Create a Bash script that checks if a specific process (e.g., sshd) is running and prints a message based on its status.
Steps: 1- Create a Bash script that checks if a specified process is running using the pgrep command. 2- Print a message indicating whether the process is running or not.
--pgrep command
in Linux is a powerful tool used to find processes based on their name and other attributes.
# Name of the process to check
# Check if the process is running
if pgrep "$PROCESS_NAME" > /dev/null; then
echo "$PROCESS_NAME is running."
echo "$PROCESS_NAME is not running."
Example 1 : Execusion process
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Create a Bash script that kills all processes with a specified name.
Steps: Prompt the user to enter the name of the process to kill. Use the pkill command to kill all processes with that name. Print a message indicating the result.
# Prompt the user to enter the name of the process to kill
read -p "Enter the name of the process to kill: " process_name
# Kill all processes with the specified name
if pkill "$process_name"; then
echo "All processes named '$process_name' have been killed."
echo "Failed to kill processes named '$process_name'. Please check the process name and try again."
Example 2 : Execusion process
cd chapter4
chmod +x
Create a Bash script that launches a background process and logs its output to a file.
Steps: 1- Create a Bash script that spawns a background process. 2- The background process should perform a task (e.g., counting to a number) and log its output to a file. 3- The main script should wait for the background process to complete.
# Log file to store the output
# Function for background process
background_process() {
for ((i=1; i<=COUNT_TO; i++)); do
echo "Process $$: $i" >> "$LOG_FILE"
sleep 1
# Create background process and log its output to a file
background_process &
# Wait for the background process to complete
echo "Background process has completed. Check $LOG_FILE for output."
Example 3 : Execusion process
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Create a Bash script that monitors multiple processes and prints a message if any of them are not running. Steps: Create a Bash script that monitors multiple processes by name. Use the pgrep command to check if each process is running. Print a message if any process is not running.
# List of processes to monitor
PROCESSES=("sshd" "cron" "nginx")
# Monitor each process
for process in "${PROCESSES[@]}"; do
if pgrep "$process" > /dev/null; then
echo "$process is running."
echo "$process is not running."
Example 2 : Execusion process
cd chapter4
chmod +x