Vincent Wang Veena Chandran
This is a quiz game in which you have to guess the states and capitals of the United States of America.
As a player, I can guess the location of different states so I can earn points and get a high score.
As a confused player, I can ask for hints so I can make an educated guess.
As a player, I can change the difficulty settings so that i can play a game more suited to my skills.
As a user, I can guess the capitals so that I can also be proficient in that field.
The software does run indeed! The game starts with a main menu where you can pick the difficulty and the type of game you want to play (states mode or capital mode). In the capitals guessing mode, a window appears, prompting you to type in the capital of the state.
As a user, I want to be able to give up trying to guess a capital so that I won't be stuck there.
As a user, I would like the easy mode to be a multiple choice option so that the mode will be easier.
This is extremely well put together, organized, clear, and aesthetically pleasing. However, the screenshots are outdated, so that is something we can touch up on.
This file has clear descriptions for each target.
The issues total up to around 700 points. They also seem simple and easy. The issues are clear in terms of what the expectations are.
There should be a way to exit the capitals guessing game.
This code is very straightforward and well-commented. The purpose of is to create the country and add the states.
The purpose of is to create the initial menu screen.
The purpose of is to set and initialize the frame and the QuestionManager class.
The purpose of holds the text for questions, answers, and the ScrollBar. extends JPanel and implements ActionListener, printing out the blank map while holding information about each of the states. It states up the buttons for each of the states and sends user inputs to QuestionManager. keeps track of the current question and score.
The State class represents a state and then gives the coordinates of that state with relation to the map.
There is no testing involved with the project. It does not appear that any of it uses JUnit.