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Principal component analysis: examples
Introduction to Statistical Modelling
Prof. Joris Vankerschaver
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```{r, include=FALSE} set.seed(1234) library(tidyverse) theme_set(theme_bw() + theme(text = element_text(size = 14))) ``` ## Examples 1. Adulteration of olive oil - Malavi, Derick, Amin Nikkhah, Katleen Raes, and Sam Van Haute. 2023. "Hyperspectral Imaging and Chemometrics for Authentication of Extra Virgin Olive Oil: A Comparative Approach with FTIR, UV-VIS, Raman, and GC-MS.” Foods 12 (3): 429. \url{} 2. Human faces dataset - \url{} # Adulteration of olive oil ## Problem setting :::: {.columns} ::: {.column width="50%"} Extra virgin olive oil (EVOO): \vspace*{0.5cm} - High quality - Flavorful - Health benefits - **More expensive** (than regular oil) \vspace*{1cm} To reduce cost, EVOO is often **adulterated** with other, cheaper food oils. ::: ::: {.column width="50%"} ![](./images/02b-pca-applications/olive-oil.jpg){height=2in fig-align=center} ::: :::: ## Research questions 1. **Classification:** Can we detect whether a given EVOO sample has been adulterated? - Yes/no answer (categorical) 2. **Regression:** Can we detect the degree of adulteration? - Continuous answer, from 0% (no adulteration) to 100% ## Hyperspectral imaging (HSI) ![](./images/02b-pca-applications/hyperspectral.png){fig-align=center height=50%} - Measures reflected infrared light (700-1800 nm) off sample - Provides a non-destructive way of testing sample ## Hyperspectral "images" (spectra) ![](./images/02b-pca-applications/hsi-spectra.png){fig-align=center height=50%} - HSI measures reflectance at 224 wavelengths from 700 to 1800 nm - Reflectance at given wavelength is determined by molecular features of sample ## Experimental setup Samples to test (61 total): - 13 different kinds of unadulterated EVOO - 6 vegetable oils - 42 adulterated mixtures - EVOO + one of 6 vegetable oils at one of 7 different percentages (from 1% to 20%) Each sample is imaged 3 times: **183 samples** Each sample produces a HSI spectrum of **length 224** ## Data matrix Data matrix has 183 rows (samples) and 224 columns (spectra). In addition, we have some metadata: - Name of sample - Degree of adulteration ![](./images/02b-pca-applications/dataset.png) ## A first look at the data Averaged spectra for each kind of oil (EVOO + 6 others) ![](./images/02b-pca-applications/spectra.png){fig-align=center height=60%} Plot shows small differences between spectra: **promising sign** that we will be able to address the research questions. ## Principal component analysis: scree plot Not all 224 wavelengths are equally informative. Much of our dataset is redundant. ![](./images/02b-pca-applications/scree-plot.png){fig-align=center height=50%} This is confirmed by the scree plot: - First 2 PCs explain **94% of variance** in the data - First 3 PCs: almost 100% ## Principal component analysis: loadings vectors Loadings vectors are linear combinations of features, tell us how features contribute to variability in dataset. ![](./images/02b-pca-applications/first-two-pcs.png){fig-align=center height=50%} For our example: - Loadings vector 1: where do spectra differ the most? - Loadings vector 2: where is next source of variability located? ## Principal component analysis: scores ![](./images/02b-pca-applications/oils-score-plot.png){fig-align=center height=60%} Can we tell pure and adulterated samples apart? - **Yes**: clearly different on score plot. Can we predict the percentage of adulteration? - **No**: hard to distinguish from first 2 PCs alone. ## Predicting the percentage of adulteration We will need more than 2 PCs to correctly predict percentage of adulteration. Two different approaches: - **Principal component regression**: 1. Compute PCs 2. Do a regression on PCs - **Partial least squares regression**: 1. Compute factors that are most variable and **most correlated with outcome** 2. Do a regression on resulting factors Both models can be built using the `pls` package in R. ## Dataset For this example we will use only the 42 adulterated mixtures. Each mixture is imaged 3 times: $42 \times 3 = 126$ samples Predictors: 224 wavelengths Outcome: percentage of adulteration (1%-20%) ## Performing a fair assessment: train/test split Evaluating the model using the same data used to train it leads to an **optimistic** estimate of the model's performance. To avoid this bias, randomly select and set aside some data for testing, and use the remaining data to develop the model. ![](./images/02b-pca-applications/traintest.pdf){fig-align=center} Adulteration prediction: - Train dataset: 101 samples - Test dataset: 25 samples Can you spot an issue with this? ## Performing a fair assessment: data leakage - Each of the 42 mixtures is imaged 3 times. - Presumably these replicates are very similar - If some replicates end up in the test dataset and some in the train dataset: model gains unfair advantage. ![](./images/02b-pca-applications/traintest-unstratified.pdf){fig-align=center} ## Avoiding data leakage: stratified train/test split Main idea: develop model with some of the mixtures, test performance on different mixtures: 1. Randomly select 80% of **mixtures** 2. Put all 3 replicates for those 80% in the training set 3. Put the remainder in the test set. ![](./images/02b-pca-applications/traintest-stratified.pdf){fig-align=center} ## Building the PCR/PLS models PCR model: ```default pcr_model <- pcr( `% Adulteration` ~ ., data = adulterated_train, scale = FALSE, validation = "CV", ncomp = 10 ) ``` PLS model: replace `pcr` by `plsr`. Arguments: - `scale = FALSE`: Don't scale spectra (same units) - `ncomp = 10`: Build model with up to 10 components - `validation = "CV"`: Assess performance of model with $i$ components using cross-validation ## Performance of PCR/PLS models ![](./images/02b-pca-applications/regression-performance.png){fig-align=center height=60%} Both models do well on the test data. ## Optimal number of components: PCR (obtained via `selectNcomp(method = "onesigma")`) ![](./images/02b-pca-applications/ncomp-pcr.png){fig-align=center height=60%} - Optimal number of components: 7 - RMSEP for 7 components: 1.796 ## Optimal number of components: PLS ![](./images/02b-pca-applications/ncomp-pls.png){fig-align=center height=60%} - Optimal number of components: 9 - RMSEP for 9 components: 1.627 ## Conclusions *Can we detect whether a given EVOO sample has been adulterated?* - **Yes**: Look at score plot - More conclusive answer next lecture *Can we detect the degree of adulteration?* - **Yes**: Build PCR or PLS model # Human faces dataset ## There are no slides for this part of the lecture. Instead, the lecture will follow the discussion in the following book chapter: