diff --git a/tools/cldr-apps/pom.xml b/tools/cldr-apps/pom.xml
index efc63ba4e4a..e58c1994b11 100644
--- a/tools/cldr-apps/pom.xml
+++ b/tools/cldr-apps/pom.xml
@@ -87,6 +87,13 @@
+ com.github.stephenc.jcip
+ jcip-annotations
+ 1.0-1
+ test
diff --git a/tools/cldr-apps/src/test/java/org/unicode/cldr/unittest/web/TestAll.java b/tools/cldr-apps/src/test/java/org/unicode/cldr/unittest/web/TestAll.java
index 3db23a3d636..f2c65735bb4 100644
--- a/tools/cldr-apps/src/test/java/org/unicode/cldr/unittest/web/TestAll.java
+++ b/tools/cldr-apps/src/test/java/org/unicode/cldr/unittest/web/TestAll.java
@@ -3,11 +3,12 @@
package org.unicode.cldr.unittest.web;
+import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assumptions.assumeTrue;
import com.ibm.icu.dev.test.TestFmwk.TestGroup;
import com.ibm.icu.dev.test.TestLog;
import com.ibm.icu.text.Collator;
import com.ibm.icu.text.RuleBasedCollator;
-import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.PrintWriter;
import java.sql.SQLException;
@@ -19,7 +20,6 @@
import org.unicode.cldr.util.CLDRPaths;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.CldrUtility;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.Factory;
-import org.unicode.cldr.util.FileReaders;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.StandardCodes;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.SupplementalDataInfo;
import org.unicode.cldr.web.CLDRProgressIndicator;
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ public static int main(String[] args, PrintWriter logs) {
public static String[] doResetDb(String[] args) {
if (CLDRConfig.getInstance().getEnvironment() != Environment.UNITTEST) {
throw new InternalError(
- "Error: the CLDRConfig Environment is not UNITTEST. Please set -DCLDR_ENVIRONMENT=UNITTESTS");
+ "Error: the CLDRConfig Environment is not UNITTEST. Please set -DCLDR_ENVIRONMENT=UNITTEST");
return args;
@@ -113,7 +113,6 @@ public TestAll() {
- TestSTFactory.class.getName(),
@@ -333,15 +332,6 @@ public long startTime() {
- /**
- * Fetch data from jar
- *
- * @param name name of thing to load (org.unicode.cldr.unittest.web.data.name)
- */
- public static BufferedReader getUTF8Data(String name) throws java.io.IOException {
- return FileReaders.openFile(TestAll.class, "data/" + name);
- }
public static final boolean skipIfNoDb() {
if (!HAVE_TEST_DB) {
@@ -352,4 +342,15 @@ public static final boolean skipIfNoDb() {
return false;
+ /**
+ * @see #skipIfNoDb() - same but for JUnit
+ */
+ public static void assumeHaveDb() {
+ assumeTrue(
+ String.format(
+ "DB tests skipped because -D%s was not set to a MySQL URL.",
+ }
diff --git a/tools/cldr-apps/src/test/java/org/unicode/cldr/unittest/web/TestSTFactory.java b/tools/cldr-apps/src/test/java/org/unicode/cldr/unittest/web/TestSTFactory.java
deleted file mode 100644
index d4b789ce3d5..00000000000
--- a/tools/cldr-apps/src/test/java/org/unicode/cldr/unittest/web/TestSTFactory.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1318 +0,0 @@
-package org.unicode.cldr.unittest.web;
-import com.ibm.icu.dev.test.TestFmwk;
-import com.ibm.icu.dev.util.ElapsedTimer;
-import java.io.File;
-import java.io.IOException;
-import java.io.PrintWriter;
-import java.sql.Connection;
-import java.sql.SQLException;
-import java.util.Date;
-import java.util.Map;
-import java.util.TreeMap;
-import org.unicode.cldr.draft.FileUtilities;
-import org.unicode.cldr.test.CheckCLDR;
-import org.unicode.cldr.unittest.web.TestAll.WebTestInfo;
-import org.unicode.cldr.util.CLDRConfig;
-import org.unicode.cldr.util.CLDRFile;
-import org.unicode.cldr.util.CLDRFile.DraftStatus;
-import org.unicode.cldr.util.CLDRLocale;
-import org.unicode.cldr.util.CLDRPaths;
-import org.unicode.cldr.util.CldrUtility;
-import org.unicode.cldr.util.Organization;
-import org.unicode.cldr.util.SpecialLocales;
-import org.unicode.cldr.util.StackTracker;
-import org.unicode.cldr.util.VoteResolver;
-import org.unicode.cldr.util.VoteResolver.Level;
-import org.unicode.cldr.util.VoteResolver.Status;
-import org.unicode.cldr.util.XMLFileReader;
-import org.unicode.cldr.util.XPathParts;
-import org.unicode.cldr.web.BallotBox;
-import org.unicode.cldr.web.BallotBox.InvalidXPathException;
-import org.unicode.cldr.web.BallotBox.VoteNotAcceptedException;
-import org.unicode.cldr.web.CookieSession;
-import org.unicode.cldr.web.DBUtils;
-import org.unicode.cldr.web.STFactory;
-import org.unicode.cldr.web.SurveyException;
-import org.unicode.cldr.web.SurveyMain;
-import org.unicode.cldr.web.UserRegistry;
-import org.unicode.cldr.web.UserRegistry.LogoutException;
-import org.unicode.cldr.web.UserRegistry.User;
-import org.unicode.cldr.web.XPathTable;
-import org.unicode.cldr.web.api.VoteAPI;
-import org.unicode.cldr.web.api.VoteAPI.RowResponse;
-import org.unicode.cldr.web.api.VoteAPI.RowResponse.Row;
-import org.unicode.cldr.web.api.VoteAPIHelper;
-import org.unicode.cldr.web.api.VoteAPIHelper.ArgsForGet;
-public class TestSTFactory extends TestFmwk {
- TestAll.WebTestInfo testInfo = WebTestInfo.getInstance();
- STFactory gFac = null;
- UserRegistry.User gUser = null;
- public static void main(String[] args) {
- new TestSTFactory().run(TestAll.doResetDb(args));
- }
- public void TestBasicFactory() throws SQLException {
- if (TestAll.skipIfNoDb()) return;
- CLDRLocale locale = CLDRLocale.getInstance("aa");
- STFactory fac = getFactory();
- CLDRFile mt = fac.make(locale, false);
- BallotBox box = fac.ballotBoxForLocale(locale);
- mt.iterator();
- final String somePath = "//ldml/localeDisplayNames/keys/key[@type=\"collation\"]";
- box.getValues(somePath);
- }
- public void TestReadonlyLocales() throws SQLException {
- if (TestAll.skipIfNoDb()) return;
- STFactory fac = getFactory();
- verifyReadOnly(fac.make("root", false));
- verifyReadOnly(fac.make("en", false));
- }
- private static final String ANY = "*";
- private static final String NULL = "";
- private String expect(
- String path,
- String expectString,
- boolean expectVoted,
- CLDRFile file,
- BallotBox box) {
- CLDRLocale locale = CLDRLocale.getInstance(file.getLocaleID());
- String currentWinner = file.getStringValue(path);
- boolean didVote = box.userDidVote(getMyUser(), path);
- StackTraceElement them = StackTracker.currentElement(0);
- String where = " (" + them.getFileName() + ":" + them.getLineNumber() + "): ";
- if (expectString == null) expectString = NULL;
- if (currentWinner == null) currentWinner = NULL;
- if (expectString != ANY && !expectString.equals(currentWinner)) {
- errln(
- "ERR:"
- + where
- + "Expected '"
- + expectString
- + "': "
- + locale
- + ":"
- + path
- + " ='"
- + currentWinner
- + "', "
- + votedToString(didVote)
- + box.getResolver(path));
- } else if (expectVoted != didVote) {
- errln(
- "ERR:"
- + where
- + "Expected VOTING="
- + votedToString(expectVoted)
- + ": "
- + locale
- + ":"
- + path
- + " ='"
- + currentWinner
- + "', "
- + votedToString(didVote)
- + box.getResolver(path));
- } else {
- logln(
- where
- + locale
- + ":"
- + path
- + " ='"
- + currentWinner
- + "', "
- + votedToString(didVote)
- + box.getResolver(path));
- }
- return currentWinner;
- }
- /**
- * @param didVote
- * @return
- */
- private String votedToString(boolean didVote) {
- return didVote ? "(I VOTED)" : "( did NOT VOTE) ";
- }
- public void TestBasicVote()
- throws SQLException, IOException, InvalidXPathException, VoteNotAcceptedException {
- if (TestAll.skipIfNoDb()) return;
- STFactory fac = getFactory();
- final String somePath = "//ldml/localeDisplayNames/keys/key[@type=\"collation\"]";
- String originalValue = null;
- String changedTo = null;
- CLDRLocale locale = CLDRLocale.getInstance("de");
- CLDRLocale localeSub = CLDRLocale.getInstance("de_CH");
- {
- CLDRFile mt = fac.make(locale, false);
- BallotBox box = fac.ballotBoxForLocale(locale);
- originalValue = expect(somePath, ANY, false, mt, box);
- changedTo = "The main pump fixing screws with the correct strength class"; // as
- // per
- // ticket:2260
- if (originalValue.equals(changedTo)) {
- errln(
- "for "
- + locale
- + " value "
- + somePath
- + " winner is already= "
- + originalValue);
- }
- box.voteForValue(getMyUser(), somePath, changedTo); // vote
- expect(somePath, changedTo, true, mt, box);
- box.voteForValue(getMyUser(), somePath, null); // unvote
- expect(somePath, originalValue, false, mt, box);
- box.voteForValue(getMyUser(), somePath, changedTo); // vote again
- expect(somePath, changedTo, true, mt, box);
- Date modDate = mt.getLastModifiedDate(somePath);
- if (modDate == null) {
- errln("@1: mod date was null!");
- } else {
- logln("@1: mod date " + modDate);
- }
- }
- // Restart STFactory.
- fac = resetFactory();
- {
- CLDRFile mt = fac.make(locale, false);
- BallotBox box = fac.ballotBoxForLocale(locale);
- expect(somePath, changedTo, true, mt, box);
- {
- Date modDate = mt.getLastModifiedDate(somePath);
- if (modDate == null) {
- errln("@2: mod date was null!");
- } else {
- logln("@2: mod date " + modDate);
- }
- }
- CLDRFile mt2 = fac.make(locale, true);
- {
- Date modDate = mt2.getLastModifiedDate(somePath);
- if (modDate == null) {
- errln("@2a: mod date was null!");
- } else {
- logln("@2a: mod date " + modDate);
- }
- }
- CLDRFile mtMT = fac.make(localeSub, true);
- {
- Date modDate = mtMT.getLastModifiedDate(somePath);
- if (modDate == null) {
- errln("@2b: mod date was null!");
- } else {
- logln("@2b: mod date " + modDate);
- }
- }
- CLDRFile mtMTb = fac.make(localeSub, false);
- {
- Date modDate = mtMTb.getLastModifiedDate(somePath);
- if (modDate != null) {
- errln("@2c: mod date was " + modDate);
- } else {
- logln("@2c: mod date was " + modDate);
- }
- }
- // unvote
- box.voteForValue(getMyUser(), somePath, null);
- expect(somePath, originalValue, false, mt, box);
- {
- Date modDate = mt.getLastModifiedDate(somePath);
- if (modDate != null) {
- errln("@3: mod date was not null! " + modDate);
- } else {
- logln("@3: mod date " + modDate);
- }
- }
- }
- fac = resetFactory();
- {
- CLDRFile mt = fac.make(locale, false);
- BallotBox box = fac.ballotBoxForLocale(locale);
- expect(somePath, originalValue, false, mt, box);
- // vote for ____2
- changedTo = changedTo + "2";
- logln("VoteFor: " + changedTo);
- box.voteForValue(getMyUser(), somePath, changedTo);
- expect(somePath, changedTo, true, mt, box);
- logln("Write out..");
- File targDir = TestAll.getEmptyDir(TestSTFactory.class.getName() + "_output");
- File outFile = new File(targDir, locale.getBaseName() + ".xml");
- PrintWriter pw =
- FileUtilities.openUTF8Writer(
- targDir.getAbsolutePath(), locale.getBaseName() + ".xml");
- mt.write(pw, noDtdPlease);
- pw.close();
- logln("Read back..");
- CLDRFile readBack = null;
- try {
- readBack =
- CLDRFile.loadFromFile(
- outFile, locale.getBaseName(), DraftStatus.unconfirmed);
- } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {
- iae.getCause().printStackTrace();
- System.err.println(iae.getCause().toString());
- handleException(iae);
- }
- String reRead = readBack.getStringValue(somePath);
- logln("reread: " + outFile.getAbsolutePath() + " value " + somePath + " = " + reRead);
- if (!changedTo.equals(reRead)) {
- logln(
- "reread: "
- + outFile.getAbsolutePath()
- + " value "
- + somePath
- + " = "
- + reRead
- + ", should be "
- + changedTo);
- }
- }
- }
- public void TestDenyVote() throws SQLException, IOException {
- if (TestAll.skipIfNoDb()) return;
- STFactory fac = getFactory();
- final String somePath2 = "//ldml/localeDisplayNames/keys/key[@type=\"numbers\"]";
- // String originalValue2 = null;
- String changedTo2 = null;
- // test votring for a bad locale
- {
- CLDRLocale locale2 = CLDRLocale.getInstance("mt_MT");
- // CLDRFile mt_MT = fac.make(locale2, false);
- BallotBox box = fac.ballotBoxForLocale(locale2);
- try {
- box.voteForValue(getMyUser(), somePath2, changedTo2);
- errln("Error! should have failed to vote for " + locale2);
- } catch (Throwable t) {
- logln("Good - caught " + t.toString() + " as this locale is a default content.");
- }
- }
- {
- CLDRLocale locale2 = CLDRLocale.getInstance("en");
- // CLDRFile mt_MT = fac.make(locale2, false);
- BallotBox box = fac.ballotBoxForLocale(locale2);
- try {
- box.voteForValue(getMyUser(), somePath2, changedTo2);
- errln("Error! should have failed to vote for " + locale2);
- } catch (Throwable t) {
- logln("Good - caught " + t.toString() + " as this locale is readonly english.");
- }
- }
- {
- CLDRLocale locale2 = CLDRLocale.getInstance("no");
- // CLDRFile no = fac.make(locale2, false);
- BallotBox box = fac.ballotBoxForLocale(locale2);
- final String bad_xpath =
- "//ldml/units/unitLength[@type=\"format\"]/unit[@type=\"murray\"]/unitPattern[@count=\"many\"]";
- try {
- box.voteForValue(getMyUser(), bad_xpath, "{0} Murrays"); // bogus
- errln("Error! should have failed to vote for " + locale2 + " xpath " + bad_xpath);
- } catch (Throwable t) {
- logln(
- "Good - caught "
- + t.toString()
- + " voting for "
- + bad_xpath
- + " as this is a bad xpath.");
- }
- }
- }
- public void TestSparseVote()
- throws SQLException, IOException, InvalidXPathException, SurveyException {
- if (TestAll.skipIfNoDb()) return;
- STFactory fac = getFactory();
- final String somePath2 = "//ldml/localeDisplayNames/keys/key[@type=\"calendar\"]";
- String originalValue2 = null;
- String changedTo2 = null;
- CLDRLocale locale2 = CLDRLocale.getInstance("fr_BE");
- // Can't (and shouldn't) try to do this test if the locale is configured as read-only
- // (including algorithmic).
- if (SpecialLocales.Type.isReadOnly(SpecialLocales.getType(locale2))) {
- return;
- }
- // test sparsity
- {
- CLDRFile cldrFile = fac.make(locale2, false);
- BallotBox box = fac.ballotBoxForLocale(locale2);
- originalValue2 = expect(somePath2, null, false, cldrFile, box);
- changedTo2 = "The alternate pump fixing screws with the incorrect strength class";
- if (originalValue2.equals(changedTo2)) {
- errln(
- "for "
- + locale2
- + " value "
- + somePath2
- + " winner is already= "
- + originalValue2);
- }
- box.voteForValue(getMyUser(), somePath2, changedTo2);
- expect(somePath2, changedTo2, true, cldrFile, box);
- }
- // Restart STFactory.
- fac = resetFactory();
- {
- CLDRFile cldrFile = fac.make(locale2, false);
- BallotBox box = fac.ballotBoxForLocale(locale2);
- expect(somePath2, changedTo2, true, cldrFile, box);
- // unvote
- box.voteForValue(getMyUser(), somePath2, null);
- /*
- * No one has voted; expect inheritance to win
- */
- expect(somePath2, CldrUtility.INHERITANCE_MARKER, false, cldrFile, box);
- }
- fac = resetFactory();
- {
- CLDRFile cldrFile = fac.make(locale2, false);
- BallotBox box = fac.ballotBoxForLocale(locale2);
- expect(somePath2, null, false, cldrFile, box);
- // vote for ____2
- changedTo2 = changedTo2 + "2";
- logln("VoteFor: " + changedTo2);
- box.voteForValue(getMyUser(), somePath2, changedTo2);
- expect(somePath2, changedTo2, true, cldrFile, box);
- logln("Write out..");
- File targDir = TestAll.getEmptyDir(TestSTFactory.class.getName() + "_output");
- File outFile = new File(targDir, locale2.getBaseName() + ".xml");
- PrintWriter pw =
- FileUtilities.openUTF8Writer(
- targDir.getAbsolutePath(), locale2.getBaseName() + ".xml");
- cldrFile.write(pw, noDtdPlease);
- pw.close();
- logln("Read back..");
- CLDRFile readBack =
- CLDRFile.loadFromFile(outFile, locale2.getBaseName(), DraftStatus.unconfirmed);
- String reRead = readBack.getStringValue(somePath2);
- logln("reread: " + outFile.getAbsolutePath() + " value " + somePath2 + " = " + reRead);
- if (!changedTo2.equals(reRead)) {
- logln(
- "reread: "
- + outFile.getAbsolutePath()
- + " value "
- + somePath2
- + " = "
- + reRead
- + ", should be "
- + changedTo2);
- }
- }
- }
- public void TestVettingDataDriven() throws SQLException, IOException {
- if (TestAll.skipIfNoDb()) return;
- runDataDrivenTest(TestSTFactory.class.getSimpleName()); // TestSTFactory.xml
- }
- public void TestVotePerf() throws SQLException, IOException {
- if (TestAll.skipIfNoDb()) return;
- final CheckCLDR.Phase p = CLDRConfig.getInstance().getPhase();
- assertTrue("phase " + p + ".isUnitTest()", p.isUnitTest());
- runDataDrivenTest("TestVotePerf");
- }
- public void TestUserRegistry() throws SQLException, IOException {
- if (TestAll.skipIfNoDb()) return;
- runDataDrivenTest("TestUserRegistry");
- }
- /*
- * TODO: shorten this function, over 300 lines; use subroutines
- */
- private void runDataDrivenTest(final String fileBasename) throws SQLException, IOException {
- if (TestAll.skipIfNoDb()) return;
- final STFactory fac = getFactory();
- final File targDir = TestAll.getEmptyDir(TestSTFactory.class.getName() + "_output");
- XMLFileReader myReader = new XMLFileReader();
- final Map attrs = new TreeMap<>();
- final Map vars = new TreeMap<>();
- myReader.setHandler(
- new XMLFileReader.SimpleHandler() {
- final Map users = new TreeMap<>();
- int pathCount = 0;
- @Override
- public void handlePathValue(String path, String value) {
- ++pathCount;
- if (value != null && value.startsWith("$")) {
- String varName = value.substring(1);
- value = vars.get(varName);
- logln(" $" + varName + " == '" + value + "'");
- }
- XPathParts xpp = XPathParts.getFrozenInstance(path);
- attrs.clear();
- for (String k : xpp.getAttributeKeys(-1)) {
- attrs.put(k, xpp.getAttributeValue(-1, k));
- }
- if ("mul_ZZ".equals(attrs.get("locale"))) {
- int debug = 0;
- }
- String elem = xpp.getElement(-1);
- if (false)
- logln(
- "* <"
- + elem
- + " "
- + attrs.toString()
- + ">"
- + value
- + ""
- + elem
- + ">");
- String xpath = attrs.get("xpath");
- if (xpath != null) {
- xpath = xpath.trim().replace("'", "\"");
- }
- switch (elem) {
- case "user":
- handleElementUser(fac, attrs);
- break;
- case "setvar":
- handleElementSetvar(fac, attrs, vars, xpath);
- break;
- case "apivote":
- case "apiunvote":
- handleElementApivote(attrs, value, elem, xpath);
- break;
- case "vote":
- case "unvote":
- handleElementVote(fac, attrs, value, elem, xpath);
- break;
- case "apiverify":
- handleElementApiverify(attrs, value, xpath);
- break;
- case "verify":
- handleElementVerify(fac, attrs, value, elem, xpath);
- break;
- case "verifyUser":
- handleElementVerifyUser(attrs);
- break;
- case "echo":
- case "warn":
- handleElementEcho(value, elem);
- break;
- default:
- throw new IllegalArgumentException(
- "Unknown test element type " + elem);
- }
- }
- private void handleElementVerify(
- STFactory fac,
- Map attrs,
- String value,
- String elem,
- String xpath) {
- value = value.trim();
- if (value.isEmpty()) value = null;
- CLDRLocale locale = CLDRLocale.getInstance(attrs.get("locale"));
- BallotBox box = fac.ballotBoxForLocale(locale);
- CLDRFile cf = fac.make(locale, true);
- String stringValue = cf.getStringValue(xpath);
- String fullXpath = cf.getFullXPath(xpath);
- // logln("V"+ xpath + " = " + stringValue + ", " +
- // fullXpath);
- // logln("Resolver=" + box.getResolver(xpath));
- if (value == null && stringValue != null) {
- errln(
- pathCount
- + "a Expected null value at "
- + locale
- + ":"
- + xpath
- + " got "
- + stringValue);
- } else if (value != null && !value.equals(stringValue)) {
- errln(
- pathCount
- + "b Expected "
- + value
- + " at "
- + locale
- + ":"
- + xpath
- + " got "
- + stringValue);
- } else {
- logln("OK: " + locale + ":" + xpath + " = " + value);
- }
- Status expStatus = Status.fromString(attrs.get("status"));
- VoteResolver r = box.getResolver(xpath);
- Status winStatus = r.getWinningStatus();
- if (winStatus == expStatus) {
- logln(
- "OK: Status="
- + winStatus
- + " "
- + locale
- + ":"
- + xpath
- + " Resolver="
- + box.getResolver(xpath));
- } else if (pathCount == 49 && !VoteResolver.DROP_HARD_INHERITANCE) {
- logln(
- "Ignoring status mismatch for "
- + pathCount
- + "c, test assumes DROP_HARD_INHERITANCE is true");
- } else {
- errln(
- pathCount
- + "c Expected: Status="
- + expStatus
- + " got "
- + winStatus
- + " "
- + locale
- + ":"
- + xpath
- + " Resolver="
- + box.getResolver(xpath));
- }
- Status xpathStatus;
- CLDRFile.Status newPath = new CLDRFile.Status();
- CLDRLocale newLocale =
- CLDRLocale.getInstance(
- cf.getSourceLocaleIdExtended(fullXpath, newPath, false));
- final boolean localeChanged =
- newLocale != null && !newLocale.equals(locale);
- final boolean pathChanged =
- newPath.pathWhereFound != null
- && !newPath.pathWhereFound.equals(xpath);
- final boolean itMoved = localeChanged || pathChanged;
- if (localeChanged && pathChanged) {
- logln(
- "Aliased(locale+path): "
- + locale
- + "->"
- + newLocale
- + " and "
- + xpath
- + "->"
- + newPath.pathWhereFound);
- } else if (localeChanged) {
- logln("Aliased(locale): " + locale + "->" + newLocale);
- } else if (pathChanged) {
- logln("Aliased(path): " + xpath + "->" + newPath.pathWhereFound);
- }
- if ((fullXpath == null) || itMoved) {
- xpathStatus = Status.missing;
- } else {
- XPathParts xpp2 = XPathParts.getFrozenInstance(fullXpath);
- String statusFromXpath = xpp2.getAttributeValue(-1, "draft");
- if (statusFromXpath == null) {
- statusFromXpath = "approved"; // no draft = approved
- }
- xpathStatus = Status.fromString(statusFromXpath);
- }
- if (xpathStatus != winStatus) {
- logln(
- "Warning: Winning Status="
- + winStatus
- + " but xpath status is "
- + xpathStatus
- + " "
- + locale
- + ":"
- + fullXpath
- + " Resolver="
- + box.getResolver(xpath));
- } else if (xpathStatus == expStatus) {
- logln(
- "OK from fullxpath: Status="
- + xpathStatus
- + " "
- + locale
- + ":"
- + fullXpath
- + " Resolver="
- + box.getResolver(xpath));
- } else {
- errln(
- pathCount
- + "d Expected from fullxpath: Status="
- + expStatus
- + " got "
- + xpathStatus
- + " "
- + locale
- + ":"
- + fullXpath
- + " Resolver="
- + box.getResolver(xpath));
- }
- // Verify from XML
- File outFile = new File(targDir, locale.getBaseName() + ".xml");
- if (outFile.exists()) outFile.delete();
- try {
- PrintWriter pw;
- pw =
- FileUtilities.openUTF8Writer(
- targDir.getAbsolutePath(),
- locale.getBaseName() + ".xml");
- cf.write(pw, noDtdPlease);
- pw.close();
- } catch (IOException e) {
- // TODO Auto-generated catch block
- e.printStackTrace();
- handleException(e);
- return;
- }
- // logln("Read back..");
- CLDRFile readBack = null;
- try {
- readBack =
- CLDRFile.loadFromFile(
- outFile, locale.getBaseName(), DraftStatus.unconfirmed);
- } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {
- iae.getCause().printStackTrace();
- System.err.println(iae.getCause().toString());
- handleException(iae);
- }
- String reRead = readBack.getStringValue(xpath);
- String fullXpathBack = readBack.getFullXPath(xpath);
- Status xpathStatusBack;
- if (fullXpathBack == null || itMoved) {
- xpathStatusBack = Status.missing;
- } else {
- XPathParts xpp2 = XPathParts.getFrozenInstance(fullXpathBack);
- String statusFromXpathBack = xpp2.getAttributeValue(-1, "draft");
- if (statusFromXpathBack == null) {
- statusFromXpathBack = "approved"; // no draft =
- // approved
- }
- xpathStatusBack = Status.fromString(statusFromXpathBack);
- }
- if (value == null && reRead != null) {
- errln(
- pathCount
- + "e Expected null value from XML at "
- + locale
- + ":"
- + xpath
- + " got "
- + reRead);
- } else if (value != null && !value.equals(reRead)) {
- errln(
- pathCount
- + "f Expected from XML "
- + value
- + " at "
- + locale
- + ":"
- + xpath
- + " got "
- + reRead);
- } else {
- logln("OK from XML: " + locale + ":" + xpath + " = " + reRead);
- }
- if (xpathStatusBack == expStatus) {
- logln(
- "OK from XML: Status="
- + xpathStatusBack
- + " "
- + locale
- + ":"
- + fullXpathBack
- + " Resolver="
- + box.getResolver(xpath));
- } else if (xpathStatusBack != winStatus) {
- logln(
- "Warning: Problem from XML: Winning Status="
- + winStatus
- + " got "
- + xpathStatusBack
- + " "
- + locale
- + ":"
- + fullXpathBack
- + " Resolver="
- + box.getResolver(xpath));
- } else {
- errln(
- pathCount
- + "g Expected from XML: Status="
- + expStatus
- + " got "
- + xpathStatusBack
- + " "
- + locale
- + ":"
- + fullXpathBack
- + " Resolver="
- + box.getResolver(xpath));
- }
- verifyOrgStatus(r, attrs);
- }
- private void handleElementEcho(String value, String elem) {
- if (value == null) {
- logln("*** " + elem + " \"" + "null" + "\"");
- } else {
- logln("*** " + elem + " \"" + value.trim() + "\"");
- }
- }
- private void handleElementVerifyUser(final Map attrs) {
- final User u = getUserFromAttrs(attrs, "name");
- final User onUser = getUserFromAttrs(attrs, "onUser");
- final String action = attrs.get("action");
- final boolean allowed = getBooleanAttr(attrs, "allowed", true);
- boolean actualResult = true;
- //
- final Level uLevel = u.getLevel();
- final Level onLevel = onUser.getLevel();
- switch (action) {
- case "create":
- actualResult = actualResult && UserRegistry.userCanCreateUsers(u);
- if (!u.isSameOrg(onUser)) {
- actualResult =
- actualResult
- && UserRegistry.userCreateOtherOrgs(
- u); // if of different org
- }
- actualResult =
- actualResult && uLevel.canCreateOrSetLevelTo(onLevel);
- break;
- case "delete": // assume same perms for now (?)
- case "modify":
- {
- final boolean oldTest = u.isAdminFor(onUser);
- final boolean newTest =
- uLevel.canManageSomeUsers()
- && uLevel.isManagerFor(
- u.getOrganization(),
- onLevel,
- onUser.getOrganization());
- assertEquals(
- "New(ex) vs old(got) manage test: "
- + uLevel
- + "/"
- + onLevel,
- newTest,
- oldTest);
- actualResult = actualResult && newTest;
- }
- break;
- default:
- errln("Unhandled action: " + action);
- }
- assertEquals(
- u.org
- + ":"
- + uLevel
- + " "
- + action
- + " "
- + onUser.org
- + ":"
- + onLevel,
- allowed,
- actualResult);
- }
- private void handleElementApiverify(
- final Map attrs, String value, String xpath) {
- // like verify, but via API
- value = value.trim();
- if (value.isEmpty()) value = null;
- UserRegistry.User u = getUserFromAttrs(attrs, "name");
- CLDRLocale locale = CLDRLocale.getInstance(attrs.get("locale"));
- final CookieSession mySession = CookieSession.getTestSession(u);
- ArgsForGet args = new ArgsForGet(locale.getBaseName(), mySession.id);
- args.xpstrid = XPathTable.getStringIDString(xpath);
- // args.getDashboard = false;
- try {
- final RowResponse r =
- VoteAPIHelper.getRowsResponse(
- args, CookieSession.sm, locale, mySession, false);
- assertEquals("xpstrid", args.xpstrid, r.xpstrid);
- assertEquals("row count", 1, r.page.rows.size());
- final Row firstRow = r.page.rows.values().iterator().next();
- assertEquals("rxpath", firstRow.xpath, xpath);
- assertEquals("value for " + args.xpstrid, value, firstRow.winningValue);
- } catch (Throwable t) {
- assertNull("did not expect an exception", t);
- }
- }
- private void handleElementVote(
- final STFactory fac,
- final Map attrs,
- String value,
- String elem,
- String xpath) {
- UserRegistry.User u = getUserFromAttrs(attrs, "name");
- CLDRLocale locale = CLDRLocale.getInstance(attrs.get("locale"));
- BallotBox box = fac.ballotBoxForLocale(locale);
- value = value.trim();
- boolean needException = getBooleanAttr(attrs, "exception", false);
- if (elem.equals("unvote")) {
- value = null;
- }
- try {
- box.voteForValue(u, xpath, value);
- if (needException) {
- errln(
- "ERR: path #"
- + pathCount
- + ", xpath="
- + xpath
- + ", locale="
- + locale
- + ": expected exception, didn't get one");
- }
- } catch (InvalidXPathException e) {
- errln("Error: invalid xpath exception " + xpath + " : " + e);
- } catch (VoteNotAcceptedException iae) {
- if (needException == true) {
- logln("Caught expected: " + iae);
- } else {
- iae.printStackTrace();
- errln("Unexpected exception: " + iae);
- }
- }
- logln(u + " " + elem + "d for " + xpath + " = " + value);
- }
- private void handleElementApivote(
- final Map attrs,
- String value,
- String elem,
- String xpath) {
- UserRegistry.User u = getUserFromAttrs(attrs, "name");
- CLDRLocale locale = CLDRLocale.getInstance(attrs.get("locale"));
- boolean needException = getBooleanAttr(attrs, "exception", false);
- if (elem.equals("apiunvote")) {
- value = null;
- }
- final CookieSession mySession = CookieSession.getTestSession(u);
- try {
- final VoteAPI.VoteResponse r =
- VoteAPIHelper.getHandleVoteResponse(
- locale.getBaseName(),
- xpath,
- value,
- 0,
- mySession,
- false);
- final boolean isOk = r.didVote;
- final boolean asExpected = (isOk == !needException);
- if (!asExpected) {
- errln(
- "exception="
- + needException
- + " but got status "
- + r.didNotSubmit
- + " - "
- + r.toString());
- } else {
- logln(" status = " + r.didNotSubmit);
- }
- } catch (Throwable iae) {
- if (needException == true) {
- logln("Caught expected: " + iae);
- } else {
- iae.printStackTrace();
- errln("Unexpected exception: " + iae);
- }
- }
- }
- private void handleElementSetvar(
- final STFactory fac,
- final Map attrs,
- final Map vars,
- String xpath) {
- final String id = attrs.get("id");
- final CLDRLocale locale = CLDRLocale.getInstance(attrs.get("locale"));
- final String xvalue = fac.make(locale, true).getStringValue(xpath);
- vars.put(id, xvalue);
- logln("$" + id + " = '" + xvalue + "' from " + locale + ":" + xpath);
- }
- private void handleElementUser(
- final STFactory fac, final Map attrs)
- throws InternalError {
- String name = attrs.get("name");
- String org = attrs.get("org");
- String locales = attrs.get("locales");
- VoteResolver.Level level =
- VoteResolver.Level.valueOf(attrs.get("level").toLowerCase());
- String email = name + "@" + org + ".example.com";
- UserRegistry.User u = fac.sm.reg.get(email);
- if (u == null) {
- u = fac.sm.reg.createTestUser(name, org, locales, level, email);
- }
- if (u == null) {
- throw new InternalError("Couldn't find/register user " + name);
- } else {
- logln(name + " = " + u);
- users.put(name, u);
- }
- }
- /**
- * If a "verify" element includes "orgStatus" and "statusOrg" attributes, then
- * report an error unless getStatusForOrganization returns the specified status
- * for the specified org
- *
- * @param r the VoteResolver
- * @param attrs the attributes
- */
- private void verifyOrgStatus(
- VoteResolver r, Map attrs) {
- final String expOrgStatus = attrs.get("orgStatus"); // e.g., "ok"
- final String expStatusOrg = attrs.get("statusOrg"); // e.g., "apple"
- if (expOrgStatus != null && expStatusOrg != null) {
- final Organization org = Organization.fromString(expStatusOrg);
- final String actualOrgStatus =
- r.getStatusForOrganization(org).toString();
- if (!expOrgStatus.equals(actualOrgStatus)) {
- errln(
- "Error: expected + "
- + expOrgStatus
- + " got "
- + actualOrgStatus
- + " for "
- + expStatusOrg);
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * @param attrs
- * @return
- */
- public boolean getBooleanAttr(
- final Map attrs, String attr, boolean defaultValue) {
- final String strVal = attrs.get(attr);
- if (strVal == null || strVal.isEmpty()) {
- return defaultValue;
- }
- return Boolean.parseBoolean(strVal);
- }
- /**
- * @param attrs
- * @param attr
- * @return
- * @throws IllegalArgumentException
- */
- public UserRegistry.User getUserFromAttrs(
- final Map attrs, String attr)
- throws IllegalArgumentException {
- final String attrValue = attrs.get(attr);
- if (attrValue == null) {
- return null;
- }
- UserRegistry.User u = users.get(attrValue);
- if (u == null) {
- throw new IllegalArgumentException(
- "Undeclared user: "
- + attr
- + "=\""
- + attrValue
- + "\" - are you missing a element?");
- }
- return u;
- }
- // public void handleComment(String path, String comment) {};
- // public void handleElementDecl(String name, String model) {};
- // public void handleAttributeDecl(String eName, String aName,
- // String type, String mode, String value) {};
- });
- final String fileName = fileBasename + ".xml";
- myReader.read(
- TestSTFactory.class
- .getResource("data/" + fileName)
- .toString(), // for DTD resolution
- TestAll.getUTF8Data(fileName),
- -1,
- true);
- }
- public void TestVettingWithNonDistinguishing()
- throws SQLException, IOException, InvalidXPathException, SurveyException {
- if (TestAll.skipIfNoDb()) return;
- STFactory fac = getFactory();
- final String somePath2 =
- "//ldml/dates/calendars/calendar[@type=\"hebrew\"]/dateFormats/dateFormatLength[@type=\"full\"]/dateFormat[@type=\"standard\"]/pattern[@type=\"standard\"]";
- String originalValue2 = null;
- String changedTo2 = null;
- CLDRLocale locale2 = CLDRLocale.getInstance("he");
- String fullPath = null;
- {
- CLDRFile mt_MT = fac.make(locale2, false);
- BallotBox box = fac.ballotBoxForLocale(locale2);
- originalValue2 = expect(somePath2, ANY, false, mt_MT, box);
- fullPath = mt_MT.getFullXPath(somePath2);
- logln("locale " + locale2 + " path " + somePath2 + " full = " + fullPath);
- if (!fullPath.contains("numbers=")) {
- logln(
- "Warning: "
- + locale2
- + ":"
- + somePath2
- + " fullpath doesn't contain numbers= - test skipped, got path "
- + fullPath);
- return;
- }
- changedTo2 = "EEEE, d _MMMM y";
- if (originalValue2.equals(changedTo2)) {
- errln(
- "for "
- + locale2
- + " value "
- + somePath2
- + " winner is already= "
- + originalValue2);
- }
- box.voteForValue(getMyUser(), somePath2, changedTo2);
- expect(somePath2, changedTo2, true, mt_MT, box);
- }
- // Restart STFactory.
- fac = resetFactory();
- {
- CLDRFile mt_MT = fac.make(locale2, false);
- BallotBox box = fac.ballotBoxForLocale(locale2);
- expect(somePath2, changedTo2, true, mt_MT, box);
- // unvote
- box.voteForValue(getMyUser(), somePath2, null);
- expect(somePath2, originalValue2, false, mt_MT, box); // Expect
- // original
- // value - no
- // one has
- // voted.
- String fullPath2 = mt_MT.getFullXPath(somePath2);
- if (!fullPath2.contains("numbers=")) {
- errln("Error - voted, but full path lost numbers= - " + fullPath2);
- }
- }
- fac = resetFactory();
- {
- CLDRFile mt_MT = fac.make(locale2, false);
- BallotBox box = fac.ballotBoxForLocale(locale2);
- expect(somePath2, originalValue2, false, mt_MT, box); // still
- // original
- // value
- // vote for ____2
- changedTo2 = changedTo2 + "__";
- logln("VoteFor: " + changedTo2);
- box.voteForValue(getMyUser(), somePath2, changedTo2);
- expect(somePath2, changedTo2, true, mt_MT, box);
- logln("Write out..");
- File targDir = TestAll.getEmptyDir(TestSTFactory.class.getName() + "_output");
- File outFile = new File(targDir, locale2.getBaseName() + ".xml");
- PrintWriter pw =
- FileUtilities.openUTF8Writer(
- targDir.getAbsolutePath(), locale2.getBaseName() + ".xml");
- mt_MT.write(pw, noDtdPlease);
- pw.close();
- logln("Read back..");
- CLDRFile readBack =
- CLDRFile.loadFromFile(outFile, locale2.getBaseName(), DraftStatus.unconfirmed);
- String reRead = readBack.getStringValue(somePath2);
- logln("reread: " + outFile.getAbsolutePath() + " value " + somePath2 + " = " + reRead);
- if (!changedTo2.equals(reRead)) {
- logln(
- "reread: "
- + outFile.getAbsolutePath()
- + " value "
- + somePath2
- + " = "
- + reRead
- + ", should be "
- + changedTo2);
- }
- String fullPath2 = readBack.getFullXPath(somePath2);
- if (!fullPath2.contains("numbers=")) {
- errln("Error - readBack's full path lost numbers= - " + fullPath2);
- }
- }
- }
- private void verifyReadOnly(CLDRFile f) {
- String loc = f.getLocaleID();
- try {
- f.add("//ldml/foo", "bar");
- errln("Error: " + loc + " is supposed to be readonly.");
- } catch (Throwable t) {
- logln("Pass: " + loc + " is readonly, caught " + t.toString());
- }
- }
- public UserRegistry.User getMyUser() {
- if (gUser == null) {
- try {
- gUser = getFactory().sm.reg.get(null, UserRegistry.ADMIN_EMAIL, "[::1]", true);
- } catch (SQLException e) {
- handleException(e);
- } catch (LogoutException e) {
- handleException(e);
- }
- }
- return gUser;
- }
- private STFactory getFactory() throws SQLException {
- if (gFac == null) {
- gFac = createFactory();
- }
- return gFac;
- }
- private STFactory resetFactory() throws SQLException {
- if (gFac == null) {
- logln("STFactory wasn't loaded - not resetting.");
- return getFactory();
- } else {
- logln("--- resetting STFactory() ----- [simulate reload] ------------");
- return gFac = getFactory().TESTING_shutdownAndRestart();
- }
- }
- public static STFactory createFactory() throws SQLException {
- long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
- TestAll.setupTestDb();
- System.err.println("Set up test DB: " + ElapsedTimer.elapsedTime(start));
- ElapsedTimer et0 = new ElapsedTimer("clearing directory");
- // File cacheDir = TestAll.getEmptyDir(CACHETEST);
- System.err.println(et0.toString());
- et0 = new ElapsedTimer("setup SurveyMain");
- SurveyMain sm = new SurveyMain();
- CookieSession.sm = sm; // hack - of course.
- System.err.println(et0.toString());
- SurveyMain.fileBase = CLDRPaths.MAIN_DIRECTORY;
- SurveyMain.fileBaseSeed =
- new File(CLDRPaths.BASE_DIRECTORY, "seed/main/").getAbsolutePath();
- SurveyMain.fileBaseA =
- new File(CLDRPaths.BASE_DIRECTORY, "common/annotations/").getAbsolutePath();
- SurveyMain.fileBaseASeed =
- new File(CLDRPaths.BASE_DIRECTORY, "seed/annotations/").getAbsolutePath();
- et0 = new ElapsedTimer("setup DB");
- Connection conn = DBUtils.getInstance().getDBConnection();
- System.err.println(et0.toString());
- et0 = new ElapsedTimer("setup Registry");
- sm.reg = UserRegistry.createRegistry(sm);
- System.err.println(et0.toString());
- et0 = new ElapsedTimer("setup XPT");
- sm.xpt = XPathTable.createTable(conn);
- sm.xpt.getByXpath("//foo/bar[@type='baz']");
- System.err.println(et0.toString());
- et0 = new ElapsedTimer("close connection");
- DBUtils.closeDBConnection(conn);
- System.err.println(et0.toString());
- et0 = new ElapsedTimer("Set up STFactory");
- STFactory fac = sm.getSTFactory();
- System.err.println(et0.toString());
- org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertFalse(
- SurveyMain.isBusted(), "SurveyTool shouldn’t be busted!");
- return fac;
- }
- static final Map noDtdPlease = new TreeMap<>();
- static {
- noDtdPlease.put(
- "DTD_DIR", CLDRPaths.COMMON_DIRECTORY + File.separator + "dtd" + File.separator);
- }
- // This is just here to note a log known issue if you ran without setting the DB URL
- public void TestLogDbIssue() {
- if (TestAll.skipIfNoDb()) {
- logKnownIssue("CLDR-14213", "Skipping DB tests because no MySQL URL has been set.");
- }
- }
diff --git a/tools/cldr-apps/src/test/java/org/unicode/cldr/unittest/web/TestShim.java b/tools/cldr-apps/src/test/java/org/unicode/cldr/unittest/web/TestShim.java
index dd5a98c6937..dd6bb15599f 100644
--- a/tools/cldr-apps/src/test/java/org/unicode/cldr/unittest/web/TestShim.java
+++ b/tools/cldr-apps/src/test/java/org/unicode/cldr/unittest/web/TestShim.java
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertEquals;
import java.io.PrintWriter;
+import net.jcip.annotations.NotThreadSafe;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.TestShimUtils;
@@ -10,6 +11,7 @@
// Ignore them.
/** a JUnit test that calls TestAll. */
class TestShim {
public void TestAll() {
diff --git a/tools/cldr-apps/src/test/java/org/unicode/cldr/unittest/web/TestUserRegistry.java b/tools/cldr-apps/src/test/java/org/unicode/cldr/unittest/web/TestUserRegistry.java
index 3fc191f3609..2b9827b00de 100644
--- a/tools/cldr-apps/src/test/java/org/unicode/cldr/unittest/web/TestUserRegistry.java
+++ b/tools/cldr-apps/src/test/java/org/unicode/cldr/unittest/web/TestUserRegistry.java
@@ -1,9 +1,11 @@
package org.unicode.cldr.unittest.web;
import com.ibm.icu.dev.test.TestFmwk;
+import java.sql.SQLException;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.CLDRLocale;
import org.unicode.cldr.util.Organization;
import org.unicode.cldr.web.CookieSession;
+import org.unicode.cldr.web.TestSTFactory;
import org.unicode.cldr.web.UserRegistry;
import org.unicode.cldr.web.UserRegistry.User;
@@ -21,9 +23,13 @@ public TestUserRegistry() {
* Test the ability of a user to change another user's level, especially the aspects of
* canSetUserLevel that depend on org.unicode.cldr.web.UserRegistry for info that isn't
* available to org.unicode.cldr.unittest.TestUtilities.TestCanCreateOrSetLevelTo()
+ *
+ * @throws SQLException
- public void TestCanSetUserLevel() {
+ public void TestCanSetUserLevel() throws SQLException {
if (TestAll.skipIfNoDb()) return;
+ TestSTFactory.getFactory(); // to setup the User Regitry.
UserRegistry reg = CookieSession.sm.reg;
int id = 2468;
@@ -64,8 +70,11 @@ public void TestCanSetUserLevel() {
* Test whether all organizations in UserRegistry.getOrgList are recognized by
* Organization.fromString
+ *
+ * @throws SQLException
- public void TestOrgList() {
+ public void TestOrgList() throws SQLException {
+ TestSTFactory.getFactory(); // to setup the User Regitry.
for (String name : UserRegistry.getOrgList()) {
try {
if (Organization.fromString(name) == null) {
@@ -77,11 +86,16 @@ public void TestOrgList() {
- /** Test the ability of a user to vote in a locale */
- public void TestUserLocaleAuthorization() {
+ /**
+ * Test the ability of a user to vote in a locale
+ *
+ * @throws SQLException
+ */
+ public void TestUserLocaleAuthorization() throws SQLException {
if (TestAll.skipIfNoDb()) {
+ TestSTFactory.getFactory(); // to setup the User Regitry.
UserRegistry reg = CookieSession.sm.reg;
int id = 3579;
CLDRLocale locA = CLDRLocale.getInstance("aa");
diff --git a/tools/cldr-apps/src/test/java/org/unicode/cldr/web/DataDrivenSTTestHandler.java b/tools/cldr-apps/src/test/java/org/unicode/cldr/web/DataDrivenSTTestHandler.java
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..aa71192060c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/cldr-apps/src/test/java/org/unicode/cldr/web/DataDrivenSTTestHandler.java
@@ -0,0 +1,572 @@
+package org.unicode.cldr.web;
+import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertEquals;
+import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertNotNull;
+import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertNull;
+import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.fail;
+import java.io.File;
+import java.io.IOException;
+import java.io.PrintWriter;
+import java.util.Map;
+import java.util.TreeMap;
+import org.unicode.cldr.draft.FileUtilities;
+import org.unicode.cldr.util.CLDRFile;
+import org.unicode.cldr.util.CLDRFile.DraftStatus;
+import org.unicode.cldr.util.CLDRLocale;
+import org.unicode.cldr.util.Organization;
+import org.unicode.cldr.util.VoteResolver;
+import org.unicode.cldr.util.VoteResolver.Level;
+import org.unicode.cldr.util.VoteResolver.Status;
+import org.unicode.cldr.util.XMLFileReader;
+import org.unicode.cldr.util.XPathParts;
+import org.unicode.cldr.web.BallotBox.InvalidXPathException;
+import org.unicode.cldr.web.BallotBox.VoteNotAcceptedException;
+import org.unicode.cldr.web.UserRegistry.User;
+import org.unicode.cldr.web.api.VoteAPI;
+import org.unicode.cldr.web.api.VoteAPI.RowResponse;
+import org.unicode.cldr.web.api.VoteAPI.RowResponse.Row;
+import org.unicode.cldr.web.api.VoteAPIHelper;
+import org.unicode.cldr.web.api.VoteAPIHelper.ArgsForGet;
+final class DataDrivenSTTestHandler extends XMLFileReader.SimpleHandler {
+ private final Map vars;
+ private final STFactory fac;
+ private final File targDir;
+ private final Map attrs;
+ final Map users = new TreeMap<>();
+ int pathCount = 0;
+ DataDrivenSTTestHandler(
+ Map vars, STFactory fac, File targDir, Map attrs) {
+ this.vars = vars;
+ this.fac = fac;
+ this.targDir = targDir;
+ this.attrs = attrs;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void handlePathValue(String path, String value) {
+ ++pathCount;
+ if (value != null && value.startsWith("$")) {
+ String varName = value.substring(1);
+ value = vars.get(varName);
+ System.out.println(" $" + varName + " == '" + value + "'");
+ }
+ XPathParts xpp = XPathParts.getFrozenInstance(path);
+ attrs.clear();
+ for (String k : xpp.getAttributeKeys(-1)) {
+ attrs.put(k, xpp.getAttributeValue(-1, k));
+ }
+ if ("mul_ZZ".equals(attrs.get("locale"))) {
+ int debug = 0;
+ }
+ String elem = xpp.getElement(-1);
+ if (false)
+ System.out.println(
+ "* <" + elem + " " + attrs.toString() + ">" + value + "" + elem + ">");
+ String xpath = attrs.get("xpath");
+ if (xpath != null) {
+ xpath = xpath.trim().replace("'", "\"");
+ }
+ switch (elem) {
+ case "user":
+ handleElementUser(fac, attrs);
+ break;
+ case "setvar":
+ handleElementSetvar(fac, attrs, vars, xpath);
+ break;
+ case "apivote":
+ case "apiunvote":
+ handleElementApivote(attrs, value, elem, xpath);
+ break;
+ case "vote":
+ case "unvote":
+ handleElementVote(fac, attrs, value, elem, xpath);
+ break;
+ case "apiverify":
+ handleElementApiverify(attrs, value, xpath);
+ break;
+ case "verify":
+ try {
+ handleElementVerify(fac, attrs, value, elem, xpath);
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ fail(e);
+ }
+ break;
+ case "verifyUser":
+ handleElementVerifyUser(attrs);
+ break;
+ case "echo":
+ case "warn":
+ handleElementEcho(value, elem);
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown test element type " + elem);
+ }
+ }
+ private void handleElementVerify(
+ STFactory fac, Map attrs, String value, String elem, String xpath)
+ throws IOException {
+ value = value.trim();
+ if (value.isEmpty()) value = null;
+ CLDRLocale locale = CLDRLocale.getInstance(attrs.get("locale"));
+ BallotBox box = fac.ballotBoxForLocale(locale);
+ CLDRFile cf = fac.make(locale, true);
+ String stringValue = cf.getStringValue(xpath);
+ String fullXpath = cf.getFullXPath(xpath);
+ // System.out.println("V"+ xpath + " = " + stringValue + ", " +
+ // fullXpath);
+ // System.out.println("Resolver=" + box.getResolver(xpath));
+ if (value == null && stringValue != null) {
+ fail(
+ pathCount
+ + "a Expected null value at "
+ + locale
+ + ":"
+ + xpath
+ + " got "
+ + stringValue);
+ } else if (value != null && !value.equals(stringValue)) {
+ fail(
+ pathCount
+ + "b Expected "
+ + value
+ + " at "
+ + locale
+ + ":"
+ + xpath
+ + " got "
+ + stringValue);
+ } else {
+ System.out.println("OK: " + locale + ":" + xpath + " = " + value);
+ }
+ Status expStatus = Status.fromString(attrs.get("status"));
+ VoteResolver r = box.getResolver(xpath);
+ Status winStatus = r.getWinningStatus();
+ if (winStatus == expStatus) {
+ System.out.println(
+ "OK: Status="
+ + winStatus
+ + " "
+ + locale
+ + ":"
+ + xpath
+ + " Resolver="
+ + box.getResolver(xpath));
+ } else if (pathCount == 49 && !VoteResolver.DROP_HARD_INHERITANCE) {
+ System.out.println(
+ "Ignoring status mismatch for "
+ + pathCount
+ + "c, test assumes DROP_HARD_INHERITANCE is true");
+ } else {
+ fail(
+ pathCount
+ + "c Expected: Status="
+ + expStatus
+ + " got "
+ + winStatus
+ + " "
+ + locale
+ + ":"
+ + xpath
+ + " Resolver="
+ + box.getResolver(xpath));
+ }
+ Status xpathStatus;
+ CLDRFile.Status newPath = new CLDRFile.Status();
+ CLDRLocale newLocale =
+ CLDRLocale.getInstance(cf.getSourceLocaleIdExtended(fullXpath, newPath, false));
+ final boolean localeChanged = newLocale != null && !newLocale.equals(locale);
+ final boolean pathChanged =
+ newPath.pathWhereFound != null && !newPath.pathWhereFound.equals(xpath);
+ final boolean itMoved = localeChanged || pathChanged;
+ if (localeChanged && pathChanged) {
+ System.out.println(
+ "Aliased(locale+path): "
+ + locale
+ + "->"
+ + newLocale
+ + " and "
+ + xpath
+ + "->"
+ + newPath.pathWhereFound);
+ } else if (localeChanged) {
+ System.out.println("Aliased(locale): " + locale + "->" + newLocale);
+ } else if (pathChanged) {
+ System.out.println("Aliased(path): " + xpath + "->" + newPath.pathWhereFound);
+ }
+ if ((fullXpath == null) || itMoved) {
+ xpathStatus = Status.missing;
+ } else {
+ XPathParts xpp2 = XPathParts.getFrozenInstance(fullXpath);
+ String statusFromXpath = xpp2.getAttributeValue(-1, "draft");
+ if (statusFromXpath == null) {
+ statusFromXpath = "approved"; // no draft = approved
+ }
+ xpathStatus = Status.fromString(statusFromXpath);
+ }
+ if (xpathStatus != winStatus) {
+ System.out.println(
+ "Warning: Winning Status="
+ + winStatus
+ + " but xpath status is "
+ + xpathStatus
+ + " "
+ + locale
+ + ":"
+ + fullXpath
+ + " Resolver="
+ + box.getResolver(xpath));
+ } else if (xpathStatus == expStatus) {
+ System.out.println(
+ "OK from fullxpath: Status="
+ + xpathStatus
+ + " "
+ + locale
+ + ":"
+ + fullXpath
+ + " Resolver="
+ + box.getResolver(xpath));
+ } else {
+ fail(
+ pathCount
+ + "d Expected from fullxpath: Status="
+ + expStatus
+ + " got "
+ + xpathStatus
+ + " "
+ + locale
+ + ":"
+ + fullXpath
+ + " Resolver="
+ + box.getResolver(xpath));
+ }
+ // Verify from XML
+ File outFile = new File(targDir, locale.getBaseName() + ".xml");
+ if (outFile.exists()) outFile.delete();
+ PrintWriter pw;
+ pw = FileUtilities.openUTF8Writer(targDir.getAbsolutePath(), locale.getBaseName() + ".xml");
+ cf.write(pw, TestSTFactory.noDtdPlease);
+ pw.close();
+ // System.out.println("Read back..");
+ CLDRFile readBack = null;
+ readBack = CLDRFile.loadFromFile(outFile, locale.getBaseName(), DraftStatus.unconfirmed);
+ String reRead = readBack.getStringValue(xpath);
+ String fullXpathBack = readBack.getFullXPath(xpath);
+ Status xpathStatusBack;
+ if (fullXpathBack == null || itMoved) {
+ xpathStatusBack = Status.missing;
+ } else {
+ XPathParts xpp2 = XPathParts.getFrozenInstance(fullXpathBack);
+ String statusFromXpathBack = xpp2.getAttributeValue(-1, "draft");
+ if (statusFromXpathBack == null) {
+ statusFromXpathBack = "approved"; // no draft =
+ // approved
+ }
+ xpathStatusBack = Status.fromString(statusFromXpathBack);
+ }
+ if (value == null && reRead != null) {
+ fail(
+ pathCount
+ + "e Expected null value from XML at "
+ + locale
+ + ":"
+ + xpath
+ + " got "
+ + reRead);
+ } else if (value != null && !value.equals(reRead)) {
+ fail(
+ pathCount
+ + "f Expected from XML "
+ + value
+ + " at "
+ + locale
+ + ":"
+ + xpath
+ + " got "
+ + reRead);
+ } else {
+ System.out.println("OK from XML: " + locale + ":" + xpath + " = " + reRead);
+ }
+ if (xpathStatusBack == expStatus) {
+ System.out.println(
+ "OK from XML: Status="
+ + xpathStatusBack
+ + " "
+ + locale
+ + ":"
+ + fullXpathBack
+ + " Resolver="
+ + box.getResolver(xpath));
+ } else if (xpathStatusBack != winStatus) {
+ System.out.println(
+ "Warning: Problem from XML: Winning Status="
+ + winStatus
+ + " got "
+ + xpathStatusBack
+ + " "
+ + locale
+ + ":"
+ + fullXpathBack
+ + " Resolver="
+ + box.getResolver(xpath));
+ } else {
+ fail(
+ pathCount
+ + "g Expected from XML: Status="
+ + expStatus
+ + " got "
+ + xpathStatusBack
+ + " "
+ + locale
+ + ":"
+ + fullXpathBack
+ + " Resolver="
+ + box.getResolver(xpath));
+ }
+ verifyOrgStatus(r, attrs);
+ }
+ private void handleElementEcho(String value, String elem) {
+ if (value == null) {
+ System.out.println("*** " + elem + " \"" + "null" + "\"");
+ } else {
+ System.out.println("*** " + elem + " \"" + value.trim() + "\"");
+ }
+ }
+ private void handleElementVerifyUser(final Map attrs) {
+ final User u = getUserFromAttrs(attrs, "name");
+ final User onUser = getUserFromAttrs(attrs, "onUser");
+ final String action = attrs.get("action");
+ final boolean allowed = getBooleanAttr(attrs, "allowed", true);
+ boolean actualResult = true;
+ //
+ final Level uLevel = u.getLevel();
+ final Level onLevel = onUser.getLevel();
+ switch (action) {
+ case "create":
+ actualResult = actualResult && UserRegistry.userCanCreateUsers(u);
+ if (!u.isSameOrg(onUser)) {
+ actualResult =
+ actualResult
+ && UserRegistry.userCreateOtherOrgs(u); // if of different org
+ }
+ actualResult = actualResult && uLevel.canCreateOrSetLevelTo(onLevel);
+ break;
+ case "delete": // assume same perms for now (?)
+ case "modify":
+ {
+ final boolean oldTest = u.isAdminFor(onUser);
+ final boolean newTest =
+ uLevel.canManageSomeUsers()
+ && uLevel.isManagerFor(
+ u.getOrganization(), onLevel, onUser.getOrganization());
+ assertEquals(
+ newTest,
+ oldTest,
+ "New(ex) vs old(got) manage test: " + uLevel + "/" + onLevel);
+ actualResult = actualResult && newTest;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ fail("Unhandled action: " + action);
+ }
+ assertEquals(
+ allowed,
+ actualResult,
+ u.org + ":" + uLevel + " " + action + " " + onUser.org + ":" + onLevel);
+ }
+ private void handleElementApiverify(
+ final Map attrs, String value, String xpath) {
+ // like verify, but via API
+ value = value.trim();
+ if (value.isEmpty()) value = null;
+ UserRegistry.User u = getUserFromAttrs(attrs, "name");
+ CLDRLocale locale = CLDRLocale.getInstance(attrs.get("locale"));
+ final CookieSession mySession = CookieSession.getTestSession(u);
+ ArgsForGet args = new ArgsForGet(locale.getBaseName(), mySession.id);
+ args.xpstrid = XPathTable.getStringIDString(xpath);
+ // args.getDashboard = false;
+ try {
+ final RowResponse r =
+ VoteAPIHelper.getRowsResponse(args, CookieSession.sm, locale, mySession, false);
+ assertEquals(args.xpstrid, r.xpstrid, "xpstrid");
+ assertEquals(1, r.page.rows.size(), "row count");
+ final Row firstRow = r.page.rows.values().iterator().next();
+ assertEquals(firstRow.xpath, xpath, "rxpath");
+ assertEquals(value, firstRow.winningValue, "value for " + args.xpstrid);
+ } catch (SurveyException t) {
+ assertNull(t, "did not expect an exception");
+ }
+ }
+ private void handleElementVote(
+ final STFactory fac,
+ final Map attrs,
+ String value,
+ String elem,
+ String xpath) {
+ UserRegistry.User u = getUserFromAttrs(attrs, "name");
+ CLDRLocale locale = CLDRLocale.getInstance(attrs.get("locale"));
+ BallotBox box = fac.ballotBoxForLocale(locale);
+ value = value.trim();
+ boolean needException = getBooleanAttr(attrs, "exception", false);
+ if (elem.equals("unvote")) {
+ value = null;
+ }
+ try {
+ box.voteForValue(u, xpath, value);
+ if (needException) {
+ fail(
+ "ERR: path #"
+ + pathCount
+ + ", xpath="
+ + xpath
+ + ", locale="
+ + locale
+ + ": expected exception, didn't get one");
+ }
+ } catch (InvalidXPathException e) {
+ fail("Error: invalid xpath exception " + xpath + " : " + e);
+ } catch (VoteNotAcceptedException iae) {
+ if (needException == true) {
+ System.out.println("Caught expected: " + iae);
+ } else {
+ iae.printStackTrace();
+ fail("Unexpected exception: " + iae);
+ }
+ }
+ System.out.println(u + " " + elem + "d for " + xpath + " = " + value);
+ }
+ private void handleElementApivote(
+ final Map attrs, String value, String elem, String xpath) {
+ UserRegistry.User u = getUserFromAttrs(attrs, "name");
+ CLDRLocale locale = CLDRLocale.getInstance(attrs.get("locale"));
+ boolean needException = getBooleanAttr(attrs, "exception", false);
+ if (elem.equals("apiunvote")) {
+ value = null;
+ }
+ final CookieSession mySession = CookieSession.getTestSession(u);
+ try {
+ final VoteAPI.VoteResponse r =
+ VoteAPIHelper.getHandleVoteResponse(
+ locale.getBaseName(), xpath, value, 0, mySession, false);
+ final boolean isOk = r.didVote;
+ final boolean asExpected = (isOk == !needException);
+ if (!asExpected) {
+ fail(
+ "exception="
+ + needException
+ + " but got status "
+ + r.didNotSubmit
+ + " - "
+ + r.toString());
+ } else {
+ System.out.println(" status = " + r.didNotSubmit);
+ }
+ } catch (Throwable iae) {
+ if (needException == true) {
+ System.out.println("Caught expected: " + iae);
+ } else {
+ iae.printStackTrace();
+ fail("Unexpected exception: " + iae);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private void handleElementSetvar(
+ final STFactory fac,
+ final Map attrs,
+ final Map vars,
+ String xpath) {
+ final String id = attrs.get("id");
+ final CLDRLocale locale = CLDRLocale.getInstance(attrs.get("locale"));
+ final String xvalue = fac.make(locale, true).getStringValue(xpath);
+ vars.put(id, xvalue);
+ System.out.println("$" + id + " = '" + xvalue + "' from " + locale + ":" + xpath);
+ }
+ private void handleElementUser(final STFactory fac, final Map attrs)
+ throws InternalError {
+ String name = attrs.get("name");
+ String org = attrs.get("org");
+ String locales = attrs.get("locales");
+ VoteResolver.Level level = VoteResolver.Level.valueOf(attrs.get("level").toLowerCase());
+ String email = name + "@" + org + ".example.com";
+ UserRegistry.User u = fac.sm.reg.get(email);
+ if (u == null) {
+ u = fac.sm.reg.createTestUser(name, org, locales, level, email);
+ }
+ assertNotNull(u, "Couldn't find/register user " + name);
+ System.out.println(name + " = " + u);
+ users.put(name, u);
+ }
+ /**
+ * If a "verify" element includes "orgStatus" and "statusOrg" attributes, then report an error
+ * unless getStatusForOrganization returns the specified status for the specified org
+ *
+ * @param r the VoteResolver
+ * @param attrs the attributes
+ */
+ private void verifyOrgStatus(VoteResolver r, Map attrs) {
+ final String expOrgStatus = attrs.get("orgStatus"); // e.g., "ok"
+ final String expStatusOrg = attrs.get("statusOrg"); // e.g., "apple"
+ if (expOrgStatus != null && expStatusOrg != null) {
+ final Organization org = Organization.fromString(expStatusOrg);
+ final String actualOrgStatus = r.getStatusForOrganization(org).toString();
+ assertEquals(expOrgStatus, actualOrgStatus, "for " + expStatusOrg);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param attrs
+ * @return
+ */
+ public boolean getBooleanAttr(
+ final Map attrs, String attr, boolean defaultValue) {
+ final String strVal = attrs.get(attr);
+ if (strVal == null || strVal.isEmpty()) {
+ return defaultValue;
+ }
+ return Boolean.parseBoolean(strVal);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param attrs
+ * @param attr
+ * @return
+ * @throws IllegalArgumentException
+ */
+ public UserRegistry.User getUserFromAttrs(final Map attrs, String attr) {
+ final String attrValue = attrs.get(attr);
+ if (attrValue == null) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ UserRegistry.User u = users.get(attrValue);
+ assertNotNull(
+ u,
+ "Undeclared user: "
+ + attr
+ + "=\""
+ + attrValue
+ + "\" - are you missing a element?");
+ return u;
+ }
diff --git a/tools/cldr-apps/src/test/java/org/unicode/cldr/web/TestSTFactory.java b/tools/cldr-apps/src/test/java/org/unicode/cldr/web/TestSTFactory.java
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..82ff8ab9264
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/cldr-apps/src/test/java/org/unicode/cldr/web/TestSTFactory.java
@@ -0,0 +1,716 @@
+package org.unicode.cldr.web;
+import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertEquals;
+import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertNotNull;
+import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertNull;
+import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertTrue;
+import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.fail;
+import com.ibm.icu.dev.util.ElapsedTimer;
+import java.io.BufferedReader;
+import java.io.File;
+import java.io.IOException;
+import java.io.PrintWriter;
+import java.sql.Connection;
+import java.sql.SQLException;
+import java.util.Date;
+import java.util.Map;
+import java.util.TreeMap;
+import net.jcip.annotations.NotThreadSafe;
+import org.junit.jupiter.api.BeforeAll;
+import org.junit.jupiter.api.BeforeEach;
+import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
+import org.unicode.cldr.draft.FileUtilities;
+import org.unicode.cldr.test.CheckCLDR;
+import org.unicode.cldr.unittest.web.TestAll;
+import org.unicode.cldr.unittest.web.TestAll.WebTestInfo;
+import org.unicode.cldr.util.CLDRConfig;
+import org.unicode.cldr.util.CLDRConfig.Environment;
+import org.unicode.cldr.util.CLDRFile;
+import org.unicode.cldr.util.CLDRFile.DraftStatus;
+import org.unicode.cldr.util.CLDRLocale;
+import org.unicode.cldr.util.CLDRPaths;
+import org.unicode.cldr.util.CldrUtility;
+import org.unicode.cldr.util.FileReaders;
+import org.unicode.cldr.util.SpecialLocales;
+import org.unicode.cldr.util.StackTracker;
+import org.unicode.cldr.util.XMLFileReader;
+import org.unicode.cldr.web.BallotBox.InvalidXPathException;
+import org.unicode.cldr.web.BallotBox.VoteNotAcceptedException;
+import org.unicode.cldr.web.UserRegistry.LogoutException;
+import org.unicode.cldr.web.UserRegistry.User;
+public class TestSTFactory {
+ TestAll.WebTestInfo testInfo = WebTestInfo.getInstance();
+ static STFactory gFac = null;
+ UserRegistry.User gUser = null;
+ @BeforeAll
+ public static void setup() {
+ TestAll.setupTestDb();
+ }
+ /** validate the phase and mode */
+ @BeforeEach
+ public void validatePhase() {
+ CLDRConfig c = CLDRConfig.getInstance();
+ assertNotNull(c);
+ assertTrue(
+ c.getPhase().isUnitTest(),
+ () -> String.format("Phase %s returned false for isUnitTest()", c.getPhase()));
+ assertEquals(
+ Environment.UNITTEST, c.getEnvironment(), "Please set -DCLDR_ENVIRONMENT=UNITTEST");
+ TestAll.assumeHaveDb();
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void TestBasicFactory() throws SQLException {
+ CLDRLocale locale = CLDRLocale.getInstance("aa");
+ STFactory fac = getFactory();
+ CLDRFile mt = fac.make(locale, false);
+ BallotBox box = fac.ballotBoxForLocale(locale);
+ mt.iterator();
+ final String somePath = "//ldml/localeDisplayNames/keys/key[@type=\"collation\"]";
+ box.getValues(somePath);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void TestReadonlyLocales() throws SQLException {
+ STFactory fac = getFactory();
+ verifyReadOnly(fac.make("root", false));
+ verifyReadOnly(fac.make("en", false));
+ }
+ private static final String ANY = "*";
+ private static final String NULL = "";
+ private String expect(
+ String path,
+ String expectString,
+ boolean expectVoted,
+ CLDRFile file,
+ BallotBox box)
+ throws LogoutException, SQLException {
+ CLDRLocale locale = CLDRLocale.getInstance(file.getLocaleID());
+ String currentWinner = file.getStringValue(path);
+ boolean didVote = box.userDidVote(getMyUser(), path);
+ StackTraceElement them = StackTracker.currentElement(0);
+ String where = " (" + them.getFileName() + ":" + them.getLineNumber() + "): ";
+ if (expectString == null) expectString = NULL;
+ if (currentWinner == null) currentWinner = NULL;
+ if (expectString != ANY && !expectString.equals(currentWinner)) {
+ assertEquals(
+ expectString,
+ currentWinner,
+ "ERR:"
+ + where
+ + "Expected '"
+ + expectString
+ + "': "
+ + locale
+ + ":"
+ + path
+ + " ='"
+ + currentWinner
+ + "', "
+ + votedToString(didVote)
+ + box.getResolver(path));
+ } else if (expectVoted != didVote) {
+ assertEquals(
+ expectVoted,
+ didVote,
+ "ERR:"
+ + where
+ + "Expected VOTING="
+ + votedToString(expectVoted)
+ + ": "
+ + locale
+ + ":"
+ + path
+ + " ='"
+ + currentWinner
+ + "', "
+ + votedToString(didVote)
+ + box.getResolver(path));
+ } else {
+ System.out.println(
+ where
+ + ":"
+ + locale
+ + ":"
+ + path
+ + " ='"
+ + currentWinner
+ + "', "
+ + votedToString(didVote)
+ + box.getResolver(path));
+ }
+ return currentWinner;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param didVote
+ * @return
+ */
+ private String votedToString(boolean didVote) {
+ return didVote ? "(I VOTED)" : "( did NOT VOTE) ";
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void TestBasicVote()
+ throws SQLException, IOException, InvalidXPathException, VoteNotAcceptedException,
+ LogoutException {
+ STFactory fac = getFactory();
+ final String somePath = "//ldml/localeDisplayNames/keys/key[@type=\"collation\"]";
+ String originalValue = null;
+ String changedTo = null;
+ CLDRLocale locale = CLDRLocale.getInstance("de");
+ CLDRLocale localeSub = CLDRLocale.getInstance("de_CH");
+ {
+ CLDRFile mt = fac.make(locale, false);
+ BallotBox box = fac.ballotBoxForLocale(locale);
+ originalValue = expect(somePath, ANY, false, mt, box);
+ changedTo = "The main pump fixing screws with the correct strength class"; // as
+ // per
+ // ticket:2260
+ if (originalValue.equals(changedTo)) {
+ fail(
+ "for "
+ + locale
+ + " value "
+ + somePath
+ + " winner is already= "
+ + originalValue);
+ }
+ box.voteForValue(getMyUser(), somePath, changedTo); // vote
+ expect(somePath, changedTo, true, mt, box);
+ box.voteForValue(getMyUser(), somePath, null); // unvote
+ expect(somePath, originalValue, false, mt, box);
+ box.voteForValue(getMyUser(), somePath, changedTo); // vote again
+ expect(somePath, changedTo, true, mt, box);
+ Date modDate = mt.getLastModifiedDate(somePath);
+ assertNotNull(modDate, "@1: mod date was null!");
+ System.out.println("@1: mod date " + modDate);
+ }
+ // Restart STFactory.
+ fac = resetFactory();
+ {
+ CLDRFile mt = fac.make(locale, false);
+ BallotBox box = fac.ballotBoxForLocale(locale);
+ expect(somePath, changedTo, true, mt, box);
+ {
+ Date modDate = mt.getLastModifiedDate(somePath);
+ assertNotNull(modDate, "@2: mod date was null!");
+ }
+ CLDRFile mt2 = fac.make(locale, true);
+ {
+ Date modDate = mt2.getLastModifiedDate(somePath);
+ assertNotNull(modDate, "@2a: mod date was null!");
+ System.out.println("@2a: mod date " + modDate);
+ }
+ CLDRFile mtMT = fac.make(localeSub, true);
+ {
+ Date modDate = mtMT.getLastModifiedDate(somePath);
+ assertNotNull(modDate, "@2b: mod date was null!");
+ System.out.println("@2b: mod date " + modDate);
+ }
+ CLDRFile mtMTb = fac.make(localeSub, false);
+ {
+ Date modDate = mtMTb.getLastModifiedDate(somePath);
+ assertNull(modDate, "@2c: mod date should be null (unresolved source)!");
+ }
+ // unvote
+ box.voteForValue(getMyUser(), somePath, null);
+ expect(somePath, originalValue, false, mt, box);
+ {
+ Date modDate = mt.getLastModifiedDate(somePath);
+ assertNull(modDate, "@3: mod date was null!");
+ }
+ }
+ fac = resetFactory();
+ {
+ CLDRFile mt = fac.make(locale, false);
+ BallotBox box = fac.ballotBoxForLocale(locale);
+ expect(somePath, originalValue, false, mt, box);
+ // vote for ____2
+ changedTo = changedTo + "2";
+ System.out.println("VoteFor: " + changedTo);
+ box.voteForValue(getMyUser(), somePath, changedTo);
+ expect(somePath, changedTo, true, mt, box);
+ System.out.println("Write out..");
+ File targDir = TestAll.getEmptyDir(TestSTFactory.class.getName() + "_output");
+ File outFile = new File(targDir, locale.getBaseName() + ".xml");
+ PrintWriter pw =
+ FileUtilities.openUTF8Writer(
+ targDir.getAbsolutePath(), locale.getBaseName() + ".xml");
+ mt.write(pw, noDtdPlease);
+ pw.close();
+ System.out.println("Read back..");
+ CLDRFile readBack = null;
+ readBack =
+ CLDRFile.loadFromFile(outFile, locale.getBaseName(), DraftStatus.unconfirmed);
+ String reRead = readBack.getStringValue(somePath);
+ System.out.println(
+ "reread: "
+ + outFile.getAbsolutePath()
+ + " value "
+ + somePath
+ + " = "
+ + reRead);
+ if (!changedTo.equals(reRead)) {
+ System.out.println(
+ "reread: "
+ + outFile.getAbsolutePath()
+ + " value "
+ + somePath
+ + " = "
+ + reRead
+ + ", should be "
+ + changedTo);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void TestDenyVote() throws SQLException, IOException {
+ STFactory fac = getFactory();
+ final String somePath2 = "//ldml/localeDisplayNames/keys/key[@type=\"numbers\"]";
+ // String originalValue2 = null;
+ String changedTo2 = null;
+ // test votring for a bad locale
+ {
+ CLDRLocale locale2 = CLDRLocale.getInstance("mt_MT");
+ // CLDRFile mt_MT = fac.make(locale2, false);
+ BallotBox box = fac.ballotBoxForLocale(locale2);
+ try {
+ box.voteForValue(getMyUser(), somePath2, changedTo2);
+ fail("Error! should have failed to vote for " + locale2);
+ } catch (Throwable t) {
+ System.out.println(
+ "Good - caught " + t.toString() + " as this locale is a default content.");
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ CLDRLocale locale2 = CLDRLocale.getInstance("en");
+ // CLDRFile mt_MT = fac.make(locale2, false);
+ BallotBox box = fac.ballotBoxForLocale(locale2);
+ try {
+ box.voteForValue(getMyUser(), somePath2, changedTo2);
+ fail("Error! should have failed to vote for " + locale2);
+ } catch (Throwable t) {
+ System.out.println(
+ "Good - caught " + t.toString() + " as this locale is readonly english.");
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ CLDRLocale locale2 = CLDRLocale.getInstance("no");
+ // CLDRFile no = fac.make(locale2, false);
+ BallotBox box = fac.ballotBoxForLocale(locale2);
+ final String bad_xpath =
+ "//ldml/units/unitLength[@type=\"format\"]/unit[@type=\"murray\"]/unitPattern[@count=\"many\"]";
+ try {
+ box.voteForValue(getMyUser(), bad_xpath, "{0} Murrays"); // bogus
+ fail("Error! should have failed to vote for " + locale2 + " xpath " + bad_xpath);
+ } catch (Throwable t) {
+ System.out.println(
+ "Good - caught "
+ + t.toString()
+ + " voting for "
+ + bad_xpath
+ + " as this is a bad xpath.");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void TestSparseVote()
+ throws SQLException, IOException, InvalidXPathException, SurveyException,
+ LogoutException {
+ STFactory fac = getFactory();
+ final String somePath2 = "//ldml/localeDisplayNames/keys/key[@type=\"calendar\"]";
+ String originalValue2 = null;
+ String changedTo2 = null;
+ CLDRLocale locale2 = CLDRLocale.getInstance("fr_BE");
+ // Can't (and shouldn't) try to do this test if the locale is configured as read-only
+ // (including algorithmic).
+ if (SpecialLocales.Type.isReadOnly(SpecialLocales.getType(locale2))) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // test sparsity
+ {
+ CLDRFile cldrFile = fac.make(locale2, false);
+ BallotBox box = fac.ballotBoxForLocale(locale2);
+ originalValue2 = expect(somePath2, null, false, cldrFile, box);
+ changedTo2 = "The alternate pump fixing screws with the incorrect strength class";
+ if (originalValue2.equals(changedTo2)) {
+ fail(
+ "for "
+ + locale2
+ + " value "
+ + somePath2
+ + " winner is already= "
+ + originalValue2);
+ }
+ box.voteForValue(getMyUser(), somePath2, changedTo2);
+ expect(somePath2, changedTo2, true, cldrFile, box);
+ }
+ // Restart STFactory.
+ fac = resetFactory();
+ {
+ CLDRFile cldrFile = fac.make(locale2, false);
+ BallotBox box = fac.ballotBoxForLocale(locale2);
+ expect(somePath2, changedTo2, true, cldrFile, box);
+ // unvote
+ box.voteForValue(getMyUser(), somePath2, null);
+ /*
+ * No one has voted; expect inheritance to win
+ */
+ expect(somePath2, CldrUtility.INHERITANCE_MARKER, false, cldrFile, box);
+ }
+ fac = resetFactory();
+ {
+ CLDRFile cldrFile = fac.make(locale2, false);
+ BallotBox box = fac.ballotBoxForLocale(locale2);
+ expect(somePath2, null, false, cldrFile, box);
+ // vote for ____2
+ changedTo2 = changedTo2 + "2";
+ System.out.println("VoteFor: " + changedTo2);
+ box.voteForValue(getMyUser(), somePath2, changedTo2);
+ expect(somePath2, changedTo2, true, cldrFile, box);
+ System.out.println("Write out..");
+ File targDir = TestAll.getEmptyDir(TestSTFactory.class.getName() + "_output");
+ File outFile = new File(targDir, locale2.getBaseName() + ".xml");
+ PrintWriter pw =
+ FileUtilities.openUTF8Writer(
+ targDir.getAbsolutePath(), locale2.getBaseName() + ".xml");
+ cldrFile.write(pw, noDtdPlease);
+ pw.close();
+ System.out.println("Read back..");
+ CLDRFile readBack =
+ CLDRFile.loadFromFile(outFile, locale2.getBaseName(), DraftStatus.unconfirmed);
+ String reRead = readBack.getStringValue(somePath2);
+ System.out.println(
+ "reread: "
+ + outFile.getAbsolutePath()
+ + " value "
+ + somePath2
+ + " = "
+ + reRead);
+ if (!changedTo2.equals(reRead)) {
+ System.out.println(
+ "reread: "
+ + outFile.getAbsolutePath()
+ + " value "
+ + somePath2
+ + " = "
+ + reRead
+ + ", should be "
+ + changedTo2);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void TestVettingDataDriven() throws SQLException, IOException {
+ runDataDrivenTest(TestSTFactory.class.getSimpleName()); // TestSTFactory.xml
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void TestVotePerf() throws SQLException, IOException {
+ final CheckCLDR.Phase p = CLDRConfig.getInstance().getPhase();
+ assertTrue(p.isUnitTest(), "phase " + p + ".isUnitTest()");
+ runDataDrivenTest("TestVotePerf");
+ }
+ public void TestUserRegistry() throws SQLException, IOException {
+ runDataDrivenTest("TestUserRegistry");
+ }
+ private void runDataDrivenTest(final String fileBasename) throws SQLException, IOException {
+ final STFactory fac = getFactory();
+ final File targDir = TestAll.getEmptyDir(TestSTFactory.class.getName() + "_output");
+ XMLFileReader myReader = new XMLFileReader();
+ final Map attrs = new TreeMap<>();
+ final Map vars = new TreeMap<>();
+ myReader.setHandler(new DataDrivenSTTestHandler(vars, fac, targDir, attrs));
+ final String fileName = fileBasename + ".xml";
+ myReader.read(
+ TestSTFactory.class
+ .getResource("data/" + fileName)
+ .toString(), // for DTD resolution
+ getUTF8Data(fileName),
+ -1,
+ true);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Fetch data from jar
+ *
+ * @param name name of thing to load (org.unicode.cldr.web.data.name)
+ */
+ public static BufferedReader getUTF8Data(String name) throws java.io.IOException {
+ return FileReaders.openFile(STFactory.class, "data/" + name);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void TestVettingWithNonDistinguishing()
+ throws SQLException, IOException, InvalidXPathException, SurveyException,
+ LogoutException {
+ if (TestAll.skipIfNoDb()) return;
+ STFactory fac = getFactory();
+ final String somePath2 =
+ "//ldml/dates/calendars/calendar[@type=\"hebrew\"]/dateFormats/dateFormatLength[@type=\"full\"]/dateFormat[@type=\"standard\"]/pattern[@type=\"standard\"]";
+ String originalValue2 = null;
+ String changedTo2 = null;
+ CLDRLocale locale2 = CLDRLocale.getInstance("he");
+ String fullPath = null;
+ {
+ CLDRFile mt_MT = fac.make(locale2, false);
+ BallotBox box = fac.ballotBoxForLocale(locale2);
+ originalValue2 = expect(somePath2, ANY, false, mt_MT, box);
+ fullPath = mt_MT.getFullXPath(somePath2);
+ System.out.println("locale " + locale2 + " path " + somePath2 + " full = " + fullPath);
+ if (!fullPath.contains("numbers=")) {
+ System.out.println(
+ "Warning: "
+ + locale2
+ + ":"
+ + somePath2
+ + " fullpath doesn't contain numbers= - test skipped, got path "
+ + fullPath);
+ return;
+ }
+ changedTo2 = "EEEE, d _MMMM y";
+ if (originalValue2.equals(changedTo2)) {
+ fail(
+ "for "
+ + locale2
+ + " value "
+ + somePath2
+ + " winner is already= "
+ + originalValue2);
+ }
+ box.voteForValue(getMyUser(), somePath2, changedTo2);
+ expect(somePath2, changedTo2, true, mt_MT, box);
+ }
+ // Restart STFactory.
+ fac = resetFactory();
+ {
+ CLDRFile mt_MT = fac.make(locale2, false);
+ BallotBox box = fac.ballotBoxForLocale(locale2);
+ expect(somePath2, changedTo2, true, mt_MT, box);
+ // unvote
+ box.voteForValue(getMyUser(), somePath2, null);
+ expect(somePath2, originalValue2, false, mt_MT, box); // Expect
+ // original
+ // value - no
+ // one has
+ // voted.
+ String fullPath2 = mt_MT.getFullXPath(somePath2);
+ if (!fullPath2.contains("numbers=")) {
+ fail("Error - voted, but full path lost numbers= - " + fullPath2);
+ }
+ }
+ fac = resetFactory();
+ {
+ CLDRFile mt_MT = fac.make(locale2, false);
+ BallotBox box = fac.ballotBoxForLocale(locale2);
+ expect(somePath2, originalValue2, false, mt_MT, box); // still
+ // original
+ // value
+ // vote for ____2
+ changedTo2 = changedTo2 + "__";
+ System.out.println("VoteFor: " + changedTo2);
+ box.voteForValue(getMyUser(), somePath2, changedTo2);
+ expect(somePath2, changedTo2, true, mt_MT, box);
+ System.out.println("Write out..");
+ File targDir = TestAll.getEmptyDir(TestSTFactory.class.getName() + "_output");
+ File outFile = new File(targDir, locale2.getBaseName() + ".xml");
+ PrintWriter pw =
+ FileUtilities.openUTF8Writer(
+ targDir.getAbsolutePath(), locale2.getBaseName() + ".xml");
+ mt_MT.write(pw, noDtdPlease);
+ pw.close();
+ System.out.println("Read back..");
+ CLDRFile readBack =
+ CLDRFile.loadFromFile(outFile, locale2.getBaseName(), DraftStatus.unconfirmed);
+ String reRead = readBack.getStringValue(somePath2);
+ System.out.println(
+ "reread: "
+ + outFile.getAbsolutePath()
+ + " value "
+ + somePath2
+ + " = "
+ + reRead);
+ if (!changedTo2.equals(reRead)) {
+ System.out.println(
+ "reread: "
+ + outFile.getAbsolutePath()
+ + " value "
+ + somePath2
+ + " = "
+ + reRead
+ + ", should be "
+ + changedTo2);
+ }
+ String fullPath2 = readBack.getFullXPath(somePath2);
+ if (!fullPath2.contains("numbers=")) {
+ fail("Error - readBack's full path lost numbers= - " + fullPath2);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private void verifyReadOnly(CLDRFile f) {
+ String loc = f.getLocaleID();
+ try {
+ f.add("//ldml/foo", "bar");
+ fail("Error: " + loc + " is supposed to be readonly.");
+ } catch (Throwable t) {
+ System.out.println("Pass: " + loc + " is readonly, caught " + t.toString());
+ }
+ }
+ public UserRegistry.User getMyUser() throws LogoutException, SQLException {
+ if (gUser == null) {
+ gUser = getFactory().sm.reg.get(null, UserRegistry.ADMIN_EMAIL, "[::1]", true);
+ }
+ return gUser;
+ }
+ public static synchronized STFactory getFactory() throws SQLException {
+ if (gFac == null) {
+ gFac = createFactory();
+ }
+ return gFac;
+ }
+ private STFactory resetFactory() throws SQLException {
+ if (gFac == null) {
+ System.out.println("STFactory wasn't loaded - not resetting.");
+ return getFactory();
+ } else {
+ System.out.println("--- resetting STFactory() ----- [simulate reload] ------------");
+ return gFac = getFactory().TESTING_shutdownAndRestart();
+ }
+ }
+ public static STFactory createFactory() throws SQLException {
+ long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
+ TestAll.setupTestDb();
+ System.err.println("Set up test DB: " + ElapsedTimer.elapsedTime(start));
+ ElapsedTimer et0 = new ElapsedTimer("clearing directory");
+ // File cacheDir = TestAll.getEmptyDir(CACHETEST);
+ System.err.println(et0.toString());
+ et0 = new ElapsedTimer("setup SurveyMain");
+ SurveyMain sm = new SurveyMain();
+ CookieSession.sm = sm; // hack - of course.
+ System.err.println(et0.toString());
+ SurveyMain.fileBase = CLDRPaths.MAIN_DIRECTORY;
+ SurveyMain.fileBaseSeed =
+ new File(CLDRPaths.BASE_DIRECTORY, "seed/main/").getAbsolutePath();
+ SurveyMain.fileBaseA =
+ new File(CLDRPaths.BASE_DIRECTORY, "common/annotations/").getAbsolutePath();
+ SurveyMain.fileBaseASeed =
+ new File(CLDRPaths.BASE_DIRECTORY, "seed/annotations/").getAbsolutePath();
+ et0 = new ElapsedTimer("setup DB");
+ Connection conn = DBUtils.getInstance().getDBConnection();
+ System.err.println(et0.toString());
+ et0 = new ElapsedTimer("setup Registry");
+ sm.reg = UserRegistry.createRegistry(sm);
+ System.err.println(et0.toString());
+ et0 = new ElapsedTimer("setup XPT");
+ sm.xpt = XPathTable.createTable(conn);
+ sm.xpt.getByXpath("//foo/bar[@type='baz']");
+ System.err.println(et0.toString());
+ et0 = new ElapsedTimer("close connection");
+ DBUtils.closeDBConnection(conn);
+ System.err.println(et0.toString());
+ et0 = new ElapsedTimer("Set up STFactory");
+ STFactory fac = sm.getSTFactory();
+ System.err.println(et0.toString());
+ org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertFalse(
+ SurveyMain.isBusted(), "SurveyTool shouldn’t be busted!");
+ return fac;
+ }
+ static final Map noDtdPlease = new TreeMap<>();
+ static {
+ noDtdPlease.put(
+ "DTD_DIR", CLDRPaths.COMMON_DIRECTORY + File.separator + "dtd" + File.separator);
+ }
diff --git a/tools/cldr-apps/src/test/resources/org/unicode/cldr/unittest/web/data/TestSTFactory.dtd b/tools/cldr-apps/src/test/resources/org/unicode/cldr/web/data/TestSTFactory.dtd
similarity index 100%
rename from tools/cldr-apps/src/test/resources/org/unicode/cldr/unittest/web/data/TestSTFactory.dtd
rename to tools/cldr-apps/src/test/resources/org/unicode/cldr/web/data/TestSTFactory.dtd
diff --git a/tools/cldr-apps/src/test/resources/org/unicode/cldr/unittest/web/data/TestSTFactory.xml b/tools/cldr-apps/src/test/resources/org/unicode/cldr/web/data/TestSTFactory.xml
similarity index 100%
rename from tools/cldr-apps/src/test/resources/org/unicode/cldr/unittest/web/data/TestSTFactory.xml
rename to tools/cldr-apps/src/test/resources/org/unicode/cldr/web/data/TestSTFactory.xml
diff --git a/tools/cldr-apps/src/test/resources/org/unicode/cldr/unittest/web/data/TestUserRegistry.xml b/tools/cldr-apps/src/test/resources/org/unicode/cldr/web/data/TestUserRegistry.xml
similarity index 100%
rename from tools/cldr-apps/src/test/resources/org/unicode/cldr/unittest/web/data/TestUserRegistry.xml
rename to tools/cldr-apps/src/test/resources/org/unicode/cldr/web/data/TestUserRegistry.xml
diff --git a/tools/cldr-apps/src/test/resources/org/unicode/cldr/unittest/web/data/TestVotePerf.xml b/tools/cldr-apps/src/test/resources/org/unicode/cldr/web/data/TestVotePerf.xml
similarity index 65%
rename from tools/cldr-apps/src/test/resources/org/unicode/cldr/unittest/web/data/TestVotePerf.xml
rename to tools/cldr-apps/src/test/resources/org/unicode/cldr/web/data/TestVotePerf.xml
index 871cd4b4855..a9e8ed2347e 100644
--- a/tools/cldr-apps/src/test/resources/org/unicode/cldr/unittest/web/data/TestVotePerf.xml
+++ b/tools/cldr-apps/src/test/resources/org/unicode/cldr/web/data/TestVotePerf.xml
@@ -6,68 +6,68 @@
test performance
- Territory-419
- Territory-419
- Territory-202
- Territory-202
- Territory-155
- Territory-155
- Territory-154
- Territory-154
- Territory-151
- Territory-151
- Territory-150
- Territory-150
- Territory-145
- Territory-145
- Territory-143
- Territory-143
- Territory-142
- Territory-142
- Territory-061
- Territory-061
- Territory-057
- Territory-057
- Territory-054
- Territory-054
- Territory-053
- Territory-053
- Territory-039
- Territory-039
- Territory-035
- Territory-035
- Territory-034
- Territory-034
- Territory-030
- Territory-030
- Territory-029
- Territory-029
- Territory-021
- Territory-021
- Territory-019
- Territory-019
- Territory-018
- Territory-018
- Territory-017
- Territory-017
- Territory-015
- Territory-015
- Territory-014
- Territory-014
- Territory-013
- Territory-013
- Territory-011
- Territory-011
- Territory-009
- Territory-009
- Territory-005
- Territory-005
- Territory-003
- Territory-003
- Territory-002
- Territory-002
- Territory-001
- Territory-001
+ Amérique latine
+ Amérique latine
+ Afrique subsaharienne
+ Afrique subsaharienne
+ Europe de l’Ouest
+ Europe de l’Ouest
+ Europe du Nord
+ Europe du Nord
+ Europe de l’Est
+ Europe de l’Est
+ Europe
+ Europe
+ Asie de l’Ouest
+ Asie de l’Ouest
+ Asie centrale
+ Asie centrale
+ Asie
+ Asie
+ Polynésie
+ Polynésie
+ région micronésienne
+ région micronésienne
+ Mélanésie
+ Mélanésie
+ Australasie
+ Australasie
+ Europe du Sud
+ Europe du Sud
+ Asie du Sud-Est
+ Asie du Sud-Est
+ Asie du Sud
+ Asie du Sud
+ Asie de l’Est
+ Asie de l’Est
+ Caraïbes
+ Caraïbes
+ Amérique septentrionale
+ Amérique septentrionale
+ Amériques
+ Amériques
+ Afrique australe
+ Afrique australe
+ Afrique centrale
+ Afrique centrale
+ Afrique septentrionale
+ Afrique septentrionale
+ Afrique orientale
+ Afrique orientale
+ Amérique centrale
+ Amérique centrale
+ Afrique occidentale
+ Afrique occidentale
+ Océanie
+ Océanie
+ Amérique du Sud
+ Amérique du Sud
+ Amérique du Nord
+ Amérique du Nord
+ Afrique
+ Afrique
+ Monde
+ Monde