diff --git a/docs/ldml/tr35.md b/docs/ldml/tr35.md
index 7cc54be6812..f1c38a22b52 100644
--- a/docs/ldml/tr35.md
+++ b/docs/ldml/tr35.md
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
|Version|45 (draft)|
|Editors|Mark Davis (markdavis@google.com) and other CLDR committee members|
|This Version|https://www.unicode.org/reports/tr35/tr35-72/tr35.html|
|Previous Version|https://www.unicode.org/reports/tr35/tr35-71/tr35.html|
|Latest Version|https://www.unicode.org/reports/tr35/|
@@ -3997,12 +3997,26 @@ Other contributors to CLDR are listed on the [CLDR Project Page](https://www.uni
**Differences from LDML Version 44.1**
-* [Numbers](tr35-numbers.md#Contents)
+* Part 1: [Core](tr35.md#Contents)
+ * In [Parent Locales](tr35.md#Parent_Locales), add an additional attribute and value `localeRules="nonlikelyScript"` to allow for algorithmic handling of inheritance so that mixtures of scripts are avoided.
+ For example, preventing `ru_Latn` from falling back to `ru` (which is Cyrillic script).
+ Previously, there was a small list of such locales, but they were far from covering all cases.
+ That list was retained for migration.
+* Part 3: [Numbers](tr35-numbers.md#Contents)
* In [Supplemental Currency Data](tr35-numbers.md#Supplemental_Currency_Data), for the `currency` element, added attributes `tz` and `to-tz` to clarify the `from` and `to` dates.
-* [Supplemental](tr35-info.md#Contents)
+* Part 6: [Supplemental][Supplemental](tr35-info.md#Contents)
* In [Conversion Data](tr35-info.md#conversion-data), added the `special` attribute for `convertUnit`, used for handling beaufort.
+* Part 7: [Keyboards]
+ * There are substantial changes from v44 to bring the Keyboard 3.0 specification out of Tech Preview, including:
+ * New sections for Definitions, Notation, and Normalization.
+ * Many clarifications and modifications in other sections.
+* Part 9: [MessageFormat](tr35-messageFormat.md#Contents)
+ * Added the completely new specification for MessageFormat 2.0 (in Tech Preview)
**Differences from LDML Version 43 to 44.1**
* [Core](#Contents)