diff --git a/baseTemplate/templates/baseTemplate/index.html b/baseTemplate/templates/baseTemplate/index.html
index 90c47ab92..5e6acb9a0 100755
--- a/baseTemplate/templates/baseTemplate/index.html
+++ b/baseTemplate/templates/baseTemplate/index.html
@@ -1125,7 +1125,10 @@
{{ onboardingError | safe }}
{% elif onboarding == 3 %}
- Looks like something is wrong with your initial setup, please double check on Setup Wizard.
Looks like something is wrong with your initial setup, please double check on Setup Wizard.
{% endif %}
{% block content %}
{% endblock %}
diff --git a/plogical/sslUtilities.py b/plogical/sslUtilities.py
index 92f194e6a..fa4d249b2 100755
--- a/plogical/sslUtilities.py
+++ b/plogical/sslUtilities.py
@@ -451,10 +451,10 @@ def obtainSSLForADomain(virtualHostName, adminEmail, sslpath, aliasDomain=None):
Status = 1
- if (Status == 1) or ProcessUtilities.decideServer() == ProcessUtilities.ent:
- retStatus, message = sslv2.obtainSSLForADomain(virtualHostName, adminEmail, sslpath, aliasDomain)
- if retStatus == 1:
- return retStatus
+ # if (Status == 1) or ProcessUtilities.decideServer() == ProcessUtilities.ent:
+ # retStatus, message = sslv2.obtainSSLForADomain(virtualHostName, adminEmail, sslpath, aliasDomain)
+ # if retStatus == 1:
+ # return retStatus
if sslUtilities.CheckIfSSLNeedsToBeIssued(virtualHostName) == sslUtilities.ISSUE_SSL:
diff --git a/plogical/test.py b/plogical/test.py
index d3d6805a2..22ead3191 100644
--- a/plogical/test.py
+++ b/plogical/test.py
@@ -1,67 +1,67 @@
-import imaplib
-import getpass
-from email import message_from_string
-# IMAP server settings
-imap_server = 'mail.wpmautic.net'
-imap_port = 993
-# User credentials
-email_address = 'usman@wpmautic.net'
-password = getpass.getpass("Enter your email password: ")
-# Connect to the IMAP server
-mail = imaplib.IMAP4_SSL(imap_server, imap_port)
-# Log in to the mailbox
-mail.login(email_address, password)
-# Select the INBOX
-# Search for all emails in the INBOX
-result, data = mail.search(None, "ALL")
-email_ids = data[0].split()
-# Fetch and print header information for each email
-for email_id in email_ids:
- result, message_data = mail.fetch(email_id, "(BODY[HEADER.FIELDS (FROM TO SUBJECT DATE)])")
- raw_email = message_data[0][1].decode('utf-8')
- msg = message_from_string(raw_email)
- print(f"Email ID: {email_id}")
- print(f"From: {msg['From']}")
- print(f"To: {msg['To']}")
- print(f"Subject: {msg['Subject']}")
- print(f"Date: {msg['Date']}")
- print("-" * 30)
-# Logout
-# from cryptography import x509
-# from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend
-# def get_domains_covered(cert_path):
-# with open(cert_path, 'rb') as cert_file:
-# cert_data = cert_file.read()
-# cert = x509.load_pem_x509_certificate(cert_data, default_backend())
+# import imaplib
+# import getpass
+# from email import message_from_string
-# # Check for the Subject Alternative Name (SAN) extension
-# san_extension = cert.extensions.get_extension_for_class(x509.SubjectAlternativeName)
+# # IMAP server settings
+# imap_server = 'mail.wpmautic.net'
+# imap_port = 993
-# if san_extension:
-# # Extract and print the domains from SAN
-# san_domains = san_extension.value.get_values_for_type(x509.DNSName)
-# return san_domains
-# else:
-# # If SAN is not present, return the Common Name as a fallback
-# return [cert.subject.get_attributes_for_oid(x509.NameOID.COMMON_NAME)[0].value]
+# # User credentials
+# email_address = 'usman@wpmautic.net'
+# password = getpass.getpass("Enter your email password: ")
-# # Example usage
-# cert_path = '/etc/letsencrypt/live/cyberplanner.io/fullchain.pem'
-# domains_covered = get_domains_covered(cert_path)
+# # Connect to the IMAP server
+# mail = imaplib.IMAP4_SSL(imap_server, imap_port)
-# print("Domains covered by the certificate:")
-# for domain in domains_covered:
-# print(domain)
+# # Log in to the mailbox
+# mail.login(email_address, password)
+# # Select the INBOX
+# mail.select("inbox")
+# # Search for all emails in the INBOX
+# result, data = mail.search(None, "ALL")
+# email_ids = data[0].split()
+# # Fetch and print header information for each email
+# for email_id in email_ids:
+# result, message_data = mail.fetch(email_id, "(BODY[HEADER.FIELDS (FROM TO SUBJECT DATE)])")
+# raw_email = message_data[0][1].decode('utf-8')
+# msg = message_from_string(raw_email)
+# print(f"Email ID: {email_id}")
+# print(f"From: {msg['From']}")
+# print(f"To: {msg['To']}")
+# print(f"Subject: {msg['Subject']}")
+# print(f"Date: {msg['Date']}")
+# print("-" * 30)
+# # Logout
+# mail.logout()
+# # from cryptography import x509
+# # from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend
+# #
+# # def get_domains_covered(cert_path):
+# # with open(cert_path, 'rb') as cert_file:
+# # cert_data = cert_file.read()
+# # cert = x509.load_pem_x509_certificate(cert_data, default_backend())
+# #
+# # # Check for the Subject Alternative Name (SAN) extension
+# # san_extension = cert.extensions.get_extension_for_class(x509.SubjectAlternativeName)
+# #
+# # if san_extension:
+# # # Extract and print the domains from SAN
+# # san_domains = san_extension.value.get_values_for_type(x509.DNSName)
+# # return san_domains
+# # else:
+# # # If SAN is not present, return the Common Name as a fallback
+# # return [cert.subject.get_attributes_for_oid(x509.NameOID.COMMON_NAME)[0].value]
+# #
+# # # Example usage
+# # cert_path = '/etc/letsencrypt/live/cyberplanner.io/fullchain.pem'
+# # domains_covered = get_domains_covered(cert_path)
+# #
+# # print("Domains covered by the certificate:")
+# # for domain in domains_covered:
+# # print(domain)
diff --git a/plogical/virtualHostUtilities.py b/plogical/virtualHostUtilities.py
index ecb617cd7..bd9e49630 100644
--- a/plogical/virtualHostUtilities.py
+++ b/plogical/virtualHostUtilities.py
@@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ def OnBoardingHostName(Domain, tempStatusPath, skipRDNSCheck):
SSLProvider = x509.get_issuer().get_components()[1][1].decode('utf-8')
if SSLProvider == 'Denial':
- message = 'Failed to issue Hostname SSL, either its DNS record is not propagated or the domain ie behind Cloudflare. [404]'
+ message = 'Failed to issue Hostname SSL, either its DNS record is not propagated or the domain is behind Cloudflare. [404]'
logging.CyberCPLogFileWriter.statusWriter(tempStatusPath, message)
config['hostname'] = Domain
@@ -262,7 +262,7 @@ def OnBoardingHostName(Domain, tempStatusPath, skipRDNSCheck):
SSLProvider = x509.get_issuer().get_components()[1][1].decode('utf-8')
if SSLProvider == 'Denial':
- message = 'Failed to issue Mail server SSL, either its DNS record is not propagated or the domain ie behind Cloudflare. [404]'
+ message = 'Failed to issue Mail server SSL, either its DNS record is not propagated or the domain is behind Cloudflare. [404]'
logging.CyberCPLogFileWriter.statusWriter(tempStatusPath, message)
config['hostname'] = Domain