All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
0.3.3 - 2022-01-12
- badge counter now exclude disabled rules
- import from remote json
- scroll stuck for firefox
0.3.2 - 2020-01-23
- "Options" button to easly open the extension options page
- CRITICAL Bug which was blocking the extension from reading the rules list eng tab data
0.3.0 - 2020-01-19
- A new property for the rules: "Top frame only" (enabled by default).
- if enabled the rule will be injected ONLY in the top frame of the page (when the selector matches the tab url, as it has done up to now)
- if disabled the rule will be injected in iframes too.
- A new Rule UI indicator for the rules injected in iframes (a dotted light blu border on the right)
- Support for MAC
in the editors
- Replaced the old "Active Tab data" system to handle async calls and navigations in the background.js
- Repository files rearranged
- reworked the badge counter system to display the correct number of active rules
0.2.3 - 2019-04-28
- A start-grunt.bat file to run grunt tasks [buld|dev] (to remove the Grunt global SO installation dependency)
- Some packages compatibilities
- A bug wich was stopping the injection flow when including an axternal css file.
- Outdated error handling in the injector file
- Grip style differences (gray dots) between firefox and chrome for rules and files.
- Update Monaco editor from 0.13.1 to 0.16.2
- npm packages dependencies refactored
0.2.2 - ????-??-?? (skipped)
- Update Monaco editor from 0.9.0 to 0.13.1
0.2.1 - 2018-01-20
- Strange black rendering bars on rules.
0.2.0 - 2018-01-14
- A context-menu to handle rule's actions.
- It's now possible to manually inject a rule (from the rule's context-menu).
- A rule can be moved as the first or last in the rules list (from the rule's context-menu).
- More import methods (in the options page).
- Local JSON file read and import a set of rules from a loca json file (from your machine).
- Remote JSON file read and import a set of rules from a remote json file address.
- GitHub repository read and import a rule from a GitHub repository.
- Multiple injection of the same rule on webkit browsers.
- Appended a version-control when requesting remote files to prevent the browser to load cached versions (hopefully).
- Various background fixes.
- Because of the new context-menu:
- The edit and delete buttons (at the end of a rule bar) are been replaced with a single button which show the context-menu.
- the edit action has been moved to the context-menu.
- the delete action has been moved to the context-menu.
- the enabled option (from the Editor Page) has been moved to the context-menu.
- It's now possible to choose which rules to export (in the options page).
- Reworked the injection process. Now it should be more stable and secure.
- keymap to quit from the editor view from
toctrl + esc
0.1.1 - 2017-10-10
- HTML-String templates conversions are now handled by a native JavaScript constructor to improve security.
0.1.0 - 2017-10-09
The initial Beta release