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Parse Parameter Server (CPP)

Yi Li edited this page Sep 23, 2013 · 9 revisions

The example demonstrates how to access the General I/O module(s) listed in the parameter server. For each General I/O module, the parameter server stores parameters such as its product_id, product_name, ronex_id, path, and serial. Note that we assume here that RoNeX consists of a Bridge (IN) module, and one or multiple General I/O module(s).

The code

Change directories to your sr_ronex_examples package.

$ roscd sr_ronex_examples/
$ cd src
$ pwd

Python file sr_ronex_parse_parameter_server.cpp is located inside the src directory.

* Copyright (c) 2013, Shadow Robot Company, All rights reserved.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 3.0 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library.

 * @file   sr_ronex_parse_parameter_server.cpp
 * @author Yi Li <[email protected]>
 * @brief  Parse data from parameter server for ronexes.


#include <ros/ros.h>
#include <ros/console.h>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>

#include "sr_ronex_utilities/sr_ronex_utilities.hpp"


  * Assume that your RoNeX consists of a Bridge (IN) module, and one or multiple
  * General I/O module(s). This class demonstrates how to access the General I/O module(s)
  * listed in the parameter server. For each General I/O module, the parameter server 
  * stores parameters such as its product_id, product_name, ronex_id, path, and serial.
class SrRonexParseParamExample
  ~SrRonexParseParamExample() {}

  * Find all General I/O modules listed in the parameter server.
  * Note that the help method ronex::get_ronex_param_id checks 
  * the General I/O modules already present on the parameter server and returns 
  * an id on which the given module is stored on the parameter server.
  void find_general_io_modules_(void)
    // Wait until there's at least one General I/O module.
    ros::Rate loop_rate(10);
    std::string param;
    while ( ros::param::get("/ronex/devices/0/ronex_id", param ) == false )
      ROS_INFO( "Waiting for General I/O module to be loaded properly." );
    // The maximum number of General I/O modules is 5.
    for (int k = 1; k <= 5; k++)
	// Assume that alias has not been set, and hence ronex_id is equal to serial.
	// Note that serial starts from 1.
	std::string curr_ronex_id = to_string_(k);

	// When -1 is returned, the module with the given id is not present on the parameter server.
	int ronex_parameter_id = ronex::get_ronex_param_id(curr_ronex_id);
	if ( ronex_parameter_id == -1 )
	// The module is present on the parameter server and ronex_parameter_id
	// contains the id on which the module is stored on the parameter server.
	// Retrieve the values of all parameters related to the current module.
	std::string product_id;
	std::string product_id_key = get_key_( ronex_parameter_id, std::string("product_id") );
	ros::param::get( product_id_key, product_id );
	std::string product_name;
	std::string product_name_key = get_key_( ronex_parameter_id, std::string("product_name") );
	ros::param::get( product_name_key, product_name );
	// Note that ronex_id is equal to curr_ronex_id.
	std::string ronex_id;
	std::string ronex_id_key = get_key_( ronex_parameter_id, std::string("ronex_id") );
	ros::param::get( ronex_id_key, ronex_id );
	std::string path;
	std::string path_key = get_key_( ronex_parameter_id, std::string("path") );
	ros::param::get( path_key, path );
	std::string serial;
	std::string serial_key = get_key_( ronex_parameter_id, std::string("serial") );
	ros::param::get( serial_key, serial );
	ROS_INFO( "*** General I/O module %d ***",  ronex_parameter_id );
	ROS_INFO( "product_id   = %s", product_id.c_str() );
	ROS_INFO( "product_name = %s", product_name.c_str() );
	ROS_INFO( "ronex_id     = %s", ronex_id.c_str() );
	ROS_INFO( "path         = %s", path.c_str() );
	ROS_INFO( "serial       = %s", serial.c_str() );
   * Convert the given integer into a string.
   * @param d The integer to be converted.
   * @return The integer as a string. 
  std::string to_string_(int d)
    std::stringstream ss;
    ss << d;
    std::string s(ss.str());
    return s;
   * Construct key for ros::param::get.
   * @param ronex_parameter_id Part of the key.
   * @param part Part of the key.
   * @return The key.
  std::string get_key_(int ronex_parameter_id, std::string part)
    std::string key("/ronex/devices/");
    key += to_string_(ronex_parameter_id);
    key += "/";
    key += part;
    return key;


int main(int argc, char **argv)
  // Initialize ROS with a unique node name.
  ros::init(argc, argv, "sr_ronex_parse_parameter_server");

  // Create a handle to this process' node. 
  ros::NodeHandle n;

  // This class demonstrates how to access the General I/O module(s) 
  // listed in the parameter server. 
  SrRonexParseParamExample example;

  return 0;


The Code Explained

if __name__ == "__main__":


    # This class demonstrates how to access the General I/O module(s) 
    # listed in the parameter server. 

rospy.init_node(NAME) is very important as it tells rospy the name of your node — until rospy has this information, it cannot start communicating with the ROS Master. In this case, your node will take on the name sr_ronex_parse_parameter_server.

The next line SrRonexParseParamExample() launches the demo by creating an object of class SrRonexParseParamExample.

  while True:
                rospy.loginfo("Waiting for the General I/O module to be loaded properly.")

Loop until at least one General I/O module has been properly loaded.

       devices = rospy.get_param("/ronex/devices")
        for ronex_param_id in devices:
            # Retrieve the values of all parameters related to the current General I/O module.
            rospy.loginfo( "*** General I/O Module %s ***",  ronex_param_id );
            rospy.loginfo( "product_id   = %s", devices[ronex_param_id]["product_id"] );
            rospy.loginfo( "product_name = %s", devices[ronex_param_id]["product_name"] );
            rospy.loginfo( "ronex_id     = %s", devices[ronex_param_id]["ronex_id"] );
            rospy.loginfo( "path         = %s", devices[ronex_param_id]["path"]);
            rospy.loginfo( "serial       = %s", devices[ronex_param_id]["serial"] ); 

Retrieve information about all loaded General I/O modules stored in a dictionary (with ronex_param_id as its keyword). By iterating through all values of ronex_param_id, we can retrieve the information about each General I/O module’s product_id, product_name, ronex_id, path, and serial. Note that if ronex_id (its type is string) has not been set to an alias name, its value is equal to the value of serial.