API Pattern: Connector
Federation upload and download Lambda
- Scheduled to run periodically (~every 30 minutes)
- The lambda downloads batches of diagnosis keys using NearForm Federation API, the Diagnosis Keys are then validated and uploaded to the Diagnosis Keys Submission (JSON) bucket.
- The keys downloaded using nearform API are stored in the following format
- The last downloaded batchtag is stored in a table
"batchTag": "1110614f-6ff0-4e95-a79f-570744b55c63",
"exposures": [
"keyData": "Ns4/fV5RF+8GS/WJFmJUdw==",
"rollingStartNumber": 2671920,
"transmissionRiskLevel": 0,
"rollingPeriod": 144,
"origin": "JE",
"regions": [
- Keys should not be older than 14 days or have a future date.
- Keys should be Base64 encoded and 32 bytes in length.
- Transmission risk level should be
. - Keys should be from a valid origin.
- Lambda uploads the diagnosis keys from the submission bucket to the Nearform server using Nearform Federation API.
- The Submission date of the uploaded keys is stored in a table
- We can configure the origins/S3 key prefixes (Diagnosis Keys Submission bucket) to control which Diagnosis Keys will be uploaded
Request payload (unsigned):
"transmissionRiskLevel": 4,
"rollingStartNumber": 2670912,
"keyData": "gi+hAyRA3vavaYhRoPhCrg==",
"rollingPeriod": 144,
"regions": [
HTTP request body with signed payload (JWS compact format):
"batchTag": "04b323bc",
"payload": "eyJhbGciOiJFUzI1NiJ9.W3sidHJhbnNtaXNzaW9uUmlza0xldmVsIjo0LCJyb2xsaW5nU3RhcnROdW1iZXIiOjI2NzA5MTIsImtleURhdGEiOiJnaStoQXlSQTN2YXZhWWhSb1BoQ3JnPT0iLCJyb2xsaW5nUGVyaW9kIjoxNDQsInJlZ2lvbnMiOlsiQ0giXX1d.j1PlrHTA6BD7mAauPfV-Q41eJsA6tuOzMZ-EqOtmTWJfpHAwh_r-X8pqpTlKRtcPUgmraGoaX4ztrI_eqV91gg"