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Logistic Regression and Classification
Introduction to Statistical Modelling
Prof. Joris Vankerschaver
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## Overview 1. Introduction: what are classification problems? 2. K-nearest neighbors classification 3. Logistic regression 4. Classification # Introduction ## Classification In many problems, the outcome is a **categorical** variable: - Figure out whether mutation is deleterious (yes/no), based on DNA sequencing data. - Predict a person's eye color (blue/brown/green) - Predict the outcome of surgery (success/failure) for patients with ovarian cancer, based on patient characteristics - Classify iris (flower) variety given dimensions of leaves These problems are examples of **classification** problems. ## Techniques for classification - **Logistic regression** - **K-nearest neighbors** - Linear discriminant analysis - Support vector classification (SVC) - Decision trees - ... The techniques in **bold** are discussed in this lecture. Each technique has its advantages and disadvantages. ## References - *An Introduction to Statistical Learning*. Gareth James, Daniela Witten, Trevor Hastie, Robert Tibshirani. Available for free online at - Logistic regression: sections 4.1 - 4.3 ## Dataset `bdiag` -- Wisconsin breast cancer diagnostic dataset (*Nuclear feature extraction for breast tumor diagnosis.* W. Street, W. Wolberg, O. Mangasarian. Electronic imaging 29 (1993)) \vspace*{0.5cm} :::: {.columns} ::: {.column width="60%"} - Cell nuclei from 569 tumor samples - Classified as malignant or benign - Features: - radius of the cell nucleus - texture (variance of gray-scale values) ::: ::: {.column width="40%"} ![](./images/02-logistic-regression/Invasive_Ductal_Carcinoma_40x.jpg) ::: :::: ```{r} #| include: false library(tidyverse) library(gridExtra) theme_set(theme_bw() + theme(text = element_text(size = 14))) bdiag <- read_csv("datasets/02-logistic-regression/bdiag.csv") |> mutate(diagnosis = as.factor(diagnosis), diagnosis_binary = ifelse(diagnosis == "B", 0, 1)) ``` ```{r} #| include: false set.seed(1234) train_size <- 0.80 * nrow(bdiag) train_ind <- sample(seq_len(nrow(bdiag)), size = train_size) train <- bdiag[train_ind, ] test <- bdiag[-train_ind, ] ``` ## A first look at the data ```{r} #| echo: false p_scatter <- ggplot(train, aes(x = radius_mean, y = texture_mean, color = diagnosis)) + geom_jitter() + theme(legend.position = "top") p_box_radius <- ggplot(train, aes(y = radius_mean, x = diagnosis, fill = diagnosis)) + geom_boxplot(show.legend = FALSE) + ggtitle("radius_mean") + xlab("") + ylab(NULL) p_box_texture <- ggplot(train, aes(y = texture_mean, x = diagnosis, fill = diagnosis)) + geom_boxplot(show.legend = FALSE) + ggtitle("texture_mean") + xlab("") + ylab(NULL) grid.arrange(p_scatter, p_box_radius, p_box_texture, nrow = 1, widths = c(2, 1, 1)) ``` # K-nearest neighbors classification ## Principle - Find $K$ nearest neighbors to $x$ - Probability of belonging to class $i$ is proportional to number of neighbors in that class ![](./images/02-logistic-regression/knearest.pdf) - $P(\text{red}|X = x) = \frac{3}{5} = 60\%$ - $P(\text{green} | X = x) = \frac{2}{5} = 40\%$ ## Properties K-nearest neighbor (KNN) classification estimates probabilities $$ P(Y = j | X = x) = \frac{1}{|\mathcal{N}_K(x)|} \sum_{i = 1}^{|\mathcal{N}_K(x)|} I(y_i = j) $$ Here: - $\mathcal{N}_K(x)$ is the set of $K$ nearest datapoints to $x$ - $I(y_i = j)$ is equal to $1$ if $y_i = j$ and to $0$ otherwise ## Advantages and disadvantages Advantages: - No "training" necessary - Robust to outliers - Can easily deal with more than 2 labels Disadvantages: - Not very interpretable -- why was class decided? - Memory-intensive ## Decision boundary ($K = 5$) ```{r} # decision boundary plot code adapted from library(caret) model_knn_5 <- knn3(diagnosis ~ radius_mean + texture_mean, data = train, k = 5) library(scales) # for hue_pal() # these will become arguments model <- model_knn_5 data <- train n <- 100 n_classes <- 2 # derive from data? # plot code. TODO: turn into function xgrid <- with(data, expand_grid( radius_mean = seq(0.95 * min(radius_mean), 1.05 * max(radius_mean), length.out = n), texture_mean = seq(0.95 * min(texture_mean), 1.05 * max(texture_mean), length.out = n))) y_class_probs <- predict(model, newdata = xgrid, type = "prob") y_max_prob <- apply(y_class_probs, 1, max) y_max_i <- apply(y_class_probs, 1, which.max) bg_cols <- hue_pal()(n_classes) ggplot(xgrid, aes(x = radius_mean, y = texture_mean)) + geom_raster(aes(fill = y_max_i), alpha = y_max_prob) + scale_fill_gradientn(colours=bg_cols, breaks = c(1, 2)) + geom_point(data = data, aes(x = radius_mean, y = texture_mean, fill = as.numeric(diagnosis)), pch = 21, color = "black", size = 2, alpha = 1) + scale_x_continuous(expand = c(0, 0)) + scale_y_continuous(expand = c(0, 0)) + theme(legend.position = "none") ``` # Logistic regression ## Reminder: odds - If $\pi$ is the probability of having a malignant tumor, then the **odds** are defined as $$ \text{Odds} = \frac{\pi}{1 - \pi}. $$ For example: if $\pi = 0.8$ then $\text{Odds} = 4$, meaning that for every benign tumor there are 4 malignant ones (on average). - Odds range from 0 (impossible event) to $+\infty$ (almost certain). ## Reminder: odds ratio - **Odds ratio** (OR): indicates by how much the odds change between two treatments. For example: suppose in the treatment group the probability of a malignant tumor drops to $\pi_T = 0.75$ (compared to $\pi_C = 0.8$ in the untreated group). Then $$ \text{OR} = \frac{\text{Odds}(T)}{\text{Odds}(C)} = \frac{3}{4} = 0.75 $$ - If $\text{OR} < 1$, then the odds for treatment 1 decrease compared to treatment 2. If $\text{OR} > 1$, the odds increase. ## Log-odds (logits) Often it makes sense to work with the logarithm of the odds (**logits**): $$ \text{logit}(\pi) = \ln \text{Odds} = \ln \left( \frac{\pi}{1 - \pi} \right). $$ To convert back to probabilities, use the **logistic** function: $$ \pi = \frac{1}{1 + e^{-\text{logit}}}. $$ Logits are unbounded: $\text{logit} \to \pm\infty$ for $p \to 0, 1$ ```{r} #| fig-height: 3 ggplot(tibble(x = seq(-5, 5, length.out = 100)), aes(x)) + geom_function(fun = plogis) + xlab("Logit") + ylab("Probability") ``` ## Regression for classification - Given data $(X_1, Y_1), \ldots, (X_n, Y_n)$ where: - Outcomes $Y_i$ are categorical (0 or 1) - Predictors $X_i$ can be continuous or discrete - We will model $Y_i$ as a Bernoulli random variable ($0$ or $1$) with probability $\pi(X_i)$: \begin{align*} Y_i & = 0 \quad \text{with probability $\pi(X_i)$} \\ Y_i & = 1 \quad \text{with probability $1 - \pi(X_i)$} \end{align*} - Now we need to determine how $\pi(X)$ depends on $X$. ## Idea 1: linear regression (bad) - One predictor $X = \mathtt{radius\_mean}$, outcome $Y = 0$ (benign) or $Y = 1$ (malignant). - Assume $\pi(X) = \alpha + \beta X$ and determine $\alpha, \beta$ through linear regression. ```{r} #| out-width: 2in #| out-height: 1.5in #| fig-align: center ggplot(train, aes(x = radius_mean, y = diagnosis_binary)) + geom_point(aes(color = diagnosis)) + stat_smooth(method="lm", se=FALSE, color = "gray40") + ylab("Probability") ``` Problems: - Fitted probabilities can take on values outside $[0, 1]$. - Does not easily generalize to more than two classes. ## Idea 2: logistic regression (better) - Let $\pi(X)$ depend on $X$ through the logistic function $$ \pi(X) = \frac{1}{1 + \exp(-(\alpha + \beta X))}. $$ - **Nonlinear** model in parameters $\alpha$, $\beta$ - Alternatively, apply the logit transformation $$ \text{logit}(\pi) = \alpha + \beta X. $$ - Linear in the logits. ## Determining the regression parameters: MLE - **Likelihood function** $\mathcal{L}$: probability of observing the data given the parameters $\alpha$, $\beta$: $$ \mathcal{L}(\alpha, \beta) = \prod_{i = 1}^n P(Y = Y_i | X = X_i), $$ where $$ P(Y = Y_i | X = X_i) = \pi(X_i)^{Y_i}(1 - \pi(X_i))^{1 - {Y_i}}. $$ is the probability of observing one data point $(X_i, Y_i)$. - In practice, often better to use the log of the likelihood: $$ \ell(\alpha, \beta) = \ln \mathcal{L}(\alpha, \beta). $$ ## Determining the regression parameters: MLE - **Maximum likelihood estimation** (MLE): find parameters that maximize $\mathcal{L}(\alpha, \beta)$ or $\ell(\alpha, \beta)$ - Finding maximum: set partial derivatives (score functions) equal to zero: $$ \frac{\partial \ell}{\partial \alpha} = 0, \quad \frac{\partial \ell}{\partial \beta} = 0. $$ - Complicated equations, usually maximum cannot be found analytically (unlike least squares) - Use numerical methods to find maximum (R does this automatically with the `glm` command) ## Simplified example: MLE for binomial variable - Suppose there are *no* predictors. We just have a bunch of categorical outcomes $Y_i = 0, 1$, e.g. $$ Y = (0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, \ldots, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1) $$ - In semester 1 we saw that a good estimate for the probability $\pi = P(Y = 1)$ is given by the proportion of 1s in the data: $$ \hat{\pi} = \frac{1}{N} \sum_{i = 1}^N Y_i = \bar{Y}. $$ - We'll use MLE to re-derive this result. ## Simplified example: MLE for binomial variable - Likelihood \begin{align*} \mathcal{L}(\pi) & = \Pi_{i = 1}^n P(Y = Y_i) \\ & = \pi^{n\bar{Y}} (1 - \pi)^{n(1 - \bar{Y})} \end{align*} - Log likelihood: $\ell(\pi) = n \bar{Y} \ln \pi + n(1-\bar{Y})\ln(1 - \pi)$. - Maximum occurs when first derivative vanishes: $$ \frac{d \ell}{d \pi} = \frac{n \bar{Y}}{\pi} - \frac{n(1 - \bar{Y})}{1 - \pi} = 0. $$ - Simplifies to $\hat{\pi} = \bar{Y}$. ## MLE for logistic regression in R \scriptsize ```{r} #| echo: true m_simple <- glm(diagnosis ~ radius_mean, data = train, family = "binomial") summary(m_simple) ``` ## The log likelihood ```{r} log_lh <- function(x, y, alpha, beta) { lp <- alpha + beta * x px <- 1 / (1 + exp(-lp)) llh <- log(px) llh[y == 0] <- log(1 - px[y == 0]) sum(llh) } alpha <- seq(-20, -10, length.out = 20) beta <- seq(0, 2, length.out = 20) x <- train$radius_mean y <- train$diagnosis_binary llh <- matrix(nrow = length(alpha), ncol = length(beta)) for (i in seq_along(alpha)) { for (j in seq_along(beta)) { llh[i, j] <- log_lh(x, y, alpha[[i]], beta[[j]]) } } filled.contour(alpha, beta, llh, xlab = "alpha", ylab = "beta", plot.axes = { axis(1) axis(2) points(-15.8086, 1.0662, pch = "x", cex = 2, col = "white") }) ``` - Value of log likelihood at MLE: $\ell = -128.2701$. - R reports (residual) deviance: $D = -2 \times \ell = 256.54$ ## Multiple logistic regression - Like in linear regression, often the outcome $Y$ is influenced by several predictors $X_1, X_2, \ldots, X_p$. - For example: `diagnosis` depends on `radius_mean` and `texture_mean`: \begin{multline*} \mathrm{logit}(\pi) = \alpha + \beta_1 \cdot \mathtt{radius\_mean} + \beta_2 \cdot \mathtt{texture\_mean}. \end{multline*} - Parameters $\alpha, \beta_1, \ldots, \beta_p$ determined through MLE. ## In R \scriptsize ```{r} #| echo: true m_multi <- glm(diagnosis ~ radius_mean + texture_mean, data = train, family = "binomial") summary(m_multi) ``` ## Interactions between variables ```{r} #| echo: true m_inter <- glm(diagnosis ~ radius_mean * texture_mean, data = train, family = "binomial") ``` ::: {#tbl:model-coefficients} | Coefficient | Estimate | SE | z value | p value | |---------------------------|---------:|-----------:|--------:|---------:| | (Intercept) | -8.3046 | 7.4554 | -1.114 | 0.2653 | | radius | 0.2182 | 0.5288 | 0.413 | 0.6798 | | texture | -0.4133 | 0.3855 | -1.072 | 0.2836 | | radius:texture | 0.0455 | 0.0276 | 1.647 | 0.0995 | ::: Interaction between radius and texture is not significant ## Making predictions (by hand) What is the probability of a tumor being malignant if the radius is 13 mm? \begin{align*} \pi(\mathtt{radius\_mean} = 13) & = \frac{1}{1 + \exp(15.8086 - 1.0662 \times 13)} \\ & = 0.1247716 \end{align*} No easy formula for confidence interval on the prediction. ## Making predictions (using R) ```{r} #| echo: true predict(m_simple, newdata = data.frame(radius_mean = 13), type = "response") ``` ## Computing a confidence interval for the prediction Proceeds in three steps: 1. Make a prediction on the **logit** scale (`type = "link"`) 2. Compute CI on logit scale from SE (` = TRUE`) 3. Map CI back to probabilities For step 3, use `plogis` to undo the logit transformation: $$ \text{plogis}(x) = \frac{1}{1 + \exp(-x)}. $$ ## Computing an CI: example **Step 1**: Prediction on the logit scale. ```{r} #| echo: true pred <- predict(m_simple, newdata = data.frame(radius_mean = 13), type = "link", = TRUE) ``` **Step 2**: CI on the logit scale. ```{r} #| echo: true ci_logits <- c(pred$fit - 1.96 * pred$, pred$fit + 1.96 * pred$ ci_logits ``` ## **Step 3**: CI on the original scale (probabilities) ```{r} #| echo: true ci_probs <- c(plogis(ci_logits[1]), plogis(ci_logits[2])) ci_probs ``` Original prediction: ```{r} #| echo: true pred_probs <- plogis(pred$fit) pred_probs ``` **Conclusion**: The predicted probability that a tumor of radius 13mm is malignant is 12.5% (95% CI: [8.6%, 17.7%]) ## Making predictions ```{r} ggplot(train, aes(x = radius_mean, y = diagnosis_binary)) + geom_vline(xintercept = 13, linetype = "dashed", color = "gray60") + geom_hline(yintercept = 0.1247961, linetype = "dashed", color = "gray60") + geom_point(aes(color = diagnosis)) + stat_smooth(method="glm", se=FALSE, color = "gray40", method.args = list(family=binomial)) ``` ## Quantifying the strength of an association Write the logistic regression model in terms of odds as $$ \text{logit}(\pi) = \ln \text{Odds} = \alpha + \beta X. $$ After some algebra: $$ e^\beta = \frac{\text{Odds}(X + 1)}{\text{Odds(X)}}. $$ In other words: $e^\beta$ is the odds ratio (OR) associated to a 1-unit increase in $X$. ::: {.callout-note} ## Breast cancer dataset Here $\beta = 1.0662$, so $\text{OR} = \exp(1.0662) = 2.90$. An increase in 1 mm in tumor radius is associated with odds that are 2.90 times higher (risk increase). ::: ## Testing an association - Often, we want to test whether a model coefficient $\beta$ is significant. - Related: check if complex and simple nested models are equivalent (recall $F$-test from linear regression). Several ways of testing: - Wald test (reported in `summary`): can be conservative - Likelihood ratio test (via `anova` command): more power, preferred - Score test (not covered) ## Testing an association: Wald test - Null hypothesis $H_0: \beta = 0$, alternative hypothesis $H_A: \beta \ne 0$ - Test statistic follows $N(0, 1)$ under $H_0$ $$ z = \frac{\hat{\beta}}{SE(\beta)} \sim N(0, 1) \quad \text{under $H_0$}. $$ - Reported in the R regression output (`summary`): ::: {#tbl:model-coefficients} | Coefficient | Estimate | SE | z value | p value | |---------------|---------:|-----------:|--------:|-------------:| | (Intercept) | -20.5169 | 2.0473 | -10.021 | < 2e-16 | | radius_mean | 1.0954 | 0.1173 | 9.341 | < 2e-16 | | texture_mean | 0.2175 | 0.0403 | 5.391 | 7.01e-08 | ::: ## Testing an association: Likelihood ratio test Useful for: - Comparing nested models (simple/complex) - Testing single coefficient Hypothesis: - $H_0$: simple and complex model are equivalent - $H_A$: complex model is better Test statistic: **deviance** \begin{align*} D & = -2 \ln \frac{\mathcal{L}(\text{simple})}{\mathcal{L}(\text{complex})} \\ & = -2 \ell(\text{simple}) + 2 \ell(\text{complex}). \end{align*} Under $H_0$, $D$ follows a $\chi^2_k$ distribution, where $k$ is the number of extra parameters in the complex model. ## Worked out example Nested models: - Simple: includes `radius_mean` only - Complex: includes both `radius_mean` and `texture_mean`. From R summary (listed as residual deviance) or direct calculation: - $-2\ell(\text{simple}) = 256.54$ - $-2\ell(\text{complex}) = 223.68$ Hence $D = 256.54 - 223.68 = 32.86 > 3.841459 = \chi^2_{1; 0.95}$. Conclusion: reject $H_0$, significant evidence to decide (at 5% significance level) that complex model is better. ## Likelihood ratio test in R (single variable) ```{r} #| echo: true anova(m_simple, m_multi) ``` Compare with critical values for $\chi^2_1$ to draw conclusion ## Likelihood ratio test in R (groups of variables) Nested models: - Simple: includes `radius_mean` and `texture_mean`. - Complex: adds `concavity_mean` and `symmetry_mean`. R output: ```{r} #| include: false m_multi_4 <- glm( diagnosis ~ radius_mean + texture_mean + concavity_mean + symmetry_mean, data = train, family = "binomial") ``` ```{r} #| echo: true anova(m_multi, m_multi_4) ``` Compare with critical value $\chi^2_{2; 0.95} = 5.991465$ to conclude that complex model is better. ## Confidence interval for regression parameters Wald-type **approximate** $(1 - \alpha) \times 100\%$ confidence interval for $\beta$: $$ \hat{\beta} \pm z_{1 - \alpha/2} \cdot SE(\beta) $$ ::: {.callout-note} ## Breast cancer dataset 95% confidence interval for $\beta_{\mathtt{radius\_mean}}$: $$ 1.095 \pm 1.96 \times 0.117 = [0.866, 1.324]. $$ ::: ## Confidence interval for regression parameters in R ```{r} #| echo: true confint(m_multi) ``` R uses the so-called profile method to compute CI: - Different from Wald method (narrower CIs, but close) - Preferred to use this method through R ## Confidence interval for odds ratio - Recall that $\exp(\beta) = \text{OR}$ for a 1-unit change in $X$ - $(1 - \alpha) \times 100\%$ confidence interval for the $\text{OR}$: $$ \exp\left( \hat{\beta} \pm z_{1 - \alpha/2} \cdot SE(\beta) \right). $$ ::: {.callout-note} ## Breast cancer dataset 95% confidence interval for $\text{OR}_{\mathtt{radius\_mean}}$: \begin{align*} \exp(1.095 \pm 1.96 \times 0.117) & = [\exp(0.866), \exp(1.324)] \\ & = [2.377, 3.759] \end{align*} ::: # Classification ## Decision boundary (no interaction terms) - Model: $\text{logit}(\texttt{diagnosis}) \sim \texttt{radius} + \texttt{texture}$ - Decision boundary is **straight** line ```{r} #| fig-align: center #| out-width: 3in #| out-height: 2in library(scales) # for hue_pal() # these will become arguments model <- m_multi data <- train n <- 100 n_classes <- 2 # derive from data? # plot code. TODO: turn into function xgrid <- with(data, expand_grid( radius_mean = seq(0.95 * min(radius_mean), 1.05 * max(radius_mean), length.out = n), texture_mean = seq(0.95 * min(texture_mean), 1.05 * max(texture_mean), length.out = n))) y_response <- predict(model, newdata = xgrid, type = "response") y_class_probs <- cbind(1 - y_response, y_response) colnames(y_class_probs) <- c("B", "M") y_max_prob <- apply(y_class_probs, 1, max) y_max_i <- apply(y_class_probs, 1, which.max) bg_cols <- hue_pal()(n_classes) ggplot(xgrid, aes(x = radius_mean, y = texture_mean)) + geom_raster(aes(fill = y_max_i), alpha = y_max_prob) + scale_fill_gradientn(colours=bg_cols, breaks = c(1, 2)) + geom_point(data = data, aes(x = radius_mean, y = texture_mean, fill = as.numeric(diagnosis)), pch = 21, color = "black", size = 2, alpha = 1) + scale_x_continuous(expand = c(0, 0)) + scale_y_continuous(expand = c(0, 0)) + theme(legend.position = "none") ``` ## Decision boundary (with interaction terms) - Model: $\text{logit}(\texttt{diagnosis}) \sim \texttt{radius} + \texttt{texture} + \texttt{radius}:\texttt{texture}$ - Decision boundary is **curved** line ```{r} #| fig-align: center #| out-width: 3in #| out-height: 2in # these will become arguments model <- m_inter data <- train n <- 100 n_classes <- 2 # derive from data? # plot code. TODO: turn into function xgrid <- with(data, expand_grid( radius_mean = seq(0.95 * min(radius_mean), 1.05 * max(radius_mean), length.out = n), texture_mean = seq(0.95 * min(texture_mean), 1.05 * max(texture_mean), length.out = n))) y_response <- predict(model, newdata = xgrid, type = "response") y_class_probs <- cbind(1 - y_response, y_response) colnames(y_class_probs) <- c("B", "M") y_max_prob <- apply(y_class_probs, 1, max) y_max_i <- apply(y_class_probs, 1, which.max) bg_cols <- hue_pal()(n_classes) ggplot(xgrid, aes(x = radius_mean, y = texture_mean)) + geom_raster(aes(fill = y_max_i), alpha = y_max_prob) + scale_fill_gradientn(colours=bg_cols, breaks = c(1, 2)) + geom_point(data = data, aes(x = radius_mean, y = texture_mean, fill = as.numeric(diagnosis)), pch = 21, color = "black", size = 2, alpha = 1) + scale_x_continuous(expand = c(0, 0)) + scale_y_continuous(expand = c(0, 0)) + theme(legend.position = "none") ``` ## Classification - Once we have a (logistic) model for $\pi(X)$, we can use it to classify new data $X$ as negative ($Y = 0$) or positive ($Y = 1$), by comparing $\pi(X)$ with a fixed threshold $C$: $$ Y = 1 \quad \text{if $\pi(X) > C$, otherwise $Y = 0$}. $$ - Performance **depends on choice of $C$** ::: {.callout-note} ## Breast cancer dataset We computed earlier that $\pi(\mathtt{radius\_mean} = 13) = 0.12$. Assuming that the threshold for malignant samples is $C = 0.5$, this sample would be classified as **benign**. ::: ## Confusion matrix By comparing labels given by our model with "actual" labels, we can get an idea of the performance of our classifier. ![](./images/02-logistic-regression/confusion_matrix.png) Figure source: \url{} ## Performance metrics | Name | Definition | Value for example| |------|------------|-------:| | Accuracy | (TP + TN)/(P + N) | 0.84 | | Sensitivity (recall) | TP / P | 0.93 | | Specificity | TN / N | 0.67 | | PPV (precision) | TP / PP | 0.84 | | NPV | TN / NN | 0.84 | - Many other metrics exist - Which one is important depends on the problem - Metrics can give surprising results in case of unbalanced data ## In R (via caret package) \scriptsize \centering ```{r} library(caret) pred_test <- predict(m_simple, test, type="response") class_test <- ifelse(pred_test >= 0.2, "M", "B") conf_matrix <- confusionMatrix(as.factor(class_test), test$diagnosis, positive = "M") print(conf_matrix) ``` ## Trading sensitivity and specificity What is important? - Diagnostic test: **sensitivity** (don't tell people with tumor that they are healthy). Choose low threshold. - Classifying email as spam: **specificity** (don't put regular email in the spam folder). Choose high threshold. By changing the threshold, sensitivity and specificity can be traded against one another. - Lowering threshold: $\text{Sensitivity} \uparrow$, $\text{Specificity} \downarrow$. - Increasing threshold: $\text{Sensitivity} \downarrow$, $\text{Specificity} \uparrow$. ## ::: {.callout-note} ## Breast cancer dataset - For $C = 0.5$: sensitivity 0.84 | Prediction \ Reference | B | M | |------------------------|----|----| | B | 70 | **13** | | M | 5 | 26 | - For $C = 0.2$: sensitivity **0.85** | Prediction \ Reference | B | M | |------------------------|----|----| | B | 64 | **6** | | M | 11 | 33 | ::: ## Sensitivity and specificity as a function of threshold ```{r} #| fig-align: center #| out-width: 3in #| out-height: 2in pred_test <- predict(m_simple, test, type="response") se_sp_for_C <- function(C) { class_test <- ifelse(pred_test >= C, "M", "B") conf_matrix <- confusionMatrix(as.factor(class_test), test$diagnosis, positive = "M") tibble(C = C, se = conf_matrix[["byClass"]][["Sensitivity"]], sp = conf_matrix[["byClass"]][["Specificity"]]) } se_sp_curves <- seq(0, 1, length.out = 50) |> map(se_sp_for_C) |> list_rbind() se_sp_curves |> reshape2::melt(id.var = "C") |> ggplot(aes(x = C, y = value, color = variable)) + geom_line() + xlab("C (Threshold)") + ylab(NULL) + scale_color_hue(labels = c(se = "Sensitivity", sp = "Specificity"), name = NULL) ``` As threshold increases: - Sensitivity **decreases** (less true positives) - Specificity **increases** (less false positives) ## ROC curve - By varying $C$ from 0 to 1, sensitivity and specificity change continuously and trace out the **Receiver Operator Curve (ROC)**. - The closer the curve sticks to the upper left corner, the better - Can be used to compare classifiers ```{r} #| out-width: 2.5in #| out-height: 2.5in #| fig-align: center library(pROC) pred_test <- predict(m_simple, test, type="response") roc_logis <- roc(test$diagnosis_binary, pred_test) auc <- round(auc(test$diagnosis_binary, pred_test), 4) ggroc(roc_logis) + ggtitle(paste0('ROC Curve ', '(AUC = ', auc, ')')) ``` ## ROC: KNN versus logistic regression ```{r} # ROC for KNN pred_test_knn <- predict(model_knn_5, newdata = test, type = "prob")[, 2] roc_knn <- roc(test$diagnosis_binary, pred_test_knn) ggroc(list(knn=roc_knn, logis=roc_logis)) + scale_color_hue(labels = c(knn = "KNN", logis = "Logistic regression"), name = NULL) ``` ## AUC: Area under the ROC Single number to quantify performance of classifier: - $\text{AUC} = 1.0$: distinguishes perfectly between two classes - $\text{AUC} = 0.5$: classifier no better than guessing randomly - $0.5 < \text{AUC} < 1.0$: varying degrees of performance. ## AUC: Link with concordance probability **Concordance probability**: probability that classifier will give a negative sample a lower probability than a positive sample. The AUC is equal to the concordance probability $$ \text{AUC} = P(\pi(x_{\text{neg}}) \le \pi(x_{\text{pos}})) $$ Important for model calibration: - Often, we don't care much about probability $\pi$ to belong to the positive class - But, want negative samples to have lower probability than positive samples ## In clinical research The ROC and AUC are often reported in clinical research. ![](./images/02-logistic-regression/di-donna-roc.png){fig-align=center width=75%} ## ![](./images/02-logistic-regression/di-donna-auc.png){fig-align=center width=75%} \scriptsize Figure and text from Di Donna *et al.*, Concordance of Radiological, Laparoscopic and Laparotomic Scoring to Predict Complete Cytoreduction in Women with Advanced Ovarian Cancer. Cancers (2023)