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sbt-js: SBT Javascript Plugin

See README for copyright, licence, and acknowledgements.

Simple Build Tool plugin for compiling Javascript and [Coffeescript] files from multiple sources using Google's Closure compiler. Coffeescript is currently experimental.


Follow the installation instructions in README and then...

If you're using xsbt-web-plugin, add the output files to the webapp with:

(webappResources in Compile) <+= (resourceManaged in Compile)

To change the directory that is scanned, use:

(sourceDirectory in (Compile, JsKeys.js)) <<=
  (sourceDirectory in Compile)(_ / "path" / "to" / "js-and-coffee-files")

To specify multiple source directories, use:

(sourceDirectories in (Compile, JsKeys.js)) <<=
  (sourceDirectory in Compile) {
    srcDir =>
        srcDir / "first" / "path",
        srcDir / "second" / "path"

When using multiple source directories, files in earlier directories will "shadow" similarly named files in later directories, allowing you you to override individual files in a library without destructively editing the whole thing.

To change the destination directory to src/main/webapp in an xsbt-web-plugin project, use:

(resourceManaged in (Compile, JsKeys.js)) <<= (sourceDirectory in Compile)(_ / "webapp")

To version your assets to properly handle browser caching (Lifters, see this gist):

JsKeys.filenameSuffix in Compile <<= version ("-"+_)

To automatically add generated Javascript files to the application JAR:

(resourceGenerators in Compile) <+= (JsKeys.js in Compile)

To cause the js task to run automatically when you run compile:

(compile in Compile) <<= compile in Compile dependsOn (JsKeys.js in Compile)

To switch to Coffeescript 1.1.0 (default 1.6.1):

(JsKeys.coffeeVersion in (Compile)) := CoffeeVersion.Coffee110

To tell the Coffeescript compiler not to wrap code in an anonymous function wrapper:

(JsKeys.coffeeBare in (Compile)) := true

To use pretty-printing instead of regular Javascript minification:

(JsKeys.prettyPrint in (Compile)) := true

To use more aggressive variable renaming (producing smaller output files that are less likely to work without care):

(JsKeys.variableRenamingPolicy in (Compile)) := VariableRenamingPolicy.ALL

Or to turn variable renaming off altogether:

(JsKeys.variableRenamingPolicy in (Compile)) := VariableRenamingPolicy.OFF

To use ECMASCRIPT5_STRICT instead of regular ECMASCRIPT5 Language mode:

(JsKeys.strictMode in (Compile)) := true

To make Closure Compiler verbose (levels are QUIET, DEFAULT, VERBOSE, default QUIET):

(JsKeys.warningLevel in (Compile)) := WarningLevel.VERBOSE


(JsKeys.compilationLevel in (Compile, JsKeys.js)) := CompilationLevel.WHITESPACE_ONLY


To compile Javascript and Coffeescript sources, use the js command in sbt. Read the installation instructions above to see how to include Javascript compilation as part of the regular compile command.

The default behaviour of the plugin is to scan your src/main directory and look for two types of files:

  • Javascript files, with extension .js
  • Coffeescript files, with extension .coffee
  • Javascript manifest files, with extension .jsm or .jsmanifest

These files are compiled and minified using Google's Closure compiler and placed in equivalent locations under target/scala-2.9.x/resource_managed.

Read on for a description of the handling for each type of file.

Require statements

You can add require statements to your Javascript files to specify dependencies on other files or URLs. Require statements are comments of the following forms:

In Javascript files:

// require "path/to/my/file.js"
// require "path/to/my/"
// require ""
// require ""

In Coffeescript files:

\# require "path/to/my/file.js"
\# require "path/to/my/"
\# require ""
\# require ""

Required files are prepended to the file they appear in, Coffeescript files are individually compiled, and the whole lot is passed through the Google Closure compiler for minification. Note the following:

  • paths are resolved relative to the file they appear in;

  • the position of a require statement in the source does not matter - dependencies are always inserted just before the beginning of the file;

  • if multiple require statements are present in a file, the dependencies are inlined in the order they are required;

  • dependencies can be recursive - files can require files that require files;

  • woe betide you if you create recursive dependencies between your files :)

Javascript manifest files

Javascript manifest files are a useful shorthand for building Javascript from a list of sources. A manifest contains an ordered list of JavaScript source locations. For example:

\# You can specify remote files using URLs...

\# ...and local files using regular paths
\#    (relative to the location of the manifest):

\# Blank lines and bash-style comments are also supported.
\# These may be swapped for JS-style comments in the future.

The sources are cached and inlined into one large Javascript file, which is then passed to the Closure compiler. The compiler outputs a file of the same name and relative path of the manifest, but with a .js extension. For example, if your manifest file is at src/main/javascript/static/js/kitchen-sink.jsm in the source tree, the final path would be resource_managed/main/static/js/kitchen-sink.js in the target tree.


It is sometime useful to template Javascript files. For example, you might want scripts to refer to localhost during development and your live server once deployed.

Javascript files with the extension .template.js are passed through a Mustache template processor before being passed to the Closure compiler.

Property names and values are drawn from a properties file that is located and parsed in an identical manner to the Lift web framework (though the implementation has no dependency on Lift). The default location for property files is src/main/resources/props. See the Lift documentation for file formats and naming conventions.