Simple online continuous MST implementations in lab.js, based on this PsychoPy repository from the Stark lab.
PLEASE NOTE, if you are going to use this task you will need to host the stimuli images (found in the Stark repository) or use a different CDN. The image location can be changed in the "Set up image" script on the Sequence in the experiment.
Pseudorandom lag order is based on ppt and session IDs, passed as "PPT" and "session" in the querystring.
Stimulus set defaults to 1, but you can pick a different one by passing "stimulusSet" in the querystring.
Or, (for the phone version only right now), you can pick from a random ordering of the 6 stimuli sets based on "PPT" by passing "stimulusSetIndex".
Lag orders have been built with Nate Vack's
script, included,
and altered to output JSON. To use your own orderings, load mst.js
in the
lab.js Builder and change the
embedded orderN.txt
files on the Trial Loop.
- mst-continuous.json - Continuous version of the task, with 320 stimuli right after one another.
- mst-continuous-phone.json - Continuous version of the task, except it is designed for button input on phones and has a 10 second maximum time per stimulus. [Also functions on tablets and computers.]
- mst-studytest.json - Continuous version of the task, with 320 stimuli right after one another.
See the Lab.js documentation on working with Qualtrics.
Then, when pasting the embed source, change the iframe src to pass participant id and session variables like this:
style="width: 100%; min-height: 600px; border: none;"
The image stimulus is on two separate screens, because of the keypress detection and needing to show user feedback after keypress.
To resize how the image displays in the non-phone versions, change it on both the "Stimulus" and "Stimulus after keypress" screens in the lab.js Builder.
See the analysis directory.
It should be as simple as running
on your results.
cd REPO/analysis
mv ~/Downloads/qualtrics_results.tsv .
python3 qualtrics_results.tsv
Files will get dumped to analysis/output
OrderFiller and RandomSet have tests in tests/
I had a hard time getting order.js to load in lab.js land, so I made a variant, order-labjs.js, which is included in the "static" section of the mst.js template for lab.js.
Same for RandomSet. Someday we should get a bundler to work right.
To run the javascript tests, do
npm install
npm test
To debug, put debugger;
in the code and then
npm b
Open Chrome and go to chrome://inspect to connect.