Rust implementation of Facebook's DataLoader using futures and tokio-core.
- Batching load requests
- Caching load results
Add to your Cargo.toml
futures = "0.1"
dataloader = "0.5.1"
Add to your crate
extern crate futures;
extern crate dataloader;
use dataloader::{Loader, BatchFn, BatchFuture};
use futures::Future;
use futures::future::ok;
struct Batcher;
impl BatchFn<i32, i32> for Batcher {
type Error = ();
fn load(&self, keys: &[i32]) -> BatchFuture<i32, Self::Error> {
println!("load batch {:?}", keys);
ok(keys.into_iter().map(|v| v * 10).collect()).boxed()
fn main() {
let loader = Loader::new(Batcher);
println!("\n -- Using Loader --");
let v1 = loader.load(3).and_then(|v| loader.load_many(vec![v, v + 5, v + 10]));
let v2 = loader.load(4).and_then(|v| loader.load_many(vec![v, v + 5, v + 10]));
let all = v1.join(v2);
let output = all.wait().unwrap();
let expected = (vec![300, 350, 400], vec![400, 450, 500]);
assert_eq!(expected, output);
let ld = loader.cached();
println!("\n -- Using Cached Loader --");
let v1 = ld.load(3).and_then(|v| ld.load_many(vec![v, v + 5, v + 10]));
let v2 = ld.load(4).and_then(|v| ld.load_many(vec![v, v + 5, v + 10]));
let all = v1.join(v2);
let output = all.wait().unwrap();
let expected = (vec![300, 350, 400], vec![400, 450, 500]);
assert_eq!(expected, output);