diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 825ac38..09d3d3f 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
-# UCCSER Development Proxy
+# UCCSER Development Stack
-This proxy is required when working on the following UCCSER websites:
+*Version 3.0*
+This stack is required when working on the following UCCSER projects:
- [CS Unplugged](https://github.com/uccser/cs-unplugged)
- [CS Unplugged Classic](https://github.com/uccser/cs-unplugged-classic)
@@ -8,44 +10,79 @@ This proxy is required when working on the following UCCSER websites:
- [codeWOF](https://github.com/uccser/codewof)
- [DTHM for Kaiako](https://github.com/uccser/dthm4kaiako)
-This proxy allows multiple systems to run on your development environment simultaneously under HTTPS.
-The proxy also includes a system for catching emails sent by these systems.
+A proxy is used to mimic our production environment on your local machine, for consistency when developing.
+This proxy also allows multiple of our projects to run on your development environment simultaneously.
+The stack also includes a tool for catching emails sent by our UCCSER projects.
+# Installation
+These steps are suitable for installing within the recommended Linux environment, either straight Linux or Linux within a WSL2 distro, as defined in our [UCCSER development guide](https://github.com/uccser/uccser-development-guide).
+If you have used this development guide, the first two steps of these installation steps are already completed.
-# Setup
+1. Install [Docker](https://docs.docker.com/engine/).
+2. Install [Docker Compose](https://docs.docker.com/compose/install/compose-plugin/) (the v2 plugin, not the older v1 `docker-compose`).
+3. Install [mkcert](https://github.com/FiloSottile/mkcert).
+4. Run `mkcert -install` to install the certificate authority.
+5. Run `./create-certs.sh` to create the required certificates.
-You will need to have the following tools installed to run this proxy:
+The `create-certs.sh` script will create SSL certificates for our UCCSER projects.
+The script will also tell you when the certificates expire, when you will be required to rerun this setup to regenerate the certificates.
-- Docker
-- Docker Compose
-- [mkcert](https://github.com/FiloSottile/mkcert)
+If you are using WSL2 to run Docker on Windows, there are a few extra steps to get the stack installed correctly:
-Once these tools have been installed, then run `./create-certs.sh`.
-The script will create SSL certificates for all our websites.
-The script will finish with telling you when the certificates expire, where you will be required to rerun this setup.
+6. Install [mkcert](https://github.com/FiloSottile/mkcert) on the Windows host machine.
+7. Open a Windows Powershell terminal and run `mkcert -install` to install the certificate authority on Windows.
+8. Run `mkcert -CAROOT` to find the location of the CA files in Windows.
+9. Open this location in Windows Explorer and copy the two files within the directory.
+10. Open a terminal within the Linux environment and run `mkcert -CAROOT` to find the location of the CA files in Linux.
+11. Open this location in Windows Explorer and paste the two Windows files into this location, replacing the existing files.
+ - The Linux disk drives can be found with Win + R (opens the Run prompt) and entering `\\wsl$`
+12. Open a terminal within the Linux environment and run `./create-certs.sh` to recreate the required certificates.
# Usage
-To run the proxy, run `docker-compose up -d` in this project directory.
-Docker will run the proxy in the background.
+To run the development stack, run `docker compose up -d` in this project directory.
+Docker will run the stack in the background.
-> **Tip:** Add an alias to the end of your `.bashrc` file that allows starting the proxy from anywhere.
-> For example (you will need to modify the path to the docker compose file for your specific system):
-> ```
-> alias uc-dev="docker-compose -f ~/Projects/uccser-development-proxy/docker-compose.yml up -d"
-> ```
+Once the development stack is running, the following features are available:
-You can view the dashboard of the proxy by opening a browser and going to `proxy.localhost` in your preferred web browser.
+- **Proxy dashboard:** Open https://proxy.localhost.
+- **Email system:** Open https://email.localhost.
-You can view the email system by opening a browser and going to `email.localhost` in your preferred web browser.
+> We recommend adding an alias to your terminal to start the development stack from anywhere.
+> The following command will add the alias `uc-dev` to the Bash terminal configuration file `.bashrc`.
+> You will need to modify the path to the docker compose file for your specific system.
+> ```
+> `echo 'alias uc-dev="docker compose -f ~/uccser-development-stack/docker-compose.yml up -d"' >> ~/.bashrc`
+> ```
-To view logs of the proxy, run `docker-compose logs -f traefik`.
+To view logs of the proxy, run `docker compose logs -f traefik`.
-Do shutdown the proxy, run `docker-compose down`.
-If you get a error when running this command, saying `ERROR: error while removing network: network uccser-development-proxy`, then one of our website systems is likely still running.
-The proxy will be shutdown, but the network will remain active.
-If you wish to remove the network, you will need to end all UCCSER website systems first.
+To shutdown the development stack, run `docker compose down`.
+If you get a error when running this command, saying `ERROR: error while removing network: network uccser-development-stack`, then one of our website systems is likely still running.
+The stack will be shutdown, but the network will remain active.
+If you wish to remove the network, you will need to end all UCCSER website systems first then rerun the shutdown command.
# Notes
The proxy binds to ports 80 and 443.
-If you are trying to run other systems that wish to bind to these ports, you will need to shutdown the proxy.
+If you are trying to run other systems that wish to bind to these ports, you will need to shutdown the stack.
+# Changelog
+## 3.0
+- Changed name of repository from `uccser-development-proxy` to `uccser-development-stack` to better reflect the contents and purpose of these tools.
+- Renamed the Docker network to match the new repository name.
+- Update to Docker Compose v2 commands.
+- Add instructions for running within a WSL2 environment.
+## 2.0
+- Add Mailhog for email capturing during local development.
+## 1.0
+- Initial release of Traefik proxy with HTTPS certificate generation.