diff --git a/tools/cldr-apps/js/src/esm/cldrDash.mjs b/tools/cldr-apps/js/src/esm/cldrDash.mjs
index cdfde9ed4d6..3509405024a 100644
--- a/tools/cldr-apps/js/src/esm/cldrDash.mjs
+++ b/tools/cldr-apps/js/src/esm/cldrDash.mjs
@@ -2,38 +2,287 @@
* cldrDash: encapsulate dashboard data.
import * as cldrAjax from "./cldrAjax.mjs";
+import * as cldrCoverage from "./cldrCoverage.mjs";
import * as cldrNotify from "./cldrNotify.mjs";
import * as cldrProgress from "./cldrProgress.mjs";
import * as cldrStatus from "./cldrStatus.mjs";
import * as cldrSurvey from "./cldrSurvey.mjs";
-import * as cldrXlsx from "./cldrXlsx.mjs";
import * as XLSX from "xlsx";
- * An object whose keys are xpstrid (xpath hex IDs like "db7b4f2df0427e4"), and whose values are objects whose
- * keys are notification categories such as "Error" or "English_Changed" and values are "entry"
- * objects with code, english, ..., xpstrid, ... elements.
- *
- * Example: pathIndex[xpstrid][category] = entry
- *
- * There can be at most one notification for a path within each category, but the same path may have notifications in
- * multiple categories. For example, the path with xpstrid = "db7b4f2df0427e4" might have both "Error" and "Warning" notifications,
- * but there can't be more than one "Error" notification for the same path, since the server will have combined them
- * into a single "Error" notification with multiple error messages.
- */
-let pathIndex = {};
+class DashData {
+ /**
+ * Construct a new DashData object
+ *
+ * @returns the new DashData object
+ */
+ constructor() {
+ this.entries = []; // array of DashEntry objects
+ this.cats = new Set(); // set of category names, such as "Error"
+ this.catSize = {}; // number of entries in each category
+ this.catFirst = {}; // first entry.xpstrid in each category
+ // An object whose keys are xpstrid (xpath hex IDs like "db7b4f2df0427e4"), and whose values are DashEntry objects
+ this.pathIndex = {};
+ this.hiddenObject = null;
+ }
+ addEntriesFromJson(notifications) {
+ for (let catData of notifications) {
+ for (let group of catData.groups) {
+ for (let e of group.entries) {
+ this.addEntry(catData.category, group, e);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Create a new DashEntry in this DashData, or update the existing entry if already present based on e.xpstrid
+ *
+ * @param {String} cat the category such as "Error"
+ * @param {Object} group (from json)
+ * @param {Object} e (entry in old format, from json)
+ */
+ addEntry(cat, group, e) {
+ this.addCategory(cat);
+ this.catSize[cat]++;
+ if (!this.catFirst[cat]) {
+ this.catFirst[cat] = e.xpstrid;
+ }
+ if (this.pathIndex[e.xpstrid]) {
+ const dashEntry = this.pathIndex[e.xpstrid];
+ dashEntry.addCategory(cat);
+ dashEntry.setWinning(e.winning);
+ if (e.comment) {
+ dashEntry.setComment(e.comment);
+ }
+ if (e.subtype) {
+ dashEntry.setSubtype(e.subtype);
+ }
+ } else {
+ const dashEntry = new DashEntry(e.xpstrid, e.code, e.english);
+ dashEntry.setSectionPageHeader(group.section, group.page, group.header);
+ dashEntry.addCategory(cat);
+ dashEntry.setWinning(e.winning);
+ dashEntry.setPreviousEnglish(e.previousEnglish);
+ dashEntry.setComment(e.comment);
+ dashEntry.setSubtype(e.subtype);
+ dashEntry.setChecked(this.itemIsChecked(e));
+ this.entries.push(dashEntry);
+ this.pathIndex[e.xpstrid] = dashEntry;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * If this category is not already present in the data, add it and
+ * initialize its size to zero. No effect if the category is already present.
+ *
+ * @param {String} cat
+ */
+ addCategory(cat) {
+ if (!this.cats.has(cat)) {
+ this.cats.add(cat);
+ this.catSize[cat] = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Set the object indicating which paths the user wants hidden in the dashboard
+ *
+ * The format matches the json currently returned by the back end. The keys are
+ * "subtype" strings such as "incorrectCasing"; the values are arrays of objects
+ * each of which has an xpstrid and a value string
+ *
+ * @param {Object} hiddenObject
+ * Example of json.hidden:
+ * {
+ "incorrectCasing": [
+ {
+ "value": "région micronésienne",
+ "xpstrid": "fe9015c6c61370"
+ },
+ {
+ "value": "régions éloignées de l’Océanie",
+ "xpstrid": "744c18884a1547be"
+ },
+ {
+ "value": "pseudo-accents",
+ "xpstrid": "4ef00bbec7020af2"
+ }
+ ],
+ "none": [
+ {
+ "value": "iakoute",
+ "xpstrid": "79262aa5d69820da"
+ },
+ {
+ "value": "hanifi",
+ "xpstrid": "e8cecebdded8d76"
+ },
+ {
+ "value": "Monde",
+ "xpstrid": "73c7c09de32184"
+ }
+ ]
+ */
+ setHidden(hiddenObject) {
+ this.hiddenObject = hiddenObject;
+ }
+ itemIsChecked(e) {
+ if (!this.hiddenObject[e.subtype]) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ const pathValueArray = this.hiddenObject[e.subtype];
+ return pathValueArray.some(
+ (p) => p.xpstrid === e.xpstrid && p.value === e.winning
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * After the user has voted, reset attributes for the entry that might have
+ * changed or disappeared as a result of voting. Also update the totals for
+ * this DashData.
+ */
+ cleanEntry(dashEntry) {
+ this.removeEntryCats(dashEntry);
+ dashEntry.clean();
+ }
+ removeEntry(dashEntry) {
+ this.removeEntryCats(dashEntry);
+ const index = this.entries.indexOf(dashEntry);
+ this.entries.splice(index, 1);
+ }
+ removeEntryCats(dashEntry) {
+ dashEntry.cats.forEach((cat) => {
+ this.catSize[cat]--;
+ if (!this.catSize[cat]) {
+ this.cats.delete(cat);
+ delete this.catSize[cat];
+ }
+ if (this.catFirst[cat] === dashEntry.xpstrid) {
+ this.findCatFirst(cat);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ findCatFirst(cat) {
+ for (let dashEntry of this.entries) {
+ if (dashEntry.cat === cat) {
+ this.catFirst[cat] = dashEntry;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ delete this.catFirst[cat];
+ }
+class DashEntry {
+ /**
+ * Construct a new DashEntry object
+ *
+ * @param {String} xpstrid the xpath hex string id like "710b6e70773e5764"
+ * @param {String} code the code like "long-one-nominative"
+ * @param {String} english the English value like "{0} metric pint"
+ *
+ * @returns the new DashEntry object
+ */
+ constructor(xpstrid, code, english) {
+ this.xpstrid = xpstrid;
+ this.code = code;
+ this.english = english;
+ this.cats = new Set(); // set of notification category names
+ this.winning = null;
+ this.previousEnglish = null;
+ this.comment = null;
+ this.subtype = null;
+ this.checked = false;
+ }
+ setSectionPageHeader(section, page, header) {
+ this.section = section; // e.g., "Units"
+ this.page = page; // e.g., "Volume"
+ this.header = header; // e.g., "pint-metric"
+ }
+ setWinning(winning) {
+ this.winning = winning; // like "{0} pinte métrique"
+ }
+ setPreviousEnglish(previousEnglish) {
+ this.previousEnglish = previousEnglish; // e.g., "{0} metric pint"
+ }
+ setComment(comment) {
+ this.comment = comment; // e.g., "<missing placeholders> Need at least 1 placeholder(s), but only have 0. Placeholders..."
+ }
+ setSubtype(subtype) {
+ this.subtype = subtype; // e.g., "missingPlaceholders"
+ }
+ setChecked(checked) {
+ this.checked = checked; // boolean; the user added a checkmark for this entry
+ }
+ addCategory(category) {
+ this.cats.add(category); // e.g., "Error", "Disputed", "English_Changed
+ }
+ /**
+ * After the user has voted, reset attributes that might have changed
+ * or disappeared as a result of voting. Any updated values for these
+ * attributes will be added based on the new server response.
+ */
+ clean() {
+ this.cats = new Set();
+ this.winning = null;
+ this.comment = null;
+ this.subtype = null;
+ }
+let fetchErr = "";
+let viewSetDataCallback = null;
+function doFetch(callback) {
+ viewSetDataCallback = callback;
+ fetchErr = "";
+ const locale = cldrStatus.getCurrentLocale();
+ const level = cldrCoverage.effectiveName(locale);
+ if (!locale || !level) {
+ fetchErr = "Please choose a locale and a coverage level first.";
+ return;
+ }
+ const url = `api/summary/dashboard/${locale}/${level}`;
+ cldrAjax
+ .doFetch(url)
+ .then(cldrAjax.handleFetchErrors)
+ .then((data) => data.json())
+ .then(setData)
+ .catch((err) => {
+ const msg = "Error loading Dashboard data: " + err;
+ console.error(msg);
+ fetchErr = msg;
+ });
+function getFetchError() {
+ return fetchErr;
- * Set the data for the Dashboard, add "total" and "checked" fields, and index it.
+ * Set the data for the Dashboard, converting from json to a DashData object
* The json data as received from the back end is ordered by category, then by section, page, header, code, ...
- * (but those are not ordered alphabetically). It is presented to the user in that same order.
+ * (but those are not ordered alphabetically).
- * @param data - an object with these elements:
+ * @param json - an object with these elements:
* notifications - an array of objects (locally named "catData" meaning "all the data for one category"),
* each having these elements:
* category - a string like "Error" or "English_Changed"
- * total - an integer (number of entries in this category), added by addCounts, not in json
* groups - an array of objects, each having these elements:
* header - a string
* page - a string
@@ -52,246 +301,57 @@ let pathIndex = {};
* Dashboard only uses data.notifications. There are additional fields
* data.* used by cldrProgress for progress meters.
- * @return the modified data (with totals, etc., added)
+ * @return the modified/reorganized data as a DashData object
-function setData(data) {
- cldrProgress.updateVoterCompletion(data);
- addCounts(data);
- makePathIndex(data);
- return data;
- * Calculate total counts; modify data by adding "total" for each category
- *
- * @param data
- */
-function addCounts(data) {
- for (let catData of data.notifications) {
- catData.total = 0;
- for (let group of catData.groups) {
- catData.total += group.entries.length;
- }
- }
- * Create the index; also set checked = true/false for all entries
- *
- * @param data
- */
-function makePathIndex(data) {
- pathIndex = {};
- for (let catData of data.notifications) {
- for (let group of catData.groups) {
- for (let entry of group.entries) {
- entry.checked = itemIsChecked(data, entry);
- if (!pathIndex[entry.xpstrid]) {
- pathIndex[entry.xpstrid] = {};
- } else if (pathIndex[entry.xpstrid][catData.category]) {
- console.error(
- "Duplicate in makePathIndex: " +
- entry.xpstrid +
- ", " +
- catData.category
- );
- }
- pathIndex[entry.xpstrid][catData.category] = entry;
- }
- }
+function setData(json) {
+ cldrProgress.updateVoterCompletion(json);
+ const newData = convertData(json);
+ if (viewSetDataCallback) {
+ viewSetDataCallback(newData);
+ return newData;
-function itemIsChecked(data, entry) {
- if (!data.hidden || !data.hidden[entry.subtype]) {
- return false;
- }
- const pathValueArray = data.hidden[entry.subtype];
- return pathValueArray.some(
- (p) => p.xpstrid === entry.xpstrid && p.value === entry.winning
- );
+function convertData(json) {
+ const newData = new DashData();
+ newData.setHidden(json.hidden);
+ newData.addEntriesFromJson(json.notifications);
+ return newData;
* A user has voted. Update the Dashboard data and index as needed.
* Even though the json is only for one path, it may have multiple notifications,
- * with different categories such as "Warning" and "English_Changed",
- * affecting multiple Dashboard rows.
+ * with different categories such as "Warning" and "English_Changed".
* Ensure that the data gets updated for (1) each new or modified notification,
* and (2) each obsolete notification -- if a notification for this path occurs in
* the (old) data but not in the (new) json, it's obsolete and must be removed.
- * @param data - the Dashboard data for all paths, to be updated
+ * @param dashData - the DashData (new format) for all paths, to be updated
* @param json - the response to a request by cldrTable.refreshSingleRow,
- * containing notifications for a single path
+ * containing notifications for a single path (old format)
-function updatePath(data, json) {
- try {
- const updater = newPathUpdater(data, json);
- updater.oldCategories.forEach((category) => {
- if (updater.newCategories.includes(category)) {
- updateEntry(updater, category);
- } else {
- removeEntry(updater, category);
- }
- });
- updater.newCategories.forEach((category) => {
- if (!updater.oldCategories.includes(category)) {
- addEntry(updater, category);
- }
- });
- } catch (e) {
- cldrNotify.exception(e, "updating path for Dashboard");
- }
- return data; // for unit test
-function newPathUpdater(data, json) {
- if (!json.xpstrid) {
- cldrNotify.error(
- "Invalid server response",
- "Missing path identifier for Dashboard"
- );
- return null;
- }
- const updater = {
- data: data,
- json: json,
- xpstrid: json.xpstrid,
- oldCategories: [],
- newCategories: [],
- group: null,
- };
- for (let catData of json.notifications) {
- updater.newCategories.push(catData.category);
- }
- updater.newCategories = updater.newCategories.sort();
- if (updater.xpstrid in pathIndex) {
- updater.oldCategories = Object.keys(pathIndex[updater.xpstrid]).sort();
- }
- return updater;
-function updateEntry(updater, category) {
- try {
- const catData = getDataForCategory(updater.data, category);
- for (let group of catData.groups) {
- const entries = group.entries;
- for (let i in entries) {
- if (entries[i].xpstrid === updater.xpstrid) {
- const newEntry = getNewEntry(updater, category);
- pathIndex[updater.xpstrid][category] = entries[i] = newEntry;
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- } catch (e) {
- cldrNotify.exception(e, "updating dashboard entry");
- }
-function removeEntry(updater, category) {
+function updatePath(dashData, json) {
try {
- const catData = getDataForCategory(updater.data, category);
- for (let group of catData.groups) {
- const entries = group.entries;
- for (let i in entries) {
- if (entries[i].xpstrid === updater.xpstrid) {
- entries.splice(i, 1);
- --catData.total;
- delete pathIndex[updater.xpstrid][category];
- return;
- }
+ if (json.xpstrid in dashData.pathIndex) {
+ // We already have an entry for this path
+ const dashEntry = dashData.pathIndex[json.xpstrid];
+ if (!json.notifications?.length) {
+ // The path no longer has any notifications, so remove the entry
+ dashData.removeEntry(dashEntry);
+ return dashData; // for unit test
+ // Clear attributes that might have changed or disappeared as a result of voting.
+ // They will be updated/restored from the json.
+ dashData.cleanEntry(dashEntry);
+ dashData.addEntriesFromJson(json.notifications);
} catch (e) {
- cldrNotify.exception(e, "removing dashboard entry");
- }
-function addEntry(updater, category) {
- try {
- const newEntry = getNewEntry(updater, category); // sets updater.group
- const catData = getDataForCategory(updater.data, category);
- const group = getMatchingGroup(catData, updater.group);
- // TODO: insert in a particular order; see https://unicode-org.atlassian.net/browse/CLDR-15202
- group.entries.push(newEntry);
- catData.total++;
- if (!(updater.xpstrid in pathIndex)) {
- pathIndex[updater.xpstrid] = {};
- }
- pathIndex[updater.xpstrid][category] = newEntry;
- } catch (e) {
- cldrNotify.exception(e, "adding dashboard entry");
- }
-function getNewEntry(updater, category) {
- for (let catData of updater.json.notifications) {
- if (catData.category === category) {
- for (let group of catData.groups) {
- for (let entry of group.entries) {
- if (entry.xpstrid === updater.xpstrid) {
- updater.group = group;
- entry.checked = itemIsChecked(updater.data, entry);
- return entry;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- throw new Error("New entry not found");
-function getMatchingGroup(catData, groupToMatch) {
- if (!groupToMatch) {
- throw new Error("Matching dashboard group not found");
- }
- for (let group of catData.groups) {
- if (groupsMatch(group, groupToMatch)) {
- return group;
- }
- }
- const newGroup = cloneGroup(groupToMatch);
- // TODO: insert in a particular order; see https://unicode-org.atlassian.net/browse/CLDR-15202
- catData.groups.push(newGroup);
- return newGroup;
-function groupsMatch(groupA, groupB) {
- return (
- groupA.header === groupB.header &&
- groupA.page === groupB.page &&
- groupA.section === groupB.section
- );
-function cloneGroup(group) {
- const newGroup = {
- header: group.header,
- page: group.page,
- section: group.section,
- entries: [],
- };
- return newGroup;
-function getDataForCategory(data, category) {
- for (let catData of data.notifications) {
- if (catData.category === category) {
- return catData;
- }
+ cldrNotify.exception(e, "updating path for Dashboard");
- const newCatData = {
- category: category,
- total: 0,
- groups: [],
- };
- // TODO: insert in a particular order; see https://unicode-org.atlassian.net/browse/CLDR-15202
- data.notifications.push(newCatData);
- return newCatData;
+ return dashData; // for unit test
@@ -322,6 +382,7 @@ function getCheckmarkUrl(entry, locale) {
+ * Download as XLSX spreadsheet
* @param {Object} data processed data to download
* @param {String} locale locale id
@@ -329,20 +390,16 @@ function getCheckmarkUrl(entry, locale) {
async function downloadXlsx(data, locale, cb) {
const xpathMap = cldrSurvey.getXpathMap();
- const { coverageLevel, notifications } = data;
+ const { coverageLevel, entries } = data;
// Fetch all XPaths in parallel since it'll take a while
const allXpaths = [];
- for (const { groups } of notifications) {
- for (const { section, entries } of groups) {
- if (section === "Reports") {
- continue; // skip this
- }
- for (const { xpstrid } of entries) {
- allXpaths.push(xpstrid);
- }
+ for (let dashEntry of entries) {
+ if (dashEntry.section === "Reports") {
+ continue; // skip this
+ allXpaths.push(dashEntry.xpstrid);
await Promise.all(allXpaths.map((x) => xpathMap.get(x)));
@@ -366,29 +423,25 @@ async function downloadXlsx(data, locale, cb) {
- for (const { category, groups } of notifications) {
- for (const { header, page, section, entries } of groups) {
- for (const { code, english, old, subtype, winning, xpstrid } of entries) {
- const xpath =
- section === "Reports" ? "-" : (await xpathMap.get(xpstrid)).path;
- ws_data.push([
- category,
- header,
- page,
- section,
- code,
- english,
- old,
- subtype,
- winning,
- xpstrid,
- xpath,
- `https://st.unicode.org/cldr-apps/v#/${locale}/${page}/${xpstrid}`,
- ]);
- }
- }
+ for (let e of entries) {
+ const xpath =
+ section === "Reports" ? "-" : (await xpathMap.get(xpstrid)).path;
+ const url = `https://st.unicode.org/cldr-apps/v#/${e.locale}/${e.page}/${e.xpstrid}`;
+ ws_data.push([
+ e.cat,
+ e.header,
+ e.page,
+ e.section,
+ e.code,
+ e.english,
+ e.old,
+ e.subtype,
+ e.winning,
+ e.xpstrid,
+ xpath,
+ url,
+ ]);
const ws = XLSX.utils.aoa_to_sheet(ws_data);
// cldrXlsx.pushComment(ws, "C1", `As of ${new Date().toISOString()}`);
const wb = XLSX.utils.book_new();
@@ -402,4 +455,11 @@ async function downloadXlsx(data, locale, cb) {
-export { saveEntryCheckmark, setData, updatePath, downloadXlsx };
+export {
+ doFetch,
+ getFetchError,
+ saveEntryCheckmark,
+ setData,
+ updatePath,
+ downloadXlsx,
diff --git a/tools/cldr-apps/js/src/esm/cldrTable.mjs b/tools/cldr-apps/js/src/esm/cldrTable.mjs
index 51d723bba76..d983f105687 100644
--- a/tools/cldr-apps/js/src/esm/cldrTable.mjs
+++ b/tools/cldr-apps/js/src/esm/cldrTable.mjs
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ import * as cldrXPathUtils from "./cldrXpathUtils.mjs";
const HEADER_ID_PREFIX = "header_";
const ROW_ID_PREFIX = "row_"; // formerly "r@"
-const CLDR_TABLE_DEBUG = true;
+const CLDR_TABLE_DEBUG = false;
* NO_WINNING_VALUE indicates the server delivered path data without a valid winning value.
diff --git a/tools/cldr-apps/js/src/esm/cldrVote.mjs b/tools/cldr-apps/js/src/esm/cldrVote.mjs
index 81ce9e80c78..13ca7c72a46 100644
--- a/tools/cldr-apps/js/src/esm/cldrVote.mjs
+++ b/tools/cldr-apps/js/src/esm/cldrVote.mjs
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ import * as cldrSurvey from "./cldrSurvey.mjs";
import * as cldrTable from "./cldrTable.mjs";
import * as cldrText from "./cldrText.mjs";
-const CLDR_VOTE_DEBUG = true;
+const CLDR_VOTE_DEBUG = false;
* The special "vote level" selected by the user, or zero for default.
diff --git a/tools/cldr-apps/js/src/views/DashboardWidget.vue b/tools/cldr-apps/js/src/views/DashboardWidget.vue
index 3100513b303..67f6c422a48 100644
--- a/tools/cldr-apps/js/src/views/DashboardWidget.vue
+++ b/tools/cldr-apps/js/src/views/DashboardWidget.vue
@@ -29,15 +29,27 @@
+ {
+ catCheckmarkChanged(event, cat);
+ }
+ "
+ />
@@ -58,109 +70,94 @@
title="Hide checked items"
- />
+ />
- setLastClicked(entry.xpstrid + '-' + catData.category)
- "
- >
+ setLastClicked(entry.xpstrid)"
+ >
{{ abbreviate(catData.category) }}
- {{
- humanize(group.section + "—" + group.page)
- }}
- |
- {{ group.header }}
- |
- {{ entry.code }}
- |
@@ -170,7 +167,6 @@