- Introduction to PyGame through an example program from the PyGame book (McGugan, see below for a reference)
- Modified to move object around by itself
- Add other objects
- Show class diagrams
- Organize class into a hierarchy
- Show inheritance in class diagrams
- Discuss more general process and draw method (including the one following the mouse)
- Show more about relation between class and objects
- Methods, attributes
- Inheritance
- Has-a vs. is-a relationships
- Abstraction
- polymorphy
- Very rough description of events (enough for main loop and exiting the program)
- Blit
- Sprite
- Setting up a screen
- Tracking the mouse
- Moving objects around
- animation/time/frames, frame clock
UML and class diagrams
- The oo-book
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Class_diagram
UML is a large topic in itself. We will only cover a simplified version with simple diagrams in this course (more on this later).
Source code
- PyGame book. The source code from the book can be found on GitHub: https://github.com/apress/beg-game-dev-w-python-pygame
- Code from the lecture handed out in the gitlab repository after the lecture.
The link to the PyGame book's GitHub repository was found from the book's information page: http://www.apress.com/gp/book/9781590598726?wt_mc=ThirdParty.SpringerLink.3.EPR653.About_eBook
Note that the PyGame book uses Python 2, while we are using Python 3 in the course.