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@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ Harassment includes, but is not limited to:
## Expectations
-We expect participants and instructors to act in ways that foster a supportive and welcoming [learning community](mission) at all event venues and event-related social activities. We expect you to support collaboration and learning while participating in this community of practice. Hackweek organizers may take action to redress anything designed to, or with the clear impact of, disrupting the event or making the environment hostile for any participants (including unintentionally). Participants asked to stop any harassing behavior are expected to comply immediately. Failure to comply may result in the participant being expelled from the event at the discretion of the organizers.
+We expect participants and instructors to act in ways that foster a supportive and welcoming learning community at all event venues and event-related social activities. We expect you to support collaboration and learning while participating in this community of practice. Hackweek organizers may take action to redress anything designed to, or with the clear impact of, disrupting the event or making the environment hostile for any participants (including unintentionally). Participants asked to stop any harassing behavior are expected to comply immediately. Failure to comply may result in the participant being expelled from the event at the discretion of the organizers.
## Reporting a violation
Harassment and other code of conduct violations reduce the value of the event for everyone. If someone makes you or anyone else feel unsafe or unwelcome, please report it as soon as possible.
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@@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ parts:
url: https://uwhackweek.github.io/jupyterbook-template/index.html?jump_to=schedule
- title: Team
url: https://uwhackweek.github.io/jupyterbook-template/index.html?jump_to=team
- - file: mission
- file: CoC
- caption: Preparation
@@ -41,11 +40,5 @@ parts:
- file: reference/glossary
- file: reference/bibliography
- - file: reference/open_science
- - file: reference/open_source_software
- file: reference/questions
- - file: reference/social
- - file: reference/supplemental_index
- sections:
- - file: reference/supplemental/python
- - file: reference/supplemental/conda
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-# Hackweek Mission
-::::{grid} 3
-:gutter: 2
-:class-header: grid-card-purple
-:class-footer: bg-light
-**Sense of Belonging**
-```{image} img/belonging.png
-:alt: belonging
-We foster a welcoming, diverse and inclusive environment.
-:class-header: grid-card-purple
-:class-footer: bg-light
-```{image} img/education.png
-:alt: education
-We gain experience in conducting data-intensive research.
-:class-header: grid-card-purple
-:class-footer: bg-light
-**Immersive Learning**
-```{image} img/interactivity.png
-:alt: interactivity
-We encourage immersive, interactive and collaborative learning.
-:class-header: grid-card-purple
-:class-footer: bg-light
-```{image} img/co-creation.png
-:alt: co-creation
-We incorporate elements of co-creation with participants.
-:class-header: grid-card-purple
-:class-footer: bg-light
-```{image} img/networking.png
-:alt: networking
-We provide opportunities for people to build their networks.
-:class-header: grid-card-purple
-:class-footer: bg-light
-**Code of Conduct**
-```{image} img/CoC.png
-:alt: codeofconduct
-We adhere to and enforce a shared Code of Conduct.
-[Hackweeks](https://www.pnas.org/content/115/36/8872.short) are participant driven events that have been designed, evaluated and modified over the past 10 years to meet the needs of emerging data science communities. Hackweeks were originally conceived within the [Moore/Sloan Data Science Environment](http://msdse.org/), and borrow ideas from [The Carpentries](https://carpentries.org/).
-Everyone involved in hackweeks, from participants to organizers, commit to our **[Code of Conduct](CoC)**.
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-# Open Science
-## What is Open Science?
-Open science is the process of making science open and accessible to all through reproducibility and availability of research data and analysis steps.
-Practicing open science allows you to get critical feedback throughout the process, rather than just towards the end of a project.
-Plus, by sharing our work, we can ask increasingly complex questions.
-Please note, this list is definitely not exhaustive, but is meant as a starting place and guide for good sources of additional information.
-## Open Science Communities and Organizations
-These organizations and communities are dedicated to creating, teaching, and sharing the tools, skills, and resources necessary for making all science open science.
-**Note: some resources are included in both lists if they have resources specifically targeted at technical skill development**
-- [The Turing Way](https://the-turing-way.netlify.app/welcome.html)
- - Keywords: GitHub; tutorials; guides; reproducible; collaborative; data science; contribute; development; open-source; git
- - “The Turing Way is an open source community-driven guide to reproducible, ethical, inclusive and collaborative data science.”
- - “Our goal is to provide all the information that data scientists in academia, industry, government and the third sector need at the start of their projects to ensure that they are easy to reproduce and reuse at the end.”
-- [The Center for Scientific Collaboration and Community Engagement (CSCCE)](https://www.cscce.org/)
- - Keywords: community; sharing; recognition; fellowships; workshops; resources
- - “The Center for Scientific Collaboration and Community Engagement (CSCCE) is a research and training center to support and study the merging field of scientific community engagement.”
- - Lots of great \[open\] resources for exploring and cultivating community, including evaluation materials and onboarding resources (e.g. a number of beginner user guides for platforms like Slack)
-- [Openscapes](https://www.openscapes.org/)
- - Keywords: community; education; reproducibility; sharing; collaborative; data science; efficiency; mentoring
- - Openscapes “\[champions\] open practices in environmental science to help uncover data-driven solutions faster.”
- - Currently (May 2021) working directly with NASA DAACs
-- [The Center for Open Science (COS)](https://www.cos.io/)
- - Keywords: community; badges; community; sharing; tracking; recognition; open science; open research
- - Organization promoting open science
-- [Software Sustainability Institute](https://software.ac.uk/)
- - Keywords: tutorials; workshops; fellowships; reproducible; sustainable software
- - UK-based institute cultivating “better, more sustainable, research software to enable world-class research.”
- - “We help people build better software, and we work with researchers, developers, funders and infrastructure providers to identify key issues and best practice in scientific software.”
-- [Better Scientific Software (BSSw)](https://bssw.io/)
- - Keywords: fellowships; community
- - “BSSw provides a central hub for the community to address pressing challenges in software productivity, quality, and sustainability.”
-- [Earth Science Information Partnership (ESIP)](https://www.esipfed.org/)
- - Keywords: community; fellowships; resources; conferences
- - US-based partnership for sharing and promoting open science, including standards development and advocacy, for earth science data. One of the most interactive conferences I’ve ever attended!
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-# Open-source Software
-## Ways to contribute
-One of the first things that come to mind contributing to a project is to add code
-or fix bugs or any other way that involves changing code. While improvements
-are a center element to advance a project, there are other ways to get involved
-without needing to know much about programming, or the project code structure
-1. Report bugs
-1. Add documentation
-1. Help others using the project
-1. Start on issues marked as 'good first issue'
-1. Attend a meeting for the project (virtual or in-person)
-## Open source How-To guides
-Here are some community/open-source resources for learning more about
-open-source software, tools and tricks for \[collaborative\] development,
-and open science in general.
-- [The Turing Way](https://the-turing-way.netlify.app/welcome.html)
- - Keywords: GitHub; tutorials; guides; reproducible; collaborative; data science; contribute; development; open-source; git
- - “The Turing Way is an open source community-driven guide to reproducible, ethical, inclusive and collaborative data science.”
- - “Our goal is to provide all the information that data scientists in academia, industry, government and the third sector need at the start of their projects to ensure that they are easy to reproduce and reuse at the end.”
-- [GitHub Open Source Guides](https://opensource.guide/)
- - Keywords: guides; tutorials; development
-## Elements of an open source project
-Below, a few elements to get started. This sample is not even scratching the
-surface for the breadth and depth of options and are meant to kick things off:
-1. README file
- Let people know what your project is about. This can also include on how to
- setup your project for development.
-1. Contributions guide
- Give some instructions on how people can get involved with your project.
- [GitHub healthy contributions guide](https://docs.github.com/en/communities/setting-up-your-project-for-healthy-contributions)
-1. Tests
- Software testing adds a quality check to your project and ensures that
- future changes to the code do not break existing functionality.
- Packages/Documentation:
- * [PyTest](https://docs.pytest.org/en/latest/)
- * [Python Hitchhiker's guide](https://docs.python-guide.org/writing/tests/)
- * [Travis CI](https://travis-ci.org/)
- * [GitHub Actions](https://github.com/features/actions)
-1. Documentation
- New users or interested people to your project benefit from a well documented
- project and how to use it.
- Platforms/Libraries:
- * [Read the Docs](https://readthedocs.org)
- * [Sphinx](https://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/master/)
- * [ReStructred Text (rst)](https://docutils.sourceforge.io/rst.html)
-1. Code Conventions
- At some stage of your project, you might want to establish some conventions
- for coding style, so you have consistency across the library.
- References/Services:
- * [Pep8](https://pep8.org/)
- * [Code Climate](https://codeclimate.com/quality/)
- * [Code Coverage](https://about.codecov.io/)
-1. License
- The legal aspect for your project.
- Good source to figure out the right license: https://tldrlegal.com/
-1. Publishing your package
- For people to be able to install your package from the command line via `pip`
- or `conda`
- * [PyPi](https://pypi.org/)
- * [Conda Forge](https://conda-forge.org)
-1. Organize your community
- Platforms:
- * [Slack](https://slack.com/)
- * [Discourse](https://www.discourse.org/)
-## Software development environments
- Outside a Jupyter environment, you can also manage your package or code using
- these development environments or sometimes also referred to as IDE's
- ([Integrated Development Environments](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Integrated_development_environment))
- Some choices:
- * [Visual Studio](https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/)
- * [Has integration options with Jupyter Notebooks](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/datascience/jupyter-notebooks)
- * [IntelliJ - PyCharm](https://www.jetbrains.com/pycharm/)
- * [Jupyter Notebook support](https://www.jetbrains.com/help/pycharm/jupyter-notebook-support.html)
- * They have free [academic](https://www.jetbrains.com/community/education) and
- [open source project](https://www.jetbrains.com/community/opensource) product licenses
- * [Git's Atom editor](https://atom.io/)
- * [Jupyter Notebook plugin](https://atom.io/packages/jupyter-notebook)
-## Git Learning Resources
-- [Learn git interactively!](https://learngitbranching.js.org/)
- - Keywords: git; interactive
- - A great hands on tutorial for playing with git on a “virtual” repository.
- Practice here before applying to your actual software!
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-# Things to do in Seattle
-There are a great deal of fun activities and areas to explore in Seattle. Below is a list, organized by area.
-## Seattle Center
-### Space Needle
-Take a ride up the Space Needle to check out the incredible views.
-### Museum of Pop Culture (MoPOP)
-Music, science fiction, and pop culture all come together at the fascinating Museum of Pop Culture. The Frank Gehry-designed building looks like a smashed guitar from above, while inside, its colorful exhibits cover everything from the history of indie video games and horror films to Nirvana, the Seahawks, and more.
-### Chihuly Garden and Glass
-The Chihuly Garden and Glass museum is dedicated to the work and career of locally born, world-renowned glassblower Dale Chihuly, who was introduced to the craft while studying at the University of Washington. It is the most comprehensive collection of his art to date, with interior galleries featuring a variety of his work in the medium.
-## Downtown
-### Pike Place Market
-From the iconic market sign and Rachel the Piggy Bank to the gum wall, the original Starbucks cafe, well over 225 local artisans selling their wares, the famous fish-tossing tradition, and music-playing street performers, there are tons of great sites to see.
-### Seattle Art Museum:
-The Seattle Art Museum is the city’s largest museum dating back to the 1930s and housing a varied collection of artwork that spans multiple eras and geographic regions. Take the time to visit the Olympic Sculpture Park, an outdoor extension of the museum that’s open to the public for free about a mile away at the waterfront.
-### Smith Tower
-Visit the city’s first skyscraper, built in 1914, and ride the historic, manually operated elevators to the 35th-floor observatory, where 360-degree views await.
-### Seattle Aquarium
-Down at the Seattle Aquarium on the waterfront’s Pier 59, learn all about salmon, meet a few adorable sea otters, and greet the various sea creatures of the Pacific Ocean.
-### Seattle Great Wheel
-Although it was only built in 2012, the Seattle Great Wheel has quickly become a fixture of the city’s skyline—plus it adds an entirely new sightseeing perspective, thanks to its location perched on the end of Pier 57.
-### Museum of Flight
-One of the largest air and space collections in the country, with an overwhelming number of things to see—like a Boeing lunar rover and an Air Force One from the Eisenhower era—and do, including NASA space shuttle trainer tours and flight simulators.
-### Water Taxi to West Seattle
-Hop on the water taxi in Pioneer Square and take a quick 10 minute boat trip to West Seattle. Have lunch or happy hour at Marination Station right on the water when you get off of the taxi.
-### Kerry Park
-Near downtown, in the Queen Anne area is a picturesque spot that looks down at the Seattle skyline from the north. It’s the ideal place to get the quintessential view of the city, featuring the Space Needle, Elliott Bay, downtown skyscrapers, and (on clear days) Mount Rainier.
-## Ballard
-### Golden Gardens
-Golden Gardens Park is a public park and beach which includes wetlands, beaches, hiking trails, and picnic and playground areas.
-### Ballard Locks
-Check out the locks at the west end of Salmon Bay. The grounds also feature a fish ladder and the Carl S. English Jr. Botanical Garden
-## University District, Wallingford, Fremont
-### Gas Works Park
-A great place for a picnic and beautiful views of Lake Union and the skyline.
-### Henry Art Gallery
-Right on the UW campus is the Henry Art Gallery and was the first public art museum in Washington State.
-### The Ave
-University Way NE (otherwise known as the Ave) is a street located right off the UW campus with tons of restaurants, coffee shops, and stores.
-### The WAC
-Rent a boat at the WAC (Washington Activities Center) and check out the Arboretum.
-### Fremont Market
-Happens on Sundays 10am – 4pm is one of the best markets in Seattle with local food trucks and tons of cool things to shop for.
-### Green Lake
-A short bus ride from the University District is Green lake – a man-made lake that has a 3 mile loop to walk/run/bike and places to swim and take out paddle boards and kayaks.
-## Capitol Hill
-### Night Life
-Just one stop on the light rail you reach the exciting Capitol Hill, which has tons of great restaurants, bars and a great night life scene.
-### Starbucks Reserve Roastery & Tasting Room
-You won’t have trouble finding a Starbucks here in the company’s hometown, but you’ll want to seek out this special Starbucks experience on Capitol Hill. The Starbucks Reserve Roastery & Tasting Room is a Willy Wonka–esque coffee wonderland, where you’ll find exclusive beverages, various brewing methods, a coffee library, and more.
-### Volunteer Park
-A 48.3 acre park in capitol hill and home to the Volunteer Park Conservatory and other beautiful views and spots to relax.
-## Lake Washington
-All great places to take a swim and soak up the sun:
-* Magnuson Park and Beach
-* Madison Beach
-* Mathew’s Beach
-* Madrona Beach
-## Short trip outside of Seattle
-### Washington State Ferries
-A ride across Puget Sound aboard one of 22 Washington State Ferries vessels is a quintessential Pacific Northwest experience. Enjoy the breathtaking views from the bow of the boat as you cruise to the nearby communities of Bainbridge Island or Bremerton. This is one of those cases where the journey is as much fun as the destination.
-### Hiking
-Check out this site, “Hike Metro” for Walks, Hikes, and Outdoor Adventures in the Seattle area that you can reach by Public Transit….No Car Needed! There are also tons of other places to go hiking in Seattle if you have a car. Here are a few great ones.
-### Woodinville Wine Tasting
-There are tons of winerys just 30 minutes outside of Seattle. Here is a map of them all.
-## Getting around
-### Light Rail
-An easy way to get from the UW to Capitol Hill, Downtown, International District, and as far as the Airport. The light rail comes every 5 or so minutes.
-### Bus
-Buses can get you to almost anywhere within the Seattle area.
-### Uber/Lyft
-Can take you to any destination.
-### Water Taxi and Ferries
-Can take you outside of Seattle. Pick up the ferry and water taxi downtown.
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-# Conda
-## Overview
-While we will be using a cloud-hosted computing environment during the hackweek
-({ref}`event-jupyterhub`), it is often desirable to run Python code on your laptop.
-We also want to ensure that hackweek tutorials or other scientific code is
-reproducible and can be run on different computers and operating systems.
-This lesson takes you through our recommended procedure for managing [Python environments and software](./python) on your personal computer.
-We suggest you follow these instructions in advance so that we can help you troubleshoot during the hackweek
-and have a fully functioning environment after.
-## What is Conda?
-[**Conda**](http://conda.pydata.org/docs/) is an **open source `package` and `environment` management system** for installing multiple versions of software packages and their dependencies and switching easily between them. Conda works with many programming languages but is very popular in the Python community. It works on Linux, OS X and Windows.
-## Installing Miniconda
-[Miniconda](http://conda.pydata.org/miniconda.html) is a command line tool which contains only Python and essential packages.
-We recommend installing it because it is the easiest way to use conda for Python environment management without taking up too much space.
-### Windows
-Click [here](http://conda.pydata.org/miniconda.html) to download the proper installer for your Windows platform (64 bits).
-You can still create Python 2 environments using the Python 3 version of Miniconda.
-When installing, you will be asked if you wish to make the Anaconda Python your default Python for Windows.
-If you do not have any other installation that is a good option.
-If you want to keep multiple versions of Python on your machine (e.g. ESRI-supplied Python or 64 bit versions of Anaconda), then don't select the option to modify your path or modify your windows registry settings.
-### Linux and OS X
-You may follow manual steps from [here](http://conda.pydata.org/miniconda.html) similar to the instructions on Windows (see above).
-Alternatively, you can execute these commands on a terminal shell (in this case, the bash shell):
-# For MacOSX
-# For Linux
-wget $url -O miniconda.sh
-bash miniconda.sh -b -p $HOME/miniconda
-export PATH="$HOME/miniconda/bin:$PATH"
-conda update conda --yes
-## Installing Anaconda Instead (Optional)
-!!! note "If you don't want all of Anaconda"
- If you don't have time or disk space for the entire distribution do not install Anaconda.
- Install only [Miniconda](http://conda.pydata.org/miniconda.html), a bootstrap version of Anaconda, which contains only Python, essential packages, and conda. We will provide an environment file to install all the packages necessary for the hackweek.*
-[Anaconda](https://www.anaconda.com/distribution/) is a data science platform that comes with a lot of packages.
-At its core, Anaconda uses the conda package management system.
-The list of packages included can be found [*here*](https://docs.anaconda.com/anaconda/packages/pkg-docs).
-1. To install Anaconda, please click on the link below for your operating system, and follow the instructions on the [site](https://www.anaconda.com/download/).
-2. Once the Anaconda installation step is finished run `python` in the command line to test if Anaconda is installed correctly.
-**Note: For windows, please use the Anaconda prompt as the command line. It should be installed with your installation of Anaconda**.
-If Anaconda is installed correctly, you should have this prompt, which emphasizes **Anaconda**:
-$ python
-Python 3.7.3|Anaconda custom (x86_64)| (default, Mar 27 2019, 22:11:17)
-Anaconda (on Linux) expects you to work in the `bash` shell.
-If this is not already your default shell, you need to set it to be with:
-``` bash
-chsh -s /bin/bash
-You can also run an instance of bash from the command line before issuing "Conda" commands (`/bin/bash` or where it is located on your system).
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-# Python
-## Overview
-Python software is distributed as a series of *libraries* that are called within your code to perform certain tasks.
-There are many different collections, or *distributions* of Python software.
-Generally you install a specific distribution of Python and then add additional libraries as you need them. There are also several different *versions* of Python.
-Support for Python 2 ended in 2020, so you should use Python>=3!
-It is import to note that some libraries only work with specific versions of Python.
-If you open a terminal on your computer, chances are if you type 'python' you will find it is already installed! But it is best-practice to create separate environments or 'virtual environments' to not interfere with existing installations. You can use {term}`conda` for this.
-## Installing a specific Python version
-We will be using Python 3 during the week.
-You can create environments with different versions of Python using the following commands:
-``` bash
-conda create --name py39 python=3.9
-To use Python 3.9:
-``` bash
-conda activate py39
-To check if you have the correct version activated
-which python
-python --version
-If you are already familiar with Python 2.7, you can take a look at the syntax differences [here](http://sebastianraschka.com/Articles/2014_python_2_3_key_diff.html), but the main point to remember is to put the print statements in parentheses:
-print('Hello World!')
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-# Supplemental Material
-## Python
-Dive deeper into how [Python is managed and installed](../reference/supplemental/python) on
-the JupyterHub and how you can install that on your personal machine.
-## Conda
-A basic intro to manage Python environments using the
-[conda package manager](../reference/supplemental/conda)
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@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ name: UW Hackweek
url: '#'
title: Application coming soon
-hackweek_mission: https://uwhackweek.github.io/hackweeks-as-a-service/mission.html
description: An awesome learning event.
start_date: XX Month