diff --git a/audits/README.md b/audits/README.md
index ed2ea9b..64d4995 100644
--- a/audits/README.md
+++ b/audits/README.md
@@ -25,6 +25,8 @@ An internal audit with a focus on `OptimismMesseger and WormholeMessenger` is lo
An internal audit with a focus on `Guard for Community Multisig (CM) (modular version)` is located in this folder: [internal audit 10](https://github.com/valory-xyz/autonolas-governance/blob/main/audits/internal10).
+An internal audit with a focus on `VoteWeighting` is located in this folder: [internal audit 10](https://github.com/valory-xyz/autonolas-governance/blob/main/audits/internal12).
### External audit
Following the initial contracts [audit report](https://github.com/valory-xyz/autonolas-governance/blob/main/audits/Valory%20Review%20Final.pdf),
the recommendations are addressed here: [feedback](https://github.com/valory-xyz/autonolas-governance/blob/main/audits/Addressing%20Initial%20ApeWorX%20Recommentations.pdf).
@@ -37,4 +39,4 @@ The final audit reports:
- [v3](https://github.com/valory-xyz/autonolas-governance/blob/main/audits/Valory%20Smart%20Contract%20Audit%20by%20Solidity%20Finance-v1.1.0.pdf),
-- [v4](https://sourcehat.com/audits/ValoryOLAS/).
\ No newline at end of file
+- [v4](https://sourcehat.com/audits/ValoryOLAS/).
diff --git a/audits/internal12/README.md b/audits/internal12/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..624d4eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/audits/internal12/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+# autonolas-governance-audit
+The review has been performed based on the contract code in the following repository:
+commit: `6c39aa6dcdc0111fd8d70bb4df3433d93d4cae99` or `tag: v1.2.0-internal-audit`
+Update: 13-05-2024
+## Objectives
+The audit focused on VoteWeighting.
+### Flatten version
+Flatten version of contracts. [contracts](https://github.com/valory-xyz/autonolas-governance/blob/main/audits/internal12/analysis/contracts)
+### Coverage
+Hardhat coverage has been performed before the audit and can be found here:
+File | % Stmts | % Branch | % Funcs | % Lines |Uncovered Lines |
+ VoteWeighting.sol | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | |
+### Fuzzing VoteWeighting
+#### Prepare contracts for fuzzing
+#### Fuzzing
+# Move the script to the root of the project
+cp start_echidna.sh ../../../../../../
+# Move config file to the root of the project
+cp echidna_assert.yaml ../../../../../
+cd ../../../../../../
+# Run
+result overflow: [fuzzing-overflow.PNG](https://github.com/valory-xyz/autonolas-governance/blob/main/audits/internal12/analysis/fuzzing/overflow/fuzzing-overflow.PNG)
+result assert: [fuzzing-assert.PNG](https://github.com/valory-xyz/autonolas-governance/blob/main/audits/internal12/analysis/fuzzing/overflow/fuzzing-assert.PNG)
+### Security issues
+Details in [slither_full](https://github.com/valory-xyz/autonolas-governance/blob/main/audits/internal12/analysis/slither_full.txt)
+#### Issue
+Bug in viper->solidity conversion.
+convert in viper more safe than solidity
+• Converting between signed and unsigned integers reverts if the input is negative.
+bug on line:
+uint256 slope = uint256(uint128(IVEOLAS(ve).getLastUserPoint(msg.sender).slope));
+uint256 slope = uint256(uint128(IVEOLAS(ve).getLastUserPoint(msg.sender).slope));
+// Hack
+pp = IVEOLAS(ve).getLastUserPoint(msg.sender).slope;
+pp = -10;
+uint256 slope = uint256(uint128(pp));
+console.log("bug: negative getLastUserPoint() is possible");
+bug: negative getLastUserPoint() is ok
+#### Minor issue
+CEI pattern:
+Not CEI pattern. Move to end.
+ // Remove nominee in dispenser, if applicable
+ address localDispenser = dispenser;
+ if (localDispenser != address(0)) {
+ IDispenser(localDispenser).removeNominee(nomineeHash);
+ }
+Lacks a zero-check on:
+function changeDispenser(address newDispenser) external {}
+No events:
+function changeDispenser(address newDispenser) external {}
+function checkpoint() ?
+function checkpointNominee() ?
+function nomineeRelativeWeightWrite() ?
+Naming test issue:
+Rename test\VoteWeighting.js
+describe("Voting Escrow OLAS", function () {
+README issue:
+No link to https://github.com/curvefi/curve-dao-contracts/blob/master/contracts/GaugeController.vy
+Pay attention:
+https://github.com/trailofbits/publications/blob/master/reviews/CurveDAO.pdf -> 18. Several loops are not executable due to gaslimitation
+Discussion: I don't think this is a problem for our version.
+Version solidity:
+For contracts that are planned to be deployed in mainnet, it is necessary to use the features of the latest hard fork.
+#### Notes
+Notes for UX/UI:
+ // Remove the nominee
+ await vw.removeNominee(nominees[0], chainId);
+ // Get the removed nominee Id
+ id = await vw.getNomineeId(nominees[0], chainId);
+ expect(id).to.equal(0);
+ // Get the id for the second nominee that was shifted from 2 to 1
+ id = await vw.getNomineeId(nominees[1], chainId);
+ +
+ function getNomineeId(bytes32 account, uint256 chainId) external view returns (uint256 id) {
+ // Get the nominee struct and hash
+ Nominee memory nominee = Nominee(account, chainId);
+ bytes32 nomineeHash = keccak256(abi.encode(nominee));
+ id = mapNomineeIds[nomineeHash];
+ }
+ function getNominee(uint256 id) external view returns (Nominee memory nominee) {
+ // Get the total number of nominees in the contract
+ uint256 totalNumNominees = setNominees.length - 1;
+ // Check for the zero id or the overflow
+ if (id == 0) {
+ revert ZeroValue();
+ } else if (id > totalNumNominees) {
+ revert Overflow(id, totalNumNominees);
+ }
+ nominee = setNominees[id];
+ }
+Due to operation removeNominee(), you must keep in mind that for the same `id` there can be DIFFERENT(!) `nominee` in different time. ref: tests
+Does the developer need to add clarification in comments to the source code?
+General notes (from Curve Finance audit):
+4. GaugeController allowsfor quick vote andwithdrawvoting strategy: ref: source variable WEIGHT_VOTE_DELAY
+18. Several loops are not executable due to gaslimitation
diff --git a/audits/internal12/analysis/contracts/VoteWeighting-flatten.sol b/audits/internal12/analysis/contracts/VoteWeighting-flatten.sol
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f3c5757
--- /dev/null
+++ b/audits/internal12/analysis/contracts/VoteWeighting-flatten.sol
@@ -0,0 +1,770 @@
+// Sources flattened with hardhat v2.22.3 https://hardhat.org
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
+// File contracts/VoteWeighting.sol
+// Original license: SPDX_License_Identifier: MIT
+pragma solidity ^0.8.23;
+// Dispenser interface
+interface IDispenser {
+ /// @dev Records nominee addition in dispenser.
+ /// @param nomineeHash Nominee hash.
+ function addNominee(bytes32 nomineeHash) external;
+ /// @dev Records nominee removal.
+ /// @param nomineeHash Nominee hash.
+ function removeNominee(bytes32 nomineeHash) external;
+// veOLAS interface
+interface IVEOLAS {
+ // Structure for voting escrow points
+ // The struct size is two storage slots of 2 * uint256 (128 + 128 + 64 + 64 + 128)
+ struct PointVoting {
+ // w(i) = at + b (bias)
+ int128 bias;
+ // dw / dt = a (slope)
+ int128 slope;
+ // Timestamp. It will never practically be bigger than 2^64 - 1
+ uint64 ts;
+ // Block number. It will not be bigger than the timestamp
+ uint64 blockNumber;
+ // Token amount. It will never practically be bigger. Initial OLAS cap is 1 bn tokens, or 1e27.
+ // After 10 years, the inflation rate is 2% per year. It would take 1340+ years to reach 2^128 - 1
+ uint128 balance;
+ }
+ /// @dev Gets the `account`'s lock end time.
+ /// @param account Account address.
+ /// @return unlockTime Lock end time.
+ function lockedEnd(address account) external view returns (uint256 unlockTime);
+ /// @dev Gets the most recently recorded user point for `account`.
+ /// @param account Account address.
+ /// @return pv Last checkpoint.
+ function getLastUserPoint(address account) external view returns (PointVoting memory pv);
+/// @dev Only `owner` has a privilege, but the `sender` was provided.
+/// @param sender Sender address.
+/// @param owner Required sender address as an owner.
+error OwnerOnly(address sender, address owner);
+/// @dev Provided zero address.
+error ZeroAddress();
+/// @dev Zero value when it has to be different from zero.
+error ZeroValue();
+/// @dev Wrong length of two arrays.
+/// @param numValues1 Number of values in a first array.
+/// @param numValues2 Number of values in a second array.
+error WrongArrayLength(uint256 numValues1, uint256 numValues2);
+/// @dev Value overflow.
+/// @param provided Overflow value.
+/// @param max Maximum possible value.
+error Overflow(uint256 provided, uint256 max);
+/// @dev Underflow value.
+/// @param provided Provided value.
+/// @param expected Minimum expected value.
+error Underflow(uint256 provided, uint256 expected);
+/// @dev Nominee does not exist.
+/// @param account Nominee account address.
+/// @param chainId Nominee chain Id.
+error NomineeDoesNotExist(bytes32 account, uint256 chainId);
+/// @dev Nominee already exists.
+/// @param account Nominee account address.
+/// @param chainId Nominee chain Id.
+error NomineeAlreadyExists(bytes32 account, uint256 chainId);
+/// @dev Value lock is expired.
+/// @param account Address that is checked for the locked value.
+/// @param deadline The lock expiration deadline.
+/// @param curTime Current timestamp.
+error LockExpired(address account, uint256 deadline, uint256 curTime);
+/// @dev The vote has been performed already.
+/// @param voter Voter address.
+/// @param curTime Current time.
+/// @param nextAllowedVotingTime Next allowed voting time.
+error VoteTooOften(address voter, uint256 curTime, uint256 nextAllowedVotingTime);
+/// @dev Nominee is not in the removed nominee map.
+/// @param account Nominee account address.
+/// @param chainId Nominee chain Id.
+error NomineeNotRemoved(bytes32 account, uint256 chainId);
+/// @dev Nominee is in the removed nominee map.
+/// @param account Nominee account address.
+/// @param chainId Nominee chain Id.
+error NomineeRemoved(bytes32 account, uint256 chainId);
+// Point struct
+struct Point {
+ uint256 bias;
+ uint256 slope;
+// Voted slope struct
+struct VotedSlope {
+ uint256 slope;
+ uint256 power;
+ uint256 end;
+// Nominee struct
+struct Nominee {
+ bytes32 account;
+ uint256 chainId;
+/// @title VoteWeighting - Smart contract for Vote Weighting with specific nominees composed of address and chain Id
+/// @author Aleksandr Kuperman -
+/// @author Andrey Lebedev -
+/// @author Mariapia Moscatiello -
+contract VoteWeighting {
+ event OwnerUpdated(address indexed owner);
+ event VoteForNominee(address indexed user, bytes32 indexed nominee, uint256 chainId, uint256 weight);
+ event AddNominee(bytes32 indexed account, uint256 chainId, uint256 id);
+ event RemoveNominee(bytes32 indexed account, uint256 chainId, uint256 newSum);
+ // 7 * 86400 seconds - all future times are rounded by week
+ uint256 public constant WEEK = 604_800;
+ // Cannot change weight votes more often than once in 10 days
+ uint256 public constant WEIGHT_VOTE_DELAY = 864_000;
+ // Max weight amount
+ uint256 public constant MAX_WEIGHT = 10_000;
+ // Maximum chain Id as per EVM specs
+ uint256 public constant MAX_EVM_CHAIN_ID = type(uint64).max / 2 - 36;
+ // veOLAS contract address
+ address public immutable ve;
+ // Contract owner address
+ address public owner;
+ // Dispenser contract
+ address public dispenser;
+ // Set of Nominee structs
+ Nominee[] public setNominees;
+ // Mapping of hash(Nominee struct) => nominee Id
+ mapping(bytes32 => uint256) public mapNomineeIds;
+ // Mapping of hash(Nominee struct) => previously removed nominee flag
+ mapping(bytes32 => bool) public mapRemovedNominees;
+ // user -> hash(Nominee struct) -> VotedSlope
+ mapping(address => mapping(bytes32 => VotedSlope)) public voteUserSlopes;
+ // Total vote power used by user
+ mapping(address => uint256) public voteUserPower;
+ // Last user vote's timestamp for each hash(Nominee struct)
+ mapping(address => mapping(bytes32 => uint256)) public lastUserVote;
+ // Past and scheduled points for nominee weight, sum of weights per type, total weight
+ // Point is for bias+slope
+ // changes_* are for changes in slope
+ // time_* are for the last change timestamp
+ // timestamps are rounded to whole weeks
+ // hash(Nominee struct) -> time -> Point
+ mapping(bytes32 => mapping(uint256 => Point)) public pointsWeight;
+ // hash(Nominee struct) -> time -> slope
+ mapping(bytes32 => mapping(uint256 => uint256)) public changesWeight;
+ // hash(Nominee struct) -> last scheduled time (next week)
+ mapping(bytes32 => uint256) public timeWeight;
+ // time -> Point
+ mapping(uint256 => Point) public pointsSum;
+ // time -> slope
+ mapping(uint256 => uint256) public changesSum;
+ // last scheduled time (next week)
+ uint256 public timeSum;
+ /// @dev Contract constructor.
+ /// @param _ve Voting Escrow contract address.
+ constructor(address _ve) {
+ // Check for the zero address
+ if (_ve == address(0)) {
+ revert ZeroAddress();
+ }
+ // Set initial parameters
+ owner = msg.sender;
+ ve = _ve;
+ timeSum = block.timestamp / WEEK * WEEK;
+ setNominees.push(Nominee(bytes32(0), 0));
+ }
+ /// @dev Fill sum of nominee weights for the same type week-over-week for missed checkins and return the sum for the future week.
+ /// @return Sum of weights.
+ function _getSum() internal returns (uint256) {
+ // t is always > 0 as it is set in the constructor
+ uint256 t = timeSum;
+ Point memory pt = pointsSum[t];
+ for (uint256 i = 0; i < 500; i++) {
+ if (t > block.timestamp) {
+ break;
+ }
+ t += WEEK;
+ uint256 dBias = pt.slope * WEEK;
+ if (pt.bias > dBias) {
+ pt.bias -= dBias;
+ uint256 dSlope = changesSum[t];
+ pt.slope -= dSlope;
+ } else {
+ pt.bias = 0;
+ pt.slope = 0;
+ }
+ pointsSum[t] = pt;
+ if (t > block.timestamp) {
+ timeSum = t;
+ }
+ }
+ return pt.bias;
+ }
+ /// @dev Fill historic nominee weights week-over-week for missed checkins and return the total for the future week.
+ /// @param account Nominee account address in bytes32 form.
+ /// @param chainId Nominee chain Id.
+ /// @return Nominee weight.
+ function _getWeight(bytes32 account, uint256 chainId) internal returns (uint256) {
+ // Construct the nominee struct
+ Nominee memory nominee = Nominee(account, chainId);
+ // Check that the nominee exists or has been removed
+ bytes32 nomineeHash = keccak256(abi.encode(nominee));
+ if (!mapRemovedNominees[nomineeHash] && mapNomineeIds[nomineeHash] == 0) {
+ revert NomineeDoesNotExist(account, chainId);
+ }
+ // t is always > 0 as it is set during the addNominee() call
+ uint256 t = timeWeight[nomineeHash];
+ Point memory pt = pointsWeight[nomineeHash][t];
+ for (uint256 i = 0; i < 500; i++) {
+ if (t > block.timestamp) {
+ break;
+ }
+ t += WEEK;
+ uint256 dBias = pt.slope * WEEK;
+ if (pt.bias > dBias) {
+ pt.bias -= dBias;
+ uint256 dSlope = changesWeight[nomineeHash][t];
+ pt.slope -= dSlope;
+ } else {
+ pt.bias = 0;
+ pt.slope = 0;
+ }
+ pointsWeight[nomineeHash][t] = pt;
+ if (t > block.timestamp) {
+ timeWeight[nomineeHash] = t;
+ }
+ }
+ return pt.bias;
+ }
+ /// @dev Add nominee address along with the chain Id.
+ /// @param nominee Nominee account address and chainId.
+ function _addNominee(Nominee memory nominee) internal {
+ // Check for the nominee existence
+ bytes32 nomineeHash = keccak256(abi.encode(nominee));
+ if (mapNomineeIds[nomineeHash] > 0) {
+ revert NomineeAlreadyExists(nominee.account, nominee.chainId);
+ }
+ // Check for the previously removed nominee
+ if (mapRemovedNominees[nomineeHash]) {
+ revert NomineeRemoved(nominee.account, nominee.chainId);
+ }
+ uint256 id = setNominees.length;
+ mapNomineeIds[nomineeHash] = id;
+ // Push the nominee into the list
+ setNominees.push(nominee);
+ uint256 nextTime = (block.timestamp + WEEK) / WEEK * WEEK;
+ timeWeight[nomineeHash] = nextTime;
+ // Enable nominee in dispenser, if applicable
+ address localDispenser = dispenser;
+ if (localDispenser != address(0)) {
+ IDispenser(localDispenser).addNominee(nomineeHash);
+ }
+ emit AddNominee(nominee.account, nominee.chainId, id);
+ }
+ /// @dev Add EVM nominee address along with the chain Id.
+ /// @param account Address of the nominee.
+ /// @param chainId Chain Id.
+ function addNomineeEVM(address account, uint256 chainId) external {
+ // Check for the zero address
+ if (account == address(0)) {
+ revert ZeroAddress();
+ }
+ // Check for zero chain Id
+ if (chainId == 0) {
+ revert ZeroValue();
+ }
+ // Check for the chain Id overflow
+ if (chainId > MAX_EVM_CHAIN_ID) {
+ revert Overflow(chainId, MAX_EVM_CHAIN_ID);
+ }
+ Nominee memory nominee = Nominee(bytes32(uint256(uint160(account))), chainId);
+ // Record nominee instance
+ _addNominee(nominee);
+ }
+ /// @dev Add Non-EVM nominee address along with the chain Id.
+ /// @param account Address of the nominee in byte32 standard.
+ /// @param chainId Chain Id.
+ function addNomineeNonEVM(bytes32 account, uint256 chainId) external {
+ // Check for the zero address
+ if (account == bytes32(0)) {
+ revert ZeroAddress();
+ }
+ // Check for the chain Id underflow
+ if (MAX_EVM_CHAIN_ID >= chainId) {
+ revert Underflow(chainId, MAX_EVM_CHAIN_ID + 1);
+ }
+ Nominee memory nominee = Nominee(account, chainId);
+ // Record nominee instance
+ _addNominee(nominee);
+ }
+ /// @dev Changes the owner address.
+ /// @param newOwner Address of a new owner.
+ function changeOwner(address newOwner) external {
+ // Check for the contract ownership
+ if (msg.sender != owner) {
+ revert OwnerOnly(msg.sender, owner);
+ }
+ // Check for the zero address
+ if (newOwner == address(0)) {
+ revert ZeroAddress();
+ }
+ owner = newOwner;
+ emit OwnerUpdated(newOwner);
+ }
+ /// @dev Changes the dispenser contract address.
+ /// @notice Dispenser can a zero address if the contract needs to serve a general purpose.
+ /// @param newDispenser New dispenser contract address.
+ function changeDispenser(address newDispenser) external {
+ // Check for the contract ownership
+ if (msg.sender != owner) {
+ revert OwnerOnly(msg.sender, owner);
+ }
+ dispenser = newDispenser;
+ }
+ /// @dev Checkpoint to fill data common for all nominees.
+ function checkpoint() external {
+ _getSum();
+ }
+ /// @dev Checkpoint to fill data for both a specific nominee and common for all nominees.
+ /// @param account Address of the nominee.
+ /// @param chainId Chain Id.
+ function checkpointNominee(bytes32 account, uint256 chainId) external {
+ _getWeight(account, chainId);
+ _getSum();
+ }
+ /// @dev Get Nominee relative weight (not more than 1.0) normalized to 1e18 (e.g. 1.0 == 1e18) and a sum of weights.
+ /// Inflation which will be received by it is inflation_rate * relativeWeight / 1e18.
+ /// @param account Address of the nominee in byte32 standard.
+ /// @param chainId Chain Id.
+ /// @param time Relative weight at the specified timestamp in the past or present.
+ /// @return weight Value of relative weight normalized to 1e18.
+ /// @return totalSum Sum of nominee weights.
+ function _nomineeRelativeWeight(
+ bytes32 account,
+ uint256 chainId,
+ uint256 time
+ ) internal view returns (uint256 weight, uint256 totalSum) {
+ uint256 t = time / WEEK * WEEK;
+ totalSum = pointsSum[t].bias;
+ Nominee memory nominee = Nominee(account, chainId);
+ bytes32 nomineeHash = keccak256(abi.encode(nominee));
+ if (totalSum > 0) {
+ uint256 nomineeWeight = pointsWeight[nomineeHash][t].bias;
+ weight = 1e18 * nomineeWeight / totalSum;
+ }
+ }
+ /// @dev Get Nominee relative weight (not more than 1.0) normalized to 1e18 and the sum of weights.
+ /// (e.g. 1.0 == 1e18). Inflation which will be received by it is
+ /// inflation_rate * relativeWeight / 1e18.
+ /// @param account Address of the nominee in bytes32 form.
+ /// @param chainId Chain Id.
+ /// @param time Relative weight at the specified timestamp in the past or present.
+ /// @return weight Value of relative weight normalized to 1e18.
+ /// @return totalSum Sum of nominee weights.
+ function nomineeRelativeWeight(
+ bytes32 account,
+ uint256 chainId,
+ uint256 time
+ ) external view returns (uint256 weight, uint256 totalSum) {
+ (weight, totalSum) = _nomineeRelativeWeight(account, chainId, time);
+ }
+ /// @dev Get nominee weight normalized to 1e18 and also fill all the unfilled values for type and nominee records.
+ /// Also, get the total sum of all the nominee weights.
+ /// @notice Any address can call, however nothing is recorded if the values are filled already.
+ /// @param account Address of the nominee in bytes32 form.
+ /// @param chainId Chain Id.
+ /// @param time Relative weight at the specified timestamp in the past or present.
+ /// @return weight Value of relative weight normalized to 1e18.
+ /// @return totalSum Sum of nominee weights.
+ function nomineeRelativeWeightWrite(
+ bytes32 account,
+ uint256 chainId,
+ uint256 time
+ ) external returns (uint256 weight, uint256 totalSum) {
+ _getWeight(account, chainId);
+ _getSum();
+ (weight, totalSum) = _nomineeRelativeWeight(account, chainId, time);
+ }
+ /// @dev Allocate voting power for changing pool weights.
+ /// @param account Address of the nominee the `msg.sender` votes for in bytes32 form.
+ /// @param chainId Chain Id.
+ /// @param weight Weight for a nominee in bps (units of 0.01%). Minimal is 0.01%. Ignored if 0.
+ function voteForNomineeWeights(bytes32 account, uint256 chainId, uint256 weight) public {
+ // Get the nominee hash
+ bytes32 nomineeHash = keccak256(abi.encode(Nominee(account, chainId)));
+ // Check for the previously removed nominee
+ if (mapRemovedNominees[nomineeHash]) {
+ revert NomineeRemoved(account, chainId);
+ }
+ uint256 slope = uint256(uint128(IVEOLAS(ve).getLastUserPoint(msg.sender).slope));
+ uint256 lockEnd = IVEOLAS(ve).lockedEnd(msg.sender);
+ uint256 nextTime = (block.timestamp + WEEK) / WEEK * WEEK;
+ // Check for the lock end expiration
+ if (nextTime >= lockEnd) {
+ revert LockExpired(msg.sender, lockEnd, nextTime);
+ }
+ // Check for the weight number
+ if (weight > MAX_WEIGHT) {
+ revert Overflow(weight, MAX_WEIGHT);
+ }
+ // Check for the last voting time
+ uint256 nextAllowedVotingTime = lastUserVote[msg.sender][nomineeHash] + WEIGHT_VOTE_DELAY;
+ if (nextAllowedVotingTime > block.timestamp) {
+ revert VoteTooOften(msg.sender, block.timestamp, nextAllowedVotingTime);
+ }
+ // Prepare old and new slopes and biases
+ VotedSlope memory oldSlope = voteUserSlopes[msg.sender][nomineeHash];
+ uint256 oldBias;
+ if (oldSlope.end > nextTime) {
+ oldBias = oldSlope.slope * (oldSlope.end - nextTime);
+ }
+ VotedSlope memory newSlope = VotedSlope({
+ slope: slope * weight / MAX_WEIGHT,
+ end: lockEnd,
+ power: weight
+ });
+ uint256 newBias = newSlope.slope * (lockEnd - nextTime);
+ uint256 powerUsed = voteUserPower[msg.sender];
+ powerUsed = powerUsed + newSlope.power - oldSlope.power;
+ voteUserPower[msg.sender] = powerUsed;
+ if (powerUsed > MAX_WEIGHT) {
+ revert Overflow(powerUsed, MAX_WEIGHT);
+ }
+ // Remove old and schedule new slope changes
+ // Remove slope changes for old slopes
+ // Schedule recording of initial slope for nextTime
+ pointsWeight[nomineeHash][nextTime].bias = _maxAndSub(_getWeight(account, chainId) + newBias, oldBias);
+ pointsSum[nextTime].bias = _maxAndSub(_getSum() + newBias, oldBias);
+ if (oldSlope.end > nextTime) {
+ pointsWeight[nomineeHash][nextTime].slope =
+ _maxAndSub(pointsWeight[nomineeHash][nextTime].slope + newSlope.slope, oldSlope.slope);
+ pointsSum[nextTime].slope = _maxAndSub(pointsSum[nextTime].slope + newSlope.slope, oldSlope.slope);
+ } else {
+ pointsWeight[nomineeHash][nextTime].slope += newSlope.slope;
+ pointsSum[nextTime].slope += newSlope.slope;
+ }
+ if (oldSlope.end > block.timestamp) {
+ // Cancel old slope changes if they still didn't happen
+ changesWeight[nomineeHash][oldSlope.end] -= oldSlope.slope;
+ changesSum[oldSlope.end] -= oldSlope.slope;
+ }
+ // Add slope changes for new slopes
+ changesWeight[nomineeHash][newSlope.end] += newSlope.slope;
+ changesSum[newSlope.end] += newSlope.slope;
+ voteUserSlopes[msg.sender][nomineeHash] = newSlope;
+ // Record last action time
+ lastUserVote[msg.sender][nomineeHash] = block.timestamp;
+ emit VoteForNominee(msg.sender, account, chainId, weight);
+ }
+ /// @dev Allocate voting power for changing pool weights in batch.
+ /// @param accounts Set of nominee addresses in bytes32 form the `msg.sender` votes for.
+ /// @param chainIds Set of corresponding chain Ids.
+ /// @param weights Weights for a nominees in bps (units of 0.01%). Minimal is 0.01%. Ignored if 0.
+ function voteForNomineeWeightsBatch(
+ bytes32[] memory accounts,
+ uint256[] memory chainIds,
+ uint256[] memory weights
+ ) external {
+ if (accounts.length != chainIds.length || accounts.length != weights.length) {
+ revert WrongArrayLength(accounts.length, weights.length);
+ }
+ // Traverse all accounts and weights
+ for (uint256 i = 0; i < accounts.length; ++i) {
+ voteForNomineeWeights(accounts[i], chainIds[i], weights[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ function _maxAndSub(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
+ return a > b ? a - b : 0;
+ }
+ /// @dev Removes nominee from the contract and zeros its weight.
+ /// @param account Address of the nominee in bytes32 form.
+ /// @param chainId Chain Id.
+ function removeNominee(bytes32 account, uint256 chainId) external {
+ // Check for the contract ownership
+ if (msg.sender != owner) {
+ revert OwnerOnly(owner, msg.sender);
+ }
+ // Get the nominee struct and hash
+ Nominee memory nominee = Nominee(account, chainId);
+ bytes32 nomineeHash = keccak256(abi.encode(nominee));
+ // Get the nominee id in the nominee set
+ uint256 id = mapNomineeIds[nomineeHash];
+ if (id == 0) {
+ revert NomineeDoesNotExist(account, chainId);
+ }
+ // Set nominee weight to zero
+ uint256 oldWeight = _getWeight(account, chainId);
+ uint256 oldSum = _getSum();
+ uint256 nextTime = (block.timestamp + WEEK) / WEEK * WEEK;
+ pointsWeight[nomineeHash][nextTime].bias = 0;
+ timeWeight[nomineeHash] = nextTime;
+ // Account for the the sum weight change
+ uint256 newSum = oldSum - oldWeight;
+ pointsSum[nextTime].bias = newSum;
+ timeSum = nextTime;
+ // Add to the removed nominee map
+ mapRemovedNominees[nomineeHash] = true;
+ // Remove nominee in dispenser, if applicable
+ address localDispenser = dispenser;
+ if (localDispenser != address(0)) {
+ IDispenser(localDispenser).removeNominee(nomineeHash);
+ }
+ // Remove nominee from the map
+ mapNomineeIds[nomineeHash] = 0;
+ // Shuffle the current last nominee id in the set to be placed to the removed one
+ nominee = setNominees[setNominees.length - 1];
+ nomineeHash = keccak256(abi.encode(nominee));
+ mapNomineeIds[nomineeHash] = id;
+ setNominees[id] = nominee;
+ // Pop the last element from the set
+ setNominees.pop();
+ emit RemoveNominee(account, chainId, newSum);
+ }
+ /// @dev Retrieves user voting power from a removed nominee.
+ /// @param account Address of the nominee in bytes32 form.
+ /// @param chainId Chain Id.
+ function retrieveRemovedNomineeVotingPower(bytes32 account, uint256 chainId) external {
+ // Get the nominee struct and hash
+ Nominee memory nominee = Nominee(account, chainId);
+ bytes32 nomineeHash = keccak256(abi.encode(nominee));
+ // Check that the nominee is removed
+ if (!mapRemovedNominees[nomineeHash]) {
+ revert NomineeNotRemoved(account, chainId);
+ }
+ // Get the user old slope
+ VotedSlope memory oldSlope = voteUserSlopes[msg.sender][nomineeHash];
+ if (oldSlope.power == 0) {
+ revert ZeroValue();
+ }
+ // Cancel old slope changes if they still didn't happen
+ if (oldSlope.end > block.timestamp) {
+ changesWeight[nomineeHash][oldSlope.end] -= oldSlope.slope;
+ changesSum[oldSlope.end] -= oldSlope.slope;
+ }
+ // Update the voting power
+ uint256 powerUsed = voteUserPower[msg.sender];
+ powerUsed = powerUsed - oldSlope.power;
+ voteUserPower[msg.sender] = powerUsed;
+ delete voteUserSlopes[msg.sender][nomineeHash];
+ }
+ /// @dev Get current nominee weight.
+ /// @param account Address of the nominee in bytes32 form.
+ /// @param chainId Chain Id.
+ /// @return Nominee weight.
+ function getNomineeWeight(bytes32 account, uint256 chainId) external view returns (uint256) {
+ // Get the nominee struct and hash
+ Nominee memory nominee = Nominee(account, chainId);
+ bytes32 nomineeHash = keccak256(abi.encode(nominee));
+ return pointsWeight[nomineeHash][timeWeight[nomineeHash]].bias;
+ }
+ /// @dev Get sum of nominee weights.
+ /// @return Sum of nominee weights.
+ function getWeightsSum() external view returns (uint256) {
+ return pointsSum[timeSum].bias;
+ }
+ /// @dev Get the total number of nominees.
+ /// @notice The zero-th default nominee Id with id == 0 does not count.
+ /// @return Total number of nominees.
+ function getNumNominees() external view returns (uint256) {
+ return setNominees.length - 1;
+ }
+ /// @dev Gets a full set of nominees.
+ /// @notice The returned set includes the zero-th empty nominee instance.
+ /// @return nominees Set of all the nominees in the contract.
+ function getAllNominees() external view returns (Nominee[] memory nominees) {
+ nominees = setNominees;
+ }
+ /// @dev Gets the nominee Id in the global nominees set.
+ /// @param account Nominee address in bytes32 form.
+ /// @param chainId Chain Id.
+ /// @return id Nominee Id in the global set of Nominee struct values.
+ function getNomineeId(bytes32 account, uint256 chainId) external view returns (uint256 id) {
+ // Get the nominee struct and hash
+ Nominee memory nominee = Nominee(account, chainId);
+ bytes32 nomineeHash = keccak256(abi.encode(nominee));
+ id = mapNomineeIds[nomineeHash];
+ }
+ /// @dev Get the nominee address and its corresponding chain Id.
+ /// @notice The zero-th default nominee Id with id == 0 does not count.
+ /// @param id Nominee Id in the global set of Nominee struct values.
+ /// @return nominee Nominee address in bytes32 form and chain Id.
+ function getNominee(uint256 id) external view returns (Nominee memory nominee) {
+ // Get the total number of nominees in the contract
+ uint256 totalNumNominees = setNominees.length - 1;
+ // Check for the zero id or the overflow
+ if (id == 0) {
+ revert ZeroValue();
+ } else if (id > totalNumNominees) {
+ revert Overflow(id, totalNumNominees);
+ }
+ nominee = setNominees[id];
+ }
+ /// @dev Get the set of nominee addresses and corresponding chain Ids.
+ /// @notice The zero-th default nominee Id with id == 0 does not count.
+ /// @param startId Start Id of the nominee in the global set of Nominee struct values.
+ /// @param numNominees Number of nominees to get.
+ /// @return nominees Set of nominee accounts in bytes32 form and chain Ids.
+ function getNominees(
+ uint256 startId,
+ uint256 numNominees
+ ) external view returns (Nominee[] memory nominees)
+ {
+ // Check for the zero id or the overflow
+ if (startId == 0 || numNominees == 0) {
+ revert ZeroValue();
+ }
+ // Get the last nominee Id requested
+ uint256 endId = startId + numNominees;
+ // Get the total number of nominees in the contract with the zero-th nominee
+ uint256 totalNumNominees = setNominees.length;
+ // Check for the overflow
+ if (endId > totalNumNominees) {
+ revert Overflow(endId, totalNumNominees);
+ }
+ // Allocate the nominee array
+ nominees = new Nominee[](numNominees);
+ // Traverse selected nominees
+ for (uint256 i = 0; i < numNominees; ++i) {
+ uint256 id = i + startId;
+ // Get the nominee struct
+ nominees[i] = setNominees[id];
+ }
+ }
+ /// @dev Gets next allowed voting time for selected nominees and voters.
+ /// @notice The function does not check for repeated nominees and voters.
+ /// @param accounts Set of nominee account addresses.
+ /// @param chainIds Corresponding set of chain Ids.
+ /// @param voters Corresponding set of voters for specified nominees.
+ function getNextAllowedVotingTimes(
+ bytes32[] memory accounts,
+ uint256[] memory chainIds,
+ address[] memory voters
+ ) external view returns (uint256[] memory nextAllowedVotingTimes) {
+ // Check array lengths
+ if (accounts.length != chainIds.length || accounts.length != voters.length) {
+ revert WrongArrayLength(accounts.length, chainIds.length);
+ }
+ // Allocate the times array
+ nextAllowedVotingTimes = new uint256[](accounts.length);
+ // Traverse nominees and get next available voting times
+ for (uint256 i = 0; i < accounts.length; ++i) {
+ // Get the nominee struct and hash
+ Nominee memory nominee = Nominee(accounts[i], chainIds[i]);
+ bytes32 nomineeHash = keccak256(abi.encode(nominee));
+ // Check for nominee existence
+ if (mapNomineeIds[nomineeHash] == 0) {
+ revert NomineeDoesNotExist(accounts[i], chainIds[i]);
+ }
+ // Calculate next allowed voting times
+ nextAllowedVotingTimes[i] = lastUserVote[voters[i]][nomineeHash] + WEIGHT_VOTE_DELAY;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/audits/internal12/analysis/contracts/script.sh b/audits/internal12/analysis/contracts/script.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..286784b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/audits/internal12/analysis/contracts/script.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+ slither_options=("call-graph" "constructor-calls" "contract-summary" "data-dependency" "function-summary"
+ "human-summary" "inheritance" "inheritance-graph" "modifiers" "require" "variable-order" "vars-and-auth")
+ echo -e "\nRunning slither routines ..."
+ for so in "${slither_options[@]}"; do
+ echo -e "\t$so"
+ slither . --print ${so} &> "slither_$so.txt"
+ done
+ echo -e "\tfull report"
+ slither . &> "slither_full.txt"
+ # moving generated .dot files to the audit folder
+ count=`ls -1 *.dot 2>/dev/null | wc -l`
+ echo -e "\tgenerated $count .dot files"
+ for _filename in *.dot; do
+ filename="${_filename%.*}"
+ cat $_filename | dot -Tpng > slither_$filename.png
+ done
+ rm *.dot
diff --git a/audits/internal12/analysis/fuzzing/assert/echidna_assert.yaml b/audits/internal12/analysis/fuzzing/assert/echidna_assert.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..30d1d73
--- /dev/null
+++ b/audits/internal12/analysis/fuzzing/assert/echidna_assert.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+#testMode: overflow
+testMode: assertion
+coverage: true
+corpusDir: corpusEchidna
+coverageFormats: ["html"]
+# maxBlockDelay: 12
+# provide solc remappings to crytic-compile
+# https://www.justinsilver.com/technology/programming/slither-echidna-remappings/
+cryticArgs: ['--solc-remaps', '@=node_modules/@']
diff --git a/audits/internal12/analysis/fuzzing/assert/fuzzing-assert.PNG b/audits/internal12/analysis/fuzzing/assert/fuzzing-assert.PNG
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..cb1750d
Binary files /dev/null and b/audits/internal12/analysis/fuzzing/assert/fuzzing-assert.PNG differ
diff --git a/audits/internal12/analysis/fuzzing/assert/start_echidna.sh b/audits/internal12/analysis/fuzzing/assert/start_echidna.sh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c737e2b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/audits/internal12/analysis/fuzzing/assert/start_echidna.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+rm -rf corpusEchidna/
+echidna contracts/test/EchidnaVoteWeightingAssert.sol --contract EchidnaVoteWeightingAssert --config echidna_assert.yaml
diff --git a/audits/internal12/analysis/fuzzing/overflow/corpusEchidna/covered.1715618908.html b/audits/internal12/analysis/fuzzing/overflow/corpusEchidna/covered.1715618908.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..022a6dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/audits/internal12/analysis/fuzzing/overflow/corpusEchidna/covered.1715618908.html
@@ -0,0 +1,2329 @@
+ 1 | | // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
+ 2 | | pragma solidity ^0.8.15;
+ 3 | |
+ 4 | | import "../lib/solmate/src/tokens/ERC20.sol";
+ 5 | |
+ 6 | | /// @dev Only `manager` has a privilege, but the `sender` was provided.
+ 7 | | /// @param sender Sender address.
+ 8 | | /// @param manager Required sender address as a manager.
+ 9 | | error ManagerOnly(address sender, address manager);
+ 10 | |
+ 11 | | /// @dev Provided zero address.
+ 12 | | error ZeroAddress();
+ 13 | |
+ 14 | | /// @title OLAS - Smart contract for the OLAS token.
+ 15 | | /// @author AL
+ 16 | | /// @author Aleksandr Kuperman - <aleksandr.kuperman@valory.xyz>
+ 17 | * | contract OLAS is ERC20 {
+ 18 | | event MinterUpdated(address indexed minter);
+ 19 | | event OwnerUpdated(address indexed owner);
+ 20 | |
+ 21 | | // One year interval
+ 22 | | uint256 public constant oneYear = 1 days * 365;
+ 23 | | // Total supply cap for the first ten years (one billion OLAS tokens)
+ 24 | | uint256 public constant tenYearSupplyCap = 1_000_000_000e18;
+ 25 | | // Maximum annual inflation after first ten years
+ 26 | | uint256 public constant maxMintCapFraction = 2;
+ 27 | | // Initial timestamp of the token deployment
+ 28 | | uint256 public immutable timeLaunch;
+ 29 | |
+ 30 | | // Owner address
+ 31 | | address public owner;
+ 32 | | // Minter address
+ 33 | | address public minter;
+ 34 | |
+ 35 | | constructor() ERC20("Autonolas", "OLAS", 18) {
+ 36 | | owner = msg.sender;
+ 37 | | minter = msg.sender;
+ 38 | | timeLaunch = block.timestamp;
+ 39 | | }
+ 40 | |
+ 41 | | /// @dev Changes the owner address.
+ 42 | | /// @param newOwner Address of a new owner.
+ 43 | | function changeOwner(address newOwner) external {
+ 44 | | if (msg.sender != owner) {
+ 45 | | revert ManagerOnly(msg.sender, owner);
+ 46 | | }
+ 47 | |
+ 48 | | if (newOwner == address(0)) {
+ 49 | | revert ZeroAddress();
+ 50 | | }
+ 51 | |
+ 52 | | owner = newOwner;
+ 53 | | emit OwnerUpdated(newOwner);
+ 54 | | }
+ 55 | |
+ 56 | | /// @dev Changes the minter address.
+ 57 | | /// @param newMinter Address of a new minter.
+ 58 | | function changeMinter(address newMinter) external {
+ 59 | | if (msg.sender != owner) {
+ 60 | | revert ManagerOnly(msg.sender, owner);
+ 61 | | }
+ 62 | |
+ 63 | | if (newMinter == address(0)) {
+ 64 | | revert ZeroAddress();
+ 65 | | }
+ 66 | |
+ 67 | | minter = newMinter;
+ 68 | | emit MinterUpdated(newMinter);
+ 69 | | }
+ 70 | |
+ 71 | | /// @dev Mints OLAS tokens.
+ 72 | | /// @notice If the inflation control does not pass, the revert does not take place, as well as no action is performed.
+ 73 | | /// @param account Account address.
+ 74 | | /// @param amount OLAS token amount.
+ 75 | | function mint(address account, uint256 amount) external {
+ 76 | | // Access control
+ 77 | | if (msg.sender != minter) {
+ 78 | | revert ManagerOnly(msg.sender, minter);
+ 79 | | }
+ 80 | |
+ 81 | | // Check the inflation schedule and mint
+ 82 | | if (inflationControl(amount)) {
+ 83 | | _mint(account, amount);
+ 84 | | }
+ 85 | | }
+ 86 | |
+ 87 | | /// @dev Provides various checks for the inflation control.
+ 88 | | /// @notice The `<=` check is left as is for a better code readability.
+ 89 | | /// @param amount Amount of OLAS to mint.
+ 90 | | /// @return True if the amount request is within inflation boundaries.
+ 91 | | function inflationControl(uint256 amount) public view returns (bool) {
+ 92 | | uint256 remainder = inflationRemainder();
+ 93 | | return (amount <= remainder);
+ 94 | | }
+ 95 | |
+ 96 | | /// @dev Gets the reminder of OLAS possible for the mint.
+ 97 | | /// @return remainder OLAS token remainder.
+ 98 | | function inflationRemainder() public view returns (uint256 remainder) {
+ 99 | | uint256 _totalSupply = totalSupply;
+ 100 | | // Current year
+ 101 | | uint256 numYears = (block.timestamp - timeLaunch) / oneYear;
+ 102 | | // Calculate maximum mint amount to date
+ 103 | | uint256 supplyCap = tenYearSupplyCap;
+ 104 | | // After 10 years, adjust supplyCap according to the yearly inflation % set in maxMintCapFraction
+ 105 | | if (numYears > 9) {
+ 106 | | // Number of years after ten years have passed (including ongoing ones)
+ 107 | | numYears -= 9;
+ 108 | | for (uint256 i = 0; i < numYears; ++i) {
+ 109 | | supplyCap += (supplyCap * maxMintCapFraction) / 100;
+ 110 | | }
+ 111 | | }
+ 112 | | // Check for the requested mint overflow
+ 113 | | remainder = supplyCap - _totalSupply;
+ 114 | | }
+ 115 | |
+ 116 | | /// @dev Burns OLAS tokens.
+ 117 | | /// @param amount OLAS token amount to burn.
+ 118 | | function burn(uint256 amount) external {
+ 119 | | _burn(msg.sender, amount);
+ 120 | | }
+ 121 | |
+ 122 | | /// @dev Decreases the allowance of another account over their tokens.
+ 123 | | /// @notice This implementation does not decrease spender allowance if the maximum allowance was granted.
+ 124 | | /// @notice The underflow condition is treated by the default code generation check.
+ 125 | | /// @param spender Account that tokens are approved for.
+ 126 | | /// @param amount Amount to decrease approval by.
+ 127 | | /// @return True if the operation succeeded.
+ 128 | | function decreaseAllowance(address spender, uint256 amount) external returns (bool) {
+ 129 | | uint256 spenderAllowance = allowance[msg.sender][spender];
+ 130 | |
+ 131 | | if (spenderAllowance != type(uint256).max) {
+ 132 | | spenderAllowance -= amount;
+ 133 | | allowance[msg.sender][spender] = spenderAllowance;
+ 134 | | emit Approval(msg.sender, spender, spenderAllowance);
+ 135 | | }
+ 136 | |
+ 137 | | return true;
+ 138 | | }
+ 139 | |
+ 140 | | /// @dev Increases the allowance of another account over their tokens.
+ 141 | | /// @notice The overflow condition is treated by the default code generation check.
+ 142 | | /// @param spender Account that tokens are approved for.
+ 143 | | /// @param amount Amount to increase approval by.
+ 144 | | /// @return True if the operation succeeded.
+ 145 | | function increaseAllowance(address spender, uint256 amount) external returns (bool) {
+ 146 | | uint256 spenderAllowance = allowance[msg.sender][spender];
+ 147 | |
+ 148 | | spenderAllowance += amount;
+ 149 | | allowance[msg.sender][spender] = spenderAllowance;
+ 150 | | emit Approval(msg.sender, spender, spenderAllowance);
+ 151 | |
+ 152 | | return true;
+ 153 | | }
+ 154 | | }
+ 155 | |
+ 1 | | // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
+ 2 | | pragma solidity ^0.8.15;
+ 3 | |
+ 4 | | /// @dev Errors.
+ 5 | | interface IErrors {
+ 6 | | /// @dev Only `owner` has a privilege, but the `sender` was provided.
+ 7 | | /// @param sender Sender address.
+ 8 | | /// @param owner Required sender address as an owner.
+ 9 | | error OwnerOnly(address sender, address owner);
+ 10 | |
+ 11 | | /// @dev Provided zero address.
+ 12 | | error ZeroAddress();
+ 13 | |
+ 14 | | /// @dev Zero value when it has to be different from zero.
+ 15 | | error ZeroValue();
+ 16 | |
+ 17 | | /// @dev Non-zero value when it has to be zero.
+ 18 | | error NonZeroValue();
+ 19 | |
+ 20 | | /// @dev Wrong length of two arrays.
+ 21 | | /// @param numValues1 Number of values in a first array.
+ 22 | | /// @param numValues2 Numberf of values in a second array.
+ 23 | | error WrongArrayLength(uint256 numValues1, uint256 numValues2);
+ 24 | |
+ 25 | | /// @dev Value overflow.
+ 26 | | /// @param provided Overflow value.
+ 27 | | /// @param max Maximum possible value.
+ 28 | | error Overflow(uint256 provided, uint256 max);
+ 29 | |
+ 30 | | /// @dev Token is non-transferable.
+ 31 | | /// @param account Token address.
+ 32 | | error NonTransferable(address account);
+ 33 | |
+ 34 | | /// @dev Token is non-delegatable.
+ 35 | | /// @param account Token address.
+ 36 | | error NonDelegatable(address account);
+ 37 | |
+ 38 | | /// @dev Insufficient token allowance.
+ 39 | | /// @param provided Provided amount.
+ 40 | | /// @param expected Minimum expected amount.
+ 41 | | error InsufficientAllowance(uint256 provided, uint256 expected);
+ 42 | |
+ 43 | | /// @dev No existing lock value is found.
+ 44 | | /// @param account Address that is checked for the locked value.
+ 45 | | error NoValueLocked(address account);
+ 46 | |
+ 47 | | /// @dev Locked value is not zero.
+ 48 | | /// @param account Address that is checked for the locked value.
+ 49 | | /// @param amount Locked amount.
+ 50 | | error LockedValueNotZero(address account, uint256 amount);
+ 51 | |
+ 52 | | /// @dev Value lock is expired.
+ 53 | | /// @param account Address that is checked for the locked value.
+ 54 | | /// @param deadline The lock expiration deadline.
+ 55 | | /// @param curTime Current timestamp.
+ 56 | | error LockExpired(address account, uint256 deadline, uint256 curTime);
+ 57 | |
+ 58 | | /// @dev Value lock is not expired.
+ 59 | | /// @param account Address that is checked for the locked value.
+ 60 | | /// @param deadline The lock expiration deadline.
+ 61 | | /// @param curTime Current timestamp.
+ 62 | | error LockNotExpired(address account, uint256 deadline, uint256 curTime);
+ 63 | |
+ 64 | | /// @dev Provided unlock time is incorrect.
+ 65 | | /// @param account Address that is checked for the locked value.
+ 66 | | /// @param minUnlockTime Minimal unlock time that can be set.
+ 67 | | /// @param providedUnlockTime Provided unlock time.
+ 68 | | error UnlockTimeIncorrect(address account, uint256 minUnlockTime, uint256 providedUnlockTime);
+ 69 | |
+ 70 | | /// @dev Provided unlock time is bigger than the maximum allowed.
+ 71 | | /// @param account Address that is checked for the locked value.
+ 72 | | /// @param maxUnlockTime Max unlock time that can be set.
+ 73 | | /// @param providedUnlockTime Provided unlock time.
+ 74 | | error MaxUnlockTimeReached(address account, uint256 maxUnlockTime, uint256 providedUnlockTime);
+ 75 | |
+ 76 | | /// @dev Provided block number is incorrect (has not been processed yet).
+ 77 | | /// @param providedBlockNumber Provided block number.
+ 78 | | /// @param actualBlockNumber Actual block number.
+ 79 | | error WrongBlockNumber(uint256 providedBlockNumber, uint256 actualBlockNumber);
+ 80 | | }
+ 81 | |
+ 1 | | // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
+ 2 | | pragma solidity ^0.8.23;
+ 3 | |
+ 4 | | import "../OLAS.sol";
+ 5 | | import "../veOLAS.sol";
+ 6 | | import "./VoteWeightingFuzzing.sol";
+ 7 | |
+ 8 | |
+ 9 | *r | contract EchidnaVoteWeightingAssert {
+ 10 | | OLAS olas;
+ 11 | | veOLAS ve;
+ 12 | | VoteWeightingFuzzing vw;
+ 13 | |
+ 14 | | uint256 constant oneOLASBalance = 1 ether;
+ 15 | * | uint256 constant fourYear = 4 * 365 * 86400;
+ 16 | | uint256 constant oneYear = 1 * 365 * 86400;
+ 17 | * | uint256 constant maxVoteWeight = 10000;
+ 18 | | uint64 constant WEEK = 1 weeks;
+ 19 | * | uint256 constant oneOLAS = 1 ether;
+ 20 | | uint256 constant oneMLN = 1_000_000;
+ 21 | | uint256 ts;
+ 22 | |
+ 23 | | // msg.sender in Echidna
+ 24 | | address[3] private senders = [ address(0x10000), address(0x20000), address(0x30000) ];
+ 25 | |
+ 26 | | constructor() payable {
+ 27 | | olas = new OLAS();
+ 28 | | address aolas = address(olas);
+ 29 | | ve = new veOLAS(aolas, "Voting Escrow OLAS", "veOLAS");
+ 30 | | address ave = address(ve);
+ 31 | | vw = new VoteWeightingFuzzing(ave);
+ 32 | | olas.mint(address(this),oneOLAS*oneMLN);
+ 33 | | }
+ 34 | |
+ 35 | | // voteForNomineeWeights_assert(0xdeadbeef,1,0,4495678220902361,1124857)
+ 36 | * | function voteForNomineeWeights_assert(address account, uint32 chainId, uint16 weight, uint256 amount, uint32 unlockTime) external {
+ 37 | * | require(block.timestamp > 0);
+ 38 | *r | require(block.timestamp > ts);
+ 39 | *r | require(unlockTime < fourYear);
+ 40 | *r | require(weight < maxVoteWeight);
+ 41 | *r | require(amount < 100 * oneOLAS);
+ 42 | * | uint256 balanceOf = olas.balanceOf(address(this));
+ 43 | * | assert(balanceOf > amount);
+ 44 | * | (uint128 initialAmount,) = ve.mapLockedBalances(address(this));
+ 45 | * | if (initialAmount == 0) {
+ 46 | * | olas.approve(address(ve), amount);
+ 47 | *r | ve.createLock(amount, unlockTime);
+ 48 | * | (uint128 lockedAmount,) = ve.mapLockedBalances(address(this));
+ 49 | * | assert(lockedAmount > 0);
+ 50 | * | } else {
+ 51 | * | (uint128 lockedAmount,) = ve.mapLockedBalances(address(this));
+ 52 | * | assert(lockedAmount > 0);
+ 53 | | }
+ 54 | *r | vw.addNomineeEVM(account, chainId);
+ 55 | * | bytes32 nominee = bytes32(uint256(uint160(account)));
+ 56 | * | uint256 id = vw.getNomineeId(nominee, chainId);
+ 57 | * | uint256 num = vw.getNumNominees();
+ 58 | * | assert(id > 0);
+ 59 | * | assert(num > 0);
+ 60 | * | vw.setCallVoteForNomineeWeights(false);
+ 61 | * | bool beforeAfterCall = vw.callVoteForNomineeWeights();
+ 62 | * | assert(beforeAfterCall == false);
+ 63 | *r | vw.voteForNomineeWeights(nominee, chainId, weight);
+ 64 | * | bool stateAfterCall = vw.callVoteForNomineeWeights();
+ 65 | * | if(stateAfterCall == true) {
+ 66 | | uint256 lts = vw.getlastUserVote(nominee,chainId);
+ 67 | | assert(lts > 0);
+ 68 | | }
+ 69 | * | ts = block.timestamp; // next timestamp > timestamp
+ 70 | * | vw.checkpointNominee(nominee, chainId);
+ 71 | | }
+ 72 | |
+ 73 | | }
+ 74 | |
+ 75 | |
+ 1 | | // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
+ 2 | | pragma solidity ^0.8.23;
+ 3 | |
+ 4 | | // Dispenser interface
+ 5 | | interface IDispenser {
+ 6 | | /// @dev Records nominee addition in dispenser.
+ 7 | | /// @param nomineeHash Nominee hash.
+ 8 | | function addNominee(bytes32 nomineeHash) external;
+ 9 | |
+ 10 | | /// @dev Records nominee removal.
+ 11 | | /// @param nomineeHash Nominee hash.
+ 12 | | function removeNominee(bytes32 nomineeHash) external;
+ 13 | | }
+ 14 | |
+ 15 | | // veOLAS interface
+ 16 | | interface IVEOLAS {
+ 17 | | // Structure for voting escrow points
+ 18 | | // The struct size is two storage slots of 2 * uint256 (128 + 128 + 64 + 64 + 128)
+ 19 | | struct PointVoting {
+ 20 | | // w(i) = at + b (bias)
+ 21 | | int128 bias;
+ 22 | | // dw / dt = a (slope)
+ 23 | | int128 slope;
+ 24 | | // Timestamp. It will never practically be bigger than 2^64 - 1
+ 25 | | uint64 ts;
+ 26 | | // Block number. It will not be bigger than the timestamp
+ 27 | | uint64 blockNumber;
+ 28 | | // Token amount. It will never practically be bigger. Initial OLAS cap is 1 bn tokens, or 1e27.
+ 29 | | // After 10 years, the inflation rate is 2% per year. It would take 1340+ years to reach 2^128 - 1
+ 30 | | uint128 balance;
+ 31 | | }
+ 32 | |
+ 33 | | /// @dev Gets the `account`'s lock end time.
+ 34 | | /// @param account Account address.
+ 35 | | /// @return unlockTime Lock end time.
+ 36 | | function lockedEnd(address account) external view returns (uint256 unlockTime);
+ 37 | |
+ 38 | | /// @dev Gets the most recently recorded user point for `account`.
+ 39 | | /// @param account Account address.
+ 40 | | /// @return pv Last checkpoint.
+ 41 | | function getLastUserPoint(address account) external view returns (PointVoting memory pv);
+ 42 | | }
+ 43 | |
+ 44 | | /// @dev Only `owner` has a privilege, but the `sender` was provided.
+ 45 | | /// @param sender Sender address.
+ 46 | | /// @param owner Required sender address as an owner.
+ 47 | | error OwnerOnly(address sender, address owner);
+ 48 | |
+ 49 | | /// @dev Provided zero address.
+ 50 | | error ZeroAddressVW();
+ 51 | |
+ 52 | | /// @dev Zero value when it has to be different from zero.
+ 53 | | error ZeroValue();
+ 54 | |
+ 55 | | /// @dev Wrong length of two arrays.
+ 56 | | /// @param numValues1 Number of values in a first array.
+ 57 | | /// @param numValues2 Number of values in a second array.
+ 58 | | error WrongArrayLength(uint256 numValues1, uint256 numValues2);
+ 59 | |
+ 60 | | /// @dev Value overflow.
+ 61 | | /// @param provided Overflow value.
+ 62 | | /// @param max Maximum possible value.
+ 63 | | error Overflow(uint256 provided, uint256 max);
+ 64 | |
+ 65 | | /// @dev Underflow value.
+ 66 | | /// @param provided Provided value.
+ 67 | | /// @param expected Minimum expected value.
+ 68 | | error Underflow(uint256 provided, uint256 expected);
+ 69 | |
+ 70 | | /// @dev Nominee does not exist.
+ 71 | | /// @param account Nominee account address.
+ 72 | | /// @param chainId Nominee chain Id.
+ 73 | | error NomineeDoesNotExist(bytes32 account, uint256 chainId);
+ 74 | |
+ 75 | | /// @dev Nominee already exists.
+ 76 | | /// @param account Nominee account address.
+ 77 | | /// @param chainId Nominee chain Id.
+ 78 | | error NomineeAlreadyExists(bytes32 account, uint256 chainId);
+ 79 | |
+ 80 | | /// @dev Value lock is expired.
+ 81 | | /// @param account Address that is checked for the locked value.
+ 82 | | /// @param deadline The lock expiration deadline.
+ 83 | | /// @param curTime Current timestamp.
+ 84 | | error LockExpired(address account, uint256 deadline, uint256 curTime);
+ 85 | |
+ 86 | | /// @dev The vote has been performed already.
+ 87 | | /// @param voter Voter address.
+ 88 | | /// @param curTime Current time.
+ 89 | | /// @param nextAllowedVotingTime Next allowed voting time.
+ 90 | | error VoteTooOften(address voter, uint256 curTime, uint256 nextAllowedVotingTime);
+ 91 | |
+ 92 | | /// @dev Nominee is not in the removed nominee map.
+ 93 | | /// @param account Nominee account address.
+ 94 | | /// @param chainId Nominee chain Id.
+ 95 | | error NomineeNotRemoved(bytes32 account, uint256 chainId);
+ 96 | |
+ 97 | | /// @dev Nominee is in the removed nominee map.
+ 98 | | /// @param account Nominee account address.
+ 99 | | /// @param chainId Nominee chain Id.
+ 100 | | error NomineeRemoved(bytes32 account, uint256 chainId);
+ 101 | |
+ 102 | | // Point struct
+ 103 | | struct Point {
+ 104 | | uint256 bias;
+ 105 | | uint256 slope;
+ 106 | | }
+ 107 | |
+ 108 | | // Voted slope struct
+ 109 | | struct VotedSlope {
+ 110 | | uint256 slope;
+ 111 | | uint256 power;
+ 112 | | uint256 end;
+ 113 | | }
+ 114 | |
+ 115 | | // Nominee struct
+ 116 | | struct Nominee {
+ 117 | | bytes32 account;
+ 118 | | uint256 chainId;
+ 119 | | }
+ 120 | |
+ 121 | |
+ 122 | | /// @title VoteWeighting - Smart contract for Vote Weighting with specific nominees composed of address and chain Id
+ 123 | | /// @author Aleksandr Kuperman - <aleksandr.kuperman@valory.xyz>
+ 124 | | /// @author Andrey Lebedev - <andrey.lebedev@valory.xyz>
+ 125 | | /// @author Mariapia Moscatiello - <mariapia.moscatiello@valory.xyz>
+ 126 | * | contract VoteWeightingFuzzing {
+ 127 | | event OwnerUpdated(address indexed owner);
+ 128 | | event VoteForNominee(address indexed user, bytes32 indexed nominee, uint256 chainId, uint256 weight);
+ 129 | | event AddNominee(bytes32 indexed account, uint256 chainId, uint256 id);
+ 130 | | event RemoveNominee(bytes32 indexed account, uint256 chainId, uint256 newSum);
+ 131 | |
+ 132 | | // 7 * 86400 seconds - all future times are rounded by week
+ 133 | * | uint256 public constant WEEK = 604_800;
+ 134 | | // Cannot change weight votes more often than once in 10 days
+ 135 | * | uint256 public constant WEIGHT_VOTE_DELAY = 864_000;
+ 136 | | // Max weight amount
+ 137 | * | uint256 public constant MAX_WEIGHT = 10_000;
+ 138 | | // Maximum chain Id as per EVM specs
+ 139 | * | uint256 public constant MAX_EVM_CHAIN_ID = type(uint64).max / 2 - 36;
+ 140 | | // veOLAS contract address
+ 141 | | address public immutable ve;
+ 142 | | // Contract owner address
+ 143 | | address public owner;
+ 144 | | // Dispenser contract
+ 145 | | address public dispenser;
+ 146 | |
+ 147 | | // Set of Nominee structs
+ 148 | | Nominee[] public setNominees;
+ 149 | | // Mapping of hash(Nominee struct) => nominee Id
+ 150 | | mapping(bytes32 => uint256) public mapNomineeIds;
+ 151 | | // Mapping of hash(Nominee struct) => previously removed nominee flag
+ 152 | | mapping(bytes32 => bool) public mapRemovedNominees;
+ 153 | |
+ 154 | | // user -> hash(Nominee struct) -> VotedSlope
+ 155 | | mapping(address => mapping(bytes32 => VotedSlope)) public voteUserSlopes;
+ 156 | | // Total vote power used by user
+ 157 | | mapping(address => uint256) public voteUserPower;
+ 158 | | // Last user vote's timestamp for each hash(Nominee struct)
+ 159 | | mapping(address => mapping(bytes32 => uint256)) public lastUserVote;
+ 160 | |
+ 161 | | // Past and scheduled points for nominee weight, sum of weights per type, total weight
+ 162 | | // Point is for bias+slope
+ 163 | | // changes_* are for changes in slope
+ 164 | | // time_* are for the last change timestamp
+ 165 | | // timestamps are rounded to whole weeks
+ 166 | |
+ 167 | | // hash(Nominee struct) -> time -> Point
+ 168 | | mapping(bytes32 => mapping(uint256 => Point)) public pointsWeight;
+ 169 | | // hash(Nominee struct) -> time -> slope
+ 170 | | mapping(bytes32 => mapping(uint256 => uint256)) public changesWeight;
+ 171 | | // hash(Nominee struct) -> last scheduled time (next week)
+ 172 | | mapping(bytes32 => uint256) public timeWeight;
+ 173 | |
+ 174 | | // time -> Point
+ 175 | | mapping(uint256 => Point) public pointsSum;
+ 176 | | // time -> slope
+ 177 | | mapping(uint256 => uint256) public changesSum;
+ 178 | | // last scheduled time (next week)
+ 179 | | uint256 public timeSum;
+ 180 | | // for fuzzing
+ 181 | * | bool public callVoteForNomineeWeights = false;
+ 182 | |
+ 183 | | /// @dev Contract constructor.
+ 184 | | /// @param _ve Voting Escrow contract address.
+ 185 | | constructor(address _ve) {
+ 186 | | // Check for the zero address
+ 187 | | if (_ve == address(0)) {
+ 188 | | revert ZeroAddressVW();
+ 189 | | }
+ 190 | |
+ 191 | | // Set initial parameters
+ 192 | | owner = msg.sender;
+ 193 | | ve = _ve;
+ 194 | | timeSum = block.timestamp / WEEK * WEEK;
+ 195 | | setNominees.push(Nominee(bytes32(0), 0));
+ 196 | | }
+ 197 | |
+ 198 | | /// @dev Fill sum of nominee weights for the same type week-over-week for missed checkins and return the sum for the future week.
+ 199 | | /// @return Sum of weights.
+ 200 | * | function _getSum() internal returns (uint256) {
+ 201 | | // t is always > 0 as it is set in the constructor
+ 202 | * | uint256 t = timeSum;
+ 203 | * | Point memory pt = pointsSum[t];
+ 204 | * | for (uint256 i = 0; i < 500; i++) {
+ 205 | * | if (t > block.timestamp) {
+ 206 | * | break;
+ 207 | | }
+ 208 | * | t += WEEK;
+ 209 | * | uint256 dBias = pt.slope * WEEK;
+ 210 | * | if (pt.bias > dBias) {
+ 211 | * | pt.bias -= dBias;
+ 212 | * | uint256 dSlope = changesSum[t];
+ 213 | * | pt.slope -= dSlope;
+ 214 | | } else {
+ 215 | * | pt.bias = 0;
+ 216 | * | pt.slope = 0;
+ 217 | | }
+ 218 | |
+ 219 | * | pointsSum[t] = pt;
+ 220 | * | if (t > block.timestamp) {
+ 221 | * | timeSum = t;
+ 222 | | }
+ 223 | | }
+ 224 | * | return pt.bias;
+ 225 | | }
+ 226 | |
+ 227 | | /// @dev Fill historic nominee weights week-over-week for missed checkins and return the total for the future week.
+ 228 | | /// @param account Nominee account address in bytes32 form.
+ 229 | | /// @param chainId Nominee chain Id.
+ 230 | | /// @return Nominee weight.
+ 231 | * | function _getWeight(bytes32 account, uint256 chainId) internal returns (uint256) {
+ 232 | | // Construct the nominee struct
+ 233 | * | Nominee memory nominee = Nominee(account, chainId);
+ 234 | |
+ 235 | | // Check that the nominee exists or has been removed
+ 236 | * | bytes32 nomineeHash = keccak256(abi.encode(nominee));
+ 237 | * | if (!mapRemovedNominees[nomineeHash] && mapNomineeIds[nomineeHash] == 0) {
+ 238 | | revert NomineeDoesNotExist(account, chainId);
+ 239 | | }
+ 240 | |
+ 241 | | // t is always > 0 as it is set during the addNominee() call
+ 242 | * | uint256 t = timeWeight[nomineeHash];
+ 243 | * | Point memory pt = pointsWeight[nomineeHash][t];
+ 244 | * | for (uint256 i = 0; i < 500; i++) {
+ 245 | * | if (t > block.timestamp) {
+ 246 | * | break;
+ 247 | | }
+ 248 | | t += WEEK;
+ 249 | | uint256 dBias = pt.slope * WEEK;
+ 250 | | if (pt.bias > dBias) {
+ 251 | | pt.bias -= dBias;
+ 252 | | uint256 dSlope = changesWeight[nomineeHash][t];
+ 253 | | pt.slope -= dSlope;
+ 254 | | } else {
+ 255 | | pt.bias = 0;
+ 256 | | pt.slope = 0;
+ 257 | | }
+ 258 | |
+ 259 | | pointsWeight[nomineeHash][t] = pt;
+ 260 | | if (t > block.timestamp) {
+ 261 | | timeWeight[nomineeHash] = t;
+ 262 | | }
+ 263 | | }
+ 264 | * | return pt.bias;
+ 265 | | }
+ 266 | |
+ 267 | | /// @dev Add nominee address along with the chain Id.
+ 268 | | /// @param nominee Nominee account address and chainId.
+ 269 | * | function _addNominee(Nominee memory nominee) internal {
+ 270 | | // Check for the nominee existence
+ 271 | * | bytes32 nomineeHash = keccak256(abi.encode(nominee));
+ 272 | * | if (mapNomineeIds[nomineeHash] > 0) {
+ 273 | * | revert NomineeAlreadyExists(nominee.account, nominee.chainId);
+ 274 | | }
+ 275 | |
+ 276 | | // Check for the previously removed nominee
+ 277 | * | if (mapRemovedNominees[nomineeHash]) {
+ 278 | | revert NomineeRemoved(nominee.account, nominee.chainId);
+ 279 | | }
+ 280 | |
+ 281 | * | uint256 id = setNominees.length;
+ 282 | * | mapNomineeIds[nomineeHash] = id;
+ 283 | | // Push the nominee into the list
+ 284 | * | setNominees.push(nominee);
+ 285 | |
+ 286 | * | uint256 nextTime = (block.timestamp + WEEK) / WEEK * WEEK;
+ 287 | * | timeWeight[nomineeHash] = nextTime;
+ 288 | |
+ 289 | | // Enable nominee in dispenser, if applicable
+ 290 | * | address localDispenser = dispenser;
+ 291 | * | if (localDispenser != address(0)) {
+ 292 | | IDispenser(localDispenser).addNominee(nomineeHash);
+ 293 | | }
+ 294 | |
+ 295 | * | emit AddNominee(nominee.account, nominee.chainId, id);
+ 296 | | }
+ 297 | |
+ 298 | | /// @dev Add EVM nominee address along with the chain Id.
+ 299 | | /// @param account Address of the nominee.
+ 300 | | /// @param chainId Chain Id.
+ 301 | * | function addNomineeEVM(address account, uint256 chainId) external {
+ 302 | | // Check for the zero address
+ 303 | * | if (account == address(0)) {
+ 304 | * | revert ZeroAddressVW();
+ 305 | | }
+ 306 | |
+ 307 | | // Check for zero chain Id
+ 308 | * | if (chainId == 0) {
+ 309 | * | revert ZeroValue();
+ 310 | | }
+ 311 | |
+ 312 | | // Check for the chain Id overflow
+ 313 | * | if (chainId > MAX_EVM_CHAIN_ID) {
+ 314 | | revert Overflow(chainId, MAX_EVM_CHAIN_ID);
+ 315 | | }
+ 316 | |
+ 317 | * | Nominee memory nominee = Nominee(bytes32(uint256(uint160(account))), chainId);
+ 318 | |
+ 319 | | // Record nominee instance
+ 320 | * | _addNominee(nominee);
+ 321 | | }
+ 322 | |
+ 323 | | /// @dev Add Non-EVM nominee address along with the chain Id.
+ 324 | | /// @param account Address of the nominee in byte32 standard.
+ 325 | | /// @param chainId Chain Id.
+ 326 | | function addNomineeNonEVM(bytes32 account, uint256 chainId) external {
+ 327 | | // Check for the zero address
+ 328 | | if (account == bytes32(0)) {
+ 329 | | revert ZeroAddressVW();
+ 330 | | }
+ 331 | |
+ 332 | | // Check for the chain Id underflow
+ 333 | | if (MAX_EVM_CHAIN_ID >= chainId) {
+ 334 | | revert Underflow(chainId, MAX_EVM_CHAIN_ID + 1);
+ 335 | | }
+ 336 | |
+ 337 | | Nominee memory nominee = Nominee(account, chainId);
+ 338 | |
+ 339 | | // Record nominee instance
+ 340 | | _addNominee(nominee);
+ 341 | | }
+ 342 | |
+ 343 | | /// @dev Changes the owner address.
+ 344 | | /// @param newOwner Address of a new owner.
+ 345 | | function changeOwner(address newOwner) external {
+ 346 | | // Check for the contract ownership
+ 347 | | if (msg.sender != owner) {
+ 348 | | revert OwnerOnly(msg.sender, owner);
+ 349 | | }
+ 350 | |
+ 351 | | // Check for the zero address
+ 352 | | if (newOwner == address(0)) {
+ 353 | | revert ZeroAddressVW();
+ 354 | | }
+ 355 | |
+ 356 | | owner = newOwner;
+ 357 | | emit OwnerUpdated(newOwner);
+ 358 | | }
+ 359 | |
+ 360 | | /// @dev Changes the dispenser contract address.
+ 361 | | /// @notice Dispenser can a zero address if the contract needs to serve a general purpose.
+ 362 | | /// @param newDispenser New dispenser contract address.
+ 363 | | function changeDispenser(address newDispenser) external {
+ 364 | | // Check for the contract ownership
+ 365 | | if (msg.sender != owner) {
+ 366 | | revert OwnerOnly(msg.sender, owner);
+ 367 | | }
+ 368 | |
+ 369 | | dispenser = newDispenser;
+ 370 | | }
+ 371 | |
+ 372 | | /// @dev Checkpoint to fill data common for all nominees.
+ 373 | | function checkpoint() external {
+ 374 | | _getSum();
+ 375 | | }
+ 376 | |
+ 377 | | /// @dev Checkpoint to fill data for both a specific nominee and common for all nominees.
+ 378 | | /// @param account Address of the nominee.
+ 379 | | /// @param chainId Chain Id.
+ 380 | * | function checkpointNominee(bytes32 account, uint256 chainId) external {
+ 381 | * | _getWeight(account, chainId);
+ 382 | * | _getSum();
+ 383 | | }
+ 384 | |
+ 385 | | /// @dev Get Nominee relative weight (not more than 1.0) normalized to 1e18 (e.g. 1.0 == 1e18) and a sum of weights.
+ 386 | | /// Inflation which will be received by it is inflation_rate * relativeWeight / 1e18.
+ 387 | | /// @param account Address of the nominee in byte32 standard.
+ 388 | | /// @param chainId Chain Id.
+ 389 | | /// @param time Relative weight at the specified timestamp in the past or present.
+ 390 | | /// @return weight Value of relative weight normalized to 1e18.
+ 391 | | /// @return totalSum Sum of nominee weights.
+ 392 | | function _nomineeRelativeWeight(
+ 393 | | bytes32 account,
+ 394 | | uint256 chainId,
+ 395 | | uint256 time
+ 396 | | ) internal view returns (uint256 weight, uint256 totalSum) {
+ 397 | | uint256 t = time / WEEK * WEEK;
+ 398 | | totalSum = pointsSum[t].bias;
+ 399 | |
+ 400 | | Nominee memory nominee = Nominee(account, chainId);
+ 401 | | bytes32 nomineeHash = keccak256(abi.encode(nominee));
+ 402 | |
+ 403 | | if (totalSum > 0) {
+ 404 | | uint256 nomineeWeight = pointsWeight[nomineeHash][t].bias;
+ 405 | | weight = 1e18 * nomineeWeight / totalSum;
+ 406 | | }
+ 407 | | }
+ 408 | |
+ 409 | | /// @dev Get Nominee relative weight (not more than 1.0) normalized to 1e18 and the sum of weights.
+ 410 | | /// (e.g. 1.0 == 1e18). Inflation which will be received by it is
+ 411 | | /// inflation_rate * relativeWeight / 1e18.
+ 412 | | /// @param account Address of the nominee in bytes32 form.
+ 413 | | /// @param chainId Chain Id.
+ 414 | | /// @param time Relative weight at the specified timestamp in the past or present.
+ 415 | | /// @return weight Value of relative weight normalized to 1e18.
+ 416 | | /// @return totalSum Sum of nominee weights.
+ 417 | | function nomineeRelativeWeight(
+ 418 | | bytes32 account,
+ 419 | | uint256 chainId,
+ 420 | | uint256 time
+ 421 | | ) external view returns (uint256 weight, uint256 totalSum) {
+ 422 | | (weight, totalSum) = _nomineeRelativeWeight(account, chainId, time);
+ 423 | | }
+ 424 | |
+ 425 | | /// @dev Get nominee weight normalized to 1e18 and also fill all the unfilled values for type and nominee records.
+ 426 | | /// Also, get the total sum of all the nominee weights.
+ 427 | | /// @notice Any address can call, however nothing is recorded if the values are filled already.
+ 428 | | /// @param account Address of the nominee in bytes32 form.
+ 429 | | /// @param chainId Chain Id.
+ 430 | | /// @param time Relative weight at the specified timestamp in the past or present.
+ 431 | | /// @return weight Value of relative weight normalized to 1e18.
+ 432 | | /// @return totalSum Sum of nominee weights.
+ 433 | | function nomineeRelativeWeightWrite(
+ 434 | | bytes32 account,
+ 435 | | uint256 chainId,
+ 436 | | uint256 time
+ 437 | | ) external returns (uint256 weight, uint256 totalSum) {
+ 438 | | _getWeight(account, chainId);
+ 439 | | _getSum();
+ 440 | | (weight, totalSum) = _nomineeRelativeWeight(account, chainId, time);
+ 441 | | }
+ 442 | |
+ 443 | | /// @dev Allocate voting power for changing pool weights.
+ 444 | | /// @param account Address of the nominee the `msg.sender` votes for in bytes32 form.
+ 445 | | /// @param chainId Chain Id.
+ 446 | | /// @param weight Weight for a nominee in bps (units of 0.01%). Minimal is 0.01%. Ignored if 0.
+ 447 | * | function voteForNomineeWeights(bytes32 account, uint256 chainId, uint256 weight) public {
+ 448 | | // Get the nominee hash
+ 449 | * | bytes32 nomineeHash = keccak256(abi.encode(Nominee(account, chainId)));
+ 450 | |
+ 451 | | // Check for the previously removed nominee
+ 452 | * | if (mapRemovedNominees[nomineeHash]) {
+ 453 | | revert NomineeRemoved(account, chainId);
+ 454 | | }
+ 455 | |
+ 456 | * | uint256 slope = uint256(uint128(IVEOLAS(ve).getLastUserPoint(msg.sender).slope));
+ 457 | * | uint256 lockEnd = IVEOLAS(ve).lockedEnd(msg.sender);
+ 458 | * | uint256 nextTime = (block.timestamp + WEEK) / WEEK * WEEK;
+ 459 | |
+ 460 | | // Check for the lock end expiration
+ 461 | * | if (nextTime >= lockEnd) {
+ 462 | * | revert LockExpired(msg.sender, lockEnd, nextTime);
+ 463 | | }
+ 464 | |
+ 465 | | // Check for the weight number
+ 466 | * | if (weight > MAX_WEIGHT) {
+ 467 | | revert Overflow(weight, MAX_WEIGHT);
+ 468 | | }
+ 469 | |
+ 470 | | // Check for the last voting time
+ 471 | * | uint256 nextAllowedVotingTime = lastUserVote[msg.sender][nomineeHash] + WEIGHT_VOTE_DELAY;
+ 472 | * | if (nextAllowedVotingTime > block.timestamp) {
+ 473 | | revert VoteTooOften(msg.sender, block.timestamp, nextAllowedVotingTime);
+ 474 | | }
+ 475 | |
+ 476 | | // Prepare old and new slopes and biases
+ 477 | * | VotedSlope memory oldSlope = voteUserSlopes[msg.sender][nomineeHash];
+ 478 | * | uint256 oldBias;
+ 479 | * | if (oldSlope.end > nextTime) {
+ 480 | | oldBias = oldSlope.slope * (oldSlope.end - nextTime);
+ 481 | | }
+ 482 | |
+ 483 | * | VotedSlope memory newSlope = VotedSlope({
+ 484 | * | slope: slope * weight / MAX_WEIGHT,
+ 485 | * | end: lockEnd,
+ 486 | * | power: weight
+ 487 | | });
+ 488 | |
+ 489 | * | uint256 newBias = newSlope.slope * (lockEnd - nextTime);
+ 490 | |
+ 491 | * | uint256 powerUsed = voteUserPower[msg.sender];
+ 492 | * | powerUsed = powerUsed + newSlope.power - oldSlope.power;
+ 493 | * | voteUserPower[msg.sender] = powerUsed;
+ 494 | * | if (powerUsed > MAX_WEIGHT) {
+ 495 | * | revert Overflow(powerUsed, MAX_WEIGHT);
+ 496 | | }
+ 497 | |
+ 498 | | // Remove old and schedule new slope changes
+ 499 | | // Remove slope changes for old slopes
+ 500 | | // Schedule recording of initial slope for nextTime
+ 501 | * | pointsWeight[nomineeHash][nextTime].bias = _maxAndSub(_getWeight(account, chainId) + newBias, oldBias);
+ 502 | * | pointsSum[nextTime].bias = _maxAndSub(_getSum() + newBias, oldBias);
+ 503 | * | if (oldSlope.end > nextTime) {
+ 504 | | pointsWeight[nomineeHash][nextTime].slope =
+ 505 | | _maxAndSub(pointsWeight[nomineeHash][nextTime].slope + newSlope.slope, oldSlope.slope);
+ 506 | | pointsSum[nextTime].slope = _maxAndSub(pointsSum[nextTime].slope + newSlope.slope, oldSlope.slope);
+ 507 | | } else {
+ 508 | * | pointsWeight[nomineeHash][nextTime].slope += newSlope.slope;
+ 509 | * | pointsSum[nextTime].slope += newSlope.slope;
+ 510 | | }
+ 511 | * | if (oldSlope.end > block.timestamp) {
+ 512 | | // Cancel old slope changes if they still didn't happen
+ 513 | | changesWeight[nomineeHash][oldSlope.end] -= oldSlope.slope;
+ 514 | | changesSum[oldSlope.end] -= oldSlope.slope;
+ 515 | | }
+ 516 | | // Add slope changes for new slopes
+ 517 | * | changesWeight[nomineeHash][newSlope.end] += newSlope.slope;
+ 518 | * | changesSum[newSlope.end] += newSlope.slope;
+ 519 | |
+ 520 | * | voteUserSlopes[msg.sender][nomineeHash] = newSlope;
+ 521 | |
+ 522 | | // Record last action time
+ 523 | * | lastUserVote[msg.sender][nomineeHash] = block.timestamp;
+ 524 | |
+ 525 | * | emit VoteForNominee(msg.sender, account, chainId, weight);
+ 526 | | }
+ 527 | |
+ 528 | | /// @dev Allocate voting power for changing pool weights in batch.
+ 529 | | /// @param accounts Set of nominee addresses in bytes32 form the `msg.sender` votes for.
+ 530 | | /// @param chainIds Set of corresponding chain Ids.
+ 531 | | /// @param weights Weights for a nominees in bps (units of 0.01%). Minimal is 0.01%. Ignored if 0.
+ 532 | | function voteForNomineeWeightsBatch(
+ 533 | | bytes32[] memory accounts,
+ 534 | | uint256[] memory chainIds,
+ 535 | | uint256[] memory weights
+ 536 | | ) external {
+ 537 | | if (accounts.length != chainIds.length || accounts.length != weights.length) {
+ 538 | | revert WrongArrayLength(accounts.length, weights.length);
+ 539 | | }
+ 540 | |
+ 541 | | // Traverse all accounts and weights
+ 542 | | for (uint256 i = 0; i < accounts.length; ++i) {
+ 543 | | voteForNomineeWeights(accounts[i], chainIds[i], weights[i]);
+ 544 | | }
+ 545 | | }
+ 546 | |
+ 547 | * | function _maxAndSub(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
+ 548 | * | return a > b ? a - b : 0;
+ 549 | | }
+ 550 | |
+ 551 | | /// @dev Removes nominee from the contract and zeros its weight.
+ 552 | | /// @param account Address of the nominee in bytes32 form.
+ 553 | | /// @param chainId Chain Id.
+ 554 | | function removeNominee(bytes32 account, uint256 chainId) external {
+ 555 | | // Check for the contract ownership
+ 556 | | if (msg.sender != owner) {
+ 557 | | revert OwnerOnly(owner, msg.sender);
+ 558 | | }
+ 559 | |
+ 560 | | // Get the nominee struct and hash
+ 561 | | Nominee memory nominee = Nominee(account, chainId);
+ 562 | | bytes32 nomineeHash = keccak256(abi.encode(nominee));
+ 563 | |
+ 564 | | // Get the nominee id in the nominee set
+ 565 | | uint256 id = mapNomineeIds[nomineeHash];
+ 566 | | if (id == 0) {
+ 567 | | revert NomineeDoesNotExist(account, chainId);
+ 568 | | }
+ 569 | |
+ 570 | | // Set nominee weight to zero
+ 571 | | uint256 oldWeight = _getWeight(account, chainId);
+ 572 | | uint256 oldSum = _getSum();
+ 573 | | uint256 nextTime = (block.timestamp + WEEK) / WEEK * WEEK;
+ 574 | | pointsWeight[nomineeHash][nextTime].bias = 0;
+ 575 | | timeWeight[nomineeHash] = nextTime;
+ 576 | |
+ 577 | | // Account for the the sum weight change
+ 578 | | uint256 newSum = oldSum - oldWeight;
+ 579 | | pointsSum[nextTime].bias = newSum;
+ 580 | | timeSum = nextTime;
+ 581 | |
+ 582 | | // Add to the removed nominee map
+ 583 | | mapRemovedNominees[nomineeHash] = true;
+ 584 | |
+ 585 | | // Remove nominee in dispenser, if applicable
+ 586 | | address localDispenser = dispenser;
+ 587 | | if (localDispenser != address(0)) {
+ 588 | | IDispenser(localDispenser).removeNominee(nomineeHash);
+ 589 | | }
+ 590 | |
+ 591 | | // Remove nominee from the map
+ 592 | | mapNomineeIds[nomineeHash] = 0;
+ 593 | | // Shuffle the current last nominee id in the set to be placed to the removed one
+ 594 | | nominee = setNominees[setNominees.length - 1];
+ 595 | | nomineeHash = keccak256(abi.encode(nominee));
+ 596 | | mapNomineeIds[nomineeHash] = id;
+ 597 | | setNominees[id] = nominee;
+ 598 | | // Pop the last element from the set
+ 599 | | setNominees.pop();
+ 600 | |
+ 601 | | emit RemoveNominee(account, chainId, newSum);
+ 602 | | }
+ 603 | |
+ 604 | | /// @dev Retrieves user voting power from a removed nominee.
+ 605 | | /// @param account Address of the nominee in bytes32 form.
+ 606 | | /// @param chainId Chain Id.
+ 607 | | function retrieveRemovedNomineeVotingPower(bytes32 account, uint256 chainId) external {
+ 608 | | // Get the nominee struct and hash
+ 609 | | Nominee memory nominee = Nominee(account, chainId);
+ 610 | | bytes32 nomineeHash = keccak256(abi.encode(nominee));
+ 611 | |
+ 612 | | // Check that the nominee is removed
+ 613 | | if (!mapRemovedNominees[nomineeHash]) {
+ 614 | | revert NomineeNotRemoved(account, chainId);
+ 615 | | }
+ 616 | |
+ 617 | | // Get the user old slope
+ 618 | | VotedSlope memory oldSlope = voteUserSlopes[msg.sender][nomineeHash];
+ 619 | | if (oldSlope.power == 0) {
+ 620 | | revert ZeroValue();
+ 621 | | }
+ 622 | |
+ 623 | | // Cancel old slope changes if they still didn't happen
+ 624 | | if (oldSlope.end > block.timestamp) {
+ 625 | | changesWeight[nomineeHash][oldSlope.end] -= oldSlope.slope;
+ 626 | | changesSum[oldSlope.end] -= oldSlope.slope;
+ 627 | | }
+ 628 | |
+ 629 | | // Update the voting power
+ 630 | | uint256 powerUsed = voteUserPower[msg.sender];
+ 631 | | powerUsed = powerUsed - oldSlope.power;
+ 632 | | voteUserPower[msg.sender] = powerUsed;
+ 633 | | delete voteUserSlopes[msg.sender][nomineeHash];
+ 634 | | }
+ 635 | |
+ 636 | | /// @dev Get current nominee weight.
+ 637 | | /// @param account Address of the nominee in bytes32 form.
+ 638 | | /// @param chainId Chain Id.
+ 639 | | /// @return Nominee weight.
+ 640 | | function getNomineeWeight(bytes32 account, uint256 chainId) external view returns (uint256) {
+ 641 | | // Get the nominee struct and hash
+ 642 | | Nominee memory nominee = Nominee(account, chainId);
+ 643 | | bytes32 nomineeHash = keccak256(abi.encode(nominee));
+ 644 | |
+ 645 | | return pointsWeight[nomineeHash][timeWeight[nomineeHash]].bias;
+ 646 | | }
+ 647 | |
+ 648 | | /// @dev Get sum of nominee weights.
+ 649 | | /// @return Sum of nominee weights.
+ 650 | | function getWeightsSum() external view returns (uint256) {
+ 651 | | return pointsSum[timeSum].bias;
+ 652 | | }
+ 653 | |
+ 654 | | /// @dev Get the total number of nominees.
+ 655 | | /// @notice The zero-th default nominee Id with id == 0 does not count.
+ 656 | | /// @return Total number of nominees.
+ 657 | * | function getNumNominees() external view returns (uint256) {
+ 658 | * | return setNominees.length - 1;
+ 659 | | }
+ 660 | |
+ 661 | | /// @dev Gets a full set of nominees.
+ 662 | | /// @notice The returned set includes the zero-th empty nominee instance.
+ 663 | | /// @return nominees Set of all the nominees in the contract.
+ 664 | | function getAllNominees() external view returns (Nominee[] memory nominees) {
+ 665 | | nominees = setNominees;
+ 666 | | }
+ 667 | |
+ 668 | | /// @dev Gets the nominee Id in the global nominees set.
+ 669 | | /// @param account Nominee address in bytes32 form.
+ 670 | | /// @param chainId Chain Id.
+ 671 | | /// @return id Nominee Id in the global set of Nominee struct values.
+ 672 | * | function getNomineeId(bytes32 account, uint256 chainId) external view returns (uint256 id) {
+ 673 | | // Get the nominee struct and hash
+ 674 | * | Nominee memory nominee = Nominee(account, chainId);
+ 675 | * | bytes32 nomineeHash = keccak256(abi.encode(nominee));
+ 676 | |
+ 677 | * | id = mapNomineeIds[nomineeHash];
+ 678 | | }
+ 679 | |
+ 680 | | /// @dev Get the nominee address and its corresponding chain Id.
+ 681 | | /// @notice The zero-th default nominee Id with id == 0 does not count.
+ 682 | | /// @param id Nominee Id in the global set of Nominee struct values.
+ 683 | | /// @return nominee Nominee address in bytes32 form and chain Id.
+ 684 | | function getNominee(uint256 id) external view returns (Nominee memory nominee) {
+ 685 | | // Get the total number of nominees in the contract
+ 686 | | uint256 totalNumNominees = setNominees.length - 1;
+ 687 | | // Check for the zero id or the overflow
+ 688 | | if (id == 0) {
+ 689 | | revert ZeroValue();
+ 690 | | } else if (id > totalNumNominees) {
+ 691 | | revert Overflow(id, totalNumNominees);
+ 692 | | }
+ 693 | |
+ 694 | | nominee = setNominees[id];
+ 695 | | }
+ 696 | |
+ 697 | | /// @dev Get the set of nominee addresses and corresponding chain Ids.
+ 698 | | /// @notice The zero-th default nominee Id with id == 0 does not count.
+ 699 | | /// @param startId Start Id of the nominee in the global set of Nominee struct values.
+ 700 | | /// @param numNominees Number of nominees to get.
+ 701 | | /// @return nominees Set of nominee accounts in bytes32 form and chain Ids.
+ 702 | | function getNominees(
+ 703 | | uint256 startId,
+ 704 | | uint256 numNominees
+ 705 | | ) external view returns (Nominee[] memory nominees)
+ 706 | | {
+ 707 | | // Check for the zero id or the overflow
+ 708 | | if (startId == 0 || numNominees == 0) {
+ 709 | | revert ZeroValue();
+ 710 | | }
+ 711 | |
+ 712 | | // Get the last nominee Id requested
+ 713 | | uint256 endId = startId + numNominees;
+ 714 | | // Get the total number of nominees in the contract with the zero-th nominee
+ 715 | | uint256 totalNumNominees = setNominees.length;
+ 716 | |
+ 717 | | // Check for the overflow
+ 718 | | if (endId > totalNumNominees) {
+ 719 | | revert Overflow(endId, totalNumNominees);
+ 720 | | }
+ 721 | |
+ 722 | | // Allocate the nominee array
+ 723 | | nominees = new Nominee[](numNominees);
+ 724 | |
+ 725 | | // Traverse selected nominees
+ 726 | | for (uint256 i = 0; i < numNominees; ++i) {
+ 727 | | uint256 id = i + startId;
+ 728 | | // Get the nominee struct
+ 729 | | nominees[i] = setNominees[id];
+ 730 | | }
+ 731 | | }
+ 732 | |
+ 733 | | /// @dev Gets next allowed voting time for selected nominees and voters.
+ 734 | | /// @notice The function does not check for repeated nominees and voters.
+ 735 | | /// @param accounts Set of nominee account addresses.
+ 736 | | /// @param chainIds Corresponding set of chain Ids.
+ 737 | | /// @param voters Corresponding set of voters for specified nominees.
+ 738 | | function getNextAllowedVotingTimes(
+ 739 | | bytes32[] memory accounts,
+ 740 | | uint256[] memory chainIds,
+ 741 | | address[] memory voters
+ 742 | | ) external view returns (uint256[] memory nextAllowedVotingTimes) {
+ 743 | | // Check array lengths
+ 744 | | if (accounts.length != chainIds.length || accounts.length != voters.length) {
+ 745 | | revert WrongArrayLength(accounts.length, chainIds.length);
+ 746 | | }
+ 747 | |
+ 748 | | // Allocate the times array
+ 749 | | nextAllowedVotingTimes = new uint256[](accounts.length);
+ 750 | |
+ 751 | | // Traverse nominees and get next available voting times
+ 752 | | for (uint256 i = 0; i < accounts.length; ++i) {
+ 753 | | // Get the nominee struct and hash
+ 754 | | Nominee memory nominee = Nominee(accounts[i], chainIds[i]);
+ 755 | | bytes32 nomineeHash = keccak256(abi.encode(nominee));
+ 756 | |
+ 757 | | // Check for nominee existence
+ 758 | | if (mapNomineeIds[nomineeHash] == 0) {
+ 759 | | revert NomineeDoesNotExist(accounts[i], chainIds[i]);
+ 760 | | }
+ 761 | |
+ 762 | | // Calculate next allowed voting times
+ 763 | | nextAllowedVotingTimes[i] = lastUserVote[voters[i]][nomineeHash] + WEIGHT_VOTE_DELAY;
+ 764 | | }
+ 765 | | }
+ 766 | |
+ 767 | | /// @dev For fuzzing only
+ 768 | * | function setCallVoteForNomineeWeights(bool flag) external {
+ 769 | * | callVoteForNomineeWeights = flag;
+ 770 | | }
+ 771 | |
+ 772 | | /// @dev For fuzzing only
+ 773 | | function getlastUserVote(bytes32 _nominee, uint256 chainId) external view returns (uint256) {
+ 774 | | // account occupies first 160 bits
+ 775 | | Nominee memory nominee = Nominee(_nominee, chainId);
+ 776 | | bytes32 nomineeHash = keccak256(abi.encode(nominee));
+ 777 | |
+ 778 | | return lastUserVote[msg.sender][nomineeHash];
+ 779 | | }
+ 780 | | }
+ 1 | | // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
+ 2 | | pragma solidity ^0.8.15;
+ 3 | |
+ 4 | | import "@openzeppelin/contracts/governance/utils/IVotes.sol";
+ 5 | | import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol";
+ 6 | | import "@openzeppelin/contracts/utils/introspection/IERC165.sol";
+ 7 | | import "./interfaces/IErrors.sol";
+ 8 | |
+ 9 | | /**
+ 10 | | Votes have a weight depending on time, so that users are committed to the future of (whatever they are voting for).
+ 11 | | Vote weight decays linearly over time. Lock time cannot be more than `MAXTIME` (4 years).
+ 12 | | Voting escrow has time-weighted votes derived from the amount of tokens locked. The maximum voting power can be
+ 13 | | achieved with the longest lock possible. This way the users are incentivized to lock tokens for more time.
+ 14 | | # w ^ = amount * time_locked / MAXTIME
+ 15 | | # 1 + /
+ 16 | | # | /
+ 17 | | # | /
+ 18 | | # | /
+ 19 | | # |/
+ 20 | | # 0 +--------+------> time
+ 21 | | # maxtime (4 years?)
+ 22 | |
+ 23 | | We cannot really do block numbers per se because slope is per time, not per block, and per block could be fairly bad
+ 24 | | because Ethereum changes its block times. What we can do is to extrapolate ***At functions.
+ 25 | | */
+ 26 | |
+ 27 | | /// @title Voting Escrow OLAS - the workflow is ported from Curve Finance Vyper implementation
+ 28 | | /// @author Aleksandr Kuperman - <aleksandr.kuperman@valory.xyz>
+ 29 | | /// Code ported from: https://github.com/curvefi/curve-dao-contracts/blob/master/contracts/VotingEscrow.vy
+ 30 | | /// and: https://github.com/solidlyexchange/solidly/blob/master/contracts/ve.sol
+ 31 | |
+ 32 | | /* This VotingEscrow is based on the OLAS token that has the following specifications:
+ 33 | | * - For the first 10 years there will be the cap of 1 billion (1e27) tokens;
+ 34 | | * - After 10 years, the inflation rate is 2% per year.
+ 35 | | * The maximum number of tokens for each year then can be calculated from the formula: 2^n = 1e27 * (1.02)^x,
+ 36 | | * where n is the specified number of bits that is sufficient to store and not overflow the total supply,
+ 37 | | * and x is the number of years. We limit n by 128, thus it would take 1340+ years to reach that total supply.
+ 38 | | * The amount for each locker is eventually cannot overcome this number as well, and thus uint128 is sufficient.
+ 39 | | *
+ 40 | | * We then limit the time in seconds to last until the value of 2^64 - 1, or for the next 583+ billion years.
+ 41 | | * The number of blocks is essentially cannot be bigger than the number of seconds, and thus it is safe to assume
+ 42 | | * that uint64 for the number of blocks is also sufficient.
+ 43 | | *
+ 44 | | * We also limit the individual deposit amount to be no bigger than 2^96 - 1, or the value of total supply in 220+ years.
+ 45 | | * This limitation is dictated by the fact that there will be at least several accounts with locked tokens, and the
+ 46 | | * sum of all of them cannot be bigger than the total supply. Checking the limit of deposited / increased amount
+ 47 | | * allows us to perform the unchecked operation on adding the amounts.
+ 48 | | *
+ 49 | | * The rest of calculations throughout the contract do not go beyond specified limitations. The contract was checked
+ 50 | | * by echidna and the results can be found in the audit section of the repository.
+ 51 | | *
+ 52 | | * These specified limits allowed us to have storage-added structs to be bound by 2*256 and 1*256 bit sizes
+ 53 | | * respectively, thus limiting the gas amount compared to using bigger variable sizes.
+ 54 | | *
+ 55 | | * Note that after 220 years it is no longer possible to deposit / increase the locked amount to be bigger than 2^96 - 1.
+ 56 | | * It is going to be not safe to use this contract for governance after 1340 years.
+ 57 | | */
+ 58 | |
+ 59 | | // Struct for storing balance and unlock time
+ 60 | | // The struct size is one storage slot of uint256 (128 + 64 + padding)
+ 61 | | struct LockedBalance {
+ 62 | | // Token amount. It will never practically be bigger. Initial OLAS cap is 1 bn tokens, or 1e27.
+ 63 | | // After 10 years, the inflation rate is 2% per year. It would take 1340+ years to reach 2^128 - 1
+ 64 | | uint128 amount;
+ 65 | | // Unlock time. It will never practically be bigger
+ 66 | | uint64 endTime;
+ 67 | | }
+ 68 | |
+ 69 | | // Structure for voting escrow points
+ 70 | | // The struct size is two storage slots of 2 * uint256 (128 + 128 + 64 + 64 + 128)
+ 71 | | struct PointVoting {
+ 72 | | // w(i) = at + b (bias)
+ 73 | | int128 bias;
+ 74 | | // dw / dt = a (slope)
+ 75 | | int128 slope;
+ 76 | | // Timestamp. It will never practically be bigger than 2^64 - 1
+ 77 | | uint64 ts;
+ 78 | | // Block number. It will not be bigger than the timestamp
+ 79 | | uint64 blockNumber;
+ 80 | | // Token amount. It will never practically be bigger. Initial OLAS cap is 1 bn tokens, or 1e27.
+ 81 | | // After 10 years, the inflation rate is 2% per year. It would take 1340+ years to reach 2^128 - 1
+ 82 | | uint128 balance;
+ 83 | | }
+ 84 | |
+ 85 | | /// @notice This token supports the ERC20 interface specifications except for transfers and approvals.
+ 86 | * | contract veOLAS is IErrors, IVotes, IERC20, IERC165 {
+ 87 | | enum DepositType {
+ 92 | | }
+ 93 | |
+ 94 | | event Deposit(address indexed account, uint256 amount, uint256 locktime, DepositType depositType, uint256 ts);
+ 95 | | event Withdraw(address indexed account, uint256 amount, uint256 ts);
+ 96 | | event Supply(uint256 previousSupply, uint256 currentSupply);
+ 97 | |
+ 98 | | // 1 week time
+ 99 | * | uint64 internal constant WEEK = 1 weeks;
+ 100 | | // Maximum lock time (4 years)
+ 101 | * | uint256 internal constant MAXTIME = 4 * 365 * 86400;
+ 102 | | // Maximum lock time (4 years) in int128
+ 103 | * | int128 internal constant IMAXTIME = 4 * 365 * 86400;
+ 104 | | // Number of decimals
+ 105 | | uint8 public constant decimals = 18;
+ 106 | |
+ 107 | | // Token address
+ 108 | | address public immutable token;
+ 109 | | // Total token supply
+ 110 | | uint256 public supply;
+ 111 | | // Mapping of account address => LockedBalance
+ 112 | * | mapping(address => LockedBalance) public mapLockedBalances;
+ 113 | |
+ 114 | | // Total number of economical checkpoints (starting from zero)
+ 115 | | uint256 public totalNumPoints;
+ 116 | | // Mapping of point Id => point
+ 117 | | mapping(uint256 => PointVoting) public mapSupplyPoints;
+ 118 | | // Mapping of account address => PointVoting[point Id]
+ 119 | | mapping(address => PointVoting[]) public mapUserPoints;
+ 120 | | // Mapping of time => signed slope change
+ 121 | | mapping(uint64 => int128) public mapSlopeChanges;
+ 122 | |
+ 123 | | // Voting token name
+ 124 | | string public name;
+ 125 | | // Voting token symbol
+ 126 | | string public symbol;
+ 127 | |
+ 128 | | /// @dev Contract constructor
+ 129 | | /// @param _token Token address.
+ 130 | | /// @param _name Token name.
+ 131 | | /// @param _symbol Token symbol.
+ 132 | | constructor(address _token, string memory _name, string memory _symbol)
+ 133 | | {
+ 134 | | token = _token;
+ 135 | | name = _name;
+ 136 | | symbol = _symbol;
+ 137 | | // Create initial point such that default timestamp and block number are not zero
+ 138 | | // See cast specification in the PointVoting structure
+ 139 | | mapSupplyPoints[0] = PointVoting(0, 0, uint64(block.timestamp), uint64(block.number), 0);
+ 140 | | }
+ 141 | |
+ 142 | | /// @dev Gets the most recently recorded user point for `account`.
+ 143 | | /// @param account Account address.
+ 144 | | /// @return pv Last checkpoint.
+ 145 | * | function getLastUserPoint(address account) external view returns (PointVoting memory pv) {
+ 146 | * | uint256 lastPointNumber = mapUserPoints[account].length;
+ 147 | * | if (lastPointNumber > 0) {
+ 148 | * | pv = mapUserPoints[account][lastPointNumber - 1];
+ 149 | | }
+ 150 | | }
+ 151 | |
+ 152 | | /// @dev Gets the number of user points.
+ 153 | | /// @param account Account address.
+ 154 | | /// @return accountNumPoints Number of user points.
+ 155 | | function getNumUserPoints(address account) external view returns (uint256 accountNumPoints) {
+ 156 | | accountNumPoints = mapUserPoints[account].length;
+ 157 | | }
+ 158 | |
+ 159 | | /// @dev Gets the checkpoint structure at number `idx` for `account`.
+ 160 | | /// @notice The out of bound condition is treated by the default code generation check.
+ 161 | | /// @param account User wallet address.
+ 162 | | /// @param idx User point number.
+ 163 | | /// @return The requested checkpoint.
+ 164 | | function getUserPoint(address account, uint256 idx) external view returns (PointVoting memory) {
+ 165 | | return mapUserPoints[account][idx];
+ 166 | | }
+ 167 | |
+ 168 | | /// @dev Record global and per-user data to checkpoint.
+ 169 | | /// @param account Account address. User checkpoint is skipped if the address is zero.
+ 170 | | /// @param oldLocked Previous locked amount / end lock time for the user.
+ 171 | | /// @param newLocked New locked amount / end lock time for the user.
+ 172 | | /// @param curSupply Current total supply (to avoid using a storage total supply variable)
+ 173 | * | function _checkpoint(
+ 174 | | address account,
+ 175 | | LockedBalance memory oldLocked,
+ 176 | | LockedBalance memory newLocked,
+ 177 | | uint128 curSupply
+ 178 | * | ) internal {
+ 179 | * | PointVoting memory uOld;
+ 180 | * | PointVoting memory uNew;
+ 181 | * | int128 oldDSlope;
+ 182 | * | int128 newDSlope;
+ 183 | * | uint256 curNumPoint = totalNumPoints;
+ 184 | |
+ 185 | * | if (account != address(0)) {
+ 186 | | // Calculate slopes and biases
+ 187 | | // Kept at zero when they have to
+ 188 | * | if (oldLocked.endTime > block.timestamp && oldLocked.amount > 0) {
+ 189 | | uOld.slope = int128(oldLocked.amount) / IMAXTIME;
+ 190 | | uOld.bias = uOld.slope * int128(uint128(oldLocked.endTime - uint64(block.timestamp)));
+ 191 | | }
+ 192 | * | if (newLocked.endTime > block.timestamp && newLocked.amount > 0) {
+ 193 | * | uNew.slope = int128(newLocked.amount) / IMAXTIME;
+ 194 | * | uNew.bias = uNew.slope * int128(uint128(newLocked.endTime - uint64(block.timestamp)));
+ 195 | | }
+ 196 | |
+ 197 | | // Reads values of scheduled changes in the slope
+ 198 | | // oldLocked.endTime can be in the past and in the future
+ 199 | | // newLocked.endTime can ONLY be in the FUTURE unless everything is expired: then zeros
+ 200 | * | oldDSlope = mapSlopeChanges[oldLocked.endTime];
+ 201 | * | if (newLocked.endTime > 0) {
+ 202 | * | if (newLocked.endTime == oldLocked.endTime) {
+ 203 | | newDSlope = oldDSlope;
+ 204 | | } else {
+ 205 | * | newDSlope = mapSlopeChanges[newLocked.endTime];
+ 206 | | }
+ 207 | | }
+ 208 | | }
+ 209 | |
+ 210 | * | PointVoting memory lastPoint;
+ 211 | * | if (curNumPoint > 0) {
+ 212 | | lastPoint = mapSupplyPoints[curNumPoint];
+ 213 | | } else {
+ 214 | | // If no point is created yet, we take the actual time and block parameters
+ 215 | * | lastPoint = PointVoting(0, 0, uint64(block.timestamp), uint64(block.number), 0);
+ 216 | | }
+ 217 | * | uint64 lastCheckpoint = lastPoint.ts;
+ 218 | | // initialPoint is used for extrapolation to calculate the block number and save them
+ 219 | | // as we cannot figure that out in exact values from inside of the contract
+ 220 | * | PointVoting memory initialPoint = lastPoint;
+ 221 | * | uint256 block_slope; // dblock/dt
+ 222 | * | if (block.timestamp > lastPoint.ts) {
+ 223 | | // This 1e18 multiplier is needed for the numerator to be bigger than the denominator
+ 224 | | // We need to calculate this in > uint64 size (1e18 is > 2^59 multiplied by 2^64).
+ 225 | | block_slope = (1e18 * uint256(block.number - lastPoint.blockNumber)) / uint256(block.timestamp - lastPoint.ts);
+ 226 | | }
+ 227 | | // If last point is already recorded in this block, slope == 0, but we know the block already in this case
+ 228 | | // Go over weeks to fill in the history and (or) calculate what the current point is
+ 229 | * | {
+ 230 | | // The timestamp is rounded by a week and < 2^64-1
+ 231 | * | uint64 tStep = (lastCheckpoint / WEEK) * WEEK;
+ 232 | * | for (uint256 i = 0; i < 255; ++i) {
+ 233 | | // Hopefully it won't happen that this won't get used in 5 years!
+ 234 | | // If it does, users will be able to withdraw but vote weight will be broken
+ 235 | | // This is always practically < 2^64-1
+ 236 | | unchecked {
+ 237 | * | tStep += WEEK;
+ 238 | | }
+ 239 | * | int128 dSlope;
+ 240 | * | if (tStep > block.timestamp) {
+ 241 | * | tStep = uint64(block.timestamp);
+ 242 | | } else {
+ 243 | | dSlope = mapSlopeChanges[tStep];
+ 244 | | }
+ 245 | * | lastPoint.bias -= lastPoint.slope * int128(int64(tStep - lastCheckpoint));
+ 246 | * | lastPoint.slope += dSlope;
+ 247 | * | if (lastPoint.bias < 0) {
+ 248 | | // This could potentially happen, but fuzzer didn't find available "real" combinations
+ 249 | | lastPoint.bias = 0;
+ 250 | | }
+ 251 | * | if (lastPoint.slope < 0) {
+ 252 | | // This cannot happen - just in case. Again, fuzzer didn't reach this
+ 253 | | lastPoint.slope = 0;
+ 254 | | }
+ 255 | * | lastCheckpoint = tStep;
+ 256 | * | lastPoint.ts = tStep;
+ 257 | | // After division by 1e18 the uint64 size can be reclaimed
+ 258 | * | lastPoint.blockNumber = initialPoint.blockNumber + uint64((block_slope * uint256(tStep - initialPoint.ts)) / 1e18);
+ 259 | * | lastPoint.balance = initialPoint.balance;
+ 260 | | // In order for the overflow of total number of economical checkpoints (starting from zero)
+ 261 | | // The _checkpoint() call must happen n >(2^256 -1)/255 or n > ~1e77/255 > ~1e74 times
+ 262 | | unchecked {
+ 263 | * | curNumPoint += 1;
+ 264 | | }
+ 265 | * | if (tStep == block.timestamp) {
+ 266 | * | lastPoint.blockNumber = uint64(block.number);
+ 267 | * | lastPoint.balance = curSupply;
+ 268 | * | break;
+ 269 | | } else {
+ 270 | | mapSupplyPoints[curNumPoint] = lastPoint;
+ 271 | | }
+ 272 | | }
+ 273 | | }
+ 274 | |
+ 275 | * | totalNumPoints = curNumPoint;
+ 276 | |
+ 277 | | // Now mapSupplyPoints is filled until current time
+ 278 | * | if (account != address(0)) {
+ 279 | | // If last point was in this block, the slope change has been already applied. In such case we have 0 slope(s)
+ 280 | * | lastPoint.slope += (uNew.slope - uOld.slope);
+ 281 | * | lastPoint.bias += (uNew.bias - uOld.bias);
+ 282 | * | if (lastPoint.slope < 0) {
+ 283 | | lastPoint.slope = 0;
+ 284 | | }
+ 285 | * | if (lastPoint.bias < 0) {
+ 286 | | lastPoint.bias = 0;
+ 287 | | }
+ 288 | | }
+ 289 | |
+ 290 | | // Record the last updated point
+ 291 | * | mapSupplyPoints[curNumPoint] = lastPoint;
+ 292 | |
+ 293 | * | if (account != address(0)) {
+ 294 | | // Schedule the slope changes (slope is going down)
+ 295 | | // We subtract new_user_slope from [newLocked.endTime]
+ 296 | | // and add old_user_slope to [oldLocked.endTime]
+ 297 | * | if (oldLocked.endTime > block.timestamp) {
+ 298 | | // oldDSlope was <something> - uOld.slope, so we cancel that
+ 299 | | oldDSlope += uOld.slope;
+ 300 | | if (newLocked.endTime == oldLocked.endTime) {
+ 301 | | oldDSlope -= uNew.slope; // It was a new deposit, not extension
+ 302 | | }
+ 303 | | mapSlopeChanges[oldLocked.endTime] = oldDSlope;
+ 304 | | }
+ 305 | |
+ 306 | * | if (newLocked.endTime > block.timestamp && newLocked.endTime > oldLocked.endTime) {
+ 307 | * | newDSlope -= uNew.slope; // old slope disappeared at this point
+ 308 | * | mapSlopeChanges[newLocked.endTime] = newDSlope;
+ 309 | | // else: we recorded it already in oldDSlope
+ 310 | | }
+ 311 | | // Now handle user history
+ 312 | * | uNew.ts = uint64(block.timestamp);
+ 313 | * | uNew.blockNumber = uint64(block.number);
+ 314 | * | uNew.balance = newLocked.amount;
+ 315 | * | mapUserPoints[account].push(uNew);
+ 316 | | }
+ 317 | | }
+ 318 | |
+ 319 | | /// @dev Record global data to checkpoint.
+ 320 | | function checkpoint() external {
+ 321 | | _checkpoint(address(0), LockedBalance(0, 0), LockedBalance(0, 0), uint128(supply));
+ 322 | | }
+ 323 | |
+ 324 | | /// @dev Deposits and locks tokens for a specified account.
+ 325 | | /// @param account Target address for the locked amount.
+ 326 | | /// @param amount Amount to deposit.
+ 327 | | /// @param unlockTime New time when to unlock the tokens, or 0 if unchanged.
+ 328 | | /// @param lockedBalance Previous locked amount / end time.
+ 329 | | /// @param depositType Deposit type.
+ 330 | * | function _depositFor(
+ 331 | | address account,
+ 332 | | uint256 amount,
+ 333 | | uint256 unlockTime,
+ 334 | | LockedBalance memory lockedBalance,
+ 335 | | DepositType depositType
+ 336 | * | ) internal {
+ 337 | * | uint256 supplyBefore = supply;
+ 338 | * | uint256 supplyAfter;
+ 339 | | // Cannot overflow because the total supply << 2^128-1
+ 340 | | unchecked {
+ 341 | * | supplyAfter = supplyBefore + amount;
+ 342 | * | supply = supplyAfter;
+ 343 | | }
+ 344 | | // Get the old locked data
+ 345 | * | LockedBalance memory oldLocked;
+ 346 | * | (oldLocked.amount, oldLocked.endTime) = (lockedBalance.amount, lockedBalance.endTime);
+ 347 | | // Adding to the existing lock, or if a lock is expired - creating a new one
+ 348 | | // This cannot be larger than the total supply
+ 349 | | unchecked {
+ 350 | * | lockedBalance.amount += uint128(amount);
+ 351 | | }
+ 352 | * | if (unlockTime > 0) {
+ 353 | * | lockedBalance.endTime = uint64(unlockTime);
+ 354 | | }
+ 355 | * | mapLockedBalances[account] = lockedBalance;
+ 356 | |
+ 357 | | // Possibilities:
+ 358 | | // Both oldLocked.endTime could be current or expired (>/< block.timestamp)
+ 359 | | // amount == 0 (extend lock) or amount > 0 (add to lock or extend lock)
+ 360 | | // lockedBalance.endTime > block.timestamp (always)
+ 361 | * | _checkpoint(account, oldLocked, lockedBalance, uint128(supplyAfter));
+ 362 | * | if (amount > 0) {
+ 363 | | // OLAS is a solmate-based ERC20 token with optimized transferFrom() that either returns true or reverts
+ 364 | * | IERC20(token).transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), amount);
+ 365 | | }
+ 366 | |
+ 367 | * | emit Deposit(account, amount, lockedBalance.endTime, depositType, block.timestamp);
+ 368 | * | emit Supply(supplyBefore, supplyAfter);
+ 369 | | }
+ 370 | |
+ 371 | | /// @dev Deposits `amount` tokens for `account` and adds to the lock.
+ 372 | | /// @dev Anyone (even a smart contract) can deposit for someone else, but
+ 373 | | /// cannot extend their locktime and deposit for a brand new user.
+ 374 | | /// @param account Account address.
+ 375 | | /// @param amount Amount to add.
+ 376 | | function depositFor(address account, uint256 amount) external {
+ 377 | | LockedBalance memory lockedBalance = mapLockedBalances[account];
+ 378 | | // Check if the amount is zero
+ 379 | | if (amount == 0) {
+ 380 | | revert ZeroValue();
+ 381 | | }
+ 382 | | // The locked balance must already exist
+ 383 | | if (lockedBalance.amount == 0) {
+ 384 | | revert NoValueLocked(account);
+ 385 | | }
+ 386 | | // Check the lock expiry
+ 387 | | if (lockedBalance.endTime < (block.timestamp + 1)) {
+ 388 | | revert LockExpired(msg.sender, lockedBalance.endTime, block.timestamp);
+ 389 | | }
+ 390 | | // Since in the _depositFor() we have the unchecked sum of amounts, this is needed to prevent unsafe behavior.
+ 391 | | // After 10 years, the inflation rate is 2% per year. It would take 220+ years to reach 2^96 - 1 total supply
+ 392 | | if (amount > type(uint96).max) {
+ 393 | | revert Overflow(amount, type(uint96).max);
+ 394 | | }
+ 395 | |
+ 396 | | _depositFor(account, amount, 0, lockedBalance, DepositType.DEPOSIT_FOR_TYPE);
+ 397 | | }
+ 398 | |
+ 399 | | /// @dev Deposits `amount` tokens for `msg.sender` and locks for `unlockTime`.
+ 400 | | /// @param amount Amount to deposit.
+ 401 | | /// @param unlockTime Time when tokens unlock, rounded down to a whole week.
+ 402 | * | function createLock(uint256 amount, uint256 unlockTime) external {
+ 403 | * | _createLockFor(msg.sender, amount, unlockTime);
+ 404 | | }
+ 405 | |
+ 406 | | /// @dev Deposits `amount` tokens for `account` and locks for `unlockTime`.
+ 407 | | /// @notice Tokens are taken from `msg.sender`'s balance.
+ 408 | | /// @param account Account address.
+ 409 | | /// @param amount Amount to deposit.
+ 410 | | /// @param unlockTime Time when tokens unlock, rounded down to a whole week.
+ 411 | | function createLockFor(address account, uint256 amount, uint256 unlockTime) external {
+ 412 | | // Check if the account address is zero
+ 413 | | if (account == address(0)) {
+ 414 | | revert ZeroAddress();
+ 415 | | }
+ 416 | |
+ 417 | | _createLockFor(account, amount, unlockTime);
+ 418 | | }
+ 419 | |
+ 420 | | /// @dev Deposits `amount` tokens for `account` and locks for `unlockTime`.
+ 421 | | /// @notice Tokens are taken from `msg.sender`'s balance.
+ 422 | | /// @param account Account address.
+ 423 | | /// @param amount Amount to deposit.
+ 424 | | /// @param unlockTime Time when tokens unlock, rounded down to a whole week.
+ 425 | * | function _createLockFor(address account, uint256 amount, uint256 unlockTime) private {
+ 426 | | // Check if the amount is zero
+ 427 | * | if (amount == 0) {
+ 428 | * | revert ZeroValue();
+ 429 | | }
+ 430 | | // Lock time is rounded down to weeks
+ 431 | | // Cannot practically overflow because block.timestamp + unlockTime (max 4 years) << 2^64-1
+ 432 | | unchecked {
+ 433 | * | unlockTime = ((block.timestamp + unlockTime) / WEEK) * WEEK;
+ 434 | | }
+ 435 | * | LockedBalance memory lockedBalance = mapLockedBalances[account];
+ 436 | | // The locked balance must be zero in order to start the lock
+ 437 | * | if (lockedBalance.amount > 0) {
+ 438 | | revert LockedValueNotZero(account, uint256(lockedBalance.amount));
+ 439 | | }
+ 440 | | // Check for the lock time correctness
+ 441 | * | if (unlockTime < (block.timestamp + 1)) {
+ 442 | * | revert UnlockTimeIncorrect(account, block.timestamp, unlockTime);
+ 443 | | }
+ 444 | | // Check for the lock time not to exceed the MAXTIME
+ 445 | * | if (unlockTime > block.timestamp + MAXTIME) {
+ 446 | | revert MaxUnlockTimeReached(account, block.timestamp + MAXTIME, unlockTime);
+ 447 | | }
+ 448 | | // After 10 years, the inflation rate is 2% per year. It would take 220+ years to reach 2^96 - 1 total supply
+ 449 | * | if (amount > type(uint96).max) {
+ 450 | | revert Overflow(amount, type(uint96).max);
+ 451 | | }
+ 452 | |
+ 453 | * | _depositFor(account, amount, unlockTime, lockedBalance, DepositType.CREATE_LOCK_TYPE);
+ 454 | | }
+ 455 | |
+ 456 | | /// @dev Deposits `amount` additional tokens for `msg.sender` without modifying the unlock time.
+ 457 | | /// @param amount Amount of tokens to deposit and add to the lock.
+ 458 | | function increaseAmount(uint256 amount) external {
+ 459 | | LockedBalance memory lockedBalance = mapLockedBalances[msg.sender];
+ 460 | | // Check if the amount is zero
+ 461 | | if (amount == 0) {
+ 462 | | revert ZeroValue();
+ 463 | | }
+ 464 | | // The locked balance must already exist
+ 465 | | if (lockedBalance.amount == 0) {
+ 466 | | revert NoValueLocked(msg.sender);
+ 467 | | }
+ 468 | | // Check the lock expiry
+ 469 | | if (lockedBalance.endTime < (block.timestamp + 1)) {
+ 470 | | revert LockExpired(msg.sender, lockedBalance.endTime, block.timestamp);
+ 471 | | }
+ 472 | | // Check the max possible amount to add, that must be less than the total supply
+ 473 | | // After 10 years, the inflation rate is 2% per year. It would take 220+ years to reach 2^96 - 1 total supply
+ 474 | | if (amount > type(uint96).max) {
+ 475 | | revert Overflow(amount, type(uint96).max);
+ 476 | | }
+ 477 | |
+ 478 | | _depositFor(msg.sender, amount, 0, lockedBalance, DepositType.INCREASE_LOCK_AMOUNT);
+ 479 | | }
+ 480 | |
+ 481 | | /// @dev Extends the unlock time.
+ 482 | | /// @param unlockTime New tokens unlock time.
+ 483 | | function increaseUnlockTime(uint256 unlockTime) external {
+ 484 | | LockedBalance memory lockedBalance = mapLockedBalances[msg.sender];
+ 485 | | // Cannot practically overflow because block.timestamp + unlockTime (max 4 years) << 2^64-1
+ 486 | | unchecked {
+ 487 | | unlockTime = ((block.timestamp + unlockTime) / WEEK) * WEEK;
+ 488 | | }
+ 489 | | // The locked balance must already exist
+ 490 | | if (lockedBalance.amount == 0) {
+ 491 | | revert NoValueLocked(msg.sender);
+ 492 | | }
+ 493 | | // Check the lock expiry
+ 494 | | if (lockedBalance.endTime < (block.timestamp + 1)) {
+ 495 | | revert LockExpired(msg.sender, lockedBalance.endTime, block.timestamp);
+ 496 | | }
+ 497 | | // Check for the lock time correctness
+ 498 | | if (unlockTime < (lockedBalance.endTime + 1)) {
+ 499 | | revert UnlockTimeIncorrect(msg.sender, lockedBalance.endTime, unlockTime);
+ 500 | | }
+ 501 | | // Check for the lock time not to exceed the MAXTIME
+ 502 | | if (unlockTime > block.timestamp + MAXTIME) {
+ 503 | | revert MaxUnlockTimeReached(msg.sender, block.timestamp + MAXTIME, unlockTime);
+ 504 | | }
+ 505 | |
+ 506 | | _depositFor(msg.sender, 0, unlockTime, lockedBalance, DepositType.INCREASE_UNLOCK_TIME);
+ 507 | | }
+ 508 | |
+ 509 | | /// @dev Withdraws all tokens for `msg.sender`. Only possible if the lock has expired.
+ 510 | | function withdraw() external {
+ 511 | | LockedBalance memory lockedBalance = mapLockedBalances[msg.sender];
+ 512 | | if (lockedBalance.endTime > block.timestamp) {
+ 513 | | revert LockNotExpired(msg.sender, lockedBalance.endTime, block.timestamp);
+ 514 | | }
+ 515 | | uint256 amount = uint256(lockedBalance.amount);
+ 516 | |
+ 517 | | mapLockedBalances[msg.sender] = LockedBalance(0, 0);
+ 518 | | uint256 supplyBefore = supply;
+ 519 | | uint256 supplyAfter;
+ 520 | | // The amount cannot be less than the total supply
+ 521 | | unchecked {
+ 522 | | supplyAfter = supplyBefore - amount;
+ 523 | | supply = supplyAfter;
+ 524 | | }
+ 525 | | // oldLocked can have either expired <= timestamp or zero end
+ 526 | | // lockedBalance has only 0 end
+ 527 | | // Both can have >= 0 amount
+ 528 | | _checkpoint(msg.sender, lockedBalance, LockedBalance(0, 0), uint128(supplyAfter));
+ 529 | |
+ 530 | | emit Withdraw(msg.sender, amount, block.timestamp);
+ 531 | | emit Supply(supplyBefore, supplyAfter);
+ 532 | |
+ 533 | | // OLAS is a solmate-based ERC20 token with optimized transfer() that either returns true or reverts
+ 534 | | IERC20(token).transfer(msg.sender, amount);
+ 535 | | }
+ 536 | |
+ 537 | | /// @dev Finds a closest point that has a specified block number.
+ 538 | | /// @param blockNumber Block to find.
+ 539 | | /// @param account Account address for user points.
+ 540 | | /// @return point Point with the approximate index number for the specified block.
+ 541 | | /// @return minPointNumber Point number.
+ 542 | | function _findPointByBlock(uint256 blockNumber, address account) internal view
+ 543 | | returns (PointVoting memory point, uint256 minPointNumber)
+ 544 | | {
+ 545 | | // Get the last available point number
+ 546 | | uint256 maxPointNumber;
+ 547 | | if (account == address(0)) {
+ 548 | | maxPointNumber = totalNumPoints;
+ 549 | | } else {
+ 550 | | maxPointNumber = mapUserPoints[account].length;
+ 551 | | if (maxPointNumber == 0) {
+ 552 | | return (point, minPointNumber);
+ 553 | | }
+ 554 | | // Already checked for > 0 in this case
+ 555 | | unchecked {
+ 556 | | maxPointNumber -= 1;
+ 557 | | }
+ 558 | | }
+ 559 | |
+ 560 | | // Binary search that will be always enough for 128-bit numbers
+ 561 | | for (uint256 i = 0; i < 128; ++i) {
+ 562 | | if ((minPointNumber + 1) > maxPointNumber) {
+ 563 | | break;
+ 564 | | }
+ 565 | | uint256 mid = (minPointNumber + maxPointNumber + 1) / 2;
+ 566 | |
+ 567 | | // Choose the source of points
+ 568 | | if (account == address(0)) {
+ 569 | | point = mapSupplyPoints[mid];
+ 570 | | } else {
+ 571 | | point = mapUserPoints[account][mid];
+ 572 | | }
+ 573 | |
+ 574 | | if (point.blockNumber < (blockNumber + 1)) {
+ 575 | | minPointNumber = mid;
+ 576 | | } else {
+ 577 | | maxPointNumber = mid - 1;
+ 578 | | }
+ 579 | | }
+ 580 | |
+ 581 | | // Get the found point
+ 582 | | if (account == address(0)) {
+ 583 | | point = mapSupplyPoints[minPointNumber];
+ 584 | | } else {
+ 585 | | point = mapUserPoints[account][minPointNumber];
+ 586 | | }
+ 587 | | }
+ 588 | |
+ 589 | | /// @dev Gets the voting power for an `account` at time `ts`.
+ 590 | | /// @param account Account address.
+ 591 | | /// @param ts Time to get voting power at.
+ 592 | | /// @return vBalance Account voting power.
+ 593 | | function _balanceOfLocked(address account, uint64 ts) internal view returns (uint256 vBalance) {
+ 594 | | uint256 pointNumber = mapUserPoints[account].length;
+ 595 | | if (pointNumber > 0) {
+ 596 | | PointVoting memory uPoint = mapUserPoints[account][pointNumber - 1];
+ 597 | | uPoint.bias -= uPoint.slope * int128(int64(ts) - int64(uPoint.ts));
+ 598 | | if (uPoint.bias > 0) {
+ 599 | | vBalance = uint256(int256(uPoint.bias));
+ 600 | | }
+ 601 | | }
+ 602 | | }
+ 603 | |
+ 604 | | /// @dev Gets the account balance in native token.
+ 605 | | /// @param account Account address.
+ 606 | | /// @return balance Account balance.
+ 607 | | function balanceOf(address account) public view override returns (uint256 balance) {
+ 608 | | balance = uint256(mapLockedBalances[account].amount);
+ 609 | | }
+ 610 | |
+ 611 | | /// @dev Gets the `account`'s lock end time.
+ 612 | | /// @param account Account address.
+ 613 | | /// @return unlockTime Lock end time.
+ 614 | * | function lockedEnd(address account) external view returns (uint256 unlockTime) {
+ 615 | * | unlockTime = uint256(mapLockedBalances[account].endTime);
+ 616 | | }
+ 617 | |
+ 618 | | /// @dev Gets the account balance at a specific block number.
+ 619 | | /// @param account Account address.
+ 620 | | /// @param blockNumber Block number.
+ 621 | | /// @return balance Account balance.
+ 622 | | function balanceOfAt(address account, uint256 blockNumber) external view returns (uint256 balance) {
+ 623 | | // Find point with the closest block number to the provided one
+ 624 | | (PointVoting memory uPoint, ) = _findPointByBlock(blockNumber, account);
+ 625 | | // If the block number at the point index is bigger than the specified block number, the balance was zero
+ 626 | | if (uPoint.blockNumber < (blockNumber + 1)) {
+ 627 | | balance = uint256(uPoint.balance);
+ 628 | | }
+ 629 | | }
+ 630 | |
+ 631 | | /// @dev Gets the voting power.
+ 632 | | /// @param account Account address.
+ 633 | | function getVotes(address account) public view override returns (uint256) {
+ 634 | | return _balanceOfLocked(account, uint64(block.timestamp));
+ 635 | | }
+ 636 | |
+ 637 | | /// @dev Gets the block time adjustment for two neighboring points.
+ 638 | | /// @notice `blockNumber` must not be lower than the contract deployment block number,
+ 639 | | /// as the behavior and the return value is undefined.
+ 640 | | /// @param blockNumber Block number.
+ 641 | | /// @return point Point with the specified block number (or closest to it).
+ 642 | | /// @return blockTime Adjusted block time of the neighboring point.
+ 643 | | function _getBlockTime(uint256 blockNumber) internal view returns (PointVoting memory point, uint256 blockTime) {
+ 644 | | // Check the block number to be in the past or equal to the current block
+ 645 | | if (blockNumber > block.number) {
+ 646 | | revert WrongBlockNumber(blockNumber, block.number);
+ 647 | | }
+ 648 | | // Get the minimum historical point with the provided block number
+ 649 | | uint256 minPointNumber;
+ 650 | | (point, minPointNumber) = _findPointByBlock(blockNumber, address(0));
+ 651 | |
+ 652 | | uint256 dBlock;
+ 653 | | uint256 dt;
+ 654 | | if (minPointNumber < totalNumPoints) {
+ 655 | | PointVoting memory pointNext = mapSupplyPoints[minPointNumber + 1];
+ 656 | | dBlock = pointNext.blockNumber - point.blockNumber;
+ 657 | | dt = pointNext.ts - point.ts;
+ 658 | | } else {
+ 659 | | dBlock = block.number - point.blockNumber;
+ 660 | | dt = block.timestamp - point.ts;
+ 661 | | }
+ 662 | | blockTime = point.ts;
+ 663 | | if (dBlock > 0) {
+ 664 | | blockTime += (dt * (blockNumber - point.blockNumber)) / dBlock;
+ 665 | | }
+ 666 | | }
+ 667 | |
+ 668 | | /// @dev Gets voting power at a specific block number.
+ 669 | | /// @param account Account address.
+ 670 | | /// @param blockNumber Block number.
+ 671 | | /// @return balance Voting balance / power.
+ 672 | | function getPastVotes(address account, uint256 blockNumber) public view override returns (uint256 balance) {
+ 673 | | // Find the user point for the provided block number
+ 674 | | (PointVoting memory uPoint, ) = _findPointByBlock(blockNumber, account);
+ 675 | |
+ 676 | | // Get block time adjustment.
+ 677 | | (, uint256 blockTime) = _getBlockTime(blockNumber);
+ 678 | |
+ 679 | | // Calculate bias based on a block time
+ 680 | | uPoint.bias -= uPoint.slope * int128(int64(uint64(blockTime)) - int64(uPoint.ts));
+ 681 | | if (uPoint.bias > 0) {
+ 682 | | balance = uint256(uint128(uPoint.bias));
+ 683 | | }
+ 684 | | }
+ 685 | |
+ 686 | | /// @dev Calculate total voting power at some point in the past.
+ 687 | | /// @param lastPoint The point (bias/slope) to start the search from.
+ 688 | | /// @param ts Time to calculate the total voting power at.
+ 689 | | /// @return vSupply Total voting power at that time.
+ 690 | | function _supplyLockedAt(PointVoting memory lastPoint, uint64 ts) internal view returns (uint256 vSupply) {
+ 691 | | // The timestamp is rounded and < 2^64-1
+ 692 | | uint64 tStep = (lastPoint.ts / WEEK) * WEEK;
+ 693 | | for (uint256 i = 0; i < 255; ++i) {
+ 694 | | // This is always practically < 2^64-1
+ 695 | | unchecked {
+ 696 | | tStep += WEEK;
+ 697 | | }
+ 698 | | int128 dSlope;
+ 699 | | if (tStep > ts) {
+ 700 | | tStep = ts;
+ 701 | | } else {
+ 702 | | dSlope = mapSlopeChanges[tStep];
+ 703 | | }
+ 704 | | lastPoint.bias -= lastPoint.slope * int128(int64(tStep) - int64(lastPoint.ts));
+ 705 | | if (tStep == ts) {
+ 706 | | break;
+ 707 | | }
+ 708 | | lastPoint.slope += dSlope;
+ 709 | | lastPoint.ts = tStep;
+ 710 | | }
+ 711 | |
+ 712 | | if (lastPoint.bias > 0) {
+ 713 | | vSupply = uint256(uint128(lastPoint.bias));
+ 714 | | }
+ 715 | | }
+ 716 | |
+ 717 | | /// @dev Gets total token supply.
+ 718 | | /// @return Total token supply.
+ 719 | | function totalSupply() public view override returns (uint256) {
+ 720 | | return supply;
+ 721 | | }
+ 722 | |
+ 723 | | /// @dev Gets total token supply at a specific block number.
+ 724 | | /// @param blockNumber Block number.
+ 725 | | /// @return supplyAt Supply at the specified block number.
+ 726 | | function totalSupplyAt(uint256 blockNumber) external view returns (uint256 supplyAt) {
+ 727 | | // Find point with the closest block number to the provided one
+ 728 | | (PointVoting memory sPoint, ) = _findPointByBlock(blockNumber, address(0));
+ 729 | | // If the block number at the point index is bigger than the specified block number, the balance was zero
+ 730 | | if (sPoint.blockNumber < (blockNumber + 1)) {
+ 731 | | supplyAt = uint256(sPoint.balance);
+ 732 | | }
+ 733 | | }
+ 734 | |
+ 735 | | /// @dev Calculates total voting power at time `ts`.
+ 736 | | /// @param ts Time to get total voting power at.
+ 737 | | /// @return Total voting power.
+ 738 | | function totalSupplyLockedAtT(uint256 ts) public view returns (uint256) {
+ 739 | | PointVoting memory lastPoint = mapSupplyPoints[totalNumPoints];
+ 740 | | return _supplyLockedAt(lastPoint, uint64(ts));
+ 741 | | }
+ 742 | |
+ 743 | | /// @dev Calculates current total voting power.
+ 744 | | /// @return Total voting power.
+ 745 | | function totalSupplyLocked() public view returns (uint256) {
+ 746 | | return totalSupplyLockedAtT(block.timestamp);
+ 747 | | }
+ 748 | |
+ 749 | | /// @dev Calculate total voting power at some point in the past.
+ 750 | | /// @param blockNumber Block number to calculate the total voting power at.
+ 751 | | /// @return Total voting power.
+ 752 | | function getPastTotalSupply(uint256 blockNumber) public view override returns (uint256) {
+ 753 | | (PointVoting memory sPoint, uint256 blockTime) = _getBlockTime(blockNumber);
+ 754 | | // Now dt contains info on how far are we beyond the point
+ 755 | | return _supplyLockedAt(sPoint, uint64(blockTime));
+ 756 | | }
+ 757 | |
+ 758 | | /// @dev Gets information about the interface support.
+ 759 | | /// @param interfaceId A specified interface Id.
+ 760 | | /// @return True if this contract implements the interface defined by interfaceId.
+ 761 | | function supportsInterface(bytes4 interfaceId) public view virtual override returns (bool) {
+ 762 | | return interfaceId == type(IERC20).interfaceId || interfaceId == type(IVotes).interfaceId ||
+ 763 | | interfaceId == type(IERC165).interfaceId;
+ 764 | | }
+ 765 | |
+ 766 | | /// @dev Reverts the transfer of this token.
+ 767 | | function transfer(address to, uint256 amount) external virtual override returns (bool) {
+ 768 | | revert NonTransferable(address(this));
+ 769 | | }
+ 770 | |
+ 771 | | /// @dev Reverts the approval of this token.
+ 772 | | function approve(address spender, uint256 amount) external virtual override returns (bool) {
+ 773 | | revert NonTransferable(address(this));
+ 774 | | }
+ 775 | |
+ 776 | | /// @dev Reverts the transferFrom of this token.
+ 777 | | function transferFrom(address from, address to, uint256 amount) external virtual override returns (bool) {
+ 778 | | revert NonTransferable(address(this));
+ 779 | | }
+ 780 | |
+ 781 | | /// @dev Reverts the allowance of this token.
+ 782 | | function allowance(address owner, address spender) external view virtual override returns (uint256)
+ 783 | | {
+ 784 | | revert NonTransferable(address(this));
+ 785 | | }
+ 786 | |
+ 787 | | /// @dev Reverts delegates of this token.
+ 788 | | function delegates(address account) external view virtual override returns (address)
+ 789 | | {
+ 790 | | revert NonDelegatable(address(this));
+ 791 | | }
+ 792 | |
+ 793 | | /// @dev Reverts delegate for this token.
+ 794 | | function delegate(address delegatee) external virtual override
+ 795 | | {
+ 796 | | revert NonDelegatable(address(this));
+ 797 | | }
+ 798 | |
+ 799 | | /// @dev Reverts delegateBySig for this token.
+ 800 | | function delegateBySig(address delegatee, uint256 nonce, uint256 expiry, uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s)
+ 801 | | external virtual override
+ 802 | | {
+ 803 | | revert NonDelegatable(address(this));
+ 804 | | }
+ 805 | | }
+ 806 | |
+ 1 | | // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
+ 2 | | pragma solidity >=0.8.0;
+ 3 | |
+ 4 | | /// @notice Modern and gas efficient ERC20 + EIP-2612 implementation.
+ 5 | | /// @author Solmate (https://github.com/Rari-Capital/solmate/blob/main/src/tokens/ERC20.sol)
+ 6 | | /// @author Modified from Uniswap (https://github.com/Uniswap/uniswap-v2-core/blob/master/contracts/UniswapV2ERC20.sol)
+ 7 | | /// @dev Do not manually set balances without updating totalSupply, as the sum of all user balances must not exceed it.
+ 8 | | abstract contract ERC20 {
+ 9 | | /*//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ 10 | | EVENTS
+ 11 | | //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/
+ 12 | |
+ 13 | | event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 amount);
+ 14 | |
+ 15 | | event Approval(address indexed owner, address indexed spender, uint256 amount);
+ 16 | |
+ 17 | | /*//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ 19 | | //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/
+ 20 | |
+ 21 | | string public name;
+ 22 | |
+ 23 | | string public symbol;
+ 24 | |
+ 25 | | uint8 public immutable decimals;
+ 26 | |
+ 27 | | /*//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ 28 | | ERC20 STORAGE
+ 29 | | //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/
+ 30 | |
+ 31 | | uint256 public totalSupply;
+ 32 | |
+ 33 | * | mapping(address => uint256) public balanceOf;
+ 34 | |
+ 35 | | mapping(address => mapping(address => uint256)) public allowance;
+ 36 | |
+ 37 | | /*//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ 38 | | EIP-2612 STORAGE
+ 39 | | //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/
+ 40 | |
+ 41 | | uint256 internal immutable INITIAL_CHAIN_ID;
+ 42 | |
+ 43 | | bytes32 internal immutable INITIAL_DOMAIN_SEPARATOR;
+ 44 | |
+ 45 | | mapping(address => uint256) public nonces;
+ 46 | |
+ 47 | | /*//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ 49 | | //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/
+ 50 | |
+ 51 | | constructor(
+ 52 | | string memory _name,
+ 53 | | string memory _symbol,
+ 54 | | uint8 _decimals
+ 55 | | ) {
+ 56 | | name = _name;
+ 57 | | symbol = _symbol;
+ 58 | | decimals = _decimals;
+ 59 | |
+ 60 | | INITIAL_CHAIN_ID = block.chainid;
+ 61 | | INITIAL_DOMAIN_SEPARATOR = computeDomainSeparator();
+ 62 | | }
+ 63 | |
+ 64 | | /*//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ 65 | | ERC20 LOGIC
+ 66 | | //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/
+ 67 | |
+ 68 | * | function approve(address spender, uint256 amount) public virtual returns (bool) {
+ 69 | * | allowance[msg.sender][spender] = amount;
+ 70 | |
+ 71 | * | emit Approval(msg.sender, spender, amount);
+ 72 | |
+ 73 | * | return true;
+ 74 | | }
+ 75 | |
+ 76 | | function transfer(address to, uint256 amount) public virtual returns (bool) {
+ 77 | | balanceOf[msg.sender] -= amount;
+ 78 | |
+ 79 | | // Cannot overflow because the sum of all user
+ 80 | | // balances can't exceed the max uint256 value.
+ 81 | | unchecked {
+ 82 | | balanceOf[to] += amount;
+ 83 | | }
+ 84 | |
+ 85 | | emit Transfer(msg.sender, to, amount);
+ 86 | |
+ 87 | | return true;
+ 88 | | }
+ 89 | |
+ 90 | * | function transferFrom(
+ 91 | | address from,
+ 92 | | address to,
+ 93 | | uint256 amount
+ 94 | * | ) public virtual returns (bool) {
+ 95 | * | uint256 allowed = allowance[from][msg.sender]; // Saves gas for limited approvals.
+ 96 | |
+ 97 | * | if (allowed != type(uint256).max) allowance[from][msg.sender] = allowed - amount;
+ 98 | |
+ 99 | * | balanceOf[from] -= amount;
+ 100 | |
+ 101 | | // Cannot overflow because the sum of all user
+ 102 | | // balances can't exceed the max uint256 value.
+ 103 | | unchecked {
+ 104 | * | balanceOf[to] += amount;
+ 105 | | }
+ 106 | |
+ 107 | * | emit Transfer(from, to, amount);
+ 108 | |
+ 109 | * | return true;
+ 110 | | }
+ 111 | |
+ 112 | | /*//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ 113 | | EIP-2612 LOGIC
+ 114 | | //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/
+ 115 | |
+ 116 | | function permit(
+ 117 | | address owner,
+ 118 | | address spender,
+ 119 | | uint256 value,
+ 120 | | uint256 deadline,
+ 121 | | uint8 v,
+ 122 | | bytes32 r,
+ 123 | | bytes32 s
+ 124 | | ) public virtual {
+ 125 | | require(deadline >= block.timestamp, "PERMIT_DEADLINE_EXPIRED");
+ 126 | |
+ 127 | | // Unchecked because the only math done is incrementing
+ 128 | | // the owner's nonce which cannot realistically overflow.
+ 129 | | unchecked {
+ 130 | | address recoveredAddress = ecrecover(
+ 131 | | keccak256(
+ 132 | | abi.encodePacked(
+ 133 | | "\x19\x01",
+ 135 | | keccak256(
+ 136 | | abi.encode(
+ 137 | | keccak256(
+ 138 | | "Permit(address owner,address spender,uint256 value,uint256 nonce,uint256 deadline)"
+ 139 | | ),
+ 140 | | owner,
+ 141 | | spender,
+ 142 | | value,
+ 143 | | nonces[owner]++,
+ 144 | | deadline
+ 145 | | )
+ 146 | | )
+ 147 | | )
+ 148 | | ),
+ 149 | | v,
+ 150 | | r,
+ 151 | | s
+ 152 | | );
+ 153 | |
+ 154 | | require(recoveredAddress != address(0) && recoveredAddress == owner, "INVALID_SIGNER");
+ 155 | |
+ 156 | | allowance[recoveredAddress][spender] = value;
+ 157 | | }
+ 158 | |
+ 159 | | emit Approval(owner, spender, value);
+ 160 | | }
+ 161 | |
+ 162 | | function DOMAIN_SEPARATOR() public view virtual returns (bytes32) {
+ 163 | | return block.chainid == INITIAL_CHAIN_ID ? INITIAL_DOMAIN_SEPARATOR : computeDomainSeparator();
+ 164 | | }
+ 165 | |
+ 166 | | function computeDomainSeparator() internal view virtual returns (bytes32) {
+ 167 | | return
+ 168 | | keccak256(
+ 169 | | abi.encode(
+ 170 | | keccak256("EIP712Domain(string name,string version,uint256 chainId,address verifyingContract)"),
+ 171 | | keccak256(bytes(name)),
+ 172 | | keccak256("1"),
+ 173 | | block.chainid,
+ 174 | | address(this)
+ 175 | | )
+ 176 | | );
+ 177 | | }
+ 178 | |
+ 179 | | /*//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ 181 | | //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/
+ 182 | |
+ 183 | | function _mint(address to, uint256 amount) internal virtual {
+ 184 | | totalSupply += amount;
+ 185 | |
+ 186 | | // Cannot overflow because the sum of all user
+ 187 | | // balances can't exceed the max uint256 value.
+ 188 | | unchecked {
+ 189 | | balanceOf[to] += amount;
+ 190 | | }
+ 191 | |
+ 192 | | emit Transfer(address(0), to, amount);
+ 193 | | }
+ 194 | |
+ 195 | | function _burn(address from, uint256 amount) internal virtual {
+ 196 | | balanceOf[from] -= amount;
+ 197 | |
+ 198 | | // Cannot underflow because a user's balance
+ 199 | | // will never be larger than the total supply.
+ 200 | | unchecked {
+ 201 | | totalSupply -= amount;
+ 202 | | }
+ 203 | |
+ 204 | | emit Transfer(from, address(0), amount);
+ 205 | | }
+ 206 | | }
+ 207 | |
+ 1 | | // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
+ 2 | | // OpenZeppelin Contracts (last updated v4.5.0) (governance/utils/IVotes.sol)
+ 3 | | pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
+ 4 | |
+ 5 | | /**
+ 6 | | * @dev Common interface for {ERC20Votes}, {ERC721Votes}, and other {Votes}-enabled contracts.
+ 7 | | *
+ 8 | | * _Available since v4.5._
+ 9 | | */
+ 10 | | interface IVotes {
+ 11 | | /**
+ 12 | | * @dev Emitted when an account changes their delegate.
+ 13 | | */
+ 14 | | event DelegateChanged(address indexed delegator, address indexed fromDelegate, address indexed toDelegate);
+ 15 | |
+ 16 | | /**
+ 17 | | * @dev Emitted when a token transfer or delegate change results in changes to a delegate's number of votes.
+ 18 | | */
+ 19 | | event DelegateVotesChanged(address indexed delegate, uint256 previousBalance, uint256 newBalance);
+ 20 | |
+ 21 | | /**
+ 22 | | * @dev Returns the current amount of votes that `account` has.
+ 23 | | */
+ 24 | | function getVotes(address account) external view returns (uint256);
+ 25 | |
+ 26 | | /**
+ 27 | | * @dev Returns the amount of votes that `account` had at the end of a past block (`blockNumber`).
+ 28 | | */
+ 29 | | function getPastVotes(address account, uint256 blockNumber) external view returns (uint256);
+ 30 | |
+ 31 | | /**
+ 32 | | * @dev Returns the total supply of votes available at the end of a past block (`blockNumber`).
+ 33 | | *
+ 34 | | * NOTE: This value is the sum of all available votes, which is not necessarily the sum of all delegated votes.
+ 35 | | * Votes that have not been delegated are still part of total supply, even though they would not participate in a
+ 36 | | * vote.
+ 37 | | */
+ 38 | | function getPastTotalSupply(uint256 blockNumber) external view returns (uint256);
+ 39 | |
+ 40 | | /**
+ 41 | | * @dev Returns the delegate that `account` has chosen.
+ 42 | | */
+ 43 | | function delegates(address account) external view returns (address);
+ 44 | |
+ 45 | | /**
+ 46 | | * @dev Delegates votes from the sender to `delegatee`.
+ 47 | | */
+ 48 | | function delegate(address delegatee) external;
+ 49 | |
+ 50 | | /**
+ 51 | | * @dev Delegates votes from signer to `delegatee`.
+ 52 | | */
+ 53 | | function delegateBySig(
+ 54 | | address delegatee,
+ 55 | | uint256 nonce,
+ 56 | | uint256 expiry,
+ 57 | | uint8 v,
+ 58 | | bytes32 r,
+ 59 | | bytes32 s
+ 60 | | ) external;
+ 61 | | }
+ 62 | |
+ 1 | | // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
+ 2 | | // OpenZeppelin Contracts (last updated v4.6.0) (token/ERC20/IERC20.sol)
+ 3 | |
+ 4 | | pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
+ 5 | |
+ 6 | | /**
+ 7 | | * @dev Interface of the ERC20 standard as defined in the EIP.
+ 8 | | */
+ 9 | | interface IERC20 {
+ 10 | | /**
+ 11 | | * @dev Emitted when `value` tokens are moved from one account (`from`) to
+ 12 | | * another (`to`).
+ 13 | | *
+ 14 | | * Note that `value` may be zero.
+ 15 | | */
+ 16 | | event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 value);
+ 17 | |
+ 18 | | /**
+ 19 | | * @dev Emitted when the allowance of a `spender` for an `owner` is set by
+ 20 | | * a call to {approve}. `value` is the new allowance.
+ 21 | | */
+ 22 | | event Approval(address indexed owner, address indexed spender, uint256 value);
+ 23 | |
+ 24 | | /**
+ 25 | | * @dev Returns the amount of tokens in existence.
+ 26 | | */
+ 27 | | function totalSupply() external view returns (uint256);
+ 28 | |
+ 29 | | /**
+ 30 | | * @dev Returns the amount of tokens owned by `account`.
+ 31 | | */
+ 32 | | function balanceOf(address account) external view returns (uint256);
+ 33 | |
+ 34 | | /**
+ 35 | | * @dev Moves `amount` tokens from the caller's account to `to`.
+ 36 | | *
+ 37 | | * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded.
+ 38 | | *
+ 39 | | * Emits a {Transfer} event.
+ 40 | | */
+ 41 | | function transfer(address to, uint256 amount) external returns (bool);
+ 42 | |
+ 43 | | /**
+ 44 | | * @dev Returns the remaining number of tokens that `spender` will be
+ 45 | | * allowed to spend on behalf of `owner` through {transferFrom}. This is
+ 46 | | * zero by default.
+ 47 | | *
+ 48 | | * This value changes when {approve} or {transferFrom} are called.
+ 49 | | */
+ 50 | | function allowance(address owner, address spender) external view returns (uint256);
+ 51 | |
+ 52 | | /**
+ 53 | | * @dev Sets `amount` as the allowance of `spender` over the caller's tokens.
+ 54 | | *
+ 55 | | * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded.
+ 56 | | *
+ 57 | | * IMPORTANT: Beware that changing an allowance with this method brings the risk
+ 58 | | * that someone may use both the old and the new allowance by unfortunate
+ 59 | | * transaction ordering. One possible solution to mitigate this race
+ 60 | | * condition is to first reduce the spender's allowance to 0 and set the
+ 61 | | * desired value afterwards:
+ 62 | | * https://github.com/ethereum/EIPs/issues/20#issuecomment-263524729
+ 63 | | *
+ 64 | | * Emits an {Approval} event.
+ 65 | | */
+ 66 | | function approve(address spender, uint256 amount) external returns (bool);
+ 67 | |
+ 68 | | /**
+ 69 | | * @dev Moves `amount` tokens from `from` to `to` using the
+ 70 | | * allowance mechanism. `amount` is then deducted from the caller's
+ 71 | | * allowance.
+ 72 | | *
+ 73 | | * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded.
+ 74 | | *
+ 75 | | * Emits a {Transfer} event.
+ 76 | | */
+ 77 | | function transferFrom(
+ 78 | | address from,
+ 79 | | address to,
+ 80 | | uint256 amount
+ 81 | | ) external returns (bool);
+ 82 | | }
+ 83 | |
+ 1 | | // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
+ 2 | | // OpenZeppelin Contracts v4.4.1 (utils/introspection/IERC165.sol)
+ 3 | |
+ 4 | | pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
+ 5 | |
+ 6 | | /**
+ 7 | | * @dev Interface of the ERC165 standard, as defined in the
+ 8 | | * https://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-165[EIP].
+ 9 | | *
+ 10 | | * Implementers can declare support of contract interfaces, which can then be
+ 11 | | * queried by others ({ERC165Checker}).
+ 12 | | *
+ 13 | | * For an implementation, see {ERC165}.
+ 14 | | */
+ 15 | | interface IERC165 {
+ 16 | | /**
+ 17 | | * @dev Returns true if this contract implements the interface defined by
+ 18 | | * `interfaceId`. See the corresponding
+ 19 | | * https://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-165#how-interfaces-are-identified[EIP section]
+ 20 | | * to learn more about how these ids are created.
+ 21 | | *
+ 22 | | * This function call must use less than 30 000 gas.
+ 23 | | */
+ 24 | | function supportsInterface(bytes4 interfaceId) external view returns (bool);
+ 25 | | }
+ 26 | |
diff --git a/audits/internal12/analysis/fuzzing/overflow/echidna_overflow.yaml b/audits/internal12/analysis/fuzzing/overflow/echidna_overflow.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a8ae0b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/audits/internal12/analysis/fuzzing/overflow/echidna_overflow.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+testMode: overflow
+#testMode: assertion
+coverage: true
+corpusDir: corpusEchidna
+coverageFormats: ["html"]
+# maxBlockDelay: 12
+# provide solc remappings to crytic-compile
+# https://www.justinsilver.com/technology/programming/slither-echidna-remappings/
+cryticArgs: ['--solc-remaps', '@=node_modules/@']
diff --git a/audits/internal12/analysis/fuzzing/overflow/fuzzing-overflow.PNG b/audits/internal12/analysis/fuzzing/overflow/fuzzing-overflow.PNG
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..cf720e0
Binary files /dev/null and b/audits/internal12/analysis/fuzzing/overflow/fuzzing-overflow.PNG differ
diff --git a/audits/internal12/analysis/fuzzing/overflow/start_echidna.sh b/audits/internal12/analysis/fuzzing/overflow/start_echidna.sh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7acd496
--- /dev/null
+++ b/audits/internal12/analysis/fuzzing/overflow/start_echidna.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+rm -rf corpusEchidna/
+echidna contracts/test/EchidnaVoteWeightingAssert.sol --contract EchidnaVoteWeightingAssert --config echidna_overflow.yaml
diff --git a/audits/internal12/analysis/slither_VoteWeighting-flatten.sol.IDispenser.call-graph.png b/audits/internal12/analysis/slither_VoteWeighting-flatten.sol.IDispenser.call-graph.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..68ad698
Binary files /dev/null and b/audits/internal12/analysis/slither_VoteWeighting-flatten.sol.IDispenser.call-graph.png differ
diff --git a/audits/internal12/analysis/slither_VoteWeighting-flatten.sol.IVEOLAS.call-graph.png b/audits/internal12/analysis/slither_VoteWeighting-flatten.sol.IVEOLAS.call-graph.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..789a38f
Binary files /dev/null and b/audits/internal12/analysis/slither_VoteWeighting-flatten.sol.IVEOLAS.call-graph.png differ
diff --git a/audits/internal12/analysis/slither_VoteWeighting-flatten.sol.VoteWeighting.call-graph.png b/audits/internal12/analysis/slither_VoteWeighting-flatten.sol.VoteWeighting.call-graph.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..986cece
Binary files /dev/null and b/audits/internal12/analysis/slither_VoteWeighting-flatten.sol.VoteWeighting.call-graph.png differ
diff --git a/audits/internal12/analysis/slither_VoteWeighting-flatten.sol.all_contracts.call-graph.png b/audits/internal12/analysis/slither_VoteWeighting-flatten.sol.all_contracts.call-graph.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b709dea
Binary files /dev/null and b/audits/internal12/analysis/slither_VoteWeighting-flatten.sol.all_contracts.call-graph.png differ
diff --git a/audits/internal12/analysis/slither_VoteWeighting-flatten.sol.inheritance-graph.png b/audits/internal12/analysis/slither_VoteWeighting-flatten.sol.inheritance-graph.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7317041
Binary files /dev/null and b/audits/internal12/analysis/slither_VoteWeighting-flatten.sol.inheritance-graph.png differ
diff --git a/audits/internal12/analysis/slither_call-graph.txt b/audits/internal12/analysis/slither_call-graph.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..722a2f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/audits/internal12/analysis/slither_call-graph.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+'solc --version' running
+'solc ./VoteWeighting-flatten.sol --combined-json abi,ast,bin,bin-runtime,srcmap,srcmap-runtime,userdoc,devdoc,hashes --allow-paths .,/home/andrey/valory/autonolas-governance/audits/internal12/analysis/contracts' running
+INFO:Printers:Call Graph: ./VoteWeighting-flatten.sol.all_contracts.call-graph.dot
+Call Graph: ./VoteWeighting-flatten.sol.IDispenser.call-graph.dot
+Call Graph: ./VoteWeighting-flatten.sol.IVEOLAS.call-graph.dot
+Call Graph: ./VoteWeighting-flatten.sol.VoteWeighting.call-graph.dot
+INFO:Slither:. analyzed (3 contracts)
diff --git a/audits/internal12/analysis/slither_constructor-calls.txt b/audits/internal12/analysis/slither_constructor-calls.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2a93f60
--- /dev/null
+++ b/audits/internal12/analysis/slither_constructor-calls.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+'solc --version' running
+'solc ./VoteWeighting-flatten.sol --combined-json abi,ast,bin,bin-runtime,srcmap,srcmap-runtime,userdoc,devdoc,hashes --allow-paths .,/home/andrey/valory/autonolas-governance/audits/internal12/analysis/contracts' running
+####### VoteWeighting #######
+## Constructor Call Sequence
+ - VoteWeighting
+## Constructor Definitions
+### VoteWeighting
+ constructor(address _ve) {
+ // Check for the zero address
+ if (_ve == address(0)) {
+ revert ZeroAddress();
+ }
+ // Set initial parameters
+ owner = msg.sender;
+ ve = _ve;
+ timeSum = block.timestamp / WEEK * WEEK;
+ setNominees.push(Nominee(bytes32(0), 0));
+ }
+INFO:Slither:. analyzed (3 contracts)
diff --git a/audits/internal12/analysis/slither_contract-summary.txt b/audits/internal12/analysis/slither_contract-summary.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8096d87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/audits/internal12/analysis/slither_contract-summary.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+'solc --version' running
+'solc ./VoteWeighting-flatten.sol --combined-json abi,ast,bin,bin-runtime,srcmap,srcmap-runtime,userdoc,devdoc,hashes --allow-paths .,/home/andrey/valory/autonolas-governance/audits/internal12/analysis/contracts' running
++ Contract IDispenser (Most derived contract)
+ - From IDispenser
+ - addNominee(bytes32) (external)
+ - removeNominee(bytes32) (external)
++ Contract IVEOLAS (Most derived contract)
+ - From IVEOLAS
+ - getLastUserPoint(address) (external)
+ - lockedEnd(address) (external)
++ Contract VoteWeighting (Most derived contract)
+ - From VoteWeighting
+ - _addNominee(Nominee) (internal)
+ - _getSum() (internal)
+ - _getWeight(bytes32,uint256) (internal)
+ - _maxAndSub(uint256,uint256) (internal)
+ - _nomineeRelativeWeight(bytes32,uint256,uint256) (internal)
+ - addNomineeEVM(address,uint256) (external)
+ - addNomineeNonEVM(bytes32,uint256) (external)
+ - changeDispenser(address) (external)
+ - changeOwner(address) (external)
+ - checkpoint() (external)
+ - checkpointNominee(bytes32,uint256) (external)
+ - constructor(address) (public)
+ - getAllNominees() (external)
+ - getNextAllowedVotingTimes(bytes32[],uint256[],address[]) (external)
+ - getNominee(uint256) (external)
+ - getNomineeId(bytes32,uint256) (external)
+ - getNomineeWeight(bytes32,uint256) (external)
+ - getNominees(uint256,uint256) (external)
+ - getNumNominees() (external)
+ - getWeightsSum() (external)
+ - nomineeRelativeWeight(bytes32,uint256,uint256) (external)
+ - nomineeRelativeWeightWrite(bytes32,uint256,uint256) (external)
+ - removeNominee(bytes32,uint256) (external)
+ - retrieveRemovedNomineeVotingPower(bytes32,uint256) (external)
+ - voteForNomineeWeights(bytes32,uint256,uint256) (public)
+ - voteForNomineeWeightsBatch(bytes32[],uint256[],uint256[]) (external)
+INFO:Slither:. analyzed (3 contracts)
diff --git a/audits/internal12/analysis/slither_data-dependency.txt b/audits/internal12/analysis/slither_data-dependency.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bf098c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/audits/internal12/analysis/slither_data-dependency.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,890 @@
+'solc --version' running
+'solc ./VoteWeighting-flatten.sol --combined-json abi,ast,bin,bin-runtime,srcmap,srcmap-runtime,userdoc,devdoc,hashes --allow-paths .,/home/andrey/valory/autonolas-governance/audits/internal12/analysis/contracts' running
+Contract IDispenser
+[34m|[0m[96m Variable [34m|[0m[96m Dependencies [34m|[0m[96m
+Function addNominee(bytes32)
+[34m|[0m[96m Variable [34m|[0m[96m Dependencies [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m nomineeHash [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+Function removeNominee(bytes32)
+[34m|[0m[96m Variable [34m|[0m[96m Dependencies [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m nomineeHash [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+Contract IDispenser
+[34m|[0m[96m Variable [34m|[0m[96m Dependencies [34m|[0m[96m
+Function addNominee(bytes32)
+[34m|[0m[96m Variable [34m|[0m[96m Dependencies [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m nomineeHash [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+Function removeNominee(bytes32)
+[34m|[0m[96m Variable [34m|[0m[96m Dependencies [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m nomineeHash [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+Contract IVEOLAS
+[34m|[0m[96m Variable [34m|[0m[96m Dependencies [34m|[0m[96m
+Function lockedEnd(address)
+[34m|[0m[96m Variable [34m|[0m[96m Dependencies [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m account [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m unlockTime [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+Function getLastUserPoint(address)
+[34m|[0m[96m Variable [34m|[0m[96m Dependencies [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m account [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m pv [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+Contract IDispenser
+[34m|[0m[96m Variable [34m|[0m[96m Dependencies [34m|[0m[96m
+Function addNominee(bytes32)
+[34m|[0m[96m Variable [34m|[0m[96m Dependencies [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m nomineeHash [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+Function removeNominee(bytes32)
+[34m|[0m[96m Variable [34m|[0m[96m Dependencies [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m nomineeHash [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+Contract IVEOLAS
+[34m|[0m[96m Variable [34m|[0m[96m Dependencies [34m|[0m[96m
+Function lockedEnd(address)
+[34m|[0m[96m Variable [34m|[0m[96m Dependencies [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m account [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m unlockTime [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+Function getLastUserPoint(address)
+[34m|[0m[96m Variable [34m|[0m[96m Dependencies [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m account [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m pv [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+Contract VoteWeighting
+[34m|[0m[96m Variable [34m|[0m[96m Dependencies [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m WEEK [34m|[0m[96m ['WEEK'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m WEIGHT_VOTE_DELAY [34m|[0m[96m ['WEIGHT_VOTE_DELAY'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m MAX_WEIGHT [34m|[0m[96m ['MAX_WEIGHT'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m MAX_EVM_CHAIN_ID [34m|[0m[96m ['MAX_EVM_CHAIN_ID'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m ve [34m|[0m[96m ['_ve', 've'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m owner [34m|[0m[96m ['msg.sender', 'newOwner', 'owner'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m dispenser [34m|[0m[96m ['dispenser', 'newDispenser'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m setNominees [34m|[0m[96m ['account', 'chainId', 'nominee', 'setNominees'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m mapNomineeIds [34m|[0m[96m ['account', 'chainId', 'id', 'mapNomineeIds', 'nominee', 'setNominees'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m mapRemovedNominees [34m|[0m[96m ['mapRemovedNominees'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m voteUserSlopes [34m|[0m[96m ['voteUserSlopes'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m voteUserPower [34m|[0m[96m ['MAX_WEIGHT', '_ve', 'lockEnd', 'msg.sender', 'newSlope', 'oldSlope', 'powerUsed', 'slope', 've', 'voteUserPower', 'voteUserSlopes', 'weight', 'weights'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m lastUserVote [34m|[0m[96m ['lastUserVote'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m pointsWeight [34m|[0m[96m ['pointsWeight'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m changesWeight [34m|[0m[96m ['changesWeight'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m timeWeight [34m|[0m[96m ['WEEK', 'block.timestamp', 'nextTime', 't', 'timeWeight'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m pointsSum [34m|[0m[96m ['MAX_WEIGHT', 'WEEK', '_ve', 'changesSum', 'dBias', 'dSlope', 'lockEnd', 'msg.sender', 'newSlope', 'oldSlope', 'pointsSum', 'pt', 'slope', 've', 'voteUserSlopes', 'weight', 'weights'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m changesSum [34m|[0m[96m ['MAX_WEIGHT', '_ve', 'changesSum', 'lockEnd', 'msg.sender', 'newSlope', 'oldSlope', 'slope', 've', 'voteUserSlopes', 'weight', 'weights'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m timeSum [34m|[0m[96m ['WEEK', 'block.timestamp', 'nextTime', 't', 'timeSum'] [34m|[0m[96m
+Function constructor(address)
+[34m|[0m[96m Variable [34m|[0m[96m Dependencies [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m _ve [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.WEEK [34m|[0m[96m ['WEEK'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.WEIGHT_VOTE_DELAY [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.MAX_WEIGHT [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.MAX_EVM_CHAIN_ID [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.ve [34m|[0m[96m ['_ve'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.owner [34m|[0m[96m ['msg.sender'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.dispenser [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.setNominees [34m|[0m[96m ['setNominees'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.mapNomineeIds [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.mapRemovedNominees [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.voteUserSlopes [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.voteUserPower [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.lastUserVote [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.pointsWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.changesWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.timeWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.pointsSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.changesSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.timeSum [34m|[0m[96m ['WEEK', 'block.timestamp'] [34m|[0m[96m
+Function _getSum()
+[34m|[0m[96m Variable [34m|[0m[96m Dependencies [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m t [34m|[0m[96m ['WEEK', 't', 'timeSum'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m pt [34m|[0m[96m ['WEEK', 'changesSum', 'dBias', 'dSlope', 'pointsSum', 'pt'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m i [34m|[0m[96m ['i'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m dBias [34m|[0m[96m ['WEEK', 'changesSum', 'dSlope', 'pointsSum', 'pt'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m dSlope [34m|[0m[96m ['changesSum'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.WEEK [34m|[0m[96m ['WEEK'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.WEIGHT_VOTE_DELAY [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.MAX_WEIGHT [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.MAX_EVM_CHAIN_ID [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.ve [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.owner [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.dispenser [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.setNominees [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.mapNomineeIds [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.mapRemovedNominees [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.voteUserSlopes [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.voteUserPower [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.lastUserVote [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.pointsWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.changesWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.timeWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.pointsSum [34m|[0m[96m ['WEEK', 'changesSum', 'dBias', 'dSlope', 'pointsSum', 'pt'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.changesSum [34m|[0m[96m ['changesSum'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.timeSum [34m|[0m[96m ['WEEK', 't', 'timeSum'] [34m|[0m[96m
+Function _getWeight(bytes32,uint256)
+[34m|[0m[96m Variable [34m|[0m[96m Dependencies [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m account [34m|[0m[96m ['account'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m chainId [34m|[0m[96m ['chainId'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m nominee [34m|[0m[96m ['account', 'chainId'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m nomineeHash [34m|[0m[96m ['account', 'chainId', 'nominee'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m t [34m|[0m[96m ['WEEK', 't', 'timeWeight'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m pt [34m|[0m[96m ['WEEK', 'changesWeight', 'dBias', 'dSlope', 'pointsWeight', 'pt'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m i [34m|[0m[96m ['i'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m dBias [34m|[0m[96m ['WEEK', 'pointsWeight', 'pt'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m dSlope [34m|[0m[96m ['changesWeight'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.WEEK [34m|[0m[96m ['WEEK'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.WEIGHT_VOTE_DELAY [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.MAX_WEIGHT [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.MAX_EVM_CHAIN_ID [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.ve [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.owner [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.dispenser [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.setNominees [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.mapNomineeIds [34m|[0m[96m ['mapNomineeIds'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.mapRemovedNominees [34m|[0m[96m ['mapRemovedNominees'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.voteUserSlopes [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.voteUserPower [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.lastUserVote [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.pointsWeight [34m|[0m[96m ['pointsWeight'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.changesWeight [34m|[0m[96m ['changesWeight'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.timeWeight [34m|[0m[96m ['WEEK', 't', 'timeWeight'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.pointsSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.changesSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.timeSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+Function _addNominee(Nominee)
+[34m|[0m[96m Variable [34m|[0m[96m Dependencies [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m nominee [34m|[0m[96m ['nominee'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m nomineeHash [34m|[0m[96m ['nominee'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m id [34m|[0m[96m ['nominee', 'setNominees'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m nextTime [34m|[0m[96m ['WEEK', 'block.timestamp'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m localDispenser [34m|[0m[96m ['dispenser'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.WEEK [34m|[0m[96m ['WEEK'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.WEIGHT_VOTE_DELAY [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.MAX_WEIGHT [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.MAX_EVM_CHAIN_ID [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.ve [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.owner [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.dispenser [34m|[0m[96m ['dispenser'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.setNominees [34m|[0m[96m ['nominee', 'setNominees'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.mapNomineeIds [34m|[0m[96m ['id', 'mapNomineeIds', 'nominee', 'setNominees'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.mapRemovedNominees [34m|[0m[96m ['mapRemovedNominees'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.voteUserSlopes [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.voteUserPower [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.lastUserVote [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.pointsWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.changesWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.timeWeight [34m|[0m[96m ['WEEK', 'block.timestamp', 'nextTime', 'timeWeight'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.pointsSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.changesSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.timeSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+Function addNomineeEVM(address,uint256)
+[34m|[0m[96m Variable [34m|[0m[96m Dependencies [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m account [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m chainId [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m nominee [34m|[0m[96m ['account', 'chainId'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.WEEK [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.WEIGHT_VOTE_DELAY [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.MAX_WEIGHT [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.MAX_EVM_CHAIN_ID [34m|[0m[96m ['MAX_EVM_CHAIN_ID'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.ve [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.owner [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.dispenser [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.setNominees [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.mapNomineeIds [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.mapRemovedNominees [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.voteUserSlopes [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.voteUserPower [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.lastUserVote [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.pointsWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.changesWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.timeWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.pointsSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.changesSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.timeSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+Function addNomineeNonEVM(bytes32,uint256)
+[34m|[0m[96m Variable [34m|[0m[96m Dependencies [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m account [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m chainId [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m nominee [34m|[0m[96m ['account', 'chainId'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.WEEK [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.WEIGHT_VOTE_DELAY [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.MAX_WEIGHT [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.MAX_EVM_CHAIN_ID [34m|[0m[96m ['MAX_EVM_CHAIN_ID'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.ve [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.owner [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.dispenser [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.setNominees [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.mapNomineeIds [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.mapRemovedNominees [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.voteUserSlopes [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.voteUserPower [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.lastUserVote [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.pointsWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.changesWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.timeWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.pointsSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.changesSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.timeSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+Function changeOwner(address)
+[34m|[0m[96m Variable [34m|[0m[96m Dependencies [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m newOwner [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.WEEK [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.WEIGHT_VOTE_DELAY [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.MAX_WEIGHT [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.MAX_EVM_CHAIN_ID [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.ve [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.owner [34m|[0m[96m ['newOwner', 'owner'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.dispenser [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.setNominees [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.mapNomineeIds [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.mapRemovedNominees [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.voteUserSlopes [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.voteUserPower [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.lastUserVote [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.pointsWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.changesWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.timeWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.pointsSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.changesSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.timeSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+Function changeDispenser(address)
+[34m|[0m[96m Variable [34m|[0m[96m Dependencies [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m newDispenser [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.WEEK [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.WEIGHT_VOTE_DELAY [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.MAX_WEIGHT [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.MAX_EVM_CHAIN_ID [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.ve [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.owner [34m|[0m[96m ['owner'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.dispenser [34m|[0m[96m ['newDispenser'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.setNominees [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.mapNomineeIds [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.mapRemovedNominees [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.voteUserSlopes [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.voteUserPower [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.lastUserVote [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.pointsWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.changesWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.timeWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.pointsSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.changesSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.timeSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+Function checkpoint()
+[34m|[0m[96m Variable [34m|[0m[96m Dependencies [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.WEEK [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.WEIGHT_VOTE_DELAY [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.MAX_WEIGHT [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.MAX_EVM_CHAIN_ID [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.ve [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.owner [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.dispenser [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.setNominees [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.mapNomineeIds [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.mapRemovedNominees [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.voteUserSlopes [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.voteUserPower [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.lastUserVote [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.pointsWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.changesWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.timeWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.pointsSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.changesSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.timeSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+Function checkpointNominee(bytes32,uint256)
+[34m|[0m[96m Variable [34m|[0m[96m Dependencies [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m account [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m chainId [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.WEEK [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.WEIGHT_VOTE_DELAY [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.MAX_WEIGHT [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.MAX_EVM_CHAIN_ID [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.ve [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.owner [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.dispenser [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.setNominees [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.mapNomineeIds [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.mapRemovedNominees [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.voteUserSlopes [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.voteUserPower [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.lastUserVote [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.pointsWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.changesWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.timeWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.pointsSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.changesSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.timeSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+Function _nomineeRelativeWeight(bytes32,uint256,uint256)
+[34m|[0m[96m Variable [34m|[0m[96m Dependencies [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m account [34m|[0m[96m ['account'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m chainId [34m|[0m[96m ['chainId'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m time [34m|[0m[96m ['time'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m weight [34m|[0m[96m ['nomineeWeight', 'pointsSum', 'pointsWeight', 'totalSum'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m totalSum [34m|[0m[96m ['pointsSum'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m t [34m|[0m[96m ['WEEK', 'time'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m nominee [34m|[0m[96m ['account', 'chainId'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m nomineeHash [34m|[0m[96m ['account', 'chainId', 'nominee'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m nomineeWeight [34m|[0m[96m ['pointsWeight'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.WEEK [34m|[0m[96m ['WEEK'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.WEIGHT_VOTE_DELAY [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.MAX_WEIGHT [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.MAX_EVM_CHAIN_ID [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.ve [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.owner [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.dispenser [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.setNominees [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.mapNomineeIds [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.mapRemovedNominees [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.voteUserSlopes [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.voteUserPower [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.lastUserVote [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.pointsWeight [34m|[0m[96m ['pointsWeight'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.changesWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.timeWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.pointsSum [34m|[0m[96m ['pointsSum'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.changesSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.timeSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+Function nomineeRelativeWeight(bytes32,uint256,uint256)
+[34m|[0m[96m Variable [34m|[0m[96m Dependencies [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m account [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m chainId [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m time [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m weight [34m|[0m[96m ['TUPLE_0'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m totalSum [34m|[0m[96m ['TUPLE_0'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.WEEK [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.WEIGHT_VOTE_DELAY [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.MAX_WEIGHT [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.MAX_EVM_CHAIN_ID [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.ve [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.owner [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.dispenser [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.setNominees [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.mapNomineeIds [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.mapRemovedNominees [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.voteUserSlopes [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.voteUserPower [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.lastUserVote [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.pointsWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.changesWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.timeWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.pointsSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.changesSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.timeSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+Function nomineeRelativeWeightWrite(bytes32,uint256,uint256)
+[34m|[0m[96m Variable [34m|[0m[96m Dependencies [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m account [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m chainId [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m time [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m weight [34m|[0m[96m ['TUPLE_1'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m totalSum [34m|[0m[96m ['TUPLE_1'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.WEEK [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.WEIGHT_VOTE_DELAY [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.MAX_WEIGHT [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.MAX_EVM_CHAIN_ID [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.ve [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.owner [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.dispenser [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.setNominees [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.mapNomineeIds [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.mapRemovedNominees [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.voteUserSlopes [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.voteUserPower [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.lastUserVote [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.pointsWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.changesWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.timeWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.pointsSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.changesSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.timeSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+Function voteForNomineeWeights(bytes32,uint256,uint256)
+[34m|[0m[96m Variable [34m|[0m[96m Dependencies [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m account [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m chainId [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m weight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m nomineeHash [34m|[0m[96m ['account', 'chainId'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m slope [34m|[0m[96m ['msg.sender', 've'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m lockEnd [34m|[0m[96m ['msg.sender', 've'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m nextTime [34m|[0m[96m ['WEEK', 'block.timestamp'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m nextAllowedVotingTime [34m|[0m[96m ['WEIGHT_VOTE_DELAY', 'lastUserVote'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m oldSlope [34m|[0m[96m ['oldSlope', 'voteUserSlopes'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m oldBias [34m|[0m[96m ['WEEK', 'block.timestamp', 'nextTime', 'oldBias', 'oldSlope', 'voteUserSlopes'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m newSlope [34m|[0m[96m ['MAX_WEIGHT', 'lockEnd', 'msg.sender', 'newSlope', 'slope', 've', 'weight'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m newBias [34m|[0m[96m ['MAX_WEIGHT', 'WEEK', 'block.timestamp', 'lockEnd', 'msg.sender', 'newSlope', 'nextTime', 'slope', 've', 'weight'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m powerUsed [34m|[0m[96m ['MAX_WEIGHT', 'lockEnd', 'msg.sender', 'newSlope', 'oldSlope', 'powerUsed', 'slope', 've', 'voteUserPower', 'voteUserSlopes', 'weight'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.WEEK [34m|[0m[96m ['WEEK'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.WEIGHT_VOTE_DELAY [34m|[0m[96m ['WEIGHT_VOTE_DELAY'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.MAX_WEIGHT [34m|[0m[96m ['MAX_WEIGHT'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.MAX_EVM_CHAIN_ID [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.ve [34m|[0m[96m ['ve'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.owner [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.dispenser [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.setNominees [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.mapNomineeIds [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.mapRemovedNominees [34m|[0m[96m ['mapRemovedNominees'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.voteUserSlopes [34m|[0m[96m ['voteUserSlopes'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.voteUserPower [34m|[0m[96m ['MAX_WEIGHT', 'lockEnd', 'msg.sender', 'newSlope', 'oldSlope', 'powerUsed', 'slope', 've', 'voteUserPower', 'voteUserSlopes', 'weight'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.lastUserVote [34m|[0m[96m ['lastUserVote'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.pointsWeight [34m|[0m[96m ['pointsWeight'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.changesWeight [34m|[0m[96m ['changesWeight'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.timeWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.pointsSum [34m|[0m[96m ['pointsSum'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.changesSum [34m|[0m[96m ['MAX_WEIGHT', 'changesSum', 'lockEnd', 'msg.sender', 'newSlope', 'oldSlope', 'slope', 've', 'voteUserSlopes', 'weight'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.timeSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+Function voteForNomineeWeightsBatch(bytes32[],uint256[],uint256[])
+[34m|[0m[96m Variable [34m|[0m[96m Dependencies [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m accounts [34m|[0m[96m ['accounts'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m chainIds [34m|[0m[96m ['chainIds'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m weights [34m|[0m[96m ['weights'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m i [34m|[0m[96m ['i'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.WEEK [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.WEIGHT_VOTE_DELAY [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.MAX_WEIGHT [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.MAX_EVM_CHAIN_ID [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.ve [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.owner [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.dispenser [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.setNominees [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.mapNomineeIds [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.mapRemovedNominees [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.voteUserSlopes [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.voteUserPower [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.lastUserVote [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.pointsWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.changesWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.timeWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.pointsSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.changesSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.timeSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+Function _maxAndSub(uint256,uint256)
+[34m|[0m[96m Variable [34m|[0m[96m Dependencies [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m a [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m b [34m|[0m[96m ['oldBias'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.WEEK [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.WEIGHT_VOTE_DELAY [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.MAX_WEIGHT [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.MAX_EVM_CHAIN_ID [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.ve [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.owner [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.dispenser [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.setNominees [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.mapNomineeIds [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.mapRemovedNominees [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.voteUserSlopes [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.voteUserPower [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.lastUserVote [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.pointsWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.changesWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.timeWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.pointsSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.changesSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.timeSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+Function removeNominee(bytes32,uint256)
+[34m|[0m[96m Variable [34m|[0m[96m Dependencies [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m account [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m chainId [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m nominee [34m|[0m[96m ['account', 'chainId', 'setNominees'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m nomineeHash [34m|[0m[96m ['account', 'chainId', 'nominee', 'setNominees'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m id [34m|[0m[96m ['mapNomineeIds'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m oldWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m oldSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m nextTime [34m|[0m[96m ['WEEK', 'block.timestamp'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m newSum [34m|[0m[96m ['oldSum', 'oldWeight'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m localDispenser [34m|[0m[96m ['dispenser'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.WEEK [34m|[0m[96m ['WEEK'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.WEIGHT_VOTE_DELAY [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.MAX_WEIGHT [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.MAX_EVM_CHAIN_ID [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.ve [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.owner [34m|[0m[96m ['owner'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.dispenser [34m|[0m[96m ['dispenser'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.setNominees [34m|[0m[96m ['nominee', 'setNominees'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.mapNomineeIds [34m|[0m[96m ['id', 'mapNomineeIds'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.mapRemovedNominees [34m|[0m[96m ['mapRemovedNominees'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.voteUserSlopes [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.voteUserPower [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.lastUserVote [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.pointsWeight [34m|[0m[96m ['pointsWeight'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.changesWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.timeWeight [34m|[0m[96m ['WEEK', 'block.timestamp', 'nextTime', 'timeWeight'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.pointsSum [34m|[0m[96m ['pointsSum'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.changesSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.timeSum [34m|[0m[96m ['WEEK', 'block.timestamp', 'nextTime'] [34m|[0m[96m
+Function retrieveRemovedNomineeVotingPower(bytes32,uint256)
+[34m|[0m[96m Variable [34m|[0m[96m Dependencies [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m account [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m chainId [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m nominee [34m|[0m[96m ['account', 'chainId'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m nomineeHash [34m|[0m[96m ['account', 'chainId', 'nominee'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m oldSlope [34m|[0m[96m ['oldSlope', 'voteUserSlopes'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m powerUsed [34m|[0m[96m ['oldSlope', 'powerUsed', 'voteUserPower', 'voteUserSlopes'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.WEEK [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.WEIGHT_VOTE_DELAY [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.MAX_WEIGHT [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.MAX_EVM_CHAIN_ID [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.ve [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.owner [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.dispenser [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.setNominees [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.mapNomineeIds [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.mapRemovedNominees [34m|[0m[96m ['mapRemovedNominees'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.voteUserSlopes [34m|[0m[96m ['voteUserSlopes'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.voteUserPower [34m|[0m[96m ['oldSlope', 'powerUsed', 'voteUserPower', 'voteUserSlopes'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.lastUserVote [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.pointsWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.changesWeight [34m|[0m[96m ['changesWeight'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.timeWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.pointsSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.changesSum [34m|[0m[96m ['changesSum', 'oldSlope', 'voteUserSlopes'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.timeSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+Function getNomineeWeight(bytes32,uint256)
+[34m|[0m[96m Variable [34m|[0m[96m Dependencies [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m account [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m chainId [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m nominee [34m|[0m[96m ['account', 'chainId'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m nomineeHash [34m|[0m[96m ['account', 'chainId', 'nominee'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.WEEK [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.WEIGHT_VOTE_DELAY [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.MAX_WEIGHT [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.MAX_EVM_CHAIN_ID [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.ve [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.owner [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.dispenser [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.setNominees [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.mapNomineeIds [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.mapRemovedNominees [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.voteUserSlopes [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.voteUserPower [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.lastUserVote [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.pointsWeight [34m|[0m[96m ['pointsWeight'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.changesWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.timeWeight [34m|[0m[96m ['timeWeight'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.pointsSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.changesSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.timeSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+Function getWeightsSum()
+[34m|[0m[96m Variable [34m|[0m[96m Dependencies [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.WEEK [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.WEIGHT_VOTE_DELAY [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.MAX_WEIGHT [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.MAX_EVM_CHAIN_ID [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.ve [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.owner [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.dispenser [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.setNominees [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.mapNomineeIds [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.mapRemovedNominees [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.voteUserSlopes [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.voteUserPower [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.lastUserVote [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.pointsWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.changesWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.timeWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.pointsSum [34m|[0m[96m ['pointsSum'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.changesSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.timeSum [34m|[0m[96m ['timeSum'] [34m|[0m[96m
+Function getNumNominees()
+[34m|[0m[96m Variable [34m|[0m[96m Dependencies [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.WEEK [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.WEIGHT_VOTE_DELAY [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.MAX_WEIGHT [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.MAX_EVM_CHAIN_ID [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.ve [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.owner [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.dispenser [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.setNominees [34m|[0m[96m ['setNominees'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.mapNomineeIds [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.mapRemovedNominees [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.voteUserSlopes [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.voteUserPower [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.lastUserVote [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.pointsWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.changesWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.timeWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.pointsSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.changesSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.timeSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+Function getAllNominees()
+[34m|[0m[96m Variable [34m|[0m[96m Dependencies [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m nominees [34m|[0m[96m ['setNominees'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.WEEK [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.WEIGHT_VOTE_DELAY [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.MAX_WEIGHT [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.MAX_EVM_CHAIN_ID [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.ve [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.owner [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.dispenser [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.setNominees [34m|[0m[96m ['setNominees'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.mapNomineeIds [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.mapRemovedNominees [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.voteUserSlopes [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.voteUserPower [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.lastUserVote [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.pointsWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.changesWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.timeWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.pointsSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.changesSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.timeSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+Function getNomineeId(bytes32,uint256)
+[34m|[0m[96m Variable [34m|[0m[96m Dependencies [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m account [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m chainId [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m id [34m|[0m[96m ['mapNomineeIds'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m nominee [34m|[0m[96m ['account', 'chainId'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m nomineeHash [34m|[0m[96m ['account', 'chainId', 'nominee'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.WEEK [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.WEIGHT_VOTE_DELAY [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.MAX_WEIGHT [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.MAX_EVM_CHAIN_ID [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.ve [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.owner [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.dispenser [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.setNominees [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.mapNomineeIds [34m|[0m[96m ['mapNomineeIds'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.mapRemovedNominees [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.voteUserSlopes [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.voteUserPower [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.lastUserVote [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.pointsWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.changesWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.timeWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.pointsSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.changesSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.timeSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+Function getNominee(uint256)
+[34m|[0m[96m Variable [34m|[0m[96m Dependencies [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m id [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m nominee [34m|[0m[96m ['setNominees'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m totalNumNominees [34m|[0m[96m ['setNominees'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.WEEK [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.WEIGHT_VOTE_DELAY [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.MAX_WEIGHT [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.MAX_EVM_CHAIN_ID [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.ve [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.owner [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.dispenser [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.setNominees [34m|[0m[96m ['setNominees'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.mapNomineeIds [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.mapRemovedNominees [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.voteUserSlopes [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.voteUserPower [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.lastUserVote [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.pointsWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.changesWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.timeWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.pointsSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.changesSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.timeSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+Function getNominees(uint256,uint256)
+[34m|[0m[96m Variable [34m|[0m[96m Dependencies [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m startId [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m numNominees [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m nominees [34m|[0m[96m ['nominees', 'numNominees', 'setNominees'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m endId [34m|[0m[96m ['numNominees', 'startId'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m totalNumNominees [34m|[0m[96m ['setNominees'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m i [34m|[0m[96m ['i'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m id [34m|[0m[96m ['i', 'startId'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.WEEK [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.WEIGHT_VOTE_DELAY [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.MAX_WEIGHT [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.MAX_EVM_CHAIN_ID [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.ve [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.owner [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.dispenser [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.setNominees [34m|[0m[96m ['setNominees'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.mapNomineeIds [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.mapRemovedNominees [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.voteUserSlopes [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.voteUserPower [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.lastUserVote [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.pointsWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.changesWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.timeWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.pointsSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.changesSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.timeSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+Function getNextAllowedVotingTimes(bytes32[],uint256[],address[])
+[34m|[0m[96m Variable [34m|[0m[96m Dependencies [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m accounts [34m|[0m[96m ['accounts'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m chainIds [34m|[0m[96m ['chainIds'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m voters [34m|[0m[96m ['voters'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m nextAllowedVotingTimes [34m|[0m[96m ['WEIGHT_VOTE_DELAY', 'accounts', 'lastUserVote', 'nextAllowedVotingTimes'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m i [34m|[0m[96m ['i'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m nominee [34m|[0m[96m ['accounts', 'chainIds'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m nomineeHash [34m|[0m[96m ['accounts', 'chainIds', 'nominee'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.WEEK [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.WEIGHT_VOTE_DELAY [34m|[0m[96m ['WEIGHT_VOTE_DELAY'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.MAX_WEIGHT [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.MAX_EVM_CHAIN_ID [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.ve [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.owner [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.dispenser [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.setNominees [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.mapNomineeIds [34m|[0m[96m ['mapNomineeIds'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.mapRemovedNominees [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.voteUserSlopes [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.voteUserPower [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.lastUserVote [34m|[0m[96m ['lastUserVote'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.pointsWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.changesWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.timeWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.pointsSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.changesSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.timeSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+Function slitherConstructorConstantVariables()
+[34m|[0m[96m Variable [34m|[0m[96m Dependencies [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.WEEK [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.WEIGHT_VOTE_DELAY [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.MAX_WEIGHT [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.MAX_EVM_CHAIN_ID [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.ve [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.owner [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.dispenser [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.setNominees [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.mapNomineeIds [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.mapRemovedNominees [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.voteUserSlopes [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.voteUserPower [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.lastUserVote [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.pointsWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.changesWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.timeWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.pointsSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.changesSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.timeSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+INFO:Slither:. analyzed (3 contracts)
diff --git a/audits/internal12/analysis/slither_full.txt b/audits/internal12/analysis/slither_full.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c7f482d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/audits/internal12/analysis/slither_full.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,257 @@
+Not issue: removeNominee owner only
+Potential vulnerable to readonly-reentrancy function (if read in other function) VoteWeighting.getAllNominees() (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#668-670):
+ State variables read that were written after the external call(s):
+ - VoteWeighting.setNominees (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#154) was read at nominees = setNominees (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#669)
+ This variable was written at (after external call):
+ - setNominees[id] = nominee (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#601)
+ - setNominees.pop() (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#603)
+Not issue: removeNominee owner only
+Potential vulnerable to readonly-reentrancy function (if read in other function) VoteWeighting.getNextAllowedVotingTimes(bytes32[],uint256[],address[]) (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#742-769):
+ State variables read that were written after the external call(s):
+ - VoteWeighting.mapNomineeIds (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#156) was read at mapNomineeIds[nomineeHash] == 0 (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#762)
+ This variable was written at (after external call):
+ - mapNomineeIds[nomineeHash] = 0 (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#596)
+ - mapNomineeIds[nomineeHash] = id (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#600)
+ - VoteWeighting.mapNomineeIds (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#156) was read at revert NomineeDoesNotExist(bytes32,uint256)(accounts[i],chainIds[i]) (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#763)
+ This variable was written at (after external call):
+ - mapNomineeIds[nomineeHash] = 0 (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#596)
+ - mapNomineeIds[nomineeHash] = id (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#600)
+ - VoteWeighting.mapNomineeIds (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#156) was read at END_IF (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#762-764)
+ This variable was written at (after external call):
+ - mapNomineeIds[nomineeHash] = 0 (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#596)
+ - mapNomineeIds[nomineeHash] = id (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#600)
+ - VoteWeighting.mapNomineeIds (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#156) was read at nextAllowedVotingTimes[i] = lastUserVote[voters[i]][nomineeHash] + WEIGHT_VOTE_DELAY (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#767)
+ This variable was written at (after external call):
+ - mapNomineeIds[nomineeHash] = 0 (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#596)
+ - mapNomineeIds[nomineeHash] = id (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#600)
+ - VoteWeighting.mapNomineeIds (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#156) was read at ++ i (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#756)
+ This variable was written at (after external call):
+ - mapNomineeIds[nomineeHash] = 0 (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#596)
+ - mapNomineeIds[nomineeHash] = id (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#600)
+Not issue: removeNominee owner only
+Potential vulnerable to readonly-reentrancy function (if read in other function) VoteWeighting.getNominee(uint256) (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#688-699):
+ State variables read that were written after the external call(s):
+ - VoteWeighting.setNominees (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#154) was read at totalNumNominees = setNominees.length - 1 (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#690)
+ This variable was written at (after external call):
+ - setNominees[id] = nominee (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#601)
+ - setNominees.pop() (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#603)
+ - VoteWeighting.setNominees (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#154) was read at id == 0 (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#692)
+ This variable was written at (after external call):
+ - setNominees[id] = nominee (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#601)
+ - setNominees.pop() (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#603)
+ - VoteWeighting.setNominees (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#154) was read at revert ZeroValue()() (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#693)
+ This variable was written at (after external call):
+ - setNominees[id] = nominee (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#601)
+ - setNominees.pop() (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#603)
+ - VoteWeighting.setNominees (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#154) was read at id > totalNumNominees (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#694)
+ This variable was written at (after external call):
+ - setNominees[id] = nominee (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#601)
+ - setNominees.pop() (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#603)
+ - VoteWeighting.setNominees (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#154) was read at revert Overflow(uint256,uint256)(id,totalNumNominees) (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#695)
+ This variable was written at (after external call):
+ - setNominees[id] = nominee (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#601)
+ - setNominees.pop() (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#603)
+ - VoteWeighting.setNominees (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#154) was read at END_IF (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#694-696)
+ This variable was written at (after external call):
+ - setNominees[id] = nominee (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#601)
+ - setNominees.pop() (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#603)
+ - VoteWeighting.setNominees (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#154) was read at END_IF (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#692-696)
+ This variable was written at (after external call):
+ - setNominees[id] = nominee (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#601)
+ - setNominees.pop() (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#603)
+ - VoteWeighting.setNominees (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#154) was read at nominee = setNominees[id] (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#698)
+ This variable was written at (after external call):
+ - setNominees[id] = nominee (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#601)
+ - setNominees.pop() (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#603)
+Not issue: removeNominee owner only
+Potential vulnerable to readonly-reentrancy function (if read in other function) VoteWeighting.getNomineeId(bytes32,uint256) (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#676-682):
+ State variables read that were written after the external call(s):
+ - VoteWeighting.mapNomineeIds (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#156) was read at id = mapNomineeIds[nomineeHash] (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#681)
+ This variable was written at (after external call):
+ - mapNomineeIds[nomineeHash] = 0 (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#596)
+ - mapNomineeIds[nomineeHash] = id (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#600)
+Not issue: removeNominee owner only
+Potential vulnerable to readonly-reentrancy function (if read in other function) VoteWeighting.getNominees(uint256,uint256) (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#706-735):
+ State variables read that were written after the external call(s):
+ - VoteWeighting.setNominees (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#154) was read at totalNumNominees = setNominees.length (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#719)
+ This variable was written at (after external call):
+ - setNominees[id] = nominee (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#601)
+ - setNominees.pop() (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#603)
+ - VoteWeighting.setNominees (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#154) was read at endId > totalNumNominees (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#722)
+ This variable was written at (after external call):
+ - setNominees[id] = nominee (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#601)
+ - setNominees.pop() (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#603)
+ - VoteWeighting.setNominees (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#154) was read at revert Overflow(uint256,uint256)(endId,totalNumNominees) (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#723)
+ This variable was written at (after external call):
+ - setNominees[id] = nominee (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#601)
+ - setNominees.pop() (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#603)
+ - VoteWeighting.setNominees (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#154) was read at END_IF (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#722-724)
+ This variable was written at (after external call):
+ - setNominees[id] = nominee (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#601)
+ - setNominees.pop() (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#603)
+ - VoteWeighting.setNominees (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#154) was read at nominees = new Nominee[](numNominees) (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#727)
+ This variable was written at (after external call):
+ - setNominees[id] = nominee (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#601)
+ - setNominees.pop() (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#603)
+ - VoteWeighting.setNominees (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#154) was read at BEGIN_LOOP (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#730-734)
+ This variable was written at (after external call):
+ - setNominees[id] = nominee (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#601)
+ - setNominees.pop() (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#603)
+ - VoteWeighting.setNominees (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#154) was read at END_LOOP (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#730-734)
+ This variable was written at (after external call):
+ - setNominees[id] = nominee (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#601)
+ - setNominees.pop() (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#603)
+ - VoteWeighting.setNominees (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#154) was read at i = 0 (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#730)
+ This variable was written at (after external call):
+ - setNominees[id] = nominee (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#601)
+ - setNominees.pop() (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#603)
+ - VoteWeighting.setNominees (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#154) was read at i < numNominees (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#730)
+ This variable was written at (after external call):
+ - setNominees[id] = nominee (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#601)
+ - setNominees.pop() (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#603)
+ - VoteWeighting.setNominees (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#154) was read at id = i + startId (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#731)
+ This variable was written at (after external call):
+ - setNominees[id] = nominee (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#601)
+ - setNominees.pop() (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#603)
+ - VoteWeighting.setNominees (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#154) was read at nominees[i] = setNominees[id] (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#733)
+ This variable was written at (after external call):
+ - setNominees[id] = nominee (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#601)
+ - setNominees.pop() (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#603)
+ - VoteWeighting.setNominees (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#154) was read at ++ i (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#730)
+ This variable was written at (after external call):
+ - setNominees[id] = nominee (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#601)
+ - setNominees.pop() (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#603)
+Not issue: removeNominee owner only
+Potential vulnerable to readonly-reentrancy function (if read in other function) VoteWeighting.getNumNominees() (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#661-663):
+ State variables read that were written after the external call(s):
+ - VoteWeighting.setNominees (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#154) was read at setNominees.length - 1 (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#662)
+ This variable was written at (after external call):
+ - setNominees[id] = nominee (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#601)
+ - setNominees.pop() (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#603)
+Reference: https://github.com/pessimistic-io/slitherin/blob/master/docs/readonly_reentrancy.md
+Not issue: rounding by design
+VoteWeighting.constructor(address) (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#189-200) performs a multiplication on the result of a division:
+ - timeSum = block.timestamp / WEEK * WEEK (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#198)
+VoteWeighting._addNominee(Nominee) (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#273-300) performs a multiplication on the result of a division:
+ - nextTime = (block.timestamp + WEEK) / WEEK * WEEK (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#290)
+VoteWeighting._nomineeRelativeWeight(bytes32,uint256,uint256) (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#396-411) performs a multiplication on the result of a division:
+ - t = time / WEEK * WEEK (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#401)
+VoteWeighting.voteForNomineeWeights(bytes32,uint256,uint256) (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#451-530) performs a multiplication on the result of a division:
+ - nextTime = (block.timestamp + WEEK) / WEEK * WEEK (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#462)
+VoteWeighting.removeNominee(bytes32,uint256) (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#558-606) performs a multiplication on the result of a division:
+ - nextTime = (block.timestamp + WEEK) / WEEK * WEEK (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#577)
+Reference: https://github.com/crytic/slither/wiki/Detector-Documentation#divide-before-multiply
+Not issue, but better fix
+Reentrancy in VoteWeighting.removeNominee(bytes32,uint256) (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#558-606):
+ External calls:
+ - IDispenser(localDispenser).removeNominee(nomineeHash) (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#592)
+ State variables written after the call(s):
+ - mapNomineeIds[nomineeHash] = 0 (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#596)
+ VoteWeighting.mapNomineeIds (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#156) can be used in cross function reentrancies:
+ - VoteWeighting._addNominee(Nominee) (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#273-300)
+ - VoteWeighting._getWeight(bytes32,uint256) (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#235-269)
+ - VoteWeighting.getNextAllowedVotingTimes(bytes32[],uint256[],address[]) (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#742-769)
+ - VoteWeighting.getNomineeId(bytes32,uint256) (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#676-682)
+ - VoteWeighting.mapNomineeIds (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#156)
+ - VoteWeighting.removeNominee(bytes32,uint256) (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#558-606)
+ - mapNomineeIds[nomineeHash] = id (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#600)
+ VoteWeighting.mapNomineeIds (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#156) can be used in cross function reentrancies:
+ - VoteWeighting._addNominee(Nominee) (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#273-300)
+ - VoteWeighting._getWeight(bytes32,uint256) (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#235-269)
+ - VoteWeighting.getNextAllowedVotingTimes(bytes32[],uint256[],address[]) (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#742-769)
+ - VoteWeighting.getNomineeId(bytes32,uint256) (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#676-682)
+ - VoteWeighting.mapNomineeIds (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#156)
+ - VoteWeighting.removeNominee(bytes32,uint256) (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#558-606)
+Reference: https://github.com/crytic/slither/wiki/Detector-Documentation#reentrancy-vulnerabilities-1
+No issue.
+VoteWeighting.voteForNomineeWeights(bytes32,uint256,uint256).oldBias (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#482) is a local variable never initialized
+Reference: https://github.com/crytic/slither/wiki/Detector-Documentation#uninitialized-local-variables
+Pay attention.
+Dubious typecast in VoteWeighting.voteForNomineeWeights(bytes32,uint256,uint256) (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#451-530):
+ int128 => uint128 casting occurs in slope = uint256(uint128(IVEOLAS(ve).getLastUserPoint(msg.sender).slope)) (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#460)
+Reference: https://github.com/pessimistic-io/slitherin/blob/master/docs/dubious_typecast.md
+interface VotingEscrow:
+ def get_last_user_slope(addr: address) -> int128: view
+slope: uint256 = convert(VotingEscrow(escrow).get_last_user_slope(msg.sender), uint256)
+own code: uint256 slope = uint256(uint128(IVEOLAS(ve).getLastUserPoint(msg.sender).slope));
+https://vyper.readthedocs.io/_/downloads/en/stable/pdf/ page 50
+• Converting between signed and unsigned integers reverts if the input is negative
+Pay attention.
+VoteWeighting.changeDispenser(address).newDispenser (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#367) lacks a zero-check on :
+ - dispenser = newDispenser (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#373)
+Reference: https://github.com/crytic/slither/wiki/Detector-Documentation#missing-zero-address-validation
+No issue by design.
+VoteWeighting.voteForNomineeWeights(bytes32,uint256,uint256) (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#451-530) has external calls inside a loop: slope = uint256(uint128(IVEOLAS(ve).getLastUserPoint(msg.sender).slope)) (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#460)
+VoteWeighting.voteForNomineeWeights(bytes32,uint256,uint256) (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#451-530) has external calls inside a loop: lockEnd = IVEOLAS(ve).lockedEnd(msg.sender) (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#461)
+Reference: https://github.com/crytic/slither/wiki/Detector-Documentation/#calls-inside-a-loop
+Fix no CEI.
+Reentrancy in VoteWeighting.removeNominee(bytes32,uint256) (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#558-606):
+ External calls:
+ - IDispenser(localDispenser).removeNominee(nomineeHash) (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#592)
+ State variables written after the call(s):
+ - setNominees[id] = nominee (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#601)
+ - setNominees.pop() (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#603)
+Reference: https://github.com/crytic/slither/wiki/Detector-Documentation#reentrancy-vulnerabilities-2
+Not issue. dispenser is trusted
+Reentrancy in VoteWeighting._addNominee(Nominee) (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#273-300):
+ External calls:
+ - IDispenser(localDispenser).addNominee(nomineeHash) (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#296)
+ Event emitted after the call(s):
+ - AddNominee(nominee.account,nominee.chainId,id) (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#299)
+Reentrancy in VoteWeighting.removeNominee(bytes32,uint256) (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#558-606):
+ External calls:
+ - IDispenser(localDispenser).removeNominee(nomineeHash) (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#592)
+ Event emitted after the call(s):
+ - RemoveNominee(account,chainId,newSum) (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#605)
+Not issue. By design
+VoteWeighting._getSum() (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#204-229) uses timestamp for comparisons
+ Dangerous comparisons:
+ - t > block.timestamp (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#209)
+ - t > block.timestamp (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#224)
+VoteWeighting._getWeight(bytes32,uint256) (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#235-269) uses timestamp for comparisons
+ Dangerous comparisons:
+ - t > block.timestamp (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#249)
+ - t > block.timestamp (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#264)
+VoteWeighting.voteForNomineeWeights(bytes32,uint256,uint256) (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#451-530) uses timestamp for comparisons
+ Dangerous comparisons:
+ - nextTime >= lockEnd (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#465)
+ - nextAllowedVotingTime > block.timestamp (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#476)
+ - oldSlope.end > nextTime (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#483)
+ - oldSlope.end > nextTime (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#507)
+ - oldSlope.end > block.timestamp (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#515)
+VoteWeighting._maxAndSub(uint256,uint256) (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#551-553) uses timestamp for comparisons
+ Dangerous comparisons:
+ - a > b (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#552)
+VoteWeighting.retrieveRemovedNomineeVotingPower(bytes32,uint256) (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#611-638) uses timestamp for comparisons
+ Dangerous comparisons:
+ - oldSlope.end > block.timestamp (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#628)
+Not issue. By design
+VoteWeighting._getSum() (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#204-229) has costly operations inside a loop:
+ - timeSum = t (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#225)
+Reference: https://github.com/crytic/slither/wiki/Detector-Documentation#costly-operations-inside-a-loop
+Not issue. Constant.
+In a function VoteWeighting.voteForNomineeWeights(bytes32,uint256,uint256) (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#451-530) variable VoteWeighting.MAX_WEIGHT (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#143) is read multiple times
+Not issue. Optimization is not needed due to loss of code readability.
+In a function VoteWeighting.voteForNomineeWeights(bytes32,uint256,uint256) (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#451-530) variable VoteWeighting.pointsSum (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#181) is read multiple times
+In a function VoteWeighting.voteForNomineeWeights(bytes32,uint256,uint256) (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#451-530) variable VoteWeighting.pointsWeight (VoteWeighting-flatten.sol#174) is read multiple times
+Reference: https://github.com/pessimistic-io/slitherin/blob/master/docs/multiple_storage_read.md
+INFO:Slither:. analyzed (3 contracts with 108 detectors), 33 result(s) found
diff --git a/audits/internal12/analysis/slither_function-summary.txt b/audits/internal12/analysis/slither_function-summary.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0631243
--- /dev/null
+++ b/audits/internal12/analysis/slither_function-summary.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+'solc --version' running
+'solc ./VoteWeighting-flatten.sol --combined-json abi,ast,bin,bin-runtime,srcmap,srcmap-runtime,userdoc,devdoc,hashes --allow-paths .,/home/andrey/valory/autonolas-governance/audits/internal12/analysis/contracts' running
+Contract IDispenser
+Contract vars: []
+Inheritance:: []
+[34m|[0m[96m Function [34m|[0m[96m Visibility [34m|[0m[96m Modifiers [34m|[0m[96m Read [34m|[0m[96m Write [34m|[0m[96m Internal Calls [34m|[0m[96m External Calls [34m|[0m[96m Cyclomatic Complexity [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m addNominee(bytes32) [34m|[0m[96m external [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m 2 [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m removeNominee(bytes32) [34m|[0m[96m external [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m 2 [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m Modifiers [34m|[0m[96m Visibility [34m|[0m[96m Read [34m|[0m[96m Write [34m|[0m[96m Internal Calls [34m|[0m[96m External Calls [34m|[0m[96m Cyclomatic Complexity [34m|[0m[96m
+Contract IVEOLAS
+Contract vars: []
+Inheritance:: []
+[34m|[0m[96m Function [34m|[0m[96m Visibility [34m|[0m[96m Modifiers [34m|[0m[96m Read [34m|[0m[96m Write [34m|[0m[96m Internal Calls [34m|[0m[96m External Calls [34m|[0m[96m Cyclomatic Complexity [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m lockedEnd(address) [34m|[0m[96m external [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m 2 [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m getLastUserPoint(address) [34m|[0m[96m external [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m 2 [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m Modifiers [34m|[0m[96m Visibility [34m|[0m[96m Read [34m|[0m[96m Write [34m|[0m[96m Internal Calls [34m|[0m[96m External Calls [34m|[0m[96m Cyclomatic Complexity [34m|[0m[96m
+Contract VoteWeighting
+Contract vars: ['WEEK', 'WEIGHT_VOTE_DELAY', 'MAX_WEIGHT', 'MAX_EVM_CHAIN_ID', 've', 'owner', 'dispenser', 'setNominees', 'mapNomineeIds', 'mapRemovedNominees', 'voteUserSlopes', 'voteUserPower', 'lastUserVote', 'pointsWeight', 'changesWeight', 'timeWeight', 'pointsSum', 'changesSum', 'timeSum']
+Inheritance:: []
+[34m|[0m[96m Function [34m|[0m[96m Visibility [34m|[0m[96m Modifiers [34m|[0m[96m Read [34m|[0m[96m Write [34m|[0m[96m Internal Calls [34m|[0m[96m External Calls [34m|[0m[96m Cyclomatic Complexity [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m constructor(address) [34m|[0m[96m public [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m ['WEEK', 'block.timestamp'] [34m|[0m[96m ['owner', 'setNominees'] [34m|[0m[96m ['revert ZeroAddress()'] [34m|[0m[96m ['setNominees.push(Nominee(bytes32(0),0))'] [34m|[0m[96m 2 [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m ['msg.sender', 'setNominees'] [34m|[0m[96m ['timeSum', 've'] [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m _getSum() [34m|[0m[96m internal [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m ['WEEK', 'block.timestamp'] [34m|[0m[96m ['pointsSum', 'timeSum'] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m 5 [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m ['changesSum', 'pointsSum'] [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m ['timeSum'] [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m _getWeight(bytes32,uint256) [34m|[0m[96m internal [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m ['WEEK', 'block.timestamp'] [34m|[0m[96m ['pointsWeight', 'timeWeight'] [34m|[0m[96m ['abi.encode()', 'keccak256(bytes)'] [34m|[0m[96m ['abi.encode(nominee)'] [34m|[0m[96m 6 [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m ['changesWeight', 'mapNomineeIds'] [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m ['revert NomineeDoesNotExist(bytes32,uint256)'] [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m ['mapRemovedNominees', 'pointsWeight'] [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m ['timeWeight'] [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m _addNominee(Nominee) [34m|[0m[96m internal [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m ['WEEK', 'block.timestamp'] [34m|[0m[96m ['mapNomineeIds', 'setNominees'] [34m|[0m[96m ['abi.encode()', 'keccak256(bytes)'] [34m|[0m[96m ['IDispenser(localDispenser).addNominee(nomineeHash)', 'abi.encode(nominee)'] [34m|[0m[96m 4 [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m ['dispenser', 'mapNomineeIds'] [34m|[0m[96m ['timeWeight'] [34m|[0m[96m ['revert NomineeAlreadyExists(bytes32,uint256)', 'revert NomineeRemoved(bytes32,uint256)'] [34m|[0m[96m ['setNominees.push(nominee)'] [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m ['mapRemovedNominees', 'setNominees'] [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m addNomineeEVM(address,uint256) [34m|[0m[96m external [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m ['MAX_EVM_CHAIN_ID'] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m ['_addNominee', 'revert Overflow(uint256,uint256)'] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m 4 [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m ['revert ZeroAddress()', 'revert ZeroValue()'] [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m addNomineeNonEVM(bytes32,uint256) [34m|[0m[96m external [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m ['MAX_EVM_CHAIN_ID'] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m ['_addNominee', 'revert Underflow(uint256,uint256)'] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m 3 [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m ['revert ZeroAddress()'] [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m changeOwner(address) [34m|[0m[96m external [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m ['msg.sender', 'owner'] [34m|[0m[96m ['owner'] [34m|[0m[96m ['revert OwnerOnly(address,address)', 'revert ZeroAddress()'] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m 3 [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m changeDispenser(address) [34m|[0m[96m external [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m ['msg.sender', 'owner'] [34m|[0m[96m ['dispenser'] [34m|[0m[96m ['revert OwnerOnly(address,address)'] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m 2 [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m checkpoint() [34m|[0m[96m external [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m ['_getSum'] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m 1 [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m checkpointNominee(bytes32,uint256) [34m|[0m[96m external [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m ['_getSum', '_getWeight'] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m 1 [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m _nomineeRelativeWeight(bytes32,uint256,uint256) [34m|[0m[96m internal [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m ['WEEK', 'pointsSum'] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m ['abi.encode()', 'keccak256(bytes)'] [34m|[0m[96m ['abi.encode(nominee)'] [34m|[0m[96m 2 [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m ['pointsWeight'] [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m nomineeRelativeWeight(bytes32,uint256,uint256) [34m|[0m[96m external [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m ['_nomineeRelativeWeight'] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m 1 [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m nomineeRelativeWeightWrite(bytes32,uint256,uint256) [34m|[0m[96m external [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m ['_getSum', '_getWeight'] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m 1 [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m ['_nomineeRelativeWeight'] [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m voteForNomineeWeights(bytes32,uint256,uint256) [34m|[0m[96m public [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m ['MAX_WEIGHT', 'WEEK'] [34m|[0m[96m ['changesSum', 'changesWeight'] [34m|[0m[96m ['_getSum', '_getWeight'] [34m|[0m[96m ['IVEOLAS(ve).getLastUserPoint(msg.sender)', 'IVEOLAS(ve).lockedEnd(msg.sender)'] [34m|[0m[96m 9 [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m ['WEIGHT_VOTE_DELAY', 'block.timestamp'] [34m|[0m[96m ['lastUserVote', 'pointsSum'] [34m|[0m[96m ['_maxAndSub', 'abi.encode()'] [34m|[0m[96m ['abi.encode(Nominee(account,chainId))'] [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m ['changesSum', 'changesWeight'] [34m|[0m[96m ['pointsWeight', 'voteUserPower'] [34m|[0m[96m ['keccak256(bytes)', 'revert LockExpired(address,uint256,uint256)'] [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m ['lastUserVote', 'mapRemovedNominees'] [34m|[0m[96m ['voteUserSlopes'] [34m|[0m[96m ['revert NomineeRemoved(bytes32,uint256)', 'revert Overflow(uint256,uint256)'] [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m ['msg.sender', 'pointsSum'] [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m ['revert VoteTooOften(address,uint256,uint256)'] [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m ['pointsWeight', 've'] [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m ['voteUserPower', 'voteUserSlopes'] [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m voteForNomineeWeightsBatch(bytes32[],uint256[],uint256[]) [34m|[0m[96m external [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m ['revert WrongArrayLength(uint256,uint256)', 'voteForNomineeWeights'] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m 3 [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m _maxAndSub(uint256,uint256) [34m|[0m[96m internal [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m 1 [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m removeNominee(bytes32,uint256) [34m|[0m[96m external [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m ['WEEK', 'block.timestamp'] [34m|[0m[96m ['mapNomineeIds', 'mapRemovedNominees'] [34m|[0m[96m ['_getSum', '_getWeight'] [34m|[0m[96m ['IDispenser(localDispenser).removeNominee(nomineeHash)', 'abi.encode(nominee)'] [34m|[0m[96m 4 [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m ['dispenser', 'mapNomineeIds'] [34m|[0m[96m ['pointsSum', 'pointsWeight'] [34m|[0m[96m ['abi.encode()', 'keccak256(bytes)'] [34m|[0m[96m ['abi.encode(nominee)', 'setNominees.pop()'] [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m ['msg.sender', 'owner'] [34m|[0m[96m ['setNominees', 'timeSum'] [34m|[0m[96m ['revert NomineeDoesNotExist(bytes32,uint256)', 'revert OwnerOnly(address,address)'] [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m ['pointsSum', 'pointsWeight'] [34m|[0m[96m ['timeWeight'] [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m ['setNominees'] [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m retrieveRemovedNomineeVotingPower(bytes32,uint256) [34m|[0m[96m external [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m ['block.timestamp', 'changesSum'] [34m|[0m[96m ['changesSum', 'changesWeight'] [34m|[0m[96m ['abi.encode()', 'keccak256(bytes)'] [34m|[0m[96m ['abi.encode(nominee)'] [34m|[0m[96m 4 [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m ['changesWeight', 'mapRemovedNominees'] [34m|[0m[96m ['voteUserPower', 'voteUserSlopes'] [34m|[0m[96m ['revert NomineeNotRemoved(bytes32,uint256)', 'revert ZeroValue()'] [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m ['msg.sender', 'voteUserPower'] [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m ['voteUserSlopes'] [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m getNomineeWeight(bytes32,uint256) [34m|[0m[96m external [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m ['pointsWeight', 'timeWeight'] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m ['abi.encode()', 'keccak256(bytes)'] [34m|[0m[96m ['abi.encode(nominee)'] [34m|[0m[96m 1 [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m getWeightsSum() [34m|[0m[96m external [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m ['pointsSum', 'timeSum'] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m 1 [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m getNumNominees() [34m|[0m[96m external [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m ['setNominees'] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m 1 [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m getAllNominees() [34m|[0m[96m external [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m ['setNominees'] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m 1 [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m getNomineeId(bytes32,uint256) [34m|[0m[96m external [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m ['mapNomineeIds'] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m ['abi.encode()', 'keccak256(bytes)'] [34m|[0m[96m ['abi.encode(nominee)'] [34m|[0m[96m 1 [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m getNominee(uint256) [34m|[0m[96m external [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m ['setNominees'] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m ['revert Overflow(uint256,uint256)', 'revert ZeroValue()'] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m 3 [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m getNominees(uint256,uint256) [34m|[0m[96m external [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m ['setNominees'] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m ['revert Overflow(uint256,uint256)', 'revert ZeroValue()'] [34m|[0m[96m ['new Nominee[](numNominees)'] [34m|[0m[96m 4 [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m getNextAllowedVotingTimes(bytes32[],uint256[],address[]) [34m|[0m[96m external [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m ['WEIGHT_VOTE_DELAY', 'lastUserVote'] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m ['abi.encode()', 'keccak256(bytes)'] [34m|[0m[96m ['abi.encode(nominee)', 'new uint256[](accounts.length)'] [34m|[0m[96m 4 [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m ['mapNomineeIds'] [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m ['revert NomineeDoesNotExist(bytes32,uint256)', 'revert WrongArrayLength(uint256,uint256)'] [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m slitherConstructorConstantVariables() [34m|[0m[96m internal [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m ['MAX_EVM_CHAIN_ID', 'MAX_WEIGHT'] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m 1 [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m ['WEEK', 'WEIGHT_VOTE_DELAY'] [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m Modifiers [34m|[0m[96m Visibility [34m|[0m[96m Read [34m|[0m[96m Write [34m|[0m[96m Internal Calls [34m|[0m[96m External Calls [34m|[0m[96m Cyclomatic Complexity [34m|[0m[96m
+INFO:Slither:. analyzed (3 contracts)
diff --git a/audits/internal12/analysis/slither_human-summary.txt b/audits/internal12/analysis/slither_human-summary.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9e4335b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/audits/internal12/analysis/slither_human-summary.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+'solc --version' running
+'solc ./VoteWeighting-flatten.sol --combined-json abi,ast,bin,bin-runtime,srcmap,srcmap-runtime,userdoc,devdoc,hashes --allow-paths .,/home/andrey/valory/autonolas-governance/audits/internal12/analysis/contracts' running
+Compiled with solc
+Total number of contracts in source files: 3
+Source lines of code (SLOC) in source files: 408
+Number of assembly lines: 0
+Number of optimization issues: 3
+Number of informational issues: 5
+Number of low issues: 11
+Number of medium issues: 8
+Number of high issues: 6
+[34m|[0m[96m Name [34m|[0m[96m # functions [34m|[0m[96m ERCS [34m|[0m[96m ERC20 info [34m|[0m[96m Complex code [34m|[0m[96m Features [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m IDispenser [34m|[0m[96m 2 [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m No [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m IVEOLAS [34m|[0m[96m 2 [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m No [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting [34m|[0m[96m 27 [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m Yes [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m
+INFO:Slither:. analyzed (3 contracts)
diff --git a/audits/internal12/analysis/slither_inheritance-graph.txt b/audits/internal12/analysis/slither_inheritance-graph.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..21b4f3d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/audits/internal12/analysis/slither_inheritance-graph.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+'solc --version' running
+'solc ./VoteWeighting-flatten.sol --combined-json abi,ast,bin,bin-runtime,srcmap,srcmap-runtime,userdoc,devdoc,hashes --allow-paths .,/home/andrey/valory/autonolas-governance/audits/internal12/analysis/contracts' running
+INFO:Printers:Inheritance Graph: ./VoteWeighting-flatten.sol.inheritance-graph.dot
+INFO:Slither:. analyzed (3 contracts)
diff --git a/audits/internal12/analysis/slither_inheritance.txt b/audits/internal12/analysis/slither_inheritance.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d5bf452
--- /dev/null
+++ b/audits/internal12/analysis/slither_inheritance.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+'solc --version' running
+'solc ./VoteWeighting-flatten.sol --combined-json abi,ast,bin,bin-runtime,srcmap,srcmap-runtime,userdoc,devdoc,hashes --allow-paths .,/home/andrey/valory/autonolas-governance/audits/internal12/analysis/contracts' running
+Child_Contract -> Immediate_Base_Contracts [Not_Immediate_Base_Contracts]
++ IDispenser
++ VoteWeighting
+Base_Contract -> Immediate_Child_Contracts
+ [Not_Immediate_Child_Contracts]
++ IDispenser
++ VoteWeighting
+INFO:Slither:. analyzed (3 contracts)
diff --git a/audits/internal12/analysis/slither_modifiers.txt b/audits/internal12/analysis/slither_modifiers.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0d286fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/audits/internal12/analysis/slither_modifiers.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+'solc --version' running
+'solc ./VoteWeighting-flatten.sol --combined-json abi,ast,bin,bin-runtime,srcmap,srcmap-runtime,userdoc,devdoc,hashes --allow-paths .,/home/andrey/valory/autonolas-governance/audits/internal12/analysis/contracts' running
+Contract IDispenser
+[34m|[0m[96m Function [34m|[0m[96m Modifiers [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m addNominee [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m removeNominee [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+Contract IVEOLAS
+[34m|[0m[96m Function [34m|[0m[96m Modifiers [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m lockedEnd [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m getLastUserPoint [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+Contract VoteWeighting
+[34m|[0m[96m Function [34m|[0m[96m Modifiers [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m constructor [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m _getSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m _getWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m _addNominee [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m addNomineeEVM [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m addNomineeNonEVM [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m changeOwner [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m changeDispenser [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m checkpoint [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m checkpointNominee [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m _nomineeRelativeWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m nomineeRelativeWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m nomineeRelativeWeightWrite [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m voteForNomineeWeights [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m voteForNomineeWeightsBatch [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m _maxAndSub [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m removeNominee [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m retrieveRemovedNomineeVotingPower [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m getNomineeWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m getWeightsSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m getNumNominees [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m getAllNominees [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m getNomineeId [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m getNominee [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m getNominees [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m getNextAllowedVotingTimes [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m slitherConstructorConstantVariables [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+INFO:Slither:. analyzed (3 contracts)
diff --git a/audits/internal12/analysis/slither_require.txt b/audits/internal12/analysis/slither_require.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d6984c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/audits/internal12/analysis/slither_require.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+'solc --version' running
+'solc ./VoteWeighting-flatten.sol --combined-json abi,ast,bin,bin-runtime,srcmap,srcmap-runtime,userdoc,devdoc,hashes --allow-paths .,/home/andrey/valory/autonolas-governance/audits/internal12/analysis/contracts' running
+Contract IDispenser
+[34m|[0m[96m Function [34m|[0m[96m require or assert [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m addNominee [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m removeNominee [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m
+Contract IVEOLAS
+[34m|[0m[96m Function [34m|[0m[96m require or assert [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m lockedEnd [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m getLastUserPoint [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m
+Contract VoteWeighting
+[34m|[0m[96m Function [34m|[0m[96m require or assert [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m constructor [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m _getSum [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m _getWeight [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m _addNominee [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m addNomineeEVM [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m addNomineeNonEVM [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m changeOwner [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m changeDispenser [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m checkpoint [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m checkpointNominee [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m _nomineeRelativeWeight [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m nomineeRelativeWeight [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m nomineeRelativeWeightWrite [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m voteForNomineeWeights [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m voteForNomineeWeightsBatch [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m _maxAndSub [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m removeNominee [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m retrieveRemovedNomineeVotingPower [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m getNomineeWeight [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m getWeightsSum [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m getNumNominees [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m getAllNominees [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m getNomineeId [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m getNominee [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m getNominees [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m getNextAllowedVotingTimes [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m slitherConstructorConstantVariables [34m|[0m[96m [34m|[0m[96m
+INFO:Slither:. analyzed (3 contracts)
diff --git a/audits/internal12/analysis/slither_variable-order.txt b/audits/internal12/analysis/slither_variable-order.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8e96d1e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/audits/internal12/analysis/slither_variable-order.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+'solc --version' running
+'solc ./VoteWeighting-flatten.sol --combined-json abi,ast,bin,bin-runtime,srcmap,srcmap-runtime,userdoc,devdoc,hashes --allow-paths .,/home/andrey/valory/autonolas-governance/audits/internal12/analysis/contracts' running
+[34m|[0m[96m Name [34m|[0m[96m Type [34m|[0m[96m Slot [34m|[0m[96m Offset [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m Name [34m|[0m[96m Type [34m|[0m[96m Slot [34m|[0m[96m Offset [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m Name [34m|[0m[96m Type [34m|[0m[96m Slot [34m|[0m[96m Offset [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.owner [34m|[0m[96m address [34m|[0m[96m 0 [34m|[0m[96m 0 [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.dispenser [34m|[0m[96m address [34m|[0m[96m 1 [34m|[0m[96m 0 [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.setNominees [34m|[0m[96m Nominee[] [34m|[0m[96m 2 [34m|[0m[96m 0 [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.mapNomineeIds [34m|[0m[96m mapping(bytes32 => uint256) [34m|[0m[96m 3 [34m|[0m[96m 0 [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.mapRemovedNominees [34m|[0m[96m mapping(bytes32 => bool) [34m|[0m[96m 4 [34m|[0m[96m 0 [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.voteUserSlopes [34m|[0m[96m mapping(address => mapping(bytes32 => VotedSlope)) [34m|[0m[96m 5 [34m|[0m[96m 0 [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.voteUserPower [34m|[0m[96m mapping(address => uint256) [34m|[0m[96m 6 [34m|[0m[96m 0 [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.lastUserVote [34m|[0m[96m mapping(address => mapping(bytes32 => uint256)) [34m|[0m[96m 7 [34m|[0m[96m 0 [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.pointsWeight [34m|[0m[96m mapping(bytes32 => mapping(uint256 => Point)) [34m|[0m[96m 8 [34m|[0m[96m 0 [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.changesWeight [34m|[0m[96m mapping(bytes32 => mapping(uint256 => uint256)) [34m|[0m[96m 9 [34m|[0m[96m 0 [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.timeWeight [34m|[0m[96m mapping(bytes32 => uint256) [34m|[0m[96m 10 [34m|[0m[96m 0 [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.pointsSum [34m|[0m[96m mapping(uint256 => Point) [34m|[0m[96m 11 [34m|[0m[96m 0 [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.changesSum [34m|[0m[96m mapping(uint256 => uint256) [34m|[0m[96m 12 [34m|[0m[96m 0 [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m VoteWeighting.timeSum [34m|[0m[96m uint256 [34m|[0m[96m 13 [34m|[0m[96m 0 [34m|[0m[96m
+INFO:Slither:. analyzed (3 contracts)
diff --git a/audits/internal12/analysis/slither_vars-and-auth.txt b/audits/internal12/analysis/slither_vars-and-auth.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..476954a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/audits/internal12/analysis/slither_vars-and-auth.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+'solc --version' running
+'solc ./VoteWeighting-flatten.sol --combined-json abi,ast,bin,bin-runtime,srcmap,srcmap-runtime,userdoc,devdoc,hashes --allow-paths .,/home/andrey/valory/autonolas-governance/audits/internal12/analysis/contracts' running
+Contract IDispenser
+[34m|[0m[96m Function [34m|[0m[96m State variables written [34m|[0m[96m Conditions on msg.sender [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m addNominee [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m removeNominee [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+Contract IVEOLAS
+[34m|[0m[96m Function [34m|[0m[96m State variables written [34m|[0m[96m Conditions on msg.sender [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m lockedEnd [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m getLastUserPoint [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+Contract VoteWeighting
+[34m|[0m[96m Function [34m|[0m[96m State variables written [34m|[0m[96m Conditions on msg.sender [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m constructor [34m|[0m[96m ['owner', 'setNominees', 'timeSum', 've'] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m _getSum [34m|[0m[96m ['pointsSum', 'timeSum'] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m _getWeight [34m|[0m[96m ['pointsWeight', 'timeWeight'] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m _addNominee [34m|[0m[96m ['mapNomineeIds', 'setNominees', 'timeWeight'] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m addNomineeEVM [34m|[0m[96m ['mapNomineeIds', 'setNominees', 'timeWeight'] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m addNomineeNonEVM [34m|[0m[96m ['mapNomineeIds', 'setNominees', 'timeWeight'] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m changeOwner [34m|[0m[96m ['owner'] [34m|[0m[96m ['msg.sender != owner'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m changeDispenser [34m|[0m[96m ['dispenser'] [34m|[0m[96m ['msg.sender != owner'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m checkpoint [34m|[0m[96m ['pointsSum', 'timeSum'] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m checkpointNominee [34m|[0m[96m ['pointsSum', 'pointsWeight', 'timeSum', 'timeWeight'] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m _nomineeRelativeWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m nomineeRelativeWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m nomineeRelativeWeightWrite [34m|[0m[96m ['pointsSum', 'pointsWeight', 'timeSum', 'timeWeight'] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m voteForNomineeWeights [34m|[0m[96m ['changesSum', 'changesWeight', 'lastUserVote', 'pointsSum', 'pointsWeight', 'timeSum', 'timeWeight', 'voteUserPower', 'voteUserSlopes'] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m voteForNomineeWeightsBatch [34m|[0m[96m ['changesSum', 'changesWeight', 'lastUserVote', 'pointsSum', 'pointsWeight', 'timeSum', 'timeWeight', 'voteUserPower', 'voteUserSlopes'] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m _maxAndSub [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m removeNominee [34m|[0m[96m ['mapNomineeIds', 'mapRemovedNominees', 'pointsSum', 'pointsWeight', 'setNominees', 'timeSum', 'timeWeight'] [34m|[0m[96m ['msg.sender != owner'] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m retrieveRemovedNomineeVotingPower [34m|[0m[96m ['changesSum', 'changesWeight', 'voteUserPower', 'voteUserSlopes'] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m getNomineeWeight [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m getWeightsSum [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m getNumNominees [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m getAllNominees [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m getNomineeId [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m getNominee [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m getNominees [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m getNextAllowedVotingTimes [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+[34m|[0m[96m slitherConstructorConstantVariables [34m|[0m[96m ['MAX_EVM_CHAIN_ID', 'MAX_WEIGHT', 'WEEK', 'WEIGHT_VOTE_DELAY'] [34m|[0m[96m [] [34m|[0m[96m
+INFO:Slither:. analyzed (3 contracts)
diff --git a/contracts/test/EchidnaVoteWeightingAssert.sol b/contracts/test/EchidnaVoteWeightingAssert.sol
index 8550487..748c3eb 100644
--- a/contracts/test/EchidnaVoteWeightingAssert.sol
+++ b/contracts/test/EchidnaVoteWeightingAssert.sol
@@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ contract EchidnaVoteWeightingAssert {
OLAS olas;
veOLAS ve;
VoteWeightingFuzzing vw;
- uint160 constant FAKE_OLAS = 7;
uint256 constant oneOLASBalance = 1 ether;
uint256 constant fourYear = 4 * 365 * 86400;
@@ -34,7 +33,7 @@ contract EchidnaVoteWeightingAssert {
// voteForNomineeWeights_assert(0xdeadbeef,1,0,4495678220902361,1124857)
- function voteForNomineeWeights_assert(address nominee, uint32 chainId, uint16 weight, uint256 amount, uint32 unlockTime) external {
+ function voteForNomineeWeights_assert(address account, uint32 chainId, uint16 weight, uint256 amount, uint32 unlockTime) external {
require(block.timestamp > 0);
require(block.timestamp > ts);
require(unlockTime < fourYear);
@@ -52,7 +51,8 @@ contract EchidnaVoteWeightingAssert {
(uint128 lockedAmount,) = ve.mapLockedBalances(address(this));
assert(lockedAmount > 0);
- vw.addNominee(nominee, chainId);
+ vw.addNomineeEVM(account, chainId);
+ bytes32 nominee = bytes32(uint256(uint160(account)));
uint256 id = vw.getNomineeId(nominee, chainId);
uint256 num = vw.getNumNominees();
assert(id > 0);
diff --git a/contracts/test/VoteWeightingFuzzing.sol b/contracts/test/VoteWeightingFuzzing.sol
index 5ea83cb..e675023 100644
--- a/contracts/test/VoteWeightingFuzzing.sol
+++ b/contracts/test/VoteWeightingFuzzing.sol
@@ -1,8 +1,18 @@
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.23;
-import "../interfaces/IErrors.sol";
+// Dispenser interface
+interface IDispenser {
+ /// @dev Records nominee addition in dispenser.
+ /// @param nomineeHash Nominee hash.
+ function addNominee(bytes32 nomineeHash) external;
+ /// @dev Records nominee removal.
+ /// @param nomineeHash Nominee hash.
+ function removeNominee(bytes32 nomineeHash) external;
+// veOLAS interface
interface IVEOLAS {
// Structure for voting escrow points
// The struct size is two storage slots of 2 * uint256 (128 + 128 + 64 + 64 + 128)
@@ -31,25 +41,93 @@ interface IVEOLAS {
function getLastUserPoint(address account) external view returns (PointVoting memory pv);
-error NomineeDoesNotExist(address nominee, uint256 chainId);
-error NomineeAlreadyExists(address nominee, uint256 chainId);
+/// @dev Only `owner` has a privilege, but the `sender` was provided.
+/// @param sender Sender address.
+/// @param owner Required sender address as an owner.
+error OwnerOnly(address sender, address owner);
+/// @dev Provided zero address.
+error ZeroAddressVW();
+/// @dev Zero value when it has to be different from zero.
+error ZeroValue();
+/// @dev Wrong length of two arrays.
+/// @param numValues1 Number of values in a first array.
+/// @param numValues2 Number of values in a second array.
+error WrongArrayLength(uint256 numValues1, uint256 numValues2);
+/// @dev Value overflow.
+/// @param provided Overflow value.
+/// @param max Maximum possible value.
+error Overflow(uint256 provided, uint256 max);
+/// @dev Underflow value.
+/// @param provided Provided value.
+/// @param expected Minimum expected value.
+error Underflow(uint256 provided, uint256 expected);
+/// @dev Nominee does not exist.
+/// @param account Nominee account address.
+/// @param chainId Nominee chain Id.
+error NomineeDoesNotExist(bytes32 account, uint256 chainId);
+/// @dev Nominee already exists.
+/// @param account Nominee account address.
+/// @param chainId Nominee chain Id.
+error NomineeAlreadyExists(bytes32 account, uint256 chainId);
+/// @dev Value lock is expired.
+/// @param account Address that is checked for the locked value.
+/// @param deadline The lock expiration deadline.
+/// @param curTime Current timestamp.
+error LockExpired(address account, uint256 deadline, uint256 curTime);
+/// @dev The vote has been performed already.
+/// @param voter Voter address.
+/// @param curTime Current time.
+/// @param nextAllowedVotingTime Next allowed voting time.
error VoteTooOften(address voter, uint256 curTime, uint256 nextAllowedVotingTime);
+/// @dev Nominee is not in the removed nominee map.
+/// @param account Nominee account address.
+/// @param chainId Nominee chain Id.
+error NomineeNotRemoved(bytes32 account, uint256 chainId);
+/// @dev Nominee is in the removed nominee map.
+/// @param account Nominee account address.
+/// @param chainId Nominee chain Id.
+error NomineeRemoved(bytes32 account, uint256 chainId);
+// Point struct
struct Point {
uint256 bias;
uint256 slope;
+// Voted slope struct
struct VotedSlope {
uint256 slope;
uint256 power;
uint256 end;
-contract VoteWeightingFuzzing is IErrors {
- event NewNomineeWeight(address indexed nominee, uint256 chainId, uint256 weight, uint256 totalWeight);
- event VoteForNominee(address indexed user, address indexed nominee, uint256 chainId, uint256 weight);
- event NewNominee(address nominee, uint256 chainId);
+// Nominee struct
+struct Nominee {
+ bytes32 account;
+ uint256 chainId;
+/// @title VoteWeighting - Smart contract for Vote Weighting with specific nominees composed of address and chain Id
+/// @author Aleksandr Kuperman -
+/// @author Andrey Lebedev -
+/// @author Mariapia Moscatiello -
+contract VoteWeightingFuzzing {
+ event OwnerUpdated(address indexed owner);
+ event VoteForNominee(address indexed user, bytes32 indexed nominee, uint256 chainId, uint256 weight);
+ event AddNominee(bytes32 indexed account, uint256 chainId, uint256 id);
+ event RemoveNominee(bytes32 indexed account, uint256 chainId, uint256 newSum);
// 7 * 86400 seconds - all future times are rounded by week
uint256 public constant WEEK = 604_800;
@@ -58,24 +136,27 @@ contract VoteWeightingFuzzing is IErrors {
// Max weight amount
uint256 public constant MAX_WEIGHT = 10_000;
// Maximum chain Id as per EVM specs
- uint256 public constant MAX_CHAIN_ID = type(uint64).max / 2 - 36;
+ uint256 public constant MAX_EVM_CHAIN_ID = type(uint64).max / 2 - 36;
// veOLAS contract address
address public immutable ve;
- bool public callVoteForNomineeWeights = false;
- // TODO: Convert both to cyclic map?
- // Set of (chainId | nominee)
- uint256[] public setNominees;
- // Mapping of (chainId | nominee) => nominee Id
- mapping(uint256 => uint256) public mapNomineeIds;
- // user -> (chainId | nominee) -> VotedSlope
- mapping(address => mapping(uint256 => VotedSlope)) public voteUserSlopes;
+ // Contract owner address
+ address public owner;
+ // Dispenser contract
+ address public dispenser;
+ // Set of Nominee structs
+ Nominee[] public setNominees;
+ // Mapping of hash(Nominee struct) => nominee Id
+ mapping(bytes32 => uint256) public mapNomineeIds;
+ // Mapping of hash(Nominee struct) => previously removed nominee flag
+ mapping(bytes32 => bool) public mapRemovedNominees;
+ // user -> hash(Nominee struct) -> VotedSlope
+ mapping(address => mapping(bytes32 => VotedSlope)) public voteUserSlopes;
// Total vote power used by user
mapping(address => uint256) public voteUserPower;
- // Last user vote's timestamp for each (chainId | nominee)
- mapping(address => mapping(uint256 => uint256)) public lastUserVote;
+ // Last user vote's timestamp for each hash(Nominee struct)
+ mapping(address => mapping(bytes32 => uint256)) public lastUserVote;
// Past and scheduled points for nominee weight, sum of weights per type, total weight
// Point is for bias+slope
@@ -83,12 +164,12 @@ contract VoteWeightingFuzzing is IErrors {
// time_* are for the last change timestamp
// timestamps are rounded to whole weeks
- // (chainId | nominee) -> time -> Point
- mapping(uint256 => mapping(uint256 => Point)) public pointsWeight;
- // (chainId | nominee) -> time -> slope
- mapping(uint256 => mapping(uint256 => uint256)) public changesWeight;
- // (chainId | nominee) -> last scheduled time (next week)
- mapping(uint256 => uint256) public timeWeight;
+ // hash(Nominee struct) -> time -> Point
+ mapping(bytes32 => mapping(uint256 => Point)) public pointsWeight;
+ // hash(Nominee struct) -> time -> slope
+ mapping(bytes32 => mapping(uint256 => uint256)) public changesWeight;
+ // hash(Nominee struct) -> last scheduled time (next week)
+ mapping(bytes32 => uint256) public timeWeight;
// time -> Point
mapping(uint256 => Point) public pointsSum;
@@ -96,19 +177,22 @@ contract VoteWeightingFuzzing is IErrors {
mapping(uint256 => uint256) public changesSum;
// last scheduled time (next week)
uint256 public timeSum;
+ // for fuzzing
+ bool public callVoteForNomineeWeights = false;
/// @dev Contract constructor.
- /// @param _ve `VotingEscrow` contract address.
+ /// @param _ve Voting Escrow contract address.
constructor(address _ve) {
// Check for the zero address
if (_ve == address(0)) {
- revert ZeroAddress();
+ revert ZeroAddressVW();
// Set initial parameters
+ owner = msg.sender;
ve = _ve;
timeSum = block.timestamp / WEEK * WEEK;
- setNominees.push(0);
+ setNominees.push(Nominee(bytes32(0), 0));
/// @dev Fill sum of nominee weights for the same type week-over-week for missed checkins and return the sum for the future week.
@@ -141,25 +225,22 @@ contract VoteWeightingFuzzing is IErrors {
/// @dev Fill historic nominee weights week-over-week for missed checkins and return the total for the future week.
- /// @param nominee Address of the nominee.
- /// @param chainId Chain Id.
+ /// @param account Nominee account address in bytes32 form.
+ /// @param chainId Nominee chain Id.
/// @return Nominee weight.
- function _getWeight(address nominee, uint256 chainId) internal returns (uint256) {
- // Push a pair of key defining variables into one key
- // Nominee address and chain Id
- // nominee occupies first 160 bits
- uint256 nomineeChainId = uint256(uint160(nominee));
- // chain Id occupies no more than next 64 bits
- nomineeChainId |= chainId << 160;
- // Check that the nominee exists
- if (mapNomineeIds[nomineeChainId] == 0) {
- revert NomineeDoesNotExist(nominee, chainId);
+ function _getWeight(bytes32 account, uint256 chainId) internal returns (uint256) {
+ // Construct the nominee struct
+ Nominee memory nominee = Nominee(account, chainId);
+ // Check that the nominee exists or has been removed
+ bytes32 nomineeHash = keccak256(abi.encode(nominee));
+ if (!mapRemovedNominees[nomineeHash] && mapNomineeIds[nomineeHash] == 0) {
+ revert NomineeDoesNotExist(account, chainId);
// t is always > 0 as it is set during the addNominee() call
- uint256 t = timeWeight[nomineeChainId];
- Point memory pt = pointsWeight[nomineeChainId][t];
+ uint256 t = timeWeight[nomineeHash];
+ Point memory pt = pointsWeight[nomineeHash][t];
for (uint256 i = 0; i < 500; i++) {
if (t > block.timestamp) {
@@ -168,56 +249,124 @@ contract VoteWeightingFuzzing is IErrors {
uint256 dBias = pt.slope * WEEK;
if (pt.bias > dBias) {
pt.bias -= dBias;
- uint256 dSlope = changesWeight[nomineeChainId][t];
+ uint256 dSlope = changesWeight[nomineeHash][t];
pt.slope -= dSlope;
} else {
pt.bias = 0;
pt.slope = 0;
- pointsWeight[nomineeChainId][t] = pt;
+ pointsWeight[nomineeHash][t] = pt;
if (t > block.timestamp) {
- timeWeight[nomineeChainId] = t;
+ timeWeight[nomineeHash] = t;
return pt.bias;
/// @dev Add nominee address along with the chain Id.
- /// @param nominee Address of the nominee.
+ /// @param nominee Nominee account address and chainId.
+ function _addNominee(Nominee memory nominee) internal {
+ // Check for the nominee existence
+ bytes32 nomineeHash = keccak256(abi.encode(nominee));
+ if (mapNomineeIds[nomineeHash] > 0) {
+ revert NomineeAlreadyExists(nominee.account, nominee.chainId);
+ }
+ // Check for the previously removed nominee
+ if (mapRemovedNominees[nomineeHash]) {
+ revert NomineeRemoved(nominee.account, nominee.chainId);
+ }
+ uint256 id = setNominees.length;
+ mapNomineeIds[nomineeHash] = id;
+ // Push the nominee into the list
+ setNominees.push(nominee);
+ uint256 nextTime = (block.timestamp + WEEK) / WEEK * WEEK;
+ timeWeight[nomineeHash] = nextTime;
+ // Enable nominee in dispenser, if applicable
+ address localDispenser = dispenser;
+ if (localDispenser != address(0)) {
+ IDispenser(localDispenser).addNominee(nomineeHash);
+ }
+ emit AddNominee(nominee.account, nominee.chainId, id);
+ }
+ /// @dev Add EVM nominee address along with the chain Id.
+ /// @param account Address of the nominee.
/// @param chainId Chain Id.
- function addNominee(address nominee, uint256 chainId) external {
+ function addNomineeEVM(address account, uint256 chainId) external {
// Check for the zero address
- if (nominee == address(0)) {
- revert ZeroAddress();
+ if (account == address(0)) {
+ revert ZeroAddressVW();
- // Check for the chain Id
+ // Check for zero chain Id
if (chainId == 0) {
revert ZeroValue();
- else if (chainId > MAX_CHAIN_ID) {
- revert Overflow(chainId, MAX_CHAIN_ID);
+ // Check for the chain Id overflow
+ if (chainId > MAX_EVM_CHAIN_ID) {
+ revert Overflow(chainId, MAX_EVM_CHAIN_ID);
- // Push a pair of key defining variables into one key
- // nominee occupies first 160 bits
- uint256 nomineeChainId = uint256(uint160(nominee));
- // chain Id occupies no more than next 64 bits
- nomineeChainId |= chainId << 160;
+ Nominee memory nominee = Nominee(bytes32(uint256(uint160(account))), chainId);
- // Check for the nominee existence
- if (mapNomineeIds[nomineeChainId] > 0) {
- revert NomineeAlreadyExists(nominee, chainId);
+ // Record nominee instance
+ _addNominee(nominee);
+ }
+ /// @dev Add Non-EVM nominee address along with the chain Id.
+ /// @param account Address of the nominee in byte32 standard.
+ /// @param chainId Chain Id.
+ function addNomineeNonEVM(bytes32 account, uint256 chainId) external {
+ // Check for the zero address
+ if (account == bytes32(0)) {
+ revert ZeroAddressVW();
- mapNomineeIds[nomineeChainId] = setNominees.length;
- // Push the nominee into the list
- setNominees.push(nomineeChainId);
- uint256 nextTime = (block.timestamp + WEEK) / WEEK * WEEK;
- timeWeight[nomineeChainId] = nextTime;
+ // Check for the chain Id underflow
+ if (MAX_EVM_CHAIN_ID >= chainId) {
+ revert Underflow(chainId, MAX_EVM_CHAIN_ID + 1);
+ }
+ Nominee memory nominee = Nominee(account, chainId);
- emit NewNominee(nominee, chainId);
+ // Record nominee instance
+ _addNominee(nominee);
+ }
+ /// @dev Changes the owner address.
+ /// @param newOwner Address of a new owner.
+ function changeOwner(address newOwner) external {
+ // Check for the contract ownership
+ if (msg.sender != owner) {
+ revert OwnerOnly(msg.sender, owner);
+ }
+ // Check for the zero address
+ if (newOwner == address(0)) {
+ revert ZeroAddressVW();
+ }
+ owner = newOwner;
+ emit OwnerUpdated(newOwner);
+ }
+ /// @dev Changes the dispenser contract address.
+ /// @notice Dispenser can a zero address if the contract needs to serve a general purpose.
+ /// @param newDispenser New dispenser contract address.
+ function changeDispenser(address newDispenser) external {
+ // Check for the contract ownership
+ if (msg.sender != owner) {
+ revert OwnerOnly(msg.sender, owner);
+ }
+ dispenser = newDispenser;
/// @dev Checkpoint to fill data common for all nominees.
@@ -226,36 +375,33 @@ contract VoteWeightingFuzzing is IErrors {
/// @dev Checkpoint to fill data for both a specific nominee and common for all nominees.
- /// @param nominee Address of the nominee.
+ /// @param account Address of the nominee.
/// @param chainId Chain Id.
- function checkpointNominee(address nominee, uint256 chainId) external {
- _getWeight(nominee, chainId);
+ function checkpointNominee(bytes32 account, uint256 chainId) external {
+ _getWeight(account, chainId);
/// @dev Get Nominee relative weight (not more than 1.0) normalized to 1e18 (e.g. 1.0 == 1e18) and a sum of weights.
/// Inflation which will be received by it is inflation_rate * relativeWeight / 1e18.
- /// @param nominee Address of the nominee.
+ /// @param account Address of the nominee in byte32 standard.
/// @param chainId Chain Id.
/// @param time Relative weight at the specified timestamp in the past or present.
/// @return weight Value of relative weight normalized to 1e18.
/// @return totalSum Sum of nominee weights.
function _nomineeRelativeWeight(
- address nominee,
+ bytes32 account,
uint256 chainId,
uint256 time
) internal view returns (uint256 weight, uint256 totalSum) {
uint256 t = time / WEEK * WEEK;
totalSum = pointsSum[t].bias;
- // Push a pair of key defining variables into one key
- // nominee occupies first 160 bits
- uint256 nomineeChainId = uint256(uint160(nominee));
- // chain Id occupies no more than next 64 bits
- nomineeChainId |= chainId << 160;
+ Nominee memory nominee = Nominee(account, chainId);
+ bytes32 nomineeHash = keccak256(abi.encode(nominee));
if (totalSum > 0) {
- uint256 nomineeWeight = pointsWeight[nomineeChainId][t].bias;
+ uint256 nomineeWeight = pointsWeight[nomineeHash][t].bias;
weight = 1e18 * nomineeWeight / totalSum;
@@ -263,48 +409,49 @@ contract VoteWeightingFuzzing is IErrors {
/// @dev Get Nominee relative weight (not more than 1.0) normalized to 1e18 and the sum of weights.
/// (e.g. 1.0 == 1e18). Inflation which will be received by it is
/// inflation_rate * relativeWeight / 1e18.
- /// @param nominee Address of the nominee.
+ /// @param account Address of the nominee in bytes32 form.
/// @param chainId Chain Id.
/// @param time Relative weight at the specified timestamp in the past or present.
/// @return weight Value of relative weight normalized to 1e18.
/// @return totalSum Sum of nominee weights.
function nomineeRelativeWeight(
- address nominee,
+ bytes32 account,
uint256 chainId,
uint256 time
) external view returns (uint256 weight, uint256 totalSum) {
- (weight, totalSum) = _nomineeRelativeWeight(nominee, chainId, time);
+ (weight, totalSum) = _nomineeRelativeWeight(account, chainId, time);
/// @dev Get nominee weight normalized to 1e18 and also fill all the unfilled values for type and nominee records.
/// Also, get the total sum of all the nominee weights.
/// @notice Any address can call, however nothing is recorded if the values are filled already.
- /// @param nominee Address of the nominee.
+ /// @param account Address of the nominee in bytes32 form.
/// @param chainId Chain Id.
/// @param time Relative weight at the specified timestamp in the past or present.
/// @return weight Value of relative weight normalized to 1e18.
/// @return totalSum Sum of nominee weights.
function nomineeRelativeWeightWrite(
- address nominee,
+ bytes32 account,
uint256 chainId,
uint256 time
) external returns (uint256 weight, uint256 totalSum) {
- _getWeight(nominee, chainId);
+ _getWeight(account, chainId);
- (weight, totalSum) = _nomineeRelativeWeight(nominee, chainId, time);
+ (weight, totalSum) = _nomineeRelativeWeight(account, chainId, time);
/// @dev Allocate voting power for changing pool weights.
- /// @param nominee Address of the nominee the `msg.sender` votes for.
+ /// @param account Address of the nominee the `msg.sender` votes for in bytes32 form.
/// @param chainId Chain Id.
/// @param weight Weight for a nominee in bps (units of 0.01%). Minimal is 0.01%. Ignored if 0.
- function voteForNomineeWeights(address nominee, uint256 chainId, uint256 weight) public {
+ function voteForNomineeWeights(bytes32 account, uint256 chainId, uint256 weight) public {
+ // Get the nominee hash
+ bytes32 nomineeHash = keccak256(abi.encode(Nominee(account, chainId)));
- // Push a pair of key defining variables into one key
- // nominee occupies first 160 bits
- uint256 nomineeChainId = uint256(uint160(nominee));
- // chain Id occupies no more than next 64 bits
- nomineeChainId |= chainId << 160;
+ // Check for the previously removed nominee
+ if (mapRemovedNominees[nomineeHash]) {
+ revert NomineeRemoved(account, chainId);
+ }
uint256 slope = uint256(uint128(IVEOLAS(ve).getLastUserPoint(msg.sender).slope));
uint256 lockEnd = IVEOLAS(ve).lockedEnd(msg.sender);
@@ -321,13 +468,13 @@ contract VoteWeightingFuzzing is IErrors {
// Check for the last voting time
- uint256 nextAllowedVotingTime = lastUserVote[msg.sender][nomineeChainId] + WEIGHT_VOTE_DELAY;
+ uint256 nextAllowedVotingTime = lastUserVote[msg.sender][nomineeHash] + WEIGHT_VOTE_DELAY;
if (nextAllowedVotingTime > block.timestamp) {
revert VoteTooOften(msg.sender, block.timestamp, nextAllowedVotingTime);
// Prepare old and new slopes and biases
- VotedSlope memory oldSlope = voteUserSlopes[msg.sender][nomineeChainId];
+ VotedSlope memory oldSlope = voteUserSlopes[msg.sender][nomineeHash];
uint256 oldBias;
if (oldSlope.end > nextTime) {
oldBias = oldSlope.slope * (oldSlope.end - nextTime);
@@ -351,51 +498,49 @@ contract VoteWeightingFuzzing is IErrors {
// Remove old and schedule new slope changes
// Remove slope changes for old slopes
// Schedule recording of initial slope for nextTime
- pointsWeight[nomineeChainId][nextTime].bias = _maxAndSub(_getWeight(nominee, chainId) + newBias, oldBias);
+ pointsWeight[nomineeHash][nextTime].bias = _maxAndSub(_getWeight(account, chainId) + newBias, oldBias);
pointsSum[nextTime].bias = _maxAndSub(_getSum() + newBias, oldBias);
if (oldSlope.end > nextTime) {
- pointsWeight[nomineeChainId][nextTime].slope = _maxAndSub(pointsWeight[nomineeChainId][nextTime].slope + newSlope.slope, oldSlope.slope);
+ pointsWeight[nomineeHash][nextTime].slope =
+ _maxAndSub(pointsWeight[nomineeHash][nextTime].slope + newSlope.slope, oldSlope.slope);
pointsSum[nextTime].slope = _maxAndSub(pointsSum[nextTime].slope + newSlope.slope, oldSlope.slope);
} else {
- pointsWeight[nomineeChainId][nextTime].slope += newSlope.slope;
+ pointsWeight[nomineeHash][nextTime].slope += newSlope.slope;
pointsSum[nextTime].slope += newSlope.slope;
if (oldSlope.end > block.timestamp) {
// Cancel old slope changes if they still didn't happen
- changesWeight[nomineeChainId][oldSlope.end] -= oldSlope.slope;
+ changesWeight[nomineeHash][oldSlope.end] -= oldSlope.slope;
changesSum[oldSlope.end] -= oldSlope.slope;
// Add slope changes for new slopes
- changesWeight[nomineeChainId][newSlope.end] += newSlope.slope;
+ changesWeight[nomineeHash][newSlope.end] += newSlope.slope;
changesSum[newSlope.end] += newSlope.slope;
- voteUserSlopes[msg.sender][nomineeChainId] = newSlope;
+ voteUserSlopes[msg.sender][nomineeHash] = newSlope;
// Record last action time
- lastUserVote[msg.sender][nomineeChainId] = block.timestamp;
- assert(lastUserVote[msg.sender][nomineeChainId] > 0);
- callVoteForNomineeWeights = true;
- emit VoteForNominee(msg.sender, nominee, chainId, weight);
+ lastUserVote[msg.sender][nomineeHash] = block.timestamp;
+ emit VoteForNominee(msg.sender, account, chainId, weight);
/// @dev Allocate voting power for changing pool weights in batch.
- /// @param nominees Set of nominees the `msg.sender` votes for.
+ /// @param accounts Set of nominee addresses in bytes32 form the `msg.sender` votes for.
/// @param chainIds Set of corresponding chain Ids.
/// @param weights Weights for a nominees in bps (units of 0.01%). Minimal is 0.01%. Ignored if 0.
function voteForNomineeWeightsBatch(
- address[] memory nominees,
+ bytes32[] memory accounts,
uint256[] memory chainIds,
uint256[] memory weights
) external {
- if (nominees.length != chainIds.length || nominees.length != weights.length) {
- revert WrongArrayLength(nominees.length, weights.length);
+ if (accounts.length != chainIds.length || accounts.length != weights.length) {
+ revert WrongArrayLength(accounts.length, weights.length);
// Traverse all accounts and weights
- for (uint256 i = 0; i < nominees.length; ++i) {
- voteForNomineeWeights(nominees[i], chainIds[i], weights[i]);
+ for (uint256 i = 0; i < accounts.length; ++i) {
+ voteForNomineeWeights(accounts[i], chainIds[i], weights[i]);
@@ -403,18 +548,101 @@ contract VoteWeightingFuzzing is IErrors {
return a > b ? a - b : 0;
+ /// @dev Removes nominee from the contract and zeros its weight.
+ /// @param account Address of the nominee in bytes32 form.
+ /// @param chainId Chain Id.
+ function removeNominee(bytes32 account, uint256 chainId) external {
+ // Check for the contract ownership
+ if (msg.sender != owner) {
+ revert OwnerOnly(owner, msg.sender);
+ }
+ // Get the nominee struct and hash
+ Nominee memory nominee = Nominee(account, chainId);
+ bytes32 nomineeHash = keccak256(abi.encode(nominee));
+ // Get the nominee id in the nominee set
+ uint256 id = mapNomineeIds[nomineeHash];
+ if (id == 0) {
+ revert NomineeDoesNotExist(account, chainId);
+ }
+ // Set nominee weight to zero
+ uint256 oldWeight = _getWeight(account, chainId);
+ uint256 oldSum = _getSum();
+ uint256 nextTime = (block.timestamp + WEEK) / WEEK * WEEK;
+ pointsWeight[nomineeHash][nextTime].bias = 0;
+ timeWeight[nomineeHash] = nextTime;
+ // Account for the the sum weight change
+ uint256 newSum = oldSum - oldWeight;
+ pointsSum[nextTime].bias = newSum;
+ timeSum = nextTime;
+ // Add to the removed nominee map
+ mapRemovedNominees[nomineeHash] = true;
+ // Remove nominee in dispenser, if applicable
+ address localDispenser = dispenser;
+ if (localDispenser != address(0)) {
+ IDispenser(localDispenser).removeNominee(nomineeHash);
+ }
+ // Remove nominee from the map
+ mapNomineeIds[nomineeHash] = 0;
+ // Shuffle the current last nominee id in the set to be placed to the removed one
+ nominee = setNominees[setNominees.length - 1];
+ nomineeHash = keccak256(abi.encode(nominee));
+ mapNomineeIds[nomineeHash] = id;
+ setNominees[id] = nominee;
+ // Pop the last element from the set
+ setNominees.pop();
+ emit RemoveNominee(account, chainId, newSum);
+ }
+ /// @dev Retrieves user voting power from a removed nominee.
+ /// @param account Address of the nominee in bytes32 form.
+ /// @param chainId Chain Id.
+ function retrieveRemovedNomineeVotingPower(bytes32 account, uint256 chainId) external {
+ // Get the nominee struct and hash
+ Nominee memory nominee = Nominee(account, chainId);
+ bytes32 nomineeHash = keccak256(abi.encode(nominee));
+ // Check that the nominee is removed
+ if (!mapRemovedNominees[nomineeHash]) {
+ revert NomineeNotRemoved(account, chainId);
+ }
+ // Get the user old slope
+ VotedSlope memory oldSlope = voteUserSlopes[msg.sender][nomineeHash];
+ if (oldSlope.power == 0) {
+ revert ZeroValue();
+ }
+ // Cancel old slope changes if they still didn't happen
+ if (oldSlope.end > block.timestamp) {
+ changesWeight[nomineeHash][oldSlope.end] -= oldSlope.slope;
+ changesSum[oldSlope.end] -= oldSlope.slope;
+ }
+ // Update the voting power
+ uint256 powerUsed = voteUserPower[msg.sender];
+ powerUsed = powerUsed - oldSlope.power;
+ voteUserPower[msg.sender] = powerUsed;
+ delete voteUserSlopes[msg.sender][nomineeHash];
+ }
/// @dev Get current nominee weight.
- /// @param nominee Address of the nominee.
+ /// @param account Address of the nominee in bytes32 form.
/// @param chainId Chain Id.
/// @return Nominee weight.
- function getNomineeWeight(address nominee, uint256 chainId) external view returns (uint256) {
- // Push a pair of key defining variables into one key
- // nominee occupies first 160 bits
- uint256 nomineeChainId = uint256(uint160(nominee));
- // chain Id occupies no more than next 64 bits
- nomineeChainId |= chainId << 160;
- return pointsWeight[nomineeChainId][timeWeight[nomineeChainId]].bias;
+ function getNomineeWeight(bytes32 account, uint256 chainId) external view returns (uint256) {
+ // Get the nominee struct and hash
+ Nominee memory nominee = Nominee(account, chainId);
+ bytes32 nomineeHash = keccak256(abi.encode(nominee));
+ return pointsWeight[nomineeHash][timeWeight[nomineeHash]].bias;
/// @dev Get sum of nominee weights.
@@ -423,33 +651,37 @@ contract VoteWeightingFuzzing is IErrors {
return pointsSum[timeSum].bias;
- /// @dev Get the number of nominees.
+ /// @dev Get the total number of nominees.
/// @notice The zero-th default nominee Id with id == 0 does not count.
/// @return Total number of nominees.
function getNumNominees() external view returns (uint256) {
return setNominees.length - 1;
+ /// @dev Gets a full set of nominees.
+ /// @notice The returned set includes the zero-th empty nominee instance.
+ /// @return nominees Set of all the nominees in the contract.
+ function getAllNominees() external view returns (Nominee[] memory nominees) {
+ nominees = setNominees;
+ }
/// @dev Gets the nominee Id in the global nominees set.
- /// @param nominee Nominee address.
+ /// @param account Nominee address in bytes32 form.
/// @param chainId Chain Id.
- /// @return id Nominee Id in the global set of (nominee | chainId) values.
- function getNomineeId(address nominee, uint256 chainId) external view returns (uint256 id) {
- // Push a pair of key defining variables into one key
- // nominee occupies first 160 bits
- uint256 nomineeChainId = uint256(uint160(nominee));
- // chain Id occupies no more than next 64 bits
- nomineeChainId |= chainId << 160;
- id = mapNomineeIds[nomineeChainId];
+ /// @return id Nominee Id in the global set of Nominee struct values.
+ function getNomineeId(bytes32 account, uint256 chainId) external view returns (uint256 id) {
+ // Get the nominee struct and hash
+ Nominee memory nominee = Nominee(account, chainId);
+ bytes32 nomineeHash = keccak256(abi.encode(nominee));
+ id = mapNomineeIds[nomineeHash];
/// @dev Get the nominee address and its corresponding chain Id.
/// @notice The zero-th default nominee Id with id == 0 does not count.
- /// @param id Nominee Id in the global set of (nominee | chainId) values.
- /// @return nominee Nominee address.
- /// @return chainId Chain Id.
- function getNominee(uint256 id) external view returns (address nominee, uint256 chainId) {
+ /// @param id Nominee Id in the global set of Nominee struct values.
+ /// @return nominee Nominee address in bytes32 form and chain Id.
+ function getNominee(uint256 id) external view returns (Nominee memory nominee) {
// Get the total number of nominees in the contract
uint256 totalNumNominees = setNominees.length - 1;
// Check for the zero id or the overflow
@@ -458,24 +690,19 @@ contract VoteWeightingFuzzing is IErrors {
} else if (id > totalNumNominees) {
revert Overflow(id, totalNumNominees);
- uint256 nomineeChainId = setNominees[id];
- // Extract the nominee address
- nominee = address(uint160(uint256(nomineeChainId)));
- // Extract chain Id
- chainId = nomineeChainId >> 160;
+ nominee = setNominees[id];
/// @dev Get the set of nominee addresses and corresponding chain Ids.
/// @notice The zero-th default nominee Id with id == 0 does not count.
- /// @param startId Start Id of the nominee in the global set of (nominee | chainId) values.
+ /// @param startId Start Id of the nominee in the global set of Nominee struct values.
/// @param numNominees Number of nominees to get.
- /// @return nominees Set of nominee addresses.
- /// @return chainIds Set of corresponding chain Ids.
+ /// @return nominees Set of nominee accounts in bytes32 form and chain Ids.
function getNominees(
uint256 startId,
uint256 numNominees
- ) external view returns (address[] memory nominees, uint256[] memory chainIds)
+ ) external view returns (Nominee[] memory nominees)
// Check for the zero id or the overflow
if (startId == 0 || numNominees == 0) {
@@ -492,18 +719,48 @@ contract VoteWeightingFuzzing is IErrors {
revert Overflow(endId, totalNumNominees);
- // Allocate
- nominees = new address[](numNominees);
- chainIds = new uint256[](numNominees);
+ // Allocate the nominee array
+ nominees = new Nominee[](numNominees);
// Traverse selected nominees
for (uint256 i = 0; i < numNominees; ++i) {
uint256 id = i + startId;
- uint256 nomineeChainId = setNominees[id];
- // Extract the nominee address
- nominees[i] = address(uint160(uint256(nomineeChainId)));
- // Extract chain Id
- chainIds[i] = nomineeChainId >> 160;
+ // Get the nominee struct
+ nominees[i] = setNominees[id];
+ }
+ }
+ /// @dev Gets next allowed voting time for selected nominees and voters.
+ /// @notice The function does not check for repeated nominees and voters.
+ /// @param accounts Set of nominee account addresses.
+ /// @param chainIds Corresponding set of chain Ids.
+ /// @param voters Corresponding set of voters for specified nominees.
+ function getNextAllowedVotingTimes(
+ bytes32[] memory accounts,
+ uint256[] memory chainIds,
+ address[] memory voters
+ ) external view returns (uint256[] memory nextAllowedVotingTimes) {
+ // Check array lengths
+ if (accounts.length != chainIds.length || accounts.length != voters.length) {
+ revert WrongArrayLength(accounts.length, chainIds.length);
+ }
+ // Allocate the times array
+ nextAllowedVotingTimes = new uint256[](accounts.length);
+ // Traverse nominees and get next available voting times
+ for (uint256 i = 0; i < accounts.length; ++i) {
+ // Get the nominee struct and hash
+ Nominee memory nominee = Nominee(accounts[i], chainIds[i]);
+ bytes32 nomineeHash = keccak256(abi.encode(nominee));
+ // Check for nominee existence
+ if (mapNomineeIds[nomineeHash] == 0) {
+ revert NomineeDoesNotExist(accounts[i], chainIds[i]);
+ }
+ // Calculate next allowed voting times
+ nextAllowedVotingTimes[i] = lastUserVote[voters[i]][nomineeHash] + WEIGHT_VOTE_DELAY;
@@ -511,13 +768,13 @@ contract VoteWeightingFuzzing is IErrors {
function setCallVoteForNomineeWeights(bool flag) external {
callVoteForNomineeWeights = flag;
/// @dev For fuzzing only
- function getlastUserVote(address nominee, uint256 chainId) external view returns (uint256) {
- // Push a pair of key defining variables into one key
- // nominee occupies first 160 bits
- uint256 nomineeChainId = uint256(uint160(nominee));
- // chain Id occupies no more than next 64 bits
- nomineeChainId |= chainId << 160;
- return lastUserVote[msg.sender][nomineeChainId];
+ function getlastUserVote(bytes32 _nominee, uint256 chainId) external view returns (uint256) {
+ // account occupies first 160 bits
+ Nominee memory nominee = Nominee(_nominee, chainId);
+ bytes32 nomineeHash = keccak256(abi.encode(nominee));
+ return lastUserVote[msg.sender][nomineeHash];
\ No newline at end of file