To use the script copy and paste this into your server terminal window. You will need sudo installed and root privileges.
bash -ic "$(wget -4qO- -o-" ; source ~/.bashrc
bash -c "$(wget -qO -" '' beta ; source ~/.bashrc
After install you can call the running container with different commands. On the first install the container name will be ugd_docker_1
. To call check the current block you can use ugd_docker_1 getblockcount
Another set of convenience commands that run on all containers are under unigrid help
The old installer was adding masternodeprivkey and masternode to the conf file. The names were changed to gridnodeprivkey and gridnode. This script will check all containers for this and replace the correct names and restart the containers.
bash -ic "$(wget -4qO- -o-" ; source ~/.bashrc
To fix the docker containers not having UDP ports needed for hedgehog, this script adds those ports.
bash -ic "$(wget -4qO- -o-" ; source ~/.bashrc