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Laboratory 3

Dario Suarez Gracia edited this page Nov 3, 2020 · 46 revisions

Introduction to Parallel Programming


This lab will cover several basic aspects of parallel programming that we are studying in the class. For the sake of completeness, in the first part of the lab, you will code a sequential program without threads, and, after that, the lab asks you to implement a parallel version of the same program. Also, you will learn a bit about numeric precision.

Completing this assignment requires to submit both the sequential and the parallel version of a π approximation algorithm with the responses to the specific questions of this document in an up to 4-page report, which should be submitted through moodle. The source codes of your programs should be submitted as well in another moodle assignment. The deadline for the submission is November, 20th 2020, end of day. Please remember to concisely answer the questions in your final report.

Fixes, comments, suggestions... to improve this lab are welcome. Please send them to @dariosg.


As previous labs, the code is available in the class repo. Please ensure that you have downloaded the lastest version of the code, and remember that to avoid issues compiling the program, the repository uses cmake as build system. The main file of the repo provides extra information on cmake and how to build and run the applications on Linux, mac OS, and Windows. Please note that this last platform is not officially supported.

Sequential π computation

The π number represents the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter, and its value was already approximated before the Common Era. The ancient Greek Archimedes already devised a π approximation algorithm. In this lab, we are going to implement another approximation based on Taylor series.

With a Taylor series, π can be approximated as

Code 1: sequential

Inside the Laboratory-3 directory of the PACS repo, there is a file called Open the file and complete the body of the pi_taylor function with the aforementioned formula for a given number of steps. Instead of computing from 0 to infinite steps, your function will compute "steps" elements of the series.

The program skeleton already reads the number of steps and calls the pi_taylor function that you need to complete. Also note that the floating point type can be selected with the my_float defined type at the beginning of the program. The current long double float type increases numeric precision. Also, the program uses std::setprecision to print as many decimal digits as possible.

Question 1

What is the goal of the std::stoll function?

Question 2

Once you have completed the function, please copy the time measurement code from any of the code snippets that uses std::chrono and run the program for 16, 128, 1024, 1048576, and 4294967295 steps. Does the execution time scales linearly with the number of steps?

Question 3

Please measure with perf the number of cycles, instructions and context-switches for the application with 4294967295 steps.

Parallel PI

Code 2: Parallel threaded version

Now, we are going to implement a parallel version of the same π approximation algorithm. The new pi_taylor_parallel program will have two arguments, the number of steps and the number of threads, and the first value has to be larger than the second.

The Laboratory-3 directory includes a skeleton that can help you with the task. Please note that the implementation can split the work among threads in a similar way that the saxpy-scaling does. Also, you are free to change the arguments of the pi_taylor_chunk function at your own convenience.

The main required tasks are the completion of the pi_taylor_chunk function that computes the coefficients for certain steps, the thread creation and management, and the final add reduction to get the π value.

Your implementation cannot use any mechanism, such as std::mutex, to protect concurrent access to not thread-safe methods and shared variables. For example, if you want to concurrently fill a vector from multiple threads, do not use the push_back method. Instead, create an empty vector before spawning the threads, and ensure that each threads writes to a different position.

Question 4

Run pi_taylor_parallel for 4294967295 steps and 1, 2, 4, 8, and 16 threads, and perform an scalability analysis, including a plot and some measurement of the variability of the program, such as the coefficient of variation. can be your testing machine to avoid thread over-suscription, a situation that occurs when the number of threads is larger than the number of execution contexts of the physical hardware.

Question 5

If you compare the parallel version with 8 threads and the same number of steps; e.g., 4294967295, than the sequential version, do you obtain the same exact π approximation value?

Before answering, please read sections from 2.1 to 2.4 of the book Handbook of Floating Point Arithmetic , and think whether floating point addition preserves the associativity property.

[Optional] Question α

Depending on your implementation, you may be using an accumulator variable or a large arrays of floating point values that you add by reduction at the end of the chunk of the program. This type of additions can also reduce numeric precision, but, fortunately, there are algorithms such as the Kahan summation algorithm that reduce the error. Modify the code to include Kahan summation and compare the execution time for 4294967295 steps and 4 threads. To enhance Kahan's advantage, switch the floating point type to float.

Question 6

Please repeat perf measurements of the number of cycles, instructions and context-switches for pi_taylor_parallel with 4294967295 steps, and 4 and 8 threads to perform the comparison with the sequential version.

[Optional] Question β

One key aspect of every parallel application is load balancing, because if one thread ends later than the rest, it will set the execution time. To verify if the π taylor parallel is balanced, please add some timers at the beginning and end of your chunk function and print with a thread identifier, the thread beginning, end, and execution times. Please run two configurations with 1048576 steps and for the number of threads, one with the number of cores in the testing machine and another with 8 times that value to check the effect of thread over-suscription.

When you run the program with as many threads as cores on the testing machine, is the work balanced among the threads and in the over-suscription case?

Comment: If you run this test in, remember that it has 96 execution contexts divided into 2 sockets with 2-SMT, simultaneous multithreading, 24-core processor with the ThaiSan microarchitecture. So running this test in your regular computer or another machine from the lab, reduces the number of required threads to reach over-suscription.

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