- x.ent: eXtraction of ENTity
- Description: Provides a tool for extracting information (entities and relations between them) in text datasets. It also emphasizes the results exploration with graphical displays. It is a rule-based system and works with hand-made dictionaries and local grammars defined by users. X.ent uses parsing with Perl functions and JavaScript to define user preferences through a browser and R to display and support analysis of the results extracted. Local grammars are defined and compiled with the tool Unitex, a tool developed by University Paris Est that supports multiple languages.
- Version: 1.1.1
- Date: 2015-02-20
- Author: Nicolas Turenne [email protected], Tien T. Phan [email protected]
- Depends: R (>= 3.0.0),opencpu,rJava
- Imports: stringr,xtable,jsonlite,venneuler,ggplot2,statmod
- Maintainer: Tien T. Phan [email protected]
- License: GPL-3
- SystemRequirements: Perl (>= 5.0), Unitex (>= 3.0 http://www-igm.univ-mlv.fr/~unitex/)