_EVM_CHAIN_ID'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m ve [34m|[0m[96m ['_ve', 've'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m owner [34m|[0m[96m ['msg.sender', 'newOwner', 'owner'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m dispenser [34m|[0m[96m ['dispenser', 'newDispenser'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m setNominees [34m|[0m[96m ['account', 'chainId', 'nominee', 'setNominees'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m setRemovedNominees [34m|[0m[96m ['account', 'chainId', 'nominee', 'setRemovedNominees'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m mapNomineeIds [34m|[0m[96m ['account', 'chainId', 'id', 'mapNomineeIds', 'nominee', 'setNominees'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m mapRemovedNominees [34m|[0m[96m ['mapRemovedNominees', 'setRemovedNominees'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m voteUserSlopes [34m|[0m[96m ['voteUserSlopes'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m voteUserPower [34m|[0m[96m ['MAX_WEIGHT', '_ve', 'lockEnd', 'msg.sender', 'newSlope', 'oldSlope', 'powerUsed', 'userSlope', 've', 'voteUserPower', 'voteUserSlopes', 'weight', 'weights'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m lastUserVote [34m|[0m[96m ['lastUserVote'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m pointsWeight [34m|[0m[96m ['pointsWeight'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m changesWeight [34m|[0m[96m ['changesWeight'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m timeWeight [34m|[0m[96m ['WEEK', 'block.timestamp', 'nextTime', 't', 'timeWeight'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m pointsSum [34m|[0m[96m ['MAX_WEIGHT', 'WEEK', '_ve', 'changesSum', 'dBias', 'dSlope', 'lockEnd', 'msg.sender', 'newSlope', 'oldSlope', 'pointsSum', 'pt', 'userSlope', 've', 'voteUserSlopes', 'weight', 'weights'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m changesSum [34m|[0m[96m ['MAX_WEIGHT', '_ve', 'changesSum', 'lockEnd', 'msg.sender', 'newSlope', 'oldSlope', 'userSlope', 've', 'voteUserSlopes', 'weight', 'weights'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m timeSum [34m|[0m[96m ['WEEK', 'block.timestamp', 'nextTime', 't', 'timeSum'] [34m|[0m[96m
+Function constructor(address)
+[34m|[0m[96m Variable [34m|[0m[96m Dependencies [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m _ve [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.WEEK [34m|[0m[96m ['WEEK'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.WEIGHT_VOTE_DELAY [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.MAX_NUM_WEEKS [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.MAX_WEIGHT [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.MAX_EVM_CHAIN_ID [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.ve [34m|[0m[96m ['_ve'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.owner [34m|[0m[96m ['msg.sender'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.dispenser [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.setNominees [34m|[0m[96m ['setNominees'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.setRemovedNominees [34m|[0m[96m ['setRemovedNominees'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.mapNomineeIds [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.mapRemovedNominees [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.voteUserSlopes [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.voteUserPower [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.lastUserVote [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.pointsWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.changesWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.timeWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.pointsSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.changesSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.timeSum [34m|[0m[96m ['WEEK', 'block.timestamp'] [34m|[0m[96m
+Function _getSum()
+[34m|[0m[96m Variable [34m|[0m[96m Dependencies [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m t [34m|[0m[96m ['WEEK', 't', 'timeSum'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m pt [34m|[0m[96m ['WEEK', 'changesSum', 'dBias', 'dSlope', 'pointsSum', 'pt'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m i [34m|[0m[96m ['i'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m dBias [34m|[0m[96m ['WEEK', 'changesSum', 'dSlope', 'pointsSum', 'pt'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m dSlope [34m|[0m[96m ['changesSum'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.WEEK [34m|[0m[96m ['WEEK'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.WEIGHT_VOTE_DELAY [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.MAX_NUM_WEEKS [34m|[0m[96m ['MAX_NUM_WEEKS'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.MAX_WEIGHT [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.MAX_EVM_CHAIN_ID [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.ve [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.owner [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.dispenser [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.setNominees [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.setRemovedNominees [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.mapNomineeIds [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.mapRemovedNominees [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.voteUserSlopes [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.voteUserPower [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.lastUserVote [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.pointsWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.changesWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.timeWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.pointsSum [34m|[0m[96m ['WEEK', 'changesSum', 'dBias', 'dSlope', 'pointsSum', 'pt'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.changesSum [34m|[0m[96m ['changesSum'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.timeSum [34m|[0m[96m ['WEEK', 't', 'timeSum'] [34m|[0m[96m
+Function _getWeight(bytes32,uint256)
+[34m|[0m[96m Variable [34m|[0m[96m Dependencies [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m account [34m|[0m[96m ['account'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m chainId [34m|[0m[96m ['chainId'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m nominee [34m|[0m[96m ['account', 'chainId'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m nomineeHash [34m|[0m[96m ['account', 'chainId', 'nominee'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m t [34m|[0m[96m ['WEEK', 't', 'timeWeight'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m pt [34m|[0m[96m ['WEEK', 'changesWeight', 'dBias', 'dSlope', 'pointsWeight', 'pt'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m i [34m|[0m[96m ['i'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m dBias [34m|[0m[96m ['WEEK', 'pointsWeight', 'pt'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m dSlope [34m|[0m[96m ['changesWeight'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.WEEK [34m|[0m[96m ['WEEK'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.WEIGHT_VOTE_DELAY [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.MAX_NUM_WEEKS [34m|[0m[96m ['MAX_NUM_WEEKS'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.MAX_WEIGHT [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.MAX_EVM_CHAIN_ID [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.ve [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.owner [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.dispenser [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.setNominees [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.setRemovedNominees [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.mapNomineeIds [34m|[0m[96m ['mapNomineeIds'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.mapRemovedNominees [34m|[0m[96m ['mapRemovedNominees'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.voteUserSlopes [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.voteUserPower [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.lastUserVote [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.pointsWeight [34m|[0m[96m ['pointsWeight'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.changesWeight [34m|[0m[96m ['changesWeight'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.timeWeight [34m|[0m[96m ['WEEK', 't', 'timeWeight'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.pointsSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.changesSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.timeSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+Function _addNominee(Nominee)
+[34m|[0m[96m Variable [34m|[0m[96m Dependencies [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m nominee [34m|[0m[96m ['nominee'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m nomineeHash [34m|[0m[96m ['nominee'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m id [34m|[0m[96m ['nominee', 'setNominees'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m nextTime [34m|[0m[96m ['WEEK', 'block.timestamp'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m localDispenser [34m|[0m[96m ['dispenser'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.WEEK [34m|[0m[96m ['WEEK'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.WEIGHT_VOTE_DELAY [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.MAX_NUM_WEEKS [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.MAX_WEIGHT [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.MAX_EVM_CHAIN_ID [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.ve [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.owner [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.dispenser [34m|[0m[96m ['dispenser'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.setNominees [34m|[0m[96m ['nominee', 'setNominees'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.setRemovedNominees [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.mapNomineeIds [34m|[0m[96m ['id', 'mapNomineeIds', 'nominee', 'setNominees'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.mapRemovedNominees [34m|[0m[96m ['mapRemovedNominees'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.voteUserSlopes [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.voteUserPower [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.lastUserVote [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.pointsWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.changesWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.timeWeight [34m|[0m[96m ['WEEK', 'block.timestamp', 'nextTime', 'timeWeight'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.pointsSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.changesSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.timeSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+Function addNomineeEVM(address,uint256)
+[34m|[0m[96m Variable [34m|[0m[96m Dependencies [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m account [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m chainId [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m nominee [34m|[0m[96m ['account', 'chainId'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.WEEK [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.WEIGHT_VOTE_DELAY [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.MAX_NUM_WEEKS [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.MAX_WEIGHT [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.MAX_EVM_CHAIN_ID [34m|[0m[96m ['MAX_EVM_CHAIN_ID'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.ve [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.owner [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.dispenser [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.setNominees [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.setRemovedNominees [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.mapNomineeIds [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.mapRemovedNominees [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.voteUserSlopes [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.voteUserPower [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.lastUserVote [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.pointsWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.changesWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.timeWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.pointsSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.changesSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.timeSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+Function addNomineeNonEVM(bytes32,uint256)
+[34m|[0m[96m Variable [34m|[0m[96m Dependencies [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m account [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m chainId [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m nominee [34m|[0m[96m ['account', 'chainId'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.WEEK [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.WEIGHT_VOTE_DELAY [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.MAX_NUM_WEEKS [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.MAX_WEIGHT [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.MAX_EVM_CHAIN_ID [34m|[0m[96m ['MAX_EVM_CHAIN_ID'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.ve [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.owner [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.dispenser [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.setNominees [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.setRemovedNominees [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.mapNomineeIds [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.mapRemovedNominees [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.voteUserSlopes [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.voteUserPower [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.lastUserVote [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.pointsWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.changesWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.timeWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.pointsSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.changesSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.timeSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+Function changeOwner(address)
+[34m|[0m[96m Variable [34m|[0m[96m Dependencies [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m newOwner [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.WEEK [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.WEIGHT_VOTE_DELAY [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.MAX_NUM_WEEKS [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.MAX_WEIGHT [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.MAX_EVM_CHAIN_ID [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.ve [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.owner [34m|[0m[96m ['newOwner', 'owner'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.dispenser [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.setNominees [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.setRemovedNominees [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.mapNomineeIds [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.mapRemovedNominees [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.voteUserSlopes [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.voteUserPower [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.lastUserVote [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.pointsWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.changesWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.timeWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.pointsSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.changesSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.timeSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+Function changeDispenser(address)
+[34m|[0m[96m Variable [34m|[0m[96m Dependencies [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m newDispenser [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.WEEK [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.WEIGHT_VOTE_DELAY [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.MAX_NUM_WEEKS [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.MAX_WEIGHT [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.MAX_EVM_CHAIN_ID [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.ve [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.owner [34m|[0m[96m ['owner'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.dispenser [34m|[0m[96m ['newDispenser'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.setNominees [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.setRemovedNominees [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.mapNomineeIds [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.mapRemovedNominees [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.voteUserSlopes [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.voteUserPower [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.lastUserVote [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.pointsWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.changesWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.timeWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.pointsSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.changesSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.timeSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+Function checkpoint()
+[34m|[0m[96m Variable [34m|[0m[96m Dependencies [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m totalSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.WEEK [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.WEIGHT_VOTE_DELAY [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.MAX_NUM_WEEKS [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.MAX_WEIGHT [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.MAX_EVM_CHAIN_ID [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.ve [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.owner [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.dispenser [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.setNominees [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.setRemovedNominees [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.mapNomineeIds [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.mapRemovedNominees [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.voteUserSlopes [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.voteUserPower [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.lastUserVote [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.pointsWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.changesWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.timeWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.pointsSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.changesSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.timeSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+Function checkpointNominee(bytes32,uint256)
+[34m|[0m[96m Variable [34m|[0m[96m Dependencies [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m account [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m chainId [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m nomineeWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m totalSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.WEEK [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.WEIGHT_VOTE_DELAY [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.MAX_NUM_WEEKS [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.MAX_WEIGHT [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.MAX_EVM_CHAIN_ID [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.ve [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.owner [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.dispenser [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.setNominees [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.setRemovedNominees [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.mapNomineeIds [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.mapRemovedNominees [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.voteUserSlopes [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.voteUserPower [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.lastUserVote [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.pointsWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.changesWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.timeWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.pointsSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.changesSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.timeSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+Function _nomineeRelativeWeight(bytes32,uint256,uint256)
+[34m|[0m[96m Variable [34m|[0m[96m Dependencies [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m account [34m|[0m[96m ['account'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m chainId [34m|[0m[96m ['chainId'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m time [34m|[0m[96m ['time'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m weight [34m|[0m[96m ['nomineeWeight', 'pointsSum', 'pointsWeight', 'totalSum'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m totalSum [34m|[0m[96m ['pointsSum'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m t [34m|[0m[96m ['WEEK', 'time'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m nominee [34m|[0m[96m ['account', 'chainId'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m nomineeHash [34m|[0m[96m ['account', 'chainId', 'nominee'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m nomineeWeight [34m|[0m[96m ['pointsWeight'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.WEEK [34m|[0m[96m ['WEEK'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.WEIGHT_VOTE_DELAY [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.MAX_NUM_WEEKS [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.MAX_WEIGHT [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.MAX_EVM_CHAIN_ID [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.ve [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.owner [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.dispenser [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.setNominees [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.setRemovedNominees [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.mapNomineeIds [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.mapRemovedNominees [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.voteUserSlopes [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.voteUserPower [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.lastUserVote [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.pointsWeight [34m|[0m[96m ['pointsWeight'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.changesWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.timeWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.pointsSum [34m|[0m[96m ['pointsSum'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.changesSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.timeSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+Function nomineeRelativeWeight(bytes32,uint256,uint256)
+[34m|[0m[96m Variable [34m|[0m[96m Dependencies [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m account [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m chainId [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m time [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m relativeWeight [34m|[0m[96m ['TUPLE_0'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m totalSum [34m|[0m[96m ['TUPLE_0'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.WEEK [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.WEIGHT_VOTE_DELAY [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.MAX_NUM_WEEKS [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.MAX_WEIGHT [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.MAX_EVM_CHAIN_ID [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.ve [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.owner [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.dispenser [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.setNominees [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.setRemovedNominees [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.mapNomineeIds [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.mapRemovedNominees [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.voteUserSlopes [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.voteUserPower [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.lastUserVote [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.pointsWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.changesWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.timeWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.pointsSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.changesSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.timeSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+Function nomineeRelativeWeightWrite(bytes32,uint256,uint256)
+[34m|[0m[96m Variable [34m|[0m[96m Dependencies [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m account [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m chainId [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m time [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m relativeWeight [34m|[0m[96m ['TUPLE_1'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m totalSum [34m|[0m[96m ['TUPLE_1'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m nomineeWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.WEEK [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.WEIGHT_VOTE_DELAY [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.MAX_NUM_WEEKS [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.MAX_WEIGHT [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.MAX_EVM_CHAIN_ID [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.ve [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.owner [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.dispenser [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.setNominees [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.setRemovedNominees [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.mapNomineeIds [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.mapRemovedNominees [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.voteUserSlopes [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.voteUserPower [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.lastUserVote [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.pointsWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.changesWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.timeWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.pointsSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.changesSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.timeSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+Function voteForNomineeWeights(bytes32,uint256,uint256)
+[34m|[0m[96m Variable [34m|[0m[96m Dependencies [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m account [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m chainId [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m weight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m nomineeHash [34m|[0m[96m ['account', 'chainId'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m userSlope [34m|[0m[96m ['msg.sender', 've'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m lockEnd [34m|[0m[96m ['msg.sender', 've'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m nextTime [34m|[0m[96m ['WEEK', 'block.timestamp'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m nextAllowedVotingTime [34m|[0m[96m ['WEIGHT_VOTE_DELAY', 'lastUserVote'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m oldSlope [34m|[0m[96m ['oldSlope', 'voteUserSlopes'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m oldBias [34m|[0m[96m ['WEEK', 'block.timestamp', 'nextTime', 'oldBias', 'oldSlope', 'voteUserSlopes'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m newSlope [34m|[0m[96m ['MAX_WEIGHT', 'lockEnd', 'msg.sender', 'newSlope', 'userSlope', 've', 'weight'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m newBias [34m|[0m[96m ['MAX_WEIGHT', 'WEEK', 'block.timestamp', 'lockEnd', 'msg.sender', 'newSlope', 'nextTime', 'userSlope', 've', 'weight'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m powerUsed [34m|[0m[96m ['MAX_WEIGHT', 'lockEnd', 'msg.sender', 'newSlope', 'oldSlope', 'powerUsed', 'userSlope', 've', 'voteUserPower', 'voteUserSlopes', 'weight'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.WEEK [34m|[0m[96m ['WEEK'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.WEIGHT_VOTE_DELAY [34m|[0m[96m ['WEIGHT_VOTE_DELAY'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.MAX_NUM_WEEKS [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.MAX_WEIGHT [34m|[0m[96m ['MAX_WEIGHT'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.MAX_EVM_CHAIN_ID [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.ve [34m|[0m[96m ['ve'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.owner [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.dispenser [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.setNominees [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.setRemovedNominees [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.mapNomineeIds [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.mapRemovedNominees [34m|[0m[96m ['mapRemovedNominees'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.voteUserSlopes [34m|[0m[96m ['voteUserSlopes'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.voteUserPower [34m|[0m[96m ['MAX_WEIGHT', 'lockEnd', 'msg.sender', 'newSlope', 'oldSlope', 'powerUsed', 'userSlope', 've', 'voteUserPower', 'voteUserSlopes', 'weight'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.lastUserVote [34m|[0m[96m ['lastUserVote'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.pointsWeight [34m|[0m[96m ['pointsWeight'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.changesWeight [34m|[0m[96m ['changesWeight'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.timeWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.pointsSum [34m|[0m[96m ['pointsSum'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.changesSum [34m|[0m[96m ['MAX_WEIGHT', 'changesSum', 'lockEnd', 'msg.sender', 'newSlope', 'oldSlope', 'userSlope', 've', 'voteUserSlopes', 'weight'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.timeSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+Function voteForNomineeWeightsBatch(bytes32[],uint256[],uint256[])
+[34m|[0m[96m Variable [34m|[0m[96m Dependencies [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m accounts [34m|[0m[96m ['accounts'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m chainIds [34m|[0m[96m ['chainIds'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m weights [34m|[0m[96m ['weights'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m i [34m|[0m[96m ['i'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.WEEK [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.WEIGHT_VOTE_DELAY [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.MAX_NUM_WEEKS [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.MAX_WEIGHT [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.MAX_EVM_CHAIN_ID [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.ve [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.owner [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.dispenser [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.setNominees [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.setRemovedNominees [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.mapNomineeIds [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.mapRemovedNominees [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.voteUserSlopes [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.voteUserPower [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.lastUserVote [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.pointsWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.changesWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.timeWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.pointsSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.changesSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.timeSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+Function _maxAndSub(uint256,uint256)
+[34m|[0m[96m Variable [34m|[0m[96m Dependencies [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m a [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m b [34m|[0m[96m ['oldBias'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.WEEK [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.WEIGHT_VOTE_DELAY [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.MAX_NUM_WEEKS [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.MAX_WEIGHT [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.MAX_EVM_CHAIN_ID [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.ve [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.owner [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.dispenser [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.setNominees [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.setRemovedNominees [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.mapNomineeIds [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.mapRemovedNominees [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.voteUserSlopes [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.voteUserPower [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.lastUserVote [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.pointsWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.changesWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.timeWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.pointsSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.changesSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.timeSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+Function removeNominee(bytes32,uint256)
+[34m|[0m[96m Variable [34m|[0m[96m Dependencies [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m account [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m chainId [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m nominee [34m|[0m[96m ['account', 'chainId', 'setNominees'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m nomineeHash [34m|[0m[96m ['account', 'chainId', 'nominee'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m id [34m|[0m[96m ['mapNomineeIds'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m oldWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m oldSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m nextTime [34m|[0m[96m ['WEEK', 'block.timestamp'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m newSum [34m|[0m[96m ['oldSum', 'oldWeight'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m replacedNomineeHash [34m|[0m[96m ['nominee', 'setNominees'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m localDispenser [34m|[0m[96m ['dispenser'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.WEEK [34m|[0m[96m ['WEEK'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.WEIGHT_VOTE_DELAY [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.MAX_NUM_WEEKS [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.MAX_WEIGHT [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.MAX_EVM_CHAIN_ID [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.ve [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.owner [34m|[0m[96m ['owner'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.dispenser [34m|[0m[96m ['dispenser'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.setNominees [34m|[0m[96m ['nominee', 'setNominees'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.setRemovedNominees [34m|[0m[96m ['account', 'chainId', 'nominee', 'setRemovedNominees'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.mapNomineeIds [34m|[0m[96m ['id', 'mapNomineeIds'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.mapRemovedNominees [34m|[0m[96m ['mapRemovedNominees', 'setRemovedNominees'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.voteUserSlopes [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.voteUserPower [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.lastUserVote [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.pointsWeight [34m|[0m[96m ['pointsWeight'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.changesWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.timeWeight [34m|[0m[96m ['WEEK', 'block.timestamp', 'nextTime', 'timeWeight'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.pointsSum [34m|[0m[96m ['pointsSum'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.changesSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.timeSum [34m|[0m[96m ['WEEK', 'block.timestamp', 'nextTime'] [34m|[0m[96m
+Function retrieveRemovedNomineeVotingPower(bytes32,uint256)
+[34m|[0m[96m Variable [34m|[0m[96m Dependencies [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m account [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m chainId [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m nominee [34m|[0m[96m ['account', 'chainId'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m nomineeHash [34m|[0m[96m ['account', 'chainId', 'nominee'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m oldSlope [34m|[0m[96m ['oldSlope', 'voteUserSlopes'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m powerUsed [34m|[0m[96m ['oldSlope', 'powerUsed', 'voteUserPower', 'voteUserSlopes'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.WEEK [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.WEIGHT_VOTE_DELAY [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.MAX_NUM_WEEKS [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.MAX_WEIGHT [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.MAX_EVM_CHAIN_ID [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.ve [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.owner [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.dispenser [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.setNominees [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.setRemovedNominees [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.mapNomineeIds [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.mapRemovedNominees [34m|[0m[96m ['mapRemovedNominees'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.voteUserSlopes [34m|[0m[96m ['voteUserSlopes'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.voteUserPower [34m|[0m[96m ['oldSlope', 'powerUsed', 'voteUserPower', 'voteUserSlopes'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.lastUserVote [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.pointsWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.changesWeight [34m|[0m[96m ['changesWeight'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.timeWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.pointsSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.changesSum [34m|[0m[96m ['changesSum', 'oldSlope', 'voteUserSlopes'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.timeSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+Function getNomineeWeight(bytes32,uint256)
+[34m|[0m[96m Variable [34m|[0m[96m Dependencies [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m account [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m chainId [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m nominee [34m|[0m[96m ['account', 'chainId'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m nomineeHash [34m|[0m[96m ['account', 'chainId', 'nominee'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.WEEK [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.WEIGHT_VOTE_DELAY [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.MAX_NUM_WEEKS [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.MAX_WEIGHT [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.MAX_EVM_CHAIN_ID [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.ve [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.owner [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.dispenser [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.setNominees [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.setRemovedNominees [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.mapNomineeIds [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.mapRemovedNominees [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.voteUserSlopes [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.voteUserPower [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.lastUserVote [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.pointsWeight [34m|[0m[96m ['pointsWeight'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.changesWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.timeWeight [34m|[0m[96m ['timeWeight'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.pointsSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.changesSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.timeSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+Function getWeightsSum()
+[34m|[0m[96m Variable [34m|[0m[96m Dependencies [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.WEEK [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.WEIGHT_VOTE_DELAY [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.MAX_NUM_WEEKS [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.MAX_WEIGHT [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.MAX_EVM_CHAIN_ID [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.ve [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.owner [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.dispenser [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.setNominees [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.setRemovedNominees [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.mapNomineeIds [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.mapRemovedNominees [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.voteUserSlopes [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.voteUserPower [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.lastUserVote [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.pointsWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.changesWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.timeWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.pointsSum [34m|[0m[96m ['pointsSum'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.changesSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.timeSum [34m|[0m[96m ['timeSum'] [34m|[0m[96m
+Function getNumNominees()
+[34m|[0m[96m Variable [34m|[0m[96m Dependencies [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.WEEK [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.WEIGHT_VOTE_DELAY [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.MAX_NUM_WEEKS [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.MAX_WEIGHT [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.MAX_EVM_CHAIN_ID [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.ve [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.owner [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.dispenser [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.setNominees [34m|[0m[96m ['setNominees'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.setRemovedNominees [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.mapNomineeIds [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.mapRemovedNominees [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.voteUserSlopes [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.voteUserPower [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.lastUserVote [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.pointsWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.changesWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.timeWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.pointsSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.changesSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.timeSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+Function getNumRemovedNominees()
+[34m|[0m[96m Variable [34m|[0m[96m Dependencies [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.WEEK [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.WEIGHT_VOTE_DELAY [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.MAX_NUM_WEEKS [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.MAX_WEIGHT [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.MAX_EVM_CHAIN_ID [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.ve [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.owner [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.dispenser [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.setNominees [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.setRemovedNominees [34m|[0m[96m ['setRemovedNominees'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.mapNomineeIds [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.mapRemovedNominees [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.voteUserSlopes [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.voteUserPower [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.lastUserVote [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.pointsWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.changesWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.timeWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.pointsSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.changesSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.timeSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+Function getAllNominees()
+[34m|[0m[96m Variable [34m|[0m[96m Dependencies [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.WEEK [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.WEIGHT_VOTE_DELAY [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.MAX_NUM_WEEKS [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.MAX_WEIGHT [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.MAX_EVM_CHAIN_ID [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.ve [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.owner [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.dispenser [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.setNominees [34m|[0m[96m ['setNominees'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.setRemovedNominees [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.mapNomineeIds [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.mapRemovedNominees [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.voteUserSlopes [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.voteUserPower [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.lastUserVote [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.pointsWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.changesWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.timeWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.pointsSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.changesSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.timeSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+Function getAllRemovedNominees()
+[34m|[0m[96m Variable [34m|[0m[96m Dependencies [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.WEEK [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.WEIGHT_VOTE_DELAY [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.MAX_NUM_WEEKS [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.MAX_WEIGHT [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.MAX_EVM_CHAIN_ID [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.ve [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.owner [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.dispenser [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.setNominees [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.setRemovedNominees [34m|[0m[96m ['setRemovedNominees'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.mapNomineeIds [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.mapRemovedNominees [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.voteUserSlopes [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.voteUserPower [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.lastUserVote [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.pointsWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.changesWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.timeWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.pointsSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.changesSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.timeSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+Function getNomineeId(bytes32,uint256)
+[34m|[0m[96m Variable [34m|[0m[96m Dependencies [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m account [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m chainId [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m nominee [34m|[0m[96m ['account', 'chainId'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m nomineeHash [34m|[0m[96m ['account', 'chainId', 'nominee'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.WEEK [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.WEIGHT_VOTE_DELAY [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.MAX_NUM_WEEKS [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.MAX_WEIGHT [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.MAX_EVM_CHAIN_ID [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.ve [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.owner [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.dispenser [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.setNominees [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.setRemovedNominees [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.mapNomineeIds [34m|[0m[96m ['mapNomineeIds'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.mapRemovedNominees [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.voteUserSlopes [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.voteUserPower [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.lastUserVote [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.pointsWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.changesWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.timeWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.pointsSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.changesSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.timeSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+Function getRemovedNomineeId(bytes32,uint256)
+[34m|[0m[96m Variable [34m|[0m[96m Dependencies [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m account [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m chainId [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m nominee [34m|[0m[96m ['account', 'chainId'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m nomineeHash [34m|[0m[96m ['account', 'chainId', 'nominee'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.WEEK [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.WEIGHT_VOTE_DELAY [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.MAX_NUM_WEEKS [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.MAX_WEIGHT [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.MAX_EVM_CHAIN_ID [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.ve [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.owner [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.dispenser [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.setNominees [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.setRemovedNominees [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.mapNomineeIds [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.mapRemovedNominees [34m|[0m[96m ['mapRemovedNominees'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.voteUserSlopes [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.voteUserPower [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.lastUserVote [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.pointsWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.changesWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.timeWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.pointsSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.changesSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.timeSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+Function getNominee(uint256)
+[34m|[0m[96m Variable [34m|[0m[96m Dependencies [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m id [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m totalNumNominees [34m|[0m[96m ['setNominees'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.WEEK [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.WEIGHT_VOTE_DELAY [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.MAX_NUM_WEEKS [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.MAX_WEIGHT [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.MAX_EVM_CHAIN_ID [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.ve [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.owner [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.dispenser [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.setNominees [34m|[0m[96m ['setNominees'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.setRemovedNominees [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.mapNomineeIds [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.mapRemovedNominees [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.voteUserSlopes [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.voteUserPower [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.lastUserVote [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.pointsWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.changesWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.timeWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.pointsSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.changesSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.timeSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+Function getRemovedNominee(uint256)
+[34m|[0m[96m Variable [34m|[0m[96m Dependencies [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m id [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m totalNumRemovedNominees [34m|[0m[96m ['setRemovedNominees'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.WEEK [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.WEIGHT_VOTE_DELAY [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.MAX_NUM_WEEKS [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.MAX_WEIGHT [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.MAX_EVM_CHAIN_ID [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.ve [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.owner [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.dispenser [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.setNominees [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.setRemovedNominees [34m|[0m[96m ['setRemovedNominees'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.mapNomineeIds [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.mapRemovedNominees [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.voteUserSlopes [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.voteUserPower [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.lastUserVote [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.pointsWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.changesWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.timeWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.pointsSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.changesSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.timeSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+Function getNextAllowedVotingTimes(bytes32[],uint256[],address[])
+[34m|[0m[96m Variable [34m|[0m[96m Dependencies [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m accounts [34m|[0m[96m ['accounts'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m chainIds [34m|[0m[96m ['chainIds'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m voters [34m|[0m[96m ['voters'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m nextAllowedVotingTimes [34m|[0m[96m ['WEIGHT_VOTE_DELAY', 'accounts', 'lastUserVote', 'nextAllowedVotingTimes'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m i [34m|[0m[96m ['i'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m nominee [34m|[0m[96m ['accounts', 'chainIds'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m nomineeHash [34m|[0m[96m ['accounts', 'chainIds', 'nominee'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.WEEK [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.WEIGHT_VOTE_DELAY [34m|[0m[96m ['WEIGHT_VOTE_DELAY'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.MAX_NUM_WEEKS [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.MAX_WEIGHT [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.MAX_EVM_CHAIN_ID [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.ve [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.owner [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.dispenser [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.setNominees [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.setRemovedNominees [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.mapNomineeIds [34m|[0m[96m ['mapNomineeIds'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.mapRemovedNominees [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.voteUserSlopes [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.voteUserPower [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.lastUserVote [34m|[0m[96m ['lastUserVote'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.pointsWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.changesWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.timeWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.pointsSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.changesSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.timeSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+Function slitherConstructorConstantVariables()
+[34m|[0m[96m Variable [34m|[0m[96m Dependencies [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.WEEK [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.WEIGHT_VOTE_DELAY [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.MAX_NUM_WEEKS [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.MAX_WEIGHT [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.MAX_EVM_CHAIN_ID [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.ve [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.owner [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.dispenser [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.setNominees [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.setRemovedNominees [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.mapNomineeIds [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.mapRemovedNominees [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.voteUserSlopes [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.voteUserPower [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.lastUserVote [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.pointsWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.changesWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.timeWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.pointsSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.changesSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.timeSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+INFO:Slither:. analyzed (3 contracts)
diff --git a/audits/internal12/analysis2/slither_full.txt b/audits/internal12/analysis2/slither_full.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..038ecb1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/audits/internal12/analysis2/slither_full.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+'solc --version' running
+'solc ./VoteWeighting-flatten.sol --combined-json abi,ast,bin,bin-runtime,srcmap,srcmap-runtime,userdoc,devdoc,hashes --allow-paths .,/home/andrey/valory/autonolas-governance/audits/internal12/analysis2/contracts' running
+VoteWeighting.constructor(address) (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#207-221) performs a multiplication on the result of a division:
+ - timeSum = block.timestamp / WEEK * WEEK (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#216)
+VoteWeighting._addNominee(Nominee) (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#294-321) performs a multiplication on the result of a division:
+ - nextTime = (block.timestamp + WEEK) / WEEK * WEEK (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#311)
+VoteWeighting._nomineeRelativeWeight(bytes32,uint256,uint256) (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#421-436) performs a multiplication on the result of a division:
+ - t = time / WEEK * WEEK (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#426)
+VoteWeighting.voteForNomineeWeights(bytes32,uint256,uint256) (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#475-559) performs a multiplication on the result of a division:
+ - nextTime = (block.timestamp + WEEK) / WEEK * WEEK (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#491)
+VoteWeighting.removeNominee(bytes32,uint256) (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#588-638) performs a multiplication on the result of a division:
+ - nextTime = (block.timestamp + WEEK) / WEEK * WEEK (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#607)
+Reference: https://github.com/crytic/slither/wiki/Detector-Documentation#divide-before-multiply
+VoteWeighting.voteForNomineeWeights(bytes32,uint256,uint256).oldBias (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#511) is a local variable never initialized
+Reference: https://github.com/crytic/slither/wiki/Detector-Documentation#uninitialized-local-variables
+Dubious typecast in VoteWeighting.voteForNomineeWeights(bytes32,uint256,uint256) (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#475-559):
+ int128 => uint128 casting occurs in newSlope = VotedSlope(uint256(uint128(userSlope)) * weight / MAX_WEIGHT,lockEnd,weight) (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#516-520)
+Reference: https://github.com/pessimistic-io/slitherin/blob/master/docs/dubious_typecast.md
+VoteWeighting.changeDispenser(address).newDispenser (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#388) lacks a zero-check on :
+ - dispenser = newDispenser (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#394)
+Reference: https://github.com/crytic/slither/wiki/Detector-Documentation#missing-zero-address-validation
+VoteWeighting.voteForNomineeWeights(bytes32,uint256,uint256) (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#475-559) has external calls inside a loop: userSlope = IVEOLAS(ve).getLastUserPoint(msg.sender).slope (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#485)
+VoteWeighting.voteForNomineeWeights(bytes32,uint256,uint256) (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#475-559) has external calls inside a loop: lockEnd = IVEOLAS(ve).lockedEnd(msg.sender) (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#490)
+Reference: https://github.com/crytic/slither/wiki/Detector-Documentation/#calls-inside-a-loop
+Reentrancy in VoteWeighting._addNominee(Nominee) (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#294-321):
+ External calls:
+ - IDispenser(localDispenser).addNominee(nomineeHash) (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#317)
+ Event emitted after the call(s):
+ - AddNominee(nominee.account,nominee.chainId,id) (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#320)
+Reentrancy in VoteWeighting.removeNominee(bytes32,uint256) (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#588-638):
+ External calls:
+ - IDispenser(localDispenser).removeNominee(nomineeHash) (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#634)
+ Event emitted after the call(s):
+ - RemoveNominee(account,chainId,newSum) (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#637)
+Reference: https://github.com/crytic/slither/wiki/Detector-Documentation#reentrancy-vulnerabilities-3
+VoteWeighting._getSum() (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#225-250) uses timestamp for comparisons
+ Dangerous comparisons:
+ - t > block.timestamp (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#230)
+ - t > block.timestamp (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#245)
+VoteWeighting._getWeight(bytes32,uint256) (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#256-290) uses timestamp for comparisons
+ Dangerous comparisons:
+ - t > block.timestamp (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#270)
+ - t > block.timestamp (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#285)
+VoteWeighting.voteForNomineeWeights(bytes32,uint256,uint256) (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#475-559) uses timestamp for comparisons
+ Dangerous comparisons:
+ - nextTime >= lockEnd (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#494)
+ - nextAllowedVotingTime > block.timestamp (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#505)
+ - oldSlope.end > nextTime (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#512)
+ - oldSlope.end > nextTime (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#536)
+ - oldSlope.end > block.timestamp (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#544)
+VoteWeighting._maxAndSub(uint256,uint256) (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#580-582) uses timestamp for comparisons
+ Dangerous comparisons:
+ - a > b (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#581)
+VoteWeighting.retrieveRemovedNomineeVotingPower(bytes32,uint256) (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#643-670) uses timestamp for comparisons
+ Dangerous comparisons:
+ - oldSlope.end > block.timestamp (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#660)
+Reference: https://github.com/crytic/slither/wiki/Detector-Documentation#block-timestamp
+VoteWeighting._getSum() (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#225-250) has costly operations inside a loop:
+ - timeSum = t (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#246)
+Reference: https://github.com/crytic/slither/wiki/Detector-Documentation#costly-operations-inside-a-loop
+Pragma version^0.8.25 (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#4) necessitates a version too recent to be trusted. Consider deploying with 0.8.18.
+solc-0.8.25 is not recommended for deployment
+Reference: https://github.com/crytic/slither/wiki/Detector-Documentation#incorrect-versions-of-solidity
+In a function VoteWeighting.voteForNomineeWeights(bytes32,uint256,uint256) (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#475-559) variable VoteWeighting.MAX_WEIGHT (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#159) is read multiple times
+In a function VoteWeighting.voteForNomineeWeights(bytes32,uint256,uint256) (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#475-559) variable VoteWeighting.pointsSum (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#199) is read multiple times
+In a function VoteWeighting.voteForNomineeWeights(bytes32,uint256,uint256) (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#475-559) variable VoteWeighting.pointsWeight (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#192) is read multiple times
+Reference: https://github.com/pessimistic-io/slitherin/blob/master/docs/multiple_storage_read.md
+INFO:Slither:. analyzed (3 contracts with 108 detectors), 23 result(s) found
diff --git a/audits/internal12/analysis2/slither_function-summary.txt b/audits/internal12/analysis2/slither_function-summary.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8438e87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/audits/internal12/analysis2/slither_function-summary.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+'solc --version' running
+'solc ./VoteWeighting-flatten.sol --combined-json abi,ast,bin,bin-runtime,srcmap,srcmap-runtime,userdoc,devdoc,hashes --allow-paths .,/home/andrey/valory/autonolas-governance/audits/internal12/analysis2/contracts' running
+Contract IDispenser
+Contract vars: []
+Inheritance:: []
+[34m|[0m[96m Function [34m|[0m[96m Visibility [34m|[0m[96m Modifiers [34m|[0m[96m Read [34m|[0m[96m Write [34m|[0m[96m Internal Calls [34m|[0m[96m External Calls [34m|[0m[96m Cyclomatic Complexity [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m addNominee(bytes32) [34m|[0m[96m external [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m 2 [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m removeNominee(bytes32) [34m|[0m[96m external [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m 2 [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m Modifiers [34m|[0m[96m Visibility [34m|[0m[96m Read [34m|[0m[96m Write [34m|[0m[96m Internal Calls [34m|[0m[96m External Calls [34m|[0m[96m Cyclomatic Complexity [34m|[0m[96m
+Contract IVEOLAS
+Contract vars: []
+Inheritance:: []
+[34m|[0m[96m Function [34m|[0m[96m Visibility [34m|[0m[96m Modifiers [34m|[0m[96m Read [34m|[0m[96m Write [34m|[0m[96m Internal Calls [34m|[0m[96m External Calls [34m|[0m[96m Cyclomatic Complexity [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m lockedEnd(address) [34m|[0m[96m external [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m 2 [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m getLastUserPoint(address) [34m|[0m[96m external [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m 2 [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m Modifiers [34m|[0m[96m Visibility [34m|[0m[96m Read [34m|[0m[96m Write [34m|[0m[96m Internal Calls [34m|[0m[96m External Calls [34m|[0m[96m Cyclomatic Complexity [34m|[0m[96m
+Contract VoteWeighting
+Contract vars: ['WEEK', 'WEIGHT_VOTE_DELAY', 'MAX_NUM_WEEKS', 'MAX_WEIGHT', 'MAX_EVM_CHAIN_ID', 've', 'owner', 'dispenser', 'setNominees', 'setRemovedNominees', 'mapNomineeIds', 'mapRemovedNominees', 'voteUserSlopes', 'voteUserPower', 'lastUserVote', 'pointsWeight', 'changesWeight', 'timeWeight', 'pointsSum', 'changesSum', 'timeSum']
+Inheritance:: []
+[34m|[0m[96m Function [34m|[0m[96m Visibility [34m|[0m[96m Modifiers [34m|[0m[96m Read [34m|[0m[96m Write [34m|[0m[96m Internal Calls [34m|[0m[96m External Calls [34m|[0m[96m Cyclomatic Complexity [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m constructor(address) [34m|[0m[96m public [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m ['WEEK', 'block.timestamp'] [34m|[0m[96m ['owner', 'setNominees'] [34m|[0m[96m ['revert ZeroAddress()'] [34m|[0m[96m ['setNominees.push(Nominee(0,0))', 'setRemovedNominees.push(Nominee(0,0))'] [34m|[0m[96m 2 [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m ['msg.sender', 'setNominees'] [34m|[0m[96m ['setRemovedNominees', 'timeSum'] [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m ['setRemovedNominees'] [34m|[0m[96m ['ve'] [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m _getSum() [34m|[0m[96m internal [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m ['MAX_NUM_WEEKS', 'WEEK'] [34m|[0m[96m ['pointsSum', 'timeSum'] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m 5 [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m ['block.timestamp', 'changesSum'] [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m ['pointsSum', 'timeSum'] [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m _getWeight(bytes32,uint256) [34m|[0m[96m internal [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m ['MAX_NUM_WEEKS', 'WEEK'] [34m|[0m[96m ['pointsWeight', 'timeWeight'] [34m|[0m[96m ['abi.encode()', 'keccak256(bytes)'] [34m|[0m[96m ['abi.encode(nominee)'] [34m|[0m[96m 6 [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m ['block.timestamp', 'changesWeight'] [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m ['revert NomineeDoesNotExist(bytes32,uint256)'] [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m ['mapNomineeIds', 'mapRemovedNominees'] [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m ['pointsWeight', 'timeWeight'] [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m _addNominee(Nominee) [34m|[0m[96m internal [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m ['WEEK', 'block.timestamp'] [34m|[0m[96m ['mapNomineeIds', 'setNominees'] [34m|[0m[96m ['abi.encode()', 'keccak256(bytes)'] [34m|[0m[96m ['IDispenser(localDispenser).addNominee(nomineeHash)', 'abi.encode(nominee)'] [34m|[0m[96m 4 [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m ['dispenser', 'mapNomineeIds'] [34m|[0m[96m ['timeWeight'] [34m|[0m[96m ['revert NomineeAlreadyExists(bytes32,uint256)', 'revert NomineeRemoved(bytes32,uint256)'] [34m|[0m[96m ['setNominees.push(nominee)'] [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m ['mapRemovedNominees', 'setNominees'] [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m addNomineeEVM(address,uint256) [34m|[0m[96m external [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m ['MAX_EVM_CHAIN_ID'] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m ['_addNominee', 'revert Overflow(uint256,uint256)'] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m 4 [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m ['revert ZeroAddress()', 'revert ZeroValue()'] [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m addNomineeNonEVM(bytes32,uint256) [34m|[0m[96m external [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m ['MAX_EVM_CHAIN_ID'] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m ['_addNominee', 'revert Underflow(uint256,uint256)'] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m 3 [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m ['revert ZeroAddress()'] [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m changeOwner(address) [34m|[0m[96m external [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m ['msg.sender', 'owner'] [34m|[0m[96m ['owner'] [34m|[0m[96m ['revert OwnerOnly(address,address)', 'revert ZeroAddress()'] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m 3 [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m changeDispenser(address) [34m|[0m[96m external [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m ['msg.sender', 'owner'] [34m|[0m[96m ['dispenser'] [34m|[0m[96m ['revert OwnerOnly(address,address)'] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m 2 [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m checkpoint() [34m|[0m[96m external [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m ['msg.sender'] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m ['_getSum'] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m 1 [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m checkpointNominee(bytes32,uint256) [34m|[0m[96m external [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m ['msg.sender'] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m ['_getSum', '_getWeight'] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m 1 [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m _nomineeRelativeWeight(bytes32,uint256,uint256) [34m|[0m[96m internal [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m ['WEEK', 'pointsSum'] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m ['abi.encode()', 'keccak256(bytes)'] [34m|[0m[96m ['abi.encode(nominee)'] [34m|[0m[96m 2 [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m ['pointsWeight'] [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m nomineeRelativeWeight(bytes32,uint256,uint256) [34m|[0m[96m external [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m ['_nomineeRelativeWeight'] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m 1 [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m nomineeRelativeWeightWrite(bytes32,uint256,uint256) [34m|[0m[96m external [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m ['msg.sender'] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m ['_getSum', '_getWeight'] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m 1 [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m ['_nomineeRelativeWeight'] [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m voteForNomineeWeights(bytes32,uint256,uint256) [34m|[0m[96m public [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m ['MAX_WEIGHT', 'WEEK'] [34m|[0m[96m ['changesSum', 'changesWeight'] [34m|[0m[96m ['_getSum', '_getWeight'] [34m|[0m[96m ['IVEOLAS(ve).getLastUserPoint(msg.sender)', 'IVEOLAS(ve).lockedEnd(msg.sender)'] [34m|[0m[96m 10 [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m ['WEIGHT_VOTE_DELAY', 'block.timestamp'] [34m|[0m[96m ['lastUserVote', 'pointsSum'] [34m|[0m[96m ['_maxAndSub', 'abi.encode()'] [34m|[0m[96m ['abi.encode(Nominee(account,chainId))'] [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m ['changesSum', 'changesWeight'] [34m|[0m[96m ['pointsWeight', 'voteUserPower'] [34m|[0m[96m ['keccak256(bytes)', 'revert LockExpired(address,uint256,uint256)'] [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m ['lastUserVote', 'mapRemovedNominees'] [34m|[0m[96m ['voteUserSlopes'] [34m|[0m[96m ['revert NegativeSlope(address,int128)', 'revert NomineeRemoved(bytes32,uint256)'] [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m ['msg.sender', 'pointsSum'] [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m ['revert Overflow(uint256,uint256)', 'revert VoteTooOften(address,uint256,uint256)'] [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m ['pointsWeight', 've'] [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m ['voteUserPower', 'voteUserSlopes'] [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m voteForNomineeWeightsBatch(bytes32[],uint256[],uint256[]) [34m|[0m[96m external [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m ['revert WrongArrayLength(uint256,uint256)', 'voteForNomineeWeights'] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m 3 [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m _maxAndSub(uint256,uint256) [34m|[0m[96m internal [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m 1 [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m removeNominee(bytes32,uint256) [34m|[0m[96m external [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m ['WEEK', 'block.timestamp'] [34m|[0m[96m ['mapNomineeIds', 'mapRemovedNominees'] [34m|[0m[96m ['_getSum', '_getWeight'] [34m|[0m[96m ['IDispenser(localDispenser).removeNominee(nomineeHash)', 'abi.encode(nominee)'] [34m|[0m[96m 4 [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m ['dispenser', 'mapNomineeIds'] [34m|[0m[96m ['pointsSum', 'pointsWeight'] [34m|[0m[96m ['abi.encode()', 'keccak256(bytes)'] [34m|[0m[96m ['abi.encode(nominee)', 'setNominees.pop()'] [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m ['msg.sender', 'owner'] [34m|[0m[96m ['setNominees', 'setRemovedNominees'] [34m|[0m[96m ['revert NomineeDoesNotExist(bytes32,uint256)', 'revert OwnerOnly(address,address)'] [34m|[0m[96m ['setRemovedNominees.push(nominee)'] [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m ['pointsSum', 'pointsWeight'] [34m|[0m[96m ['timeSum', 'timeWeight'] [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m ['setNominees', 'setRemovedNominees'] [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m retrieveRemovedNomineeVotingPower(bytes32,uint256) [34m|[0m[96m external [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m ['block.timestamp', 'changesSum'] [34m|[0m[96m ['changesSum', 'changesWeight'] [34m|[0m[96m ['abi.encode()', 'keccak256(bytes)'] [34m|[0m[96m ['abi.encode(nominee)'] [34m|[0m[96m 4 [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m ['changesWeight', 'mapRemovedNominees'] [34m|[0m[96m ['voteUserPower', 'voteUserSlopes'] [34m|[0m[96m ['revert NomineeNotRemoved(bytes32,uint256)', 'revert ZeroValue()'] [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m ['msg.sender', 'voteUserPower'] [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m ['voteUserSlopes'] [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m getNomineeWeight(bytes32,uint256) [34m|[0m[96m external [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m ['pointsWeight', 'timeWeight'] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m ['abi.encode()', 'keccak256(bytes)'] [34m|[0m[96m ['abi.encode(nominee)'] [34m|[0m[96m 1 [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m getWeightsSum() [34m|[0m[96m external [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m ['pointsSum', 'timeSum'] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m 1 [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m getNumNominees() [34m|[0m[96m external [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m ['setNominees'] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m 1 [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m getNumRemovedNominees() [34m|[0m[96m external [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m ['setRemovedNominees'] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m 1 [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m getAllNominees() [34m|[0m[96m external [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m ['setNominees'] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m 1 [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m getAllRemovedNominees() [34m|[0m[96m external [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m ['setRemovedNominees'] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m 1 [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m getNomineeId(bytes32,uint256) [34m|[0m[96m external [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m ['mapNomineeIds'] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m ['abi.encode()', 'keccak256(bytes)'] [34m|[0m[96m ['abi.encode(nominee)'] [34m|[0m[96m 1 [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m getRemovedNomineeId(bytes32,uint256) [34m|[0m[96m external [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m ['mapRemovedNominees'] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m ['abi.encode()', 'keccak256(bytes)'] [34m|[0m[96m ['abi.encode(nominee)'] [34m|[0m[96m 1 [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m getNominee(uint256) [34m|[0m[96m external [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m ['setNominees'] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m ['revert Overflow(uint256,uint256)', 'revert ZeroValue()'] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m 3 [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m getRemovedNominee(uint256) [34m|[0m[96m external [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m ['setRemovedNominees'] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m ['revert Overflow(uint256,uint256)', 'revert ZeroValue()'] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m 3 [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m getNextAllowedVotingTimes(bytes32[],uint256[],address[]) [34m|[0m[96m external [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m ['WEIGHT_VOTE_DELAY', 'lastUserVote'] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m ['abi.encode()', 'keccak256(bytes)'] [34m|[0m[96m ['abi.encode(nominee)', 'new uint256[](accounts.length)'] [34m|[0m[96m 4 [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m ['mapNomineeIds'] [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m ['revert NomineeDoesNotExist(bytes32,uint256)', 'revert WrongArrayLength(uint256,uint256)'] [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m slitherConstructorConstantVariables() [34m|[0m[96m internal [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m ['MAX_EVM_CHAIN_ID', 'MAX_NUM_WEEKS'] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m 1 [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m ['MAX_WEIGHT', 'WEEK'] [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m ['WEIGHT_VOTE_DELAY'] [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m Modifiers [34m|[0m[96m Visibility [34m|[0m[96m Read [34m|[0m[96m Write [34m|[0m[96m Internal Calls [34m|[0m[96m External Calls [34m|[0m[96m Cyclomatic Complexity [34m|[0m[96m
+INFO:Slither:. analyzed (3 contracts)
diff --git a/audits/internal12/analysis2/slither_human-summary.txt b/audits/internal12/analysis2/slither_human-summary.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..be3dc8c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/audits/internal12/analysis2/slither_human-summary.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+'solc --version' running
+'solc ./VoteWeighting-flatten.sol --combined-json abi,ast,bin,bin-runtime,srcmap,srcmap-runtime,userdoc,devdoc,hashes --allow-paths .,/home/andrey/valory/autonolas-governance/audits/internal12/analysis2/contracts' running
+Compiled with solc
+Total number of contracts in source files: 3
+Source lines of code (SLOC) in source files: 427
+Number of assembly lines: 0
+Number of optimization issues: 3
+Number of informational issues: 3
+Number of low issues: 10
+Number of medium issues: 7
+Number of high issues: 0
+[34m|[0m[96m Name [34m|[0m[96m # functions [34m|[0m[96m ERCS [34m|[0m[96m ERC20 info [34m|[0m[96m Complex code [34m|[0m[96m Features [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m IDispenser [34m|[0m[96m 2 [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m No [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m IVEOLAS [34m|[0m[96m 2 [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m No [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting [34m|[0m[96m 30 [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m Yes [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m
+INFO:Slither:. analyzed (3 contracts)
diff --git a/audits/internal12/analysis2/slither_inheritance-graph.txt b/audits/internal12/analysis2/slither_inheritance-graph.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9ff00cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/audits/internal12/analysis2/slither_inheritance-graph.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+'solc --version' running
+'solc ./VoteWeighting-flatten.sol --combined-json abi,ast,bin,bin-runtime,srcmap,srcmap-runtime,userdoc,devdoc,hashes --allow-paths .,/home/andrey/valory/autonolas-governance/audits/internal12/analysis2/contracts' running
+INFO:Printers:Inheritance Graph: ./VoteWeighting-flatten.sol.inheritance-graph.dot
+INFO:Slither:. analyzed (3 contracts)
diff --git a/audits/internal12/analysis2/slither_inheritance.txt b/audits/internal12/analysis2/slither_inheritance.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4d042c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/audits/internal12/analysis2/slither_inheritance.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+'solc --version' running
+'solc ./VoteWeighting-flatten.sol --combined-json abi,ast,bin,bin-runtime,srcmap,srcmap-runtime,userdoc,devdoc,hashes --allow-paths .,/home/andrey/valory/autonolas-governance/audits/internal12/analysis2/contracts' running
+Child_Contract -> Immediate_Base_Contracts [Not_Immediate_Base_Contracts]
++ IDispenser
++ VoteWeighting
+Base_Contract -> Immediate_Child_Contracts
+ [Not_Immediate_Child_Contracts]
++ IDispenser
++ VoteWeighting
+INFO:Slither:. analyzed (3 contracts)
diff --git a/audits/internal12/analysis2/slither_modifiers.txt b/audits/internal12/analysis2/slither_modifiers.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dbe7600
--- /dev/null
+++ b/audits/internal12/analysis2/slither_modifiers.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+'solc --version' running
+'solc ./VoteWeighting-flatten.sol --combined-json abi,ast,bin,bin-runtime,srcmap,srcmap-runtime,userdoc,devdoc,hashes --allow-paths .,/home/andrey/valory/autonolas-governance/audits/internal12/analysis2/contracts' running
+Contract IDispenser
+[34m|[0m[96m Function [34m|[0m[96m Modifiers [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m addNominee [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m removeNominee [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+Contract IVEOLAS
+[34m|[0m[96m Function [34m|[0m[96m Modifiers [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m lockedEnd [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m getLastUserPoint [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+Contract VoteWeighting
+[34m|[0m[96m Function [34m|[0m[96m Modifiers [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m constructor [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m _getSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m _getWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m _addNominee [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m addNomineeEVM [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m addNomineeNonEVM [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m changeOwner [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m changeDispenser [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m checkpoint [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m checkpointNominee [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m _nomineeRelativeWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m nomineeRelativeWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m nomineeRelativeWeightWrite [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m voteForNomineeWeights [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m voteForNomineeWeightsBatch [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m _maxAndSub [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m removeNominee [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m retrieveRemovedNomineeVotingPower [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m getNomineeWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m getWeightsSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m getNumNominees [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m getNumRemovedNominees [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m getAllNominees [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m getAllRemovedNominees [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m getNomineeId [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m getRemovedNomineeId [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m getNominee [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m getRemovedNominee [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m getNextAllowedVotingTimes [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m slitherConstructorConstantVariables [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+INFO:Slither:. analyzed (3 contracts)
diff --git a/audits/internal12/analysis2/slither_require.txt b/audits/internal12/analysis2/slither_require.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b7d365d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/audits/internal12/analysis2/slither_require.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+'solc --version' running
+'solc ./VoteWeighting-flatten.sol --combined-json abi,ast,bin,bin-runtime,srcmap,srcmap-runtime,userdoc,devdoc,hashes --allow-paths .,/home/andrey/valory/autonolas-governance/audits/internal12/analysis2/contracts' running
+Contract IDispenser
+[34m|[0m[96m Function [34m|[0m[96m require or assert [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m addNominee [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m removeNominee [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m
+Contract IVEOLAS
+[34m|[0m[96m Function [34m|[0m[96m require or assert [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m lockedEnd [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m getLastUserPoint [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m
+Contract VoteWeighting
+[34m|[0m[96m Function [34m|[0m[96m require or assert [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m constructor [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m _getSum [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m _getWeight [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m _addNominee [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m addNomineeEVM [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m addNomineeNonEVM [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m changeOwner [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m changeDispenser [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m checkpoint [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m checkpointNominee [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m _nomineeRelativeWeight [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m nomineeRelativeWeight [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m nomineeRelativeWeightWrite [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m voteForNomineeWeights [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m voteForNomineeWeightsBatch [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m _maxAndSub [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m removeNominee [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m retrieveRemovedNomineeVotingPower [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m getNomineeWeight [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m getWeightsSum [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m getNumNominees [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m getNumRemovedNominees [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m getAllNominees [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m getAllRemovedNominees [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m getNomineeId [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m getRemovedNomineeId [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m getNominee [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m getRemovedNominee [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m getNextAllowedVotingTimes [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m slitherConstructorConstantVariables [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m
+INFO:Slither:. analyzed (3 contracts)
diff --git a/audits/internal12/analysis2/slither_variable-order.txt b/audits/internal12/analysis2/slither_variable-order.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c4d9481
--- /dev/null
+++ b/audits/internal12/analysis2/slither_variable-order.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+'solc --version' running
+'solc ./VoteWeighting-flatten.sol --combined-json abi,ast,bin,bin-runtime,srcmap,srcmap-runtime,userdoc,devdoc,hashes --allow-paths .,/home/andrey/valory/autonolas-governance/audits/internal12/analysis2/contracts' running
+[34m|[0m[96m Name [34m|[0m[96m Type [34m|[0m[96m Slot [34m|[0m[96m Offset [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m Name [34m|[0m[96m Type [34m|[0m[96m Slot [34m|[0m[96m Offset [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m Name [34m|[0m[96m Type [34m|[0m[96m Slot [34m|[0m[96m Offset [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.owner [34m|[0m[96m address [34m|[0m[96m 0 [34m|[0m[96m 0 [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.dispenser [34m|[0m[96m address [34m|[0m[96m 1 [34m|[0m[96m 0 [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.setNominees [34m|[0m[96m Nominee[] [34m|[0m[96m 2 [34m|[0m[96m 0 [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.setRemovedNominees [34m|[0m[96m Nominee[] [34m|[0m[96m 3 [34m|[0m[96m 0 [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.mapNomineeIds [34m|[0m[96m mapping(bytes32 => uint256) [34m|[0m[96m 4 [34m|[0m[96m 0 [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.mapRemovedNominees [34m|[0m[96m mapping(bytes32 => uint256) [34m|[0m[96m 5 [34m|[0m[96m 0 [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.voteUserSlopes [34m|[0m[96m mapping(address => mapping(bytes32 => VotedSlope)) [34m|[0m[96m 6 [34m|[0m[96m 0 [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.voteUserPower [34m|[0m[96m mapping(address => uint256) [34m|[0m[96m 7 [34m|[0m[96m 0 [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.lastUserVote [34m|[0m[96m mapping(address => mapping(bytes32 => uint256)) [34m|[0m[96m 8 [34m|[0m[96m 0 [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.pointsWeight [34m|[0m[96m mapping(bytes32 => mapping(uint256 => Point)) [34m|[0m[96m 9 [34m|[0m[96m 0 [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.changesWeight [34m|[0m[96m mapping(bytes32 => mapping(uint256 => uint256)) [34m|[0m[96m 10 [34m|[0m[96m 0 [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.timeWeight [34m|[0m[96m mapping(bytes32 => uint256) [34m|[0m[96m 11 [34m|[0m[96m 0 [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.pointsSum [34m|[0m[96m mapping(uint256 => Point) [34m|[0m[96m 12 [34m|[0m[96m 0 [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.changesSum [34m|[0m[96m mapping(uint256 => uint256) [34m|[0m[96m 13 [34m|[0m[96m 0 [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.timeSum [34m|[0m[96m uint256 [34m|[0m[96m 14 [34m|[0m[96m 0 [34m|[0m[96m
+INFO:Slither:. analyzed (3 contracts)
diff --git a/audits/internal12/analysis2/slither_vars-and-auth.txt b/audits/internal12/analysis2/slither_vars-and-auth.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2231088
--- /dev/null
+++ b/audits/internal12/analysis2/slither_vars-and-auth.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+'solc --version' running
+'solc ./VoteWeighting-flatten.sol --combined-json abi,ast,bin,bin-runtime,srcmap,srcmap-runtime,userdoc,devdoc,hashes --allow-paths .,/home/andrey/valory/autonolas-governance/audits/internal12/analysis2/contracts' running
+Contract IDispenser
+[34m|[0m[96m Function [34m|[0m[96m State variables written [34m|[0m[96m Conditions on msg.sender [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m addNominee [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m removeNominee [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+Contract IVEOLAS
+[34m|[0m[96m Function [34m|[0m[96m State variables written [34m|[0m[96m Conditions on msg.sender [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m lockedEnd [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m getLastUserPoint [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+Contract VoteWeighting
+[34m|[0m[96m Function [34m|[0m[96m State variables written [34m|[0m[96m Conditions on msg.sender [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m constructor [34m|[0m[96m ['owner', 'setNominees', 'setRemovedNominees', 'timeSum', 've'] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m _getSum [34m|[0m[96m ['pointsSum', 'timeSum'] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m _getWeight [34m|[0m[96m ['pointsWeight', 'timeWeight'] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m _addNominee [34m|[0m[96m ['mapNomineeIds', 'setNominees', 'timeWeight'] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m addNomineeEVM [34m|[0m[96m ['mapNomineeIds', 'setNominees', 'timeWeight'] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m addNomineeNonEVM [34m|[0m[96m ['mapNomineeIds', 'setNominees', 'timeWeight'] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m changeOwner [34m|[0m[96m ['owner'] [34m|[0m[96m ['msg.sender != owner'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m changeDispenser [34m|[0m[96m ['dispenser'] [34m|[0m[96m ['msg.sender != owner'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m checkpoint [34m|[0m[96m ['pointsSum', 'timeSum'] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m checkpointNominee [34m|[0m[96m ['pointsSum', 'pointsWeight', 'timeSum', 'timeWeight'] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m _nomineeRelativeWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m nomineeRelativeWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m nomineeRelativeWeightWrite [34m|[0m[96m ['pointsSum', 'pointsWeight', 'timeSum', 'timeWeight'] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m voteForNomineeWeights [34m|[0m[96m ['changesSum', 'changesWeight', 'lastUserVote', 'pointsSum', 'pointsWeight', 'timeSum', 'timeWeight', 'voteUserPower', 'voteUserSlopes'] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m voteForNomineeWeightsBatch [34m|[0m[96m ['changesSum', 'changesWeight', 'lastUserVote', 'pointsSum', 'pointsWeight', 'timeSum', 'timeWeight', 'voteUserPower', 'voteUserSlopes'] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m _maxAndSub [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m removeNominee [34m|[0m[96m ['mapNomineeIds', 'mapRemovedNominees', 'pointsSum', 'pointsWeight', 'setNominees', 'setRemovedNominees', 'timeSum', 'timeWeight'] [34m|[0m[96m ['msg.sender != owner'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m retrieveRemovedNomineeVotingPower [34m|[0m[96m ['changesSum', 'changesWeight', 'voteUserPower', 'voteUserSlopes'] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m getNomineeWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m getWeightsSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m getNumNominees [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m getNumRemovedNominees [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m getAllNominees [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m getAllRemovedNominees [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m getNomineeId [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m getRemovedNomineeId [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m getNominee [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m getRemovedNominee [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m getNextAllowedVotingTimes [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m slitherConstructorConstantVariables [34m|[0m[96m ['MAX_EVM_CHAIN_ID', 'MAX_NUM_WEEKS', 'MAX_WEIGHT', 'WEEK', 'WEIGHT_VOTE_DELAY'] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+INFO:Slither:. analyzed (3 contracts)